Chapter Twenty Nine - Marriage

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Sorry for the long wait 😂I got over 800+ notifications. I love y'all. I feel great. Enjoy ❤️


Pidges POV

     Today is finally the day I was always hoping for. The big and special day that would forever be in my memory, loved and cherished til I die. And especially being set on this beautiful bright day, I was almost ready for the big day to start. I'm excited but also terrified. Takashi's family flew from Japan to attend the wedding and the experience of picking them up from the airport was terrible.

      They got lost of course. Just imagine a family of Japanese people, wondering around the airport for a good long hour. The cellphone reception was bad at times so Takashi couldn't get a hold of them while we both searched the airport. My brother was with me, trying to be useful but also as lost as Shiro's family was. And what added into the spiced situation, the frustration of Shiro's dad could be heard from his phone. I do not understand the language that Japanese people speak but I could tell there was frustration in the old mans voice as he screeched into the phone. Shiro just took it in, reassures that they are okay, and figures out where they could have been. And for his family's side of the story, being in a country so unknown to them was hard. Whenever Shiro would asked where they were, they tried their best to describe the surroundings but never seem to be enough in the large airport.

(A/N: So ummmm, an authors error 😂 I originally planned Shiro's family to be in Japan but when I checked chapter 12, it says they moved here... Pretend that that certain part of chapter twelve NEVER EXISTED 😩👌)

     Eventually we found Shiro's family. It was his mother, father and his older brother by the name of Yuki. Yuki looked nearly alike as Shiro, just a bit taller by a couple of inches. If they both wanted to pull off that they were twins, it would have worked. His mom was skinny, petite as me, but much more formal dressed compared to myself. She had a small suitcase in her hands and a leather coat draping over her right shoulder. Dad, big man, looked serious by nature. When he's happy, he's serious. When he's sad, he's serious. When's he angry, he's serious. Terrifying.

      Shiro welcomed his family in America, speaking their native language, and helped lead them out of the airport and into our vehicle. The family didn't talk much, more like observing their environment and the unknown people in the unfamiliar country. I didn't speak a word to them. They were tensed.

      But hopefully I'll be able to talk to them today. I was about to become their first American daughter-in-law in their family and I would be grateful to at least get to properly introduce myself. Shiro mentioned that they were quiet, and off distanced from the world, but my man explains that his older brother is a lawyer and his parents were both engineers. They take business very seriously.

(Authors note: ahhhh, it's been MONTHS and this is where I left off. So please be easy on me if I got information wrong :) )

     "Katie! You look so beautiful!"

       "Mom, I'm getting scared."

        "Of what?"

        "Ah, people? I'm walking down an aisle with people staring at me. What if I trip?"

        "Katie, stop thinking of the impossible. Those people are family. Just walk with pride but in a feminine way to show off your beauty and your womanhood."

       "Whatever you say," I sighed, adjusting my large bulky glasses in the mirror. I was dressed, body covered in pure white that snug onto my body comfortably. My mother helped me get dressed, fluffing up my hair and adding flowers in to finalize the look.

Takashi and I planned our wedding at a small church near our town, old fashioned but fancy looking. The place was clean and had enough room to house our whole family - Takashi's and mine. Tho Takashi only had his parents and brother, there's still barely little room leftover due to my whole family crowding up the building. My mind rushed with thoughts, scared but also happy. I was finally getting married and was ready to start a new life with the person I love so dearly. My father would have been so proud of me.

Recently, I found out I was pregnant. I'm 1 month into the pregnancy so no big traumatic changes or effects have happened to me yet. But I do feel the cramps and nauseous feelings when I wake up in the morning. My mother worries if I can successfully carry a baby into this world, myself being so small and fragile in the first place. I'm worried too but I have faith in myself that this pregnancy will end with Takashi and I having a big, plump healthy baby in our hands. I'm not very picky on gender so keeping it as a surprise sounds interesting.

Within minutes, it would be time for me to get ready to start walking down the aisle. Since my father isn't with us anymore, my brother offered to take in the father role of the wedding and lead me down the aisle up to the pastor. My heart raced faster and faster as the clock ticked closer and closer to the ending time. I felt heavy but I knew I would feel lightweight by the time I see my future husband down that aisle.

Takashi's POV

'I can hear my heart pounding in my ears. My chest is gonna break any minute now!' I thought, trying to ease myself as I patiently wait at the end of the aisle, right by the pastor. The whole church was decorated with flowers, hung and placed, all matching or closely related colors to shine brightly throughout the church and to remind me of my flower girl. My small family sat at the right of me, formal and serious, staring at me coldly as they wait impatiently for Katie to start walking. My brother tho had a more softer look on his face, showing more happiness rather than seriousness like my parents. But I'm pretty use of my family being serious all the time.

