Chapter 1:

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In a police station office

A woman with long black hair was putting some photos and files inside of a cardboard box. She was wearing blue jeans a black t-shirt and a brown bomber jacket. Her face and (color) eyes could easily be mistaken as someone who has hit rock bottom. Mostly because she has.

??? Narration: My Name is Jessica James...... and if you ever wondered what rock bottom ever looked like. Take a good look at me.

After finally packing the box full of anything she wanted from her office she picked it up and just as she was about to leave the door. She couldn't help but look around the room saddened.

Jessica Narration: I'm ......well....... I "was" a detective for Galveston county Texas city police department. I graduated top of my class and became a successful detective at 23....... Now I'm 24






.... and I'm getting fired.

She then left her old office and began walking out of the Police department. As she did, she heard the whispers around her. She knows what its about. Its about her. Even cops cant help but gossip like teenagers.

"Hey, did you hear about what happened to James"?

"Yeah man. Captain ripped her a new one when she went in without a warrant to that suspects house".

Jessica Narration: Now look at me. I'm getting gossiped behind my back like I just had sex with the star quarter back and got pregnant.

Outside the Police station

Jessica had a black 2018 Chevy Cobalt. As Jessica was walking over to her car, she noticed a tow truck parked right in front of her car......and that her car was being towed. She recognized the cop that was next to the parking meter. He was around his mid-40s and was a bit between plumpy and fluffy.

Jessica Narration: Then there's this asshole.

Jessica: Rob what the fuck?!

"Rob" turned around and saw Jessica. Waving and smiling at her.

Rob: Oh, hey Jess. I didn't see you-

Jessica: -Cut the bullshit. Why are you towing my car?

The man just shrugged his arms with 0 care in the world.

Rob: Your parking in a cop's spot.

Jessica: Yeah dip shit I know. I park there every day.

Rob: Not since last week when you were fired. Which means you're a normal citizen now and you cant park in a cop's spot.

Jessica just looked into the air letting her head hang backward as she just absorbed the bull shit she was thrown.

Jessica: *sigh* I was gone for like 10 minutes.

Rob then just happily wrote down on a ticket and tore it off his book. Then with a joyful attitude handed it to Jessica and said.

Rob: 10 minutes to long! Have a great day!

Jessica then grabbed the ticket and Rob started to walk away as the tow truck started to drive away with her car.

Jessica: But I live 8 blocks away!!!

Rob then happily turned around and said.

Rob: Not my problem!

Jessica then started to walk on home. With a strong urge to shoot or beat the living shit out of Rob next time he sees her.

10 mins later

As Jessica was walking home, she suddenly felt a drop of rain on her hand. Then on her nose. Then her head. Then eventually it got more frequent and harder until it was pouring rain right on her. She just groaned into the air in frustration.

Jessica: Oh c'mon!!!!!

Jessica Narration: I bet your probably wondering what had to have happened for everything to get this fucked up in my life.







Oh, what you actually want to hear the whole story. Well to fucking bad. Your getting the short version and your gonna fucking deal with it.

20 minutes later in an apartment

The woman having the worst day of her life entered her home dripping wet with her stuff and herself being soaked in water. She dropped her stuff onto the kitchen counter with a thud.

Jessica Narration: I guess it first started to get really bad when my boyfriend broke up with me 2 months ago.

All around her apartment was unopened moving boxes labeled with Kitchen, Living room, personal, cases, finances. The apartment of itself was pretty empty and blank. Almost like someone was moving out. In this case though she just moved in...... well 3 weeks ago she moved in.

Jessica Narration: Apparently, I took my job way to seriously. What ever the fuck that means!?

She then took off her jacket and started to strip herself of her cold and wet clothes.

Jessica Narration: If that wasn't bad enough after a month, he found me an apartment and kicked me out of our house. He paid for the 1st month which just covered me until 3 days ago.

After she finished getting rid of her clothes she got in the shower and turned the hot water on.

