Chapter One: A Normal Day

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For more information of the story, this story will be based on a first and third person P.O.V. The point of view will change through varies of chapters throughout the book, but will be announced before the chapter begins. This book will also have P.O.V. thoughts presented as well, to differentiate, thoughts will be in 'italic'.

This book will update in every 1 - 3 weeks.


Pidge P.O.V.

It has been now two years since the disappearance of my father and my other brother, Matt. Mother was about to shut down her business, but I offered to keep this shop full of memories going. Mother saw the shop as dangerous, evil, because it reminds her the sadness of her missing husband and son. But I saw it differently. I saw it differently because I still believe my father and brother are still alive, just lost out there in space. They will come back. The world will know that there's hope in every situation and not to give up on your people too soon.

Mother will still support the business, yet just can't come close to the building herself. Her grief is still here and still taking control. Sometimes, I feel like she's drifting away from reality. There are times where she can't remember what I just told her or what happened, so I started leaving notes on the refrigerator as reminders. For example, every time I leave the house, I'll always leave a note on the fridge for her to know why I'm gone, where I'm going, and an estimate on when I'm coming back. Her doctor gave her medication that can help the depression that she is now developing and even suggested a therapist, but as stubborn as she is, the closest she's taking is the medicine he gave her.

There are times that I'll just break down, weak and afraid that my father and brother are dead. I force myself not to think that way, but there's just moments that I cannot stop. It's the price of being human.

3rd P.O.V.

The soft glow of the sun shines through the windows, giving the small building a warming welcome around. Petals of potted flower bushes shine, reflecting through the small droplets of water that are running down the plant's leaves. The flower shop was a fair large place, yet small at the same time. The building has two sections - a shop and a greenhouse outside out back. The greenhouse is used for farming the flowers, not all types, but a good majority. And the shop supports many items that are putted up for sale. There are fake plants, potted or wrapped and real plants. The real plants all produce flowers; either the flowers are cutted and wrapped in a cute bow or the flower bush would be potted and up for sale. Other than that, the place also sells fertilizer, soil, empty pots, decorations, seed packets, and books on how to take care of plants. A huge vary, but not much quantity.

An engine of a car grows, the vehicle parking right outside the closed building. It's early in the morning and only the sun has started to rise, erasing the black from out of the skies. The engine cuts, silence now filling the air. A slam of a car door indicates of the owners return - a small female, fragile, pale, and damn adorable. Dressed with a white crop top with overalls on top, her small canvas shoes patting over the concrete and towards the doors. Keys jingle, doors opening.

Pidge P.O.V.

'Its a beautiful morning~'

Inhaling the fresh air, I stepped onto the clean tiles and head towards the countertop, on the left of the store. Care books and a small shelve of flower seed packets are shelved beside the wall, next to the cash register. Before I knew, the doors open and a old lady starts rushing in. Catching my attention, I gently put the keys back onto the countertop and a large smile spreads across my face.

"Good morning Nancy, you came in so early today. I haven't even open the windows to let the air and sun in," I giggle, approaching the lady.

The lady smiled, her purse neatly tucked in her hands. "Hello daring, I was excited to see the Dahlias. The last time I heard from you, you said you will have a new batch of beautiful Dahlias here."

"Yes ma'am," I smiled, walking up to the lady. "I have some purple and red ones, which color do you wish to have? Also, cut or the bush?"

"Purple and cut please, they're for my daughter. She's going to have her baby shower soon," Nancy responded.


"Thank you. I'm going to have my first grandchild within a month. I'm very excited."

3rd P.O.V.

In a flash, Pidge rushes into the back room that leads into the greenhouse. Nancy patiently waited at the front countertop, breezing through the seed packets in interest. The light that shined through the windows grew bigger, indicating that the sun is rising more.

     In moments, Pidge returns to the lady with a fresh cut bundle of purple Dahlias, wrapped in a cute string that formed into a bow. Nancy smiled upon Pidges return, handling the old lady her stack of Dahlias.

     "It's $7, correct?"

      "No ma'am, it's on the house. It's a gift from me for being one of my best customers here," Pidge smiles, walking behind the front counter.

      "Oh no, I insist. At least $5. Dahlias are hard to get, especially around here. Nobody is smart enough to grow them here except you."

       The comment made Pidge slightly blush, her pale skin glowing in delight. "Oh, thank you," Pidge replied.

The old lady simply smiles, pulling out a five dollar bill and gently pressing it on the countertop.

"Thank you so much, your so kind," Pidge purred, grabbing the five dollar bill once the lady putted it down on the countertop. Nancy smiled, a soft and sweet smile, gently holding the bundled flowers in her old, wrinkly hands. "Well, take care. Have a good day."

Pidge smiles, "You too."

The door opens and closes, Nancy leaving in seconds. As more silence fills the air, Pidge smiles in delight as she puts the dollar bill into the cash register.

'Now, to fix this place up,' Pidge thought, walking off towards the windows, opening them. More light shines through as the fresh air breezes into the building.

'Much better.'


"Goodbye! Have a good night!"

"Thank you," replied the last customer. It was now closing time, the time as Pidge becomes recklessly exhausted from hard work of cutting flowers and assisting customers. The small female quickly rushes towards the doors, locking them in a flash. The girl was afraid of last minute shoppers, the ones that arrive last minute and fart around for 20 minutes straight doing nothing. She hated those types of people. She never understood why people would wait to the last second. Pidge was more of a heads up person, not waiting last second to go somewhere or to get something. It just wasn't her thing.

Anyhow, the shop now had its windows closed and indoor lights on. Pidge slowly creeps, from exhaustion, behind the counter to get her items - keys, money, and her list of items she needs to get from the supply compartment. Pidge needed more soil for her plants and the only place to get her order was from her best friend, Kieth.


