Chapter one: Finding the Spider.

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Peter watched the minute hand tick slowly, bouncing his knee anxiously.
He really wanted to get out of school and he knew he needed to get out fast or else Flash might want a 'talk' with him.
Come on come on come on come on.
The bell finally rang.
Peter bolted out of the door, ignoring Flash's call and hurried out of the gate.
He only paused to grab a sandwich from Delmar's before hurrying into the alleyway.
It didn't take long for him to be swinging through the streets of Queens.
He didn't notice a dark figure watching him in the shadows.

Yesterday Afternoon

"We need to catch the vigilante. Now."
Fury kept his face blank. He hated talking to the board because they never seemed to understand what was actually happening.
"To make sure that the civilians are safe and not being terrorized by an idiot in spandex!"
"He's not hurting anybody! He's just someone who's stopping crime."
"And do you know who he is?"
Fury paused. He didn't know who was behind the red mask. He had been hunting him down since he appeared, but he hadn't had a single thread to follow.
"Well then you know what to do."
The call ended.

Fury placed his hands behind his back. He found talking to the avengers rather frustrating thing sometimes, especially when they knew some thing he didn't.
Such as who Spider-Man is.
"I'm going to ask one more time: who is Spider-Man?"
No one answered.
Fury caught Clint stealing a glance at Tony.
So Tony is the big shots of this secret.
Fury opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Um, sorry Mr Fury, sir. Mr Stark just needed his coffee."
A young teenager, probably 15 with chestnut curls and softbrown eyes peeked his head through the door.
"Thank you Peter. Put it on the table. I'll be out soon."
The boy finished his task and hurried away quickly.
No one spoke.
The room was tense.
Fury stopped.
"Don't tell me," he started, "That that kid who walked in, the scrawny one, is Spider-Man?"
Tony spluttered on his coffee, dribbling some on his shirt.
"First off, Peter is not scrawny and is not to be referred to as that kid. Second of all, why does this matter to you?"
Everyone's poster changed. The Avengers suddenly became more interested and a little bit hostile, while Fury struggled to maintain his mysterious composure.
"Who is the kid?"
Tony looked at Fury dead in the eye. "No."
"Tell me."
There was something on Fury's face that stopped Tony.
"Why do you want to know?"
"Because." Fury hesitated. "He looks like a pair of late S.H.I.E.L.D agents."
Nat and Steve exchanged glances. "Who?" She asked.
Fury turned to look at her.
"Mary and Richard Parker."

Current Day

The sun was reaching its last few rays over the horizon. The city was a golden glow, shining as windows reflected the light.
Peter sat on the edge of a building, finishing off a churro. He watched the sky as it morphed through colours across the spectrum. It was quite peaceful and calming.
Until he felt buzzing on the back of his neck.
He swallowed what was left and pulled the mask down. He hadn't taken it off completely, just till his nose. He stood up slowly, being careful not to spook the intruder.
"There's no point in hiding. I know you're there."
Peter expected some spooked hitman or criminal.
What he did not expect was Nick Fury.
"Hello. Enjoying the view?"
Peter shook himself mentally. What is he doing here? "Yes, yes I was. I was just about to leave actually." Peter began walking backwards to the edge of the roof.
"Hold it right there."
"Because." Fury smiled grimly. "We need to talk."
Peter stopped. " What do you want?"
"To know who you are and to ask you a few questions."
"No." The arachnid turned around to jump off the roof and to swing away home.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Mr Parker."
Peter froze, stumbling over the edge before grabbing the side of the building and hoisting himself back up. " How do you know me?"
"Do you want to come and answer some questions? You'll be home before your aunt realises that you're gone."
Peter contemplated the choices. Fury had purposely avoided the question and seemed rather insistent that Peter went with him.
Peter also didn't want to risk being captured by S.H.I.E.L.D. or anyone else Fury might have tucked into his pocket.
"I think I'll pass."
Fury sighed. "That's a shame. I had some files that I thought might interest you."
Now Peter was curious. What would Fury know about that Peter didn't?
"What are they for?"
"Two late agents who died in a plane accident around ten years ago."
Peter froze. He really, really wanted to see those files. Maybe they had pictures...
"Fine. Meet me in the alleyway across from Delmar's."
"How do I know you'll be there?" Fury called as Peter stood on the edge.
"I will." Peter let himself fall before catching himself with his webs and swinging his way down to the alley.
What have I gotten myself into?

