Episode 1: Kamen Rider Ichigo: Origin

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Takeshi Hongo: Greeting reader. I'm Takeshi Hongo from the Shin-Verse. I will be the story's narrator since I am a ghost but I can't tell you what happened to me. Last time in the previous chapter. Takashi and Mitsuki run away from the Shocker and Mitsuki is kidnapped by Kumo-Augment until Takashi arrives and brutally kills the grunt like what's happened to me in the past. In the flashback show Takashi and his brother go to school and meet their girlfriend. But Takashi was going back to his house when he was kidnapped by Kumo and Shocker before the king of time arrives. Now we see the flashback of Takashi as Batta-01 and his story as Kamen Rider.


At Unknown World.

The scend focuses on the building where a tall building in a city, and shows a word saying the "Hero Public Safety Commission Main Building" which it the law heroes building.

Two security guards walked around the Hero Public Safety Commission main building but suddenly one of the guards got web up and flew up into the air and the second security guard noticed his partner was gone.

Security Guard: Hiiragi? Where are you?!

Security guard scared and confused, look around for his partner, Hiiragi. He shows the light and looks around the scene as he is shaking in fear.

Security Guard: I-I gotta report to Pro Hero about this!

Then the guard take off his radio phone but he was grab by his head and lift up, see a red hopper eyes in menacing word style as security guard scream in fear.

Security Guard: AHHH!!! W-Who are yo- *Interrupted by ??? slowly crushing his head*

The hopper masked man slowly crushed his head the security guard scream in pain and fear as he gonna die but he don't want to die early.

Security Guard: T-TASUKETTE, PRO- *Interrupt by ??? crush his head*

The Hopper Man crushes his head brutally and the blood and flesh come out on the wall, and the security guard is dead as Hopper Man throws the dead body away. The Kumo-01 landed down.

Kumo-1: Good job, Batta-01. I'm glad you finish him off.

???: ... *Emotionless response*

The masked man wears a grasshopper motif helmet with pinkish red eyes, he wore an black and blue armor suit. As he wearing a certain large sized white belt on his waist. This is Batta-01 or Batta-Augment 01.

The Batta-01 emotionlessly responded. They went inside the building and saw no guards protect as Kumo-01 and Batta-01 looked around the building.

Kumo-01: I can see why there are no guards or Pro Heroes. What an idiot.

Batta-01: ...

Kumo-01: Our mission is to take data and security footage about Lady Nagant's assassination and the truth about society to Shocker. Do you understand?

Batta-01: Hai... *Nods like a emotionless Robot*

Kumo-01: Good. Let's move on.

Kumo-01 and Batta-01 walk into separate ways. Batta-01 finds the way to the location but he doesn't know is a Night Hero who watches him from far away before he runs and reports to the Hero.

Random Pro Hero: I better report to the other Pro-Heroes.

Then Kumo-01 and Batta-01 walk around the place as they try to find the computer area. Kumo-01's sixth-sense warns him of something that he has a bad feeling about.

Kumo-01: I got a bad feeling about this...

Batta-01: ... *Look around for danger*

Kumo-01: Keep your guard, Batta-01. We almost there- *Interrupt by alarm*

Then suddenly the alarm rang as Kumo-01 and Batta-01 opened their eyes to see the alarm ring, which made them shocked and confused about who activated the alarm.


Then Kumo-01 and Batta-01 see some Guards coming as they knew someone trip the alarm and has to deal with the security guards who after them.

Kumo-01: Great... Batta-01, hold them off while I'm finding the datas.

Batta-01: ... *Nod as do battle stance*

Kumo-01 ran away as he found the data. Batta-01 looks at the security guard as Security guards look at Batta-01. Four security guard see Batta-01 look creepy and scary.

Security Guard 1: That Villain with a grasshopper motif... look creepy and scary.

Security Guard 2: F-Freeze Villain! You and your Partner are under arrest for trespassing!