Jessica Narration: Then it got worse though. I was working a case on this real big scum bag. It was some carpenter contractor avoiding fire safety protocols. He was building multiple apartment complexes and purposely not keeping proper fire protocol. Then when he got a full complex of residents, he would burn the place down and collect not only the insurance, but the peoples rent who lived there. I was so close to catching that bastard. The only thing I needed to finally get him was his call logs. He was always using burner phones.

After awhile of waiting she tested the water and felt the water heater didn't even work. She just sighed in anger thinking "of course". So, she just put her Pj's on and walked into the kitchen.

Jessica Narration: However instead of getting a warrant I "broke into" his most recent construction site and "stole" his phone he was using. Turns out he must have switched phones AGAIN!

Jessica then opened a cabinet and grabbed a bottle of Captain Morgan Rum. Then went to the fridge and pulled out a Coke can along with a glass. She then poured them both into one cup.

Jessica Narration: Turns out my boss didn't really like me breaking and entering into private property and stealing. So, she had to fire me since I stepped over the line. So, in the end not only did I lose my boyfriend. I lost my house, my job, my suspect and literally any chance of respect in my career.

She then took a long and hard drink of the Captain Morgan/ Coke cocktail without signs of stop until the whole thing was empty.

Jessica Narration: So yeah... like I said. If you want to see what rock bottom looks like-

She then finished it with a big sigh of relief.

Jessica Narration: -Your looking at it.

She then took a look at the Pirate captain on the bottle and spoke to the bottle....... (Yeah, she's talking to alcohol it's getting that bad).

Jessica: Your always there for me Captain Morgan. You're the constant in my life.

As she then took another swig of the Rum.

Tomorrow in a library around noon

Jessica was wearing the same clothes from yesterday after throwing them in the dryer for 10 mins. She was super hung over at the moment and had a bad headache.

Jessica head: UUgghh. I need to break up with Captain Morgan.

She was in the library because now that she is fired, she needs a new job if she ever hopes to keep her shitty apartment. She heard about a librarian position opening here. It's not much but its this or drown her sorrows at the local bar.

Jessica head: I need to stop drinking so much when I'm in a mid-life crisis.

The lady at the front desk told her to wait outside for a bit until she comes back. So, for now she is looking through the library to pass the time. She accidentally dropped a book from the shelf though.

Jessica: Aw shit...

She picked it up and noticed how old it was.

Jessica: Jesus. How is this thing still staying together?

The front of it read "The 4 cardinal weapons". She didn't have anything else to do so she opened it up and started to read it.

"In order to prevent the apocalypse happening from the waves 4 heroes will be summoned from other worlds. Each hero wields a distinctive weapon. A sword, a spear, a bow, or a shield".

Jessica just scoffed at the book.

Jessica: Would it kill them to add a female hero once in a while. Eh who am I kidding. This light novel stuff is for the boy's club. It even has some princess bitch for some fan service.

She then kept reading on.

"However, if the 4 heroes fail to complete their task to save the world a new hero will come. Wither it's to replace one of the heroes or too help the 4 work together doesn't matter. As long as the world can be saved".

Jessica head: Sounds like the 5th hero gets stuck with babysitting.

She tried to keep on reading, but the rest of the book was blank.

Jessica head: I don't even get to see what the 5th hero weapon is. What a drag-

Suddenly the book she was holding began to glow. Blinded and surprised by the light she dropped the book onto the floor. She then felt her whole body fall into a bright light of nothingness.

Jessica: AHHHHH!!!


She then felt solid ground and fell flat onto the floor.

Robe guy 1: The summoning was a success.

Jessica quickly got up on her feet looking around. The floor was glowing green in the outline of symbols all under her. The walls were made of stone and men in black robes surrounded her.

Jessica: What the fuck-

Robe guy 2: Please your help is needed to save this world form evil!

Jessica then reached for her gun in her jacket that was kept in her holster. When she pulled it out though it felt a lot heavier and the grip was bigger. When she pointed it at the men surrounding her, she was confused as hell.

Jessica head: This isn't my gun?

She was holding a golden revolver hand canon. She looked in her other holster and saw that she also had the same gun except black. 

She didn't even care though and knew "a guns, a gun". She then raised her voice showing dominance of the situation.

