Prologue: Unexpected Meeting

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(At Tennyson Enterprise, everyone is seen working on cures for sickness, helping other beings and even faunus, there are also co-workers who are working on drones and robotics. Suddenly Ben Tennyson himself comes in, and his co-workers bow to him.)

Co-workers: (in unison) Good morning, Mr. Tennyson.

Ben: (smiles and bows) Good morning, everyone.

(He passes them as he brings out his key pass and presses the button to the elevator, it opens as he walks inside and he presses to the top. The elevator doors close as it goes up top and it opens the doors, he walks towards his office and he opens the door as he put his suitcase on his desk and he opens it as he brought out his paperwork to sign for the hospitals, childcare, helping animals from abuse, etc., he heard a phone on his desk as he answered it.)

Ben: Hello, Ben Tennyson, CEO of Tennyson Enterprise here. How can I... (realizes and smiles) Hey Ace, my brother. How's work?

Ace: (intercom) Good, big brother. Many robbers just kept on robbing the bank lately. But, good thing I was there to stop them.

Ben: (chuckles) You surely have the symbolism of an Ultra.

Ace: (intercom) More like an Ultra Cop.

Ben: (sarcastic) Yeah, yeah, sure.

Ace: (intercom) Well, I better get back to work. Also Ben, better be on a look out for White Fang. I heard they're killing more innocent people, I don't want us getting involved.

Ben: Okay Ace, I better call Ryan and see how how's he doing in Union Academy. 

Ace: (intercom) I don't know about that, I still don't trust Asuna though. 

Ben: (sighs) Ace, there's nothing wrong with Asuna. She's okay with me. 

Ace: (intercom) But Ben, remember what our grandfather Max told you. He doesn't trust her, she's like... a threat to our family. Iris even told her to stay away from you, I think you & I have to talk about this.

(He feels a buzz in his phone, and looks at the picture of Iris Tennyson.)

Ben: Iris is calling me.

Ace: (intercom) Alright, make sure Ryan is alright.

Ben: Okay, I heard enough.

Ace: (intercom) But...

(Ben hangs up and attends to Iris' call.)

Ben: What is it, sis?

Iris: (worried) It's Ryan.

Ben: (curious) What about him?

Iris: (voice breaks) H-h-he's in... (sniffs) the hospital.

Ben: (shocked) WHAT?! I'll be there soon as I can, call the others to be there. 

Iris: Alright.

(Ben activates his Omnitrix and becomes XLR8 before running to the hospital as fast as he can.)


(Ben has finally arrived at the hospital as he reverts back to normal and shouts.)


Male Doctor: Are you Tennyson? 

Ben: (worried) Yes, I'm his big brother. Where's Ryan? 

Male Doctor: Come with me, these people are driving me crazy today. 

Ben: (confused) What people? 

Male Doctor: Follow me in the waiting room. 

(He nodded as he followedhim to the waiting room, as they walked inside and he saw the Headmasters of Union Academy: Ozpin, Nezu, Winston, Ironwood, Asuna and Norman Osborn/Iron Patriot.)

Ozpin: Ben Tennyson, we didn't notice you would be here.

Ben: I need to see my brother first. (to the Doctor) Where is he?

Doctor: Room 25.

Ben: Thanks.

(He was about to go, but Iron Patriot stopped him.)

Iron Patriot: Mr. Tennyson, we would like to talk to you for a second. 

Ben: Not now, we'll talk later.

(But Asuna steps in as well.)

Asuna: Ben, they need to talk first.

Ben: Asuna, I need to go see my little brother first.

(He pushes her away from him and runs towards room 25, as he opens the door and his eyes widened that he saw bloody bruises, black eye and broken hips while the heart monitor is beeping. He slowly walk towards him as he falls into his knee and he looked at him sadly.

Ben: (sadly) I'm sorry Ryan, I failed you as your older brother. I should've listened to my siblings & cousins, I've been blinded (tears) I should've paid more attention to everyone that they were saying.

(His tears dropped on Kenji's arm as he grabbed his hand while crying, and suddenly the headmasters walked in interrupted his moment with his little brother.

Ozpin: Mr. Tennyson, we would like to talk now. 

(Then his eyes shot opened in stern look, and he turns at them with his stern look.)

Ben: What do you want to talk about?

Winston: We'll talk outside for a moment while we discuss somethings. 

(He sigh in coldly, as he faces back at his little brother and he walked outside with the headmasters and he closed the door as he faces back at them.)

Ben: (stern) What do you want? 

Ozpin: To make an agreement. 

Ben: (suspicious) What kind of agreement? 

Ironwood: To help us fight against Salem, League of Villains, Talon and H.Y.D.R.A. 

Ben: (curious) Why me, couldn't you let anyone else do it for you?

Winston: We tried all that, Asuna told us that you have a company that help anything. 

(Ben's eyes widened as he glared at Asuna)

Ben: You told them about this, I thought I told you never tell anybody about this. 

Asuna: (faking innocence) I'm sorry honey, but you're the one who can help anything. 

Ben: (glares) I only help abused animals, orphaned children, homeless people, exploring planets, making robotics to help people and more. Those technology I have are not weapons. 

Ironwood: What about those ancient artifacts in your center, they can be a special weapons to help us fight.

Ben: (stern) They're not to use as weapons, they're meant to keep those ancient weapons safety from you.

Nezu: But Ben, we can make your family famous- 

Ben: Being famous is not my family's thing, being fame or a hero is nothing but an abusive hunger for money. It's their choice to make, and the many around the world & even the government are not even helping these poor people. You call this a law, I can it Injustice. 

(He walked towards the door, but he was pushed to the wall Winter Schnee while holding him.) 

Ben: (growls) Let me go!

Winter: You don't have a choice, Tennyson. You never had.

(Ben struggles until he touches his Omnitrix and becomes Rath, breaking free from Winter and piercing her right eye.)


Ironwood: (draws his pistol) Why you...

(Ben (Rath) punches Ironwood's jaw and pierces his robotic arm.)

Ben (Rath): (glares at the Headmasters) Let me tell you something, my family was right. You're nothing but power-hungry people.

Asuna: But, darling...


(Asuna is shocked by Ben's outburst.)


Asuna: (eyes widen) B-But Ben, I thought...

(Ben slaps Asuna and gives her a scar in the cheek before glaring at the headmasters again.)

Ben (Rath): Let me tell you something, you're not worth my help! 

Nezu: But Tennyson...

(Ironwood gets up and draws his pistol while Winston calls his drone.)

Ironwood: (glares) Listen well, Tennyson. Don't make this worse than it already is...

Winston: (glares) Or your brother pays the price... permanently!

(Suddenly Winston's drone is destroyed and Ironwood gets a shoot in his face. They turn to see Henry and Ace.)

Ace: You're messing with the wrong family, bastards.

Henry: Leave my cousins out of this!

(Iris and Mika kick Asuna down.)

Iris: Don't you even dare.

Mika: You're outnumbered!

(Iron Patriot turns to see his former son Harry along with his fiancee Felicia Hardy and their adopted son Jackson.)

Harry: (glares at Iron Patriot) I'm ashamed to have been your son! ASHAMED!

Felicia: Calm down, Harry.

Jackson: Yeah, they're not worth it. They never were.

(Ben reverts back to normal and turns to his brothers.)

Ben: (saddened) I'm sorry, guys. I should have listened to you.

Ace: (nods) It's alright, we forgive you.

Harry: Everyone makes mistakes.

(Iron Patriot goes to help Ironwood and Winston while Ozpin tries to reason with Ben.)

Ozpin: It's not too late to make a deal, Tennyson.

Ben: (glares) ....No, it's too late for me & my family. Once we're doing this for Max Tennyson, from this day forward: We Tennyson Family will have many generation to help the people from this corruption of darkness.

Ace: To protect & serve.

Henry: Studying lifeforms from other planets.

Iris: Helping orphaned children.

Mika: And others, we Tennyson family will always stick together. Don't get us involved in your dark secrets of corruption.

(Then Ben pulls out his ring out of his finger as he throws it to Chifuyu, she gasps as she felt betrayed.)

Asuna: (eyes widen) No, this can't be happening!

Ben: (glares) Oh it is, Yuuki. You just let my poor brother and Koharu Honda be abused by that Black Swordsman and his lackeys, we are through for now. As of now, I'm gonna reopen the place where our grandfather usually went to. 

Winston: (stern) And what place would that be, Mr. Tennyson?

(He smirks and looks at his familiars as they smirk as well.)

Ben: The Plumbers!

(The headmasters' eyes widen as they realize that The Plumbers are still active.)

Iron Patriot: (glares at Harry) Did you waste Oscorp's resource to fund THEM?

Harry: I'm not the only one. An old friend of mine is doing this as well.

Felicia: And also, the Plumbers have helped the Autobots against the Decepticons like Megatron, The Fallen and even Quintessa Prime.

Jackson: And another thing... RAIDEN!

(Raiden, Gwen Tennyson, Kevin Levin and Peter Tennyson come in as well.)

Raiden: We sign the whole contract to merge both the Plumbers and Maverick Security.

Peter: And now we have a new home, a better headquarters and everything. You headmasters will regret having involved my siblings and cousins in your wars!

Winston: (glares) You won't get away with this!

Ben: Watch us.

(Winston is about to attack, but Ozpin stops him.)

Ozpin: If you're really re-opening the Plumbers, then from now on we're in war. And we'll find a way to win, and then we will destroy everything you hold dear. (to the headmasters) We're done here.

(Norman gives a last death glare to Harry as he feels a headache.)

Asuna: (glares) You will regret this! All of you!

Ben: (glares) You'll be the one regretting, Asuna! I don't ever wanna see you again!

(Asuna then yells in anger as she leaves.)

Ben: (smiles) Thanks, Peter.

Peter: (smiles) No problem, brother.

Ace: What are we gonna do now?

Ben: Move to our new home.

Ace: Finally, I can get to move on.

Henry: Same here.

Iris: Yeah, we've been living in this apartment for too long.

Kevin: The landlord is a dick anyway.

Gwen: Okay, let's move on. (smirks at Ben) Next time, listen to what your siblings say about certain people, dweeb.

Ben: Alright, alright, no need to be annoying.

(At Union's Headmasters' office, Norman is seen grunting in pain as he looks in the mirror and doesn't see himself, but the one he believed to have been gone.)

Goblin: It's time, Norman. No more secrets.

Norman: (sighs) Okay, if they won't accept us as heroes, they will hear us as villains!

(Then the screen fades out.)

Goblin: There's the Norman Osborn I know.


(A faction of cybertronians is seen fighting the Pro Heroes)


(A scout Autobot is sent to Earth to protect it from Decepticons.)

(Five years later, the Autobots come in to face Megatron and the Decepticons.)

(Optimus also fought against RX-78 Gundam, but then they fought together against Sentinel Prime.)

(And now a new cybertronian faction is ready to fight rogue aliens, villains, corrupt people, fake heroes, etc.)


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