Keith and Lance were my best mans, standing off of the left of me by a few steps back. They both wore matching fancy clothing with flowers in the front pocket of their suit jackets. They both glee in happiness for me, being loyal and staying by my side.

Just as I looked up, the church music started playing. My eyes completely looked directly at the white rug aisle, seeing a beautiful girl in a wedding dress walk towards me with one arm wrapped around her brother's arm and her other hand holding a bundle of beautiful flowers. Everyone in the room stood up (except the musician) and watched the small girl walked past them at a nice and steady speed.

The pastor smiled, his face glowing in happiness as the sun beat down at the church's tall stained glass windows. My parents looked at Katie as she walked past them, their cold stare softening at the sight of the petite and fragile girl. They have told me while I was getting dressed that they hated my future wife's short hair but also complimented how pretty her hair color was. My brother joked that I have a thing for petite women but I brushed him off with a playful punch on the shoulder. Yuki can be a playful mess at times.

As Katie stepped in front of me after Matt release her arm, my mouth immediately curled up in the biggest happiness smile I've ever had in my life. And Katie did the same back.

     'You're my one and only flower girl.'


Katie's POV

'I'm married! I'm married! I'm married! Oh the ring looks so beautiful!'

I can't wipe this stupid wide smile off my face. The emotion of joy overwhelms me but it cannot be helped. I'm a married, matured woman, now partners with one of the people I love the most, my newly wed husband. Takashi was the same, a glass of champagne between his fingers as his spoke to his older brother. The vows have been said, the kiss has been made and now it's time for the party. My family members were having a blast, enjoying some wedding cake and some champagne. However, Takashi's parents were a little more harder to satisfy.

I walked up to them earlier, right when the party first started but they shooed me away without an interest in speaking to me. I guess they need to warm up to me before they feel comfortable to have a conversation with a stranger that just joined their family tree with vows to their youngest son. Takashi comfort me with smoothing words to ease my thoughts, telling me that they would love me once they get the chance to know me. Well, it seems it might be awhile before that happens.

The party was at a different section of the church, also decorated with flowers and lighted up from the sunshine outside. There was easy music playing with a snack bar at the far side of the large room. The cake and champagne was centered on a big fancy table with two cute small figures on top of the cake. They both we're suppose to represent us together but Takashi's got a new paint job on its hair and came out blonde instead of black. Definitely made it hilarious but cute at the same time.

I walked up to my husband, my heel shoes clicking against the hard marble floor with a bundle of flowers still in my small hands. Takashi finished his conversation with his brother and then looked at me with beaming happy eyes. I looked back at the same amount of joy.

"This is my brother Yuki," Takashi spoke, stepping to the side to present his older brother. Yuki smiled and held out his hand and I shake the hand in return. Yuki was the only family member here who could speak Japanese and English.

     "My name is Katie, your new sister-in-law."

       "Sounds exciting. Well, welcome to our family. Our family is pretty lame - two engineers and a lawyer. Sounds interesting?" Yuki teased, being sarcastic in his words. I smiled, a small giggle escaping my mouth. For a lawyer, he does have a sense of humor and not as lame as other lawyers are.

"So, you going to throw the flowers?" Takashi asked, interrupting us.

"What? Why throw them? They're pretty!"

Takashi chuckled, "No no silly! I meant tossing them behind ya."

"What for?"

"To be caught by people. The person who catches it is suppose to get married next," Yuki added in English, adjusting his small glasses on his face.

"Well, that seems ridiculous. Betcha that it doesn't work."

"But doing it is fun," Shiro smiled, then continued, "Do it, you'll like it."

At first I hesitated, looking down at the pretty flowers, still not understanding why tossing them makes them fun. Probably be better if you hand the flowers to a person you think will get married next. Sounds lame but you get to choose.

I soon gave in and agreed, "Fine."

Takashi smiled and positioned me facing towards the walls with the flowers in my hands. It took 10 minutes to gather up a group of people that were willing to catch the flowers. This activity definitely stirred up the crowd and people either waited to catch the flowers or simply watched. To make it more hilarious, I heard Yuki complain about his mother joining into the bundled messed behind me. Interesting, it sounds like she wants a new marriage.

     "Ready Katie?" Takashi yelled from behind, far deep into the group of people that anxiously waited to snatch the bundle of flowers. I nodded and within seconds, I tossed the flowers over my head. A big smile was on my face, too excited to see who caught it and as I turned around, the group of people behind me signed in disbelief. Scanning for the flowers, I saw a man holding them in his hands, a confused expression on his face.

     Lance shouted, "Keith! Your head caught the flowers!"


I wrote this half asleep so I'm sorry if there's writing mistakes oof

Im sorry it took so long! I had a lot of things on my plate but we got one more chapter left and then this book is completed. I thank y'all for being patient and awesome in supporting me writing this series. I will definitely continue making more :)


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