Jessica: Put your hands up where I can see them!

Robe guy 1: I beg your pardon? -

Jessica then fired a shot right at his feet creating a massive loud bang from the gun. Instantly everyone flinched and ducked never hearing or seeing anything like that before.


Everyone then put their hands up absolutely terrified by the crazy woman with a boom stick they summoned.

Robe guy 3: Good lord OK OK!

Jessica: Where the hell am I?

Robe guy 1: In another world-


The men coward at how absolutely fucking terrifying Jessica was. Jessica knew it too. In fact, is what she wanted. People who are scared of losing their life always show their true self. If she makes them nervous and panic, they can't think of a story.

Robe guy 2: It's the truth madam!!! We summoned you from another world to save ours. Please don't hurt us so we can explain!

Jessica head: Either these guys are some weird ass cult and they kidnap me, and this is some kind of recruitment or...... these guys are telling me the truth.

She then tried to stay calm. Another tactic she picked up as a cop. It's always necessary to keep a cool head on the job other wise you let the bad guy have the advantage over you.

Jessica: You said you ................ *sigh* "summoned" me to save your world. Save it from what?

The man then began to explain everything while Jessica kept her gun steady on the men.

Robe guy 1: We summoned you hear to help with the waves of catastrophe and to stop the criminal known as the shield hero.

Jessica head: Wait shield hero? Like from the book?

Robe guy 1: We originally brought the 4 cardinal heroes in hope that they could stop the waves of catastrophe. The other 3 (Sword, spear, and bow hero) all have made great progress already. However, the shield hero has shown wickedness to our land and disrespect to our king. That is why we summoned you.

After the man finished Jessica was trying to process this logically.

Jessica head: Alright now the most obvious thing to do right now is shoot them all and make a run for it. However, I don't have any idea where I am. For all I know I could be caught in sex trafficking in Mexico *looks around seeing medieval theme of the room* ooorrrr maybe Europe? Plus, even if I did get past these guys there's no telling how many there are or what else they have planned for me. Not to mention if I get out of here. Its not safe to say wither I can get help from any type of authorities. My only option is to play along, I guess.

Jessica: Alright if what everything you say is true. Then bring me to your king. He has some explaining to do.

Jessica head: I sounds so fucking stupid.

Later on, in the castle hallways

Jessica looked around amazed at everything she is seeing. She's never been in a real-life castle before. Let alone the state of Texas. When she looked outside though she was truly shocked. All of it was real. She was really somewhere else. She still didn't believe she was in another world but DEFINITELY far enough from the west coast judging by the architecture of the buildings around her. Although whie she was being lead to the king by the men in robes she still had her gun on them.

Jessica head: From the climate I can tell its warm Mediterranean weather. Which means I'm somewhere near the equator around earth. Judging by the buildings they look like mid century European. That doesn't add up though. No Mediterranean civilizations this big live near the equator! It's to big of a place to be kept secret from the world. So that must mean I'm in maybe some small foreign country no one ever heard about.

As she was brain storming her location while walking they finally made it near a giant-sized door.

Robe man 2: The King will be right behind those door-AHHH!

She then pointed the gun right at his face grabbing his chest and pulling him face to face.

Jessica: I still don't trust this so I'm bringing a hostage.

She then threw the man forward and kept the gun at his back. Making him open the door for her and walking into the throne room.

The kings throne room

The king of this land sat in his throne next to another empty throne chair. Then standing right next to him was a woman with red hair.

Jessica head: Remember your academy training. In hostage situations its worse for cops when the bad guy makes the threats and warnings first. Allows for a clear relationship of power to be established.

Jessica: Listen up you old bag of bones! I got some questions for you! If I so much as suspect your lying, I will BLOW this guys brains out onto your nice red carpet!!!

Suddenly the king along with his royal subjects took Jessica seriously. They were calm and collected at first but did not realize that threats were being made.

King: Can I ask your name?

Jessica: Jessica! Jessica James!

King: Why is it you threaten my mages?! Who are you and state your purpose?!