Security Guard 3: Yeah! Y-You under arrest but also you murder two guards! Are you a Villain?!

Security Guard 4: Or a Vigilante! Surrender now and the Pro-Heroes will arrived to capture you two!

Kumo-01 facepalms and knew the guards like corrupted. Kumo-01 hates the fact that some guards are nothing but corrupted people. He tells Batta-01 to do whatever he wants with the Guards.

Kumo-01: Why am I not surprised...? *Look at Batta-01* Batta-01, you can do whatever you want with those Guards even if they have quirks... Kill them all. *Cold tone*

Batta-01: ... Ryōkai... *Say in Emotionless tone*

Kumo-01 left as the guards charged at Batta-01. The Guard 01 uses his super strength and punches at Batta-01 but he block it with his hand before punching the guard 01 far away like Superman. And guard 02 save Guard 01 before super speed attack Kumo-01.

The Security Guard 03 use his weapon shapeshifter quirk and turned his right arm into a mace, hit Batta-01 but he dodged it and hit Security Guard 03 face rapid time on the wall as he was bleeding from his nose and head before throwing him to Guard 4. Guard 4 throws a Shuriken at Batta-01 but he dodges it.

Security Guard 1: AHH! What kind of Quirk is this Villain had?! It's soo strong!?

Security Guard 2: I don't know! I gotta do- *Got grab by Batta-01* L-LET ME GO, YOU HOPPER VILLAIN!

Batta-01 grabs Security Guard 2's head he slowly crushes Guard 02's head and screams in pain before crushing his head completely and his flesh and blood spit out. Making Guard 1 scream in fear.

Security Guard 1 screamed in fear as Batta-01 charged before sending a straight punch through his chest and grabbing Security Guard 1's heart before crushing it. Security Guard 1 lay on the ground as blood spilled. Making Guard 3 and 4 scared.

Security Guard 3: S-Stay back! YOU MONSTER! *Shooting at Batta-01*

Batta-01: ... *Punch a hole through Guard 3 face*

Security Guard 4: YOU MONSTER! *Throw shuriken at Batta-01 but he deflect it* YOU DAMN FREAK!

Batta-01 walks toward Guard 04 as he keeps throwing shuriken at Batta-01 but Batta-01 jumps high and lands behind Guard 04 before twisting his neck. Guard 4 is dead as he lay on the ground.

Kumo-01 walks and sees Batta-01 with bloody body security guards. Making Kumo-01 clap his hand in impressive and see how strong Batta-01 the Scientist made him.

Kumo-01: Impressive, Batta-01. The Scientist did a good job of making you like that. You are a great ally to Shocker.

Batta-01: ... You welcome, Kumo-Sama... *Stoic tone*

Kumo-01: *Chuckle* Now that's scary talk but I like it. I found the computer room, let's go.

Kumo-01 and Batta-01 arrive at the computer room. Kumo-01 hack the computer and got the data of Lady Nagant's footage and the truth about Hero Society.

Kumo-01: Excellent. Look like we got it. *Smirk*

Kumo-01 took out his USB and put it inside the pocket bag of his pants. Kumo-01 lays the C4 bomb in the wall of the ground floor and the computer room as he look at Batta-01.

Kumo-01: Let's get out of here before those heroes come, Batta-01.

Batta-01: ... *Nods*

Batta-01 and Kumo-01 leave but suddenly they hear the Pro Heroes come and arrive at the room. Three Pro Heroes glance at Kumo-01 and Batta-01.

Pro-Hero 1: Hold, Villains! You're under arrest!

Pro-Hero 2: A Spider and a Grasshopper? That is a bad combination for both of you!

Pro-Hero 3: Surrender now, there no escape for you two Villains freaks!

Kumo-01 chuckled before taking out a bomb detonator the Pro Heroes were shocked to see the Kumo-01 gonna blow up the whole building and scared.

Pro Heroes: *Shocked* IS THAT A