Chapter # 03 Gouenji's Decision! ゴウエンジ の 決意 !

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Nao Gulped .

" Your next match has been arranged your opponent is Occult junior high. the match is in a weeks time, be ready by then. "Kazemaru said.

" Yes Sir! " Nao responded .

"Of course it won't be a simple match , If you lose The soccer club will immediately disbanded. How ever if you win you'll be allowed to participate in the Football Frontier national this year. "  Kazemaru said.

"Football Frontier! " Nao exclaimed with joy as he exited the chairman's office.

" Are you sure about this Chairman , they say that if you refuse you will have bad luck and you'll be haunted. " the principal said.

" I am Damn sure about this Yamamoto-San. And besides I've seen this before there is no need to worry ." Kazemaru said.

After school at the soccer Building:

" Okay guys ! Our Next match has been decided! " Nao said.

" Next Match?! " Heigorou asked.

" Yes , and the opponent is Occult Junior. And if we win we get to participate in the Football Frontier this year but if we lose the club will be disbanded." Nao said. 

" Football Frontier! This time I will shine . " Keita said.

" We only had seven members before so it was only a dream. " Ryuuichi said.

" This time I will outstand too. " Fuyukai said .

" Ok Everyone ! Quiet down , we will be practicing our  Formation, shoots and Team work ! " Nao said.

" But Captain shouldn't we Practice our Endurance ." Eiji said.

" Well , Endurance is important too but we will do this first." Nao replied.

" Captain , when will you ask Gouenji-San to join the team." Kaze said.

"It was all thanks to Gouenji-San that our club is safe ,or else the club would've been disbanded since Megane-San deserted the field. " Yano said.

" I Didn't desert the field!!" Keita said.

"I also think it's a good idea~deyansu Gouenji-San can also use a Hissatsu shoot ~ deyansu." Heigorou said.


"Someoka..." Nao said.

" Didn't Gouenji say he didn't want to play anymore. " Ryuusei said.

" I am not sure about that" Nao replied.

" You too Endou ! You're depending on him too much

At Teikoku:

"Kidou -San!" The ball was passed to Shun who made a goal . Apparently practice was going on in Teikoku.

" Have you heard about Raimon ?" Takumi asked Shun .

" What about them? " Shun asked.

" After going against us, there's been a rumor going around that their team is actually really strong. " Takumi answered.

" What's so horrible about it but s that they claim Teikoku cried over the one point they let go ." He continued.

" Let them say what they want, We only fulfilled our mission that's all. " Shun answered.

" That's right. But I heard that after that match, there've been nonstop requests to play practice match against them. " Takumi said.

" Ohh" Shun responded.

"Should we some one to ask around." Takumi asked .

"There is no need." Shun said.


" I am so Excited for our next match !! I have practice my Hissatsu technique - Wait , What exactly Kabeyama meant by no one other than Gouenji can use a Hissatsu? I CAN!!!" Nao mumbled to him self as he was walking home , then he spotted some one.

" Huh ?! Gouenji? Where is he going?" He asked himself and started following Yuuta . He had to be discreet so that Yuuta won't find out or else he would tell him to Get lost or something like that.

After  few Turns and 10 min walk they arrived at the place.

" Huh? Graveyard ? What the, Why did he come here?

Nao walked a little looking for Yuuta, when he found him Yuuta unexpectedly turned around .

"Y-You?!" Yuuta exclaimed.

" I-I didn't me to stalk or something, I-I just saw you coming here and I just got curious so I followed............. I am sorry!!" Nao justified as he looked at the name.

" It's ok." Yuuta said.

" Um .. If it's okay then may I ask what happened?" Nao asked.

" This is my father's grave." Yuuta answered.

" Your Father?"

" Yes , My father, Gouenji Shuuya who was the chairman of Japan's Youth Soccer Association passed away five years ago when I was nine and my sister was eight years old." Yuuta said.

" Gouenji Shuuya ? I do remember my Mom and Dad went to a funeral five years ago ,Dad was so sad , depressed . " Nao said.

" Where were you? Didn't you accompany them? "

" No, They left me with my grandparents."

" Oh , I see." Yuuta responded.

" What Happened to him? I mean if it's okay for you..... Nao asked.

Yuuta sighed. " I Guess you really want to know? My Dad was heading home from work when some thugs shot him. We don't the exact number of them but it seemed they were four , cuz he was shot from four sides. Some one brought him to the Hospital but it was too late and he passed away...... If he didn't had anything to do with soccer he would've been with us right now , for me Soccer is what took my father away from us. And that is why I decided that I will not play soccer for the rest of my life and yet back then I don't know why I did that. Yuuta explained . His voice was cracking and a few tears fell.

