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Bangalore, Karnataka

A man opens the main door of a small yet beautiful house and enters inside. He looks around the hall but couldn't find anyone. He then looks in the direction of the open kitchen but no one was there. He starts moving in some direction when he hears small footsteps approaching his direction. He finds a cute little girl running into his direction.

"Uncle..." says the little girl as soon as her eyes falls on the man.

The man smiles as he picks her up in his arms.

"Aanu, why are you running around the house? What did you do this time?" asks the man making his was in the direction from where the girl came running.

"I did nothing thish(this) time. Ishu did evelything(everything)." replies the girl making an innocent face to make the man believe in her words but he knew better.

"Oh, I see. Ishu has become a naughty girl." says the man.

"Yesh, I was telling her not to do anything but she never lishten(listen) to her big shishter(sister)." the little girl says hitting her palm on her head dramatically.

The man laughs at the drama queen. Finally they reaches a small room painted in peach color. The room was looking like it's special designed for kids. It was cute. The man looks at the room and chuckles. Everything was messed up. There were toys spread everywhere. The bedsheets were a mess and the pillows and cushions were in the corner of the room like a tower, one above the other. There were stains of chocolate on the floor. A woman was standing in the centre, holding her head. There was another little girl looking similar to the first one who was sitting on the bed with her finger on her lips and her lips were pouted.

"Mumma, Dora promise I didn't do anything. Aanu did evything(everything)." says the girl sitting on the bed.

"I know who did this." says the woman as she looks at the door.

"Why ale(are) you looking at me like thish(this)? Mumma, you don't know me?" asks Aanu innocently.

"I know you very well, that's why I'm looking at you like this." says the woman rolling her eyes.

"That's tue(true). Aanu, stop lyin(lying)." says Ishu.

The woman looks at the man holding Aanu when she hears his laughing sounds. First, she gives him a glare for laughing at her situation but later smirks.

"Stop laughing and start cleaning mister Arjun." she says as she picks up the girl from the bed and moves towards the man.

Arjun puts Aanu on the floor.

"This isn't fair Ragini." says the man making a fake sad face.

"Shut up! Your shift is over now and mine is going to start in an hour. Before that I need to make them bath and then prepare the breakfast. I have to drop them at school as well. You'll be in the house till the evening. So, it's not a big deal." she says as she shrugs her shoulders.

She holds hand of Aanu who was standing on the floor but not before giving her a glare. Aanu in return shows all her little pearls to her mother. Ragini tries to hide her smile as she makes her way out of the room. She enters inside another room and directly goes to the washroom. She makes the little girls bath and then comes out. She starts taking out clothes for her daughters but they keeps shaking their heads to show that they didn't like the clothes she was showing.

"Huh... Just wear them, ok. I don't have time to waste behind choosing clothes for you two. You both are getting late for your school." says Ragini as she starts making them wear their clothes.

"Who wantsh(wants) to go to shchool(school)?" mumbles Aanu under her breath.

"Mumma Aanu is saying something." says Ishu looking at her sister with a grin.

Aanu glares her twin.

"What?" asks Ragini.

"I was just telling Ishu that mumma is shaying(saying) wear theshe(these) clothesh(clothes) then wear them. Don't trouble mumma." says Aanu while her twin laughs besides her.

"Oh stop your acting okay. Do it in front of those who don't know you both. I know all your tricks." says Ragini as she finally finishes dressing her daughters.

The girls starts giggling at that. Ragini then combs their hair. She ties both of their hair in ponytails. Then both of the girls runs out of the room again. Ragini sighs as she sits on the bed.

Ragini's pov:

It's been three and half years I have come to this city. It's been three and half years I've seen my family. I don't know how my family must be. They didn't even know the reason of me leaving. From those years I'm living this life with my adorable daughters. They are my reasons to live. My reasons to smile. It was to give them a better and respectful life that I left everything behind. I left him. I left those feelings behind. I left that betrayal behind. I left him and his lies behind. I left my piece of heart behind.

My daughters have got their amber eyes from their father while I have black eyes. Whenever I look into their eyes, my heart automatically starts drowning in his thoughts. I can't stop myself from thinking about those days. Those were the most beautiful days of my life but one night spoiled everything. One night changed our destiny. And that day opened my eyes.

Aanya looks more like me but her nature and attitude is just like him. Naughty, prankster, dramatic, joyful are a few words to describe her. While Ishanvi looks more like him but her nature and attitude is like me. Cute, understanding, smart, sarcastic, I know she'll be. These are the words which will describe her. Aanya is six minutes older to Ishanvi. They're the living proofs of the fact that me and him are their parents. They are the perfect combination of both of us. They looks alike yet different.

Sometimes I feel so scared to think what'll happen if I ever have to come face to face with him. What if he saw our daughters? What'll happen when he'll come to know about their existence? How he'll react to the fact that I hid them from him? How he'll take everything in? It'll take him only a moment to get the thought in his mind that they're his. And their eyes will play the major role in the realisation. It'll not take him more than one hour to be sure about it. The work which their looks will not be able to do, their talks will do it. Their chattering and attitude will do everything to let him know who they're to him and who he's to them.

He'll, I know be happy to know that I took the right decision by leaving him otherwise the truth must have created a havoc in his life. His social reputation must have ruined if I didn't left. I know that and after all those revelations, I was in no condition going to stay and tell him anything. He was a lier, a betrayer. We've so long distance between us now that it'll never vanish.