Fury arrived at the alley a few minutes later. To his surprise, the teen was already ready. Fury studied the kid. His hair was a little messy and his shirt was plain silly in his opinion; showcasing some joke about finding X on a right angle triangle. But his brown eyes looked at him, filled with a mix of hope, fear and determination. His stance was nervous, his fingers fiddling with the bottom of his jacket. The kid had some aura of quiet strength in him, an aura that reminded Fury very much of Richard Parker. And his brown eyes and curls were definitely his mother's traits.
"Well? Hop in."
Peter jumped and climbed into the dark car. Fury followed suit.
The drive was quiet. Peter's mind was abuzz with thoughts of his parents. Did they really work for S.H.I.E.L.D? Why did they choose to have me when it was so dangerous? His brain looped all sorts of thoughts before it hit him.
"Um, Mr Fury? Sir?"
Peter paused, looking for the words. "Will everyone at S.H.I.E.L.D be wondering why I'm there? And then will they figure out that I'm Spider-Man? Cause if they do then th-"
"No one will think you're Spider-Man. They all think that you are a possible recruit who is looking for more answers about his parents."
"Oh." Peter sat back and returned to staring blankly out the window.
"Why is your identity so important to you?"
The question caught Peter off guard. "Sorry, what did you say?"
"Why is your identity so important to you."
"I don't want the bad guys to know who I am. I don't want to compromise May's safety, or anyone else that I love. I guess it also stops having bad guys pinning down my location all the time."
Fury looked through the review mirror at the boy. "If their safety is so important, then explain to me why you have to be Spider-Man?"
Peter breathed out heavily, contemplating his answer. "If you have the abilities that I have and you don't use them, then bad things happen. And when they happen, that happen because of you. I just want to look out for the little guy and keep people safe. Including everyone that I'm close to."
Fury was silent after that. He had not expected something so mature and wise from a teenager. Apparently Parker is not Spider-Man because its fun.
Peter sat up. "Are we here?"
"Yes. Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D " Fury smiled. "Agent Parker."
Dang it felt good to say that again.
"Here is your trainee badge and uniform. Let me know when you're changed."
Fury stepped out of the car, trying not to smile at the kid's shocked face.
It didn't take Peter long. He switched into the high-collared, long-sleeved, navy shirt and black pants. His fingers were shaking as he laced up the black boots and it was almost impossible to pin his badge on.
"Well that took you long eno-"
Fury stared as Peter stepped out awkwardly. It felt like déjà vu, watching the boy in the uniform.
He really was a Parker.

They entered S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters. Fury had told Peter not to stare, bit it was kind of hard when there was incredible tech surrounding him.
And besides, everyone was staring at him.
Wait, what?
Everyone else was sneaking glances at the young recruit. The older agents did several double-takes, remembering their old accomplices. The younger ones were curious on who the new kid was.
And why was he so young?
Fury led a scared Peter down a hall. The lights weredimmer here and the doors were thick with glass.
Peter gulped. Oh boy. What have I gotten myself into?
They arrived at a door guarded by two agents.
"You are requested to leave all belongings outside the room. Everything." Fury stared at Peter hard and tapped his wrists. Peter responded silently by removing his web-shooters, phone, headphones and whatever else was in his pockets and placed them in his bag.
"You can have two hours to read the files. You mustn't tell anyone what is in them unless they are authorised by me. The door will locked and guarded. Press the button on the table if you need anything." With that, Fury opened the door and indicated for Peter to enter. Peter jumped as the door was shut behind him.
"Here we go."
The room was bare except for a table, a chair and a stack of files on the table. Peter sat down carefully and picked up the top folder on the stack.
He ran his fingers gently over the cover.
Deep breaths.
He inhaled deeply and opened the folder.

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