"Keith!" yells Pidge, entering the a fairly large building. Coworkers rushed around, pushing out supplies like tree-cutters, fertilizers, brick decorations, and many more as the people do their jobs. This was Keith's business.

      Keith was the manager of a major supply compartment, especially in the gardening section, shipping off large numbers of orders for other businesses around the world. As known for Keith's and Pidge's personal relationship at the beginning of each other's childhood, both have a great business partnership together. The man provides the supplies that the fragile female needs. In return... money.

     Both pretty much live off each other, supporting every step of the way. As known, Keith is hard when its comes to business but is a softie towards Pidge.

     From the echoing voice of the female, Keith is nearby to hear the calls. The man was talking to a group of his coworkers, explaining to them about the new shipments that will soon be coming since winter soon is approaching within a couple months. In other words, more demand for fake Christmas trees and Christmas decorations.

In moments, the man with the black mullet leaves his coworkers to let them go back to their stations as he walks up to Pidge, a weak smile on his face. "Hello Katie, you need something?"

Pidge glares, "If I didn't need something, I wouldn't be here. And don't call me that in public."

Keith shrugs, "Alright. So, what your looking for?"

"More soil."

"Got the money?"

"Why would I go empty handed? It's late at night! If I was empty handed, I would be at home, taking care of my mother," Pidge spoke, crossing her arms across her chest.

Keith gently chuckles, "Your still the same smart mouth brat. Anyways, I'll get that right up to you. How much do you want?"

"Five bags please."

Keith nods, pulling out his walkie talkie and speaking to it across a coworker who is working around the soil area of the compartment. While doing so, Keith's other empty opens up in front of Pidge, gesturing the return of money. Pidge exhales a deep breath, reaching into her back pocket of her overalls and pulling out her wallet.


"Mother! I'm home!"

Silence. Not even the TV from the living room was on. Everything around her mothers house seems touchless, a worried expression now appearing across Pidges small face.

      The house itself was a pretty decent house. Got a nice living room, a kitchen, two bathrooms, two bedrooms, and a laundry room.

Pidges P.O.V.

     'I bet you that she's locked herself in her bedroom once again. She's need to get out and enjoy the fresh air. It's not healthy for her to be stuck in that room for a long time! Have she even eaten today?'

      A sigh escapes my mouth, placing the keys of my car and the business onto the kitchen countertop.

     'I need to change. I'm tired of these overalls! But first, I need to remove the old note. I'm sure she didn't even read it. Probably didn't even know that I was gone all day. Good thing today is Friday, got the whole weekend off.'

      Swiftly, I pulled the old note from out of the refrigerator magnet and threw it into the trash can. The trash can was almost full, needed to be emptied as soon as I knew.

       But before I left the kitchen, a orange pill bottle caught my eye, standing there under the bright kitchen lights. I felt my muscles tense up, realizing immediately what the pill bottle meant.

      'She didn't even touch her pills! She knew she had to take her medication today. Man, I'm going to chew her ass out when I find her!'

3rd P.O.V.

        Another sigh flowed out of the teenagers mouth, a low growl hiding under her breath. The girl presented anger but yet also worry and frustration. The mixed emotions confused Pidges head, herself unknown if what she's really feeling. The thought of knowing that her mother hasn't even left her bedroom made her sick. A worried sick.

     As Pidge continued her way out of the kitchen and towards her bedroom, a low creek of a bedroom door opened, darkness filling into the room. The bedroom door creeking was Pidges mothers door, the older woman slowly stepping out when she heard noises moments ago.

     'Am I being robbed?' Pidges mother thought, peaking her head out into the kitchen.

      The older woman slowly entered the kitchen, seeing a bundle of keys laying onto the kitchen countertop. Second thoughts approached to the older woman, 'Oh, it must be Katie.'

      The once tensed woman slowly relaxed, knowing that she wasn't being robbed but just hearing her noisy daughter around the house. Within seconds, the young girl left her bedroom, still wearing the same white crop without any overalls, but with a cute pair of jean shorts instead. Pidge gently fluffed her short hair, fixing the glasses that laid on her face as she entered the living room and soon into the kitchen. The daughter had ideas of making dinner for her mother until the plans changed when the older woman was spotted, standing near the entrance of the kitchen doorway.


        "Yes mom? I'm here," Pidge softly smiled, giving her mother a soft and welcoming hug. Pidge always welcomed her mother with a hug, or at least tried to, hoping to relax her depressed mother.

       Colleen, the mother, weakly patted Pidges back with her weak hand, no smile appearing on the older ladies face. Pidge wasn't upset that her own mother didn't hug back or even smiled. It wasn't the first.

      As Pidge slowly pulled away, the anger of the teen is now released as the teen expressed anger on her face. "Why didn't you take your medicine?! Your not allowed to skip days!"

      Colleen responds plainly, "Because I don't need it."

       "Yes, you do! You'll get worst without them. Please, just take them now," Pidge whimpered softly, no more anger stored inside her.

       "I'll take them tomorrow, it's late now."

        Pidge sighs, giving up rather quickly on her mother. "Fine, but you are sure taking them tomorrow," Pidge promised.

        Colleen doesn't respond, just looking down at her small daughter without any emotion. Pidge sighs once more, looking dead beat at her mothers eyes. "I'm making you dinner, so please, sit down."

       "I rather eat in my room," Colleen objected.

       "Fine, but I will knock and leave the food on the floor, in front of your bedroom door. If I find it not eaten by tomorrow morning, I'm going to shove food down your throat."




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