The hostage Jessica is using then speaks up for her when she presses the gun on his back.

Robe guy: S-She is the 5th cardinal hero your majesty! We summoned her!

The king was a little surprised by this. He was not expecting something like this to happen when summoning the 5th hero.

Jessica: Not listen up "King". Where the hell am I?!

King: You are now in another world-

Jessica: -I SAID WHERE AM I!!! Be specific! What planet!? What country!? Address!? What part of the world am I in?!

The King grew annoyed at her tone but none the less dealt with it. Meanwhile one of his loyal subjects answered her.

Subject: You are in the land of Melromarc. I'm unsure what you mean by planet? However, in terms of where this land resides in the world. Our most updated maps only go as far as our own continent.

Jessica head: *sigh* That once again didn't do me a lot of good.

King: I understand you are confused and maybe even on edge seeing as you are in another world all of a sudden. However, I ask that you please release my mage peacefully while I still allow this behavior in my kingdom.

Jessica knew what came next. After a hostage is taken and some demands are met, they need to some how meet in the middle. Then the enemy has no choice but to give something to show compliance. That way the law enforcer don't just take down the enemy all together because they have no other choice. So she kicked the mage forward and the mage ran away and to the sidelines. She then boldly pointed her gun at the king.

King: Is that your cardinal weapon I presume?

Jessica: Wha-No it's a fucking gun. What the hell is a cardinal weapon?!

Jessica head: Wait...... that's what that book said. 4 cardinal heroes and their weapons. If I'm going to make any progress with these guys I need to play along. I'm obviously not going to find out anything all on my own.

King: Cardinal weapon are legendary weapons that can only be used by the heroes summoned from other worlds. They posses' incredible amounts of power and are the only key to stopping the waves of catastrophe from destroying this world.

Jessica: Ok..... I need you to start from the beginning. Because right now all I got is you kidnaped me, tell me I'm god knows where, and that my gun is fucking magic, and that I need to stop some waves of whatever.

King: The waves of catastrophe are what plague our world. After a long period of time portals from other worlds and hell themselves open and leak waves of monsters and chaos. We can tell when these waves will come with the dragon hour glass. However, when the 1st wave hit we were in no way ready and lost many lives. Farther more as the more waves come the harder and harder they become. So, I decided to summon the 4 cardinal heroes who would save our world from these waves.

Jessica still with his gun pointed at her asked.

Jessica: Ok then why did you kidnap me from my world?

King: *sigh* If one of the heroes were to ever turn on us or decide not to fight for the greater good. Then all hope would be lost. There must be 4 cardinal heroes to save the world. So that is where you come in. I have in good judgement decided to replace the shield hero with you-

Jessica: Ok then why me?! Can't you kidnap some other poor pathetic loser who would agree to do this bull shit?

King: Unfortunately, that is out of our control We can not decide who the cardinal hero is. The summoning summons who ever is most worthy of the cardinal weapons.

Jessica: Then find someone else! I have a whole other life you know! So, send me back home NOW!!!

King: Unfortunately, that is not possible-

Suddenly a loud bang filled the room and a bullet hole suddenly appeared on the wall behind the king. Jessica fired a warning shot at the king.

Jessica: What do you mean its not possible!!!! If you got me here, then you can take me back!!!

One of the mages that summoned her then stepped forward and explained.

Mage: The summoning will only work one time for each hero and its used up when they are summoned in the first place. You can only go back when all the waves are defeated.

Jessica was really getting sick and tired of the universe kicking her ass.

Jessica head: First my boyfriend, then my home, then my job and now THIS SHIT SHOW!

Jessica was really pissed off and was not going to hide it.

Jessica: So basically, I'm stuck here until I clean up your guys mess.

King: I'm afraid so.

Jessica head: Alright lets get it out of the way. *takes a big mental breath in*......






She then just took a big sigh of annoyance while putting her gun back in her holster. She then puts on the most obvious fake sarcastic smile which clearly shows how pissed off she is at this whole freaking world. Which is directly meant for the king and asks with such fake enthusiasm.

Jessica: *Sigh*...... So, what now? 

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