I wonder how he must be doing? He misses me or forgot me like I didn't exist. I know the second option has more chances to be true. He never loved me. If he ever loved me then he wouldn't have lied to me. He wouldn't have said that I was a mistake. Why he couldn't see my love for him? I loved him truly, deeply, madly. I thought one day he'll reciprocate to my love but no, it was always a one sided love. For him, we were just friends. And he must have moved on. There's was nothing to stick about.

My heart bleeds thinking whether my daughters have to live all their life like this, without the love, care and protection of their father? I know this society will never let them live in peace and I also know that I'm also a reason for that. Without their father, their life will not be easy and also they're girls. This thing matters a lot but I'll never let anyone affect my daughters' happiness. I'll be their shield.

Whenever I go outside with my daughters and I have to hold them and take care of them alone, I can't stop my mind from thinking about how it would be if he was with us. Both of us would be holding one of our daughter. It would be so beautiful scene. We would be a happy family but I know I'm the most stupid person on the earth to think this. It's never going to happen.

When I came here, I have to face lots of judgements and bad mouths because I came alone to a different city, pregnant with twins. Although they came to know about it after months but that made the things more worse. I shifted here and in months my belly started growing! It was not acceptable. No one was there with me. No one was there to take care of me in that critical time. No family, no husband or anyone. This made everyone's mouths more big. I was not even twenty two at that time. I faced lots of difficulties in the beginning. I had nothing to survive upon. No money, no place to live. All my saved money worked only for three months. I was not understanding what to do and how to survive. My expenses kept growing because of my babies. Rent of the house, household things, food, doctor appointments, everything needed money. Being pregnant that too with twins and then living alone. It's the worst thing that could happen with a woman. The doctor advised me to rest at least twelve hours in a day but I didn't because I couldn't rest if I needed to live. That was the most dreadful phase of my life.

But then God decided to show some mercy on me by sending Arjun in my life. He and his wife Naina are the bestest friends one could ask for. They supported me on every step. They lives in the house in front of mine. We've become a family now. Arjun is like my brother and his wife is my supporter and best friend. Me and Arjun work in the same company while Naina works as a manager in a cafe. I can't leave my daughters alone at home while I'll be at work so I work in the morning shift for a week while Arjun works in the night shift for that week. We keep changing our shifts every week. One week I'll work in morning and the next week he'll work in the morning. When I'm not at home Arjun and Naina looks after Aanu and Ishu. I can't be more grateful to the two of them. Don't know what I must have done without them. I'll never forget the favors they've done to me.

I remember what trauma I have to go through when the teacher handed me the form to fill for the admission of my daughters' in the kindergarten. Only I know how I stopped myself from breaking down at the moment when I saw the column of Father's name. I got through a mind battle. Thinking that he was not going to come there and get to know about our daughters, I finally filled his name in that column. The name which used to make me feel butterflies all over and which used to give me happiness without any reason. The name of the boy I loved once but not anymore. The father of my daughters, Arhaan Mehra. I used to love this name but now I hate it the most.


Maheshwari group of Industries, Kolkata

The whole office turns dead silent as the peon announces the arrival of their CEO. It was like they heard about something which was impossible. They couldn't believe what they heard until they saw the young man in blue three piece entering inside. The man was holding an aura of dominance and authority with him. Everyone was feeling themselves small in front of his tall figure and not to forget his post. The man just nodded his head once to everyone when they greeted him. He directly went to his cabin and sat on his chair. He turned his PC on and started looking at what all he missed. Just then someone knocked on the door of his cabin.

"Come in!" said the main without moving his eyes from the screen.

An old man entered inside and smiled looking at the one whose eyes were glued to the screen.

"It's so good to see you here after so long." said the old man. And his smile was the proof of the genuineness of his words.

The young man finally lifted his eyes and looked at the person in front of him.

"Thank you for handling everything in my absence, Anil uncle. I'm grateful for that." is what all he said to the old man.

"It's my duty. I have lived more than half of my life for this company. There's no need to thank." said Anil.

The young man just nodded his head and the old man left after discussing a few things with his boss. While turning his eyes to the PC again, the young man's eyes caught the newspaper which has headlines Maheshwari group of Institutions, one of India's best education premises. The man gave a cold look to the newspaper on which a large picture of a great college campus was printed. He held the newspaper and tossed it to the dustbin.

He then turned his eyes to the PC and engrossed himself into work, forgetting about the world.


While everyone in the office was busy with their works, a few girls decided to gossip about their hot and handsome boss.

"Is he single?" asked one of the girls.

"Yes, he is!" replied other.

"But I heard that he got engaged to a girl but broke up with her before marriage, around three years ago." added one.

"Ya, I heard the same."

"Do you guys know who she was? Her name? She was stupid to break up with him. I mean he's worth dying for. Or her broke up with her?" asked the first one.

"No one ever saw her. And don't know what actually happened between the two but her name was... Ya, Trisha Khanna."


Okay, confused??? If yes, then I'm proud of myself😹.

#Sabse bade sawaal:

Who's Arhaan Mehra?

And Trisha Khanna?

What is Ragini's past and her story?

Who's the young man?

A few words for the cutipies Aanya and Ishanvi😍.

This story is going to be a few shots. It'll end in a few parts. So, don't worry I haven't added another book to my list of incomplete works😂.

Mafia will be coming next😁.

Please do share your views about the story. I'm waiting to know what you feel.

Thank you for reading.

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