" I-I am so sorry for your loss.....I- I am a terrible person aren't I ? Because I wanted to know I didn't, even for a second thought about the pain you were going through, I asked you Selfishly over and over again to join our team. I am so sorry! " Nao apologized.

" It's ok...."

' Gouenji, if you ever changed your mind , we will welcome you. ' Is what Nao wanted to say but couldn't. Not knowing what else to say or do he took His leave.

The Next Day:

" I am Gouenji Haruka, nice to meet you." Haruka said.

" You're Gouenji 's Sister right?" Nao asked to which whe team did EHHHH!

" Yes , I am in first year." Haruka replied.

" And from today onwards she is the manager of the soccer club. " Yayoi told them.

" EHHHH!!!!"

" okay Let's pick up the pace , there are only two days left till our match! " Nao shouted.

" Here is my Hissatsu, Kabeyama Spin! " Kabeyama said but was twirling normally so it wouldn't be called a Hissatsu.

" Take this , wind kick! " Kaze said , and landed flat on the ground in an uncomfortable position.

" Someoka ! To me pass!! " Ryuuichi said but was ignored.
Fuyukai tried to Steal the ball but he tackled him and when Seo went to tell him his plays are violent he was also pushed aside . Ryuusei was acting weird.His shot missed the Goal post.

" Someoka!! Your head is to clouded , Take 5 min break!! " Tsurugi called out.

" Someoka, is everything okay?" Nao asked as he came up to him.

" Yeah , I am just a little envious "

" Of who? " Nao asked.

" Gouenji. Personally I think I know where the First years are coming from , I mean I
It would be nice to have someone with a shoot like Him on our team and the other thing is that he would be the only one who has a Hissatsu shoot." Ryuusei said.

" Then let's go down there and make your own Hissatsu shoot, What do you say Someoka? " Nao said.

" Endou... Yeah let's go!!" Ryuusei replied.

Ryuusei was shooting and Nao was stopping them then he made a shoot that went into the goal and everyone was shocked.

" What was that right now? " Nao asked.

" It was like a dragon opening and closing its jaws ." Ryuuichi said.

" Was that-" Seo began but was cut off by Ryuusei.

" My very own Hissatsu Shoot!!" Ryuusei exclaimed.

Cheers of you did it Someoka and well done. We're been heard. When all of this was happening Haruka went somewhere.

" Onii-Chan!"

" Haruka, I see that you haves joined the soccer club." Yuuta said.

" Yes! Onii-chan please reconsider! "

"Soccer took our father from us."

" Then why are you here , here to watch them practice, You are interested aren't you? Even a blind man can see you love soccer. It wasn't soccer who took him away from us . What if Dad was doctor or something and the same thing happened. What you are making is an irrelevant excuse. Why would you hate something Dad loved ! It's like hating me and Mom ! Think about it , who would be most proud right now if you played soccer ? Who would love to see your plays the most? The only thing I know Dad would've wanted you to play. You're dishonoring him by hating something he loved all his life." Haruka said to which Yuuta was shocked , everything she said made perfect sense , his sister was right . Yuuta looked towards his sister who said.

" Go on Onii-chan they are waiting!"

" We need a name for this shoot ." Isamu said.

" My shoot is called Dragon Crash!" Ryuusei exclaimed.

" Dragon crash huh?! It fits! " Nao said.
After a while they all stoped talking because someone unexpected was here in other words Gouenji Yuuta.

" Endou ... I.....I want to join your team." Yuuta said.

" YES!! AT LAST ! KANTAKU!!!" Nao exclaimed.

Tsurugi nodded. " Welcome to the team!"

Everyone was cheering unbeknownst to them the same man dressed in black was watching them from his car.


Authors note;

Yo!! People I know it has been a month and I AM SOOOO SOORRRYYY!! GOMEN NASAI ! * Bows*
It's not my fault, I am the eldest siblings in the house so I have to do all of the work. It's not not like the others are so small they are just Lazy . And Mom says nothing to them absolutely nothing, and If I even go closer to anything she gives me chores , I have written this only at night when everyone is fast asleep and now it's dawn here , So here you go !
And the song is from Danball Senki another anime by level-5 . , I liked it so I made it the opening theme.

Don't forget to vote and comment! Let me know about what you think .
And thank you for bearing with me.

Until then Enjoy!
Peace out!!
P.s I am going to sleep (-_-)zzz
(( _ _ ))..zzzZZ(_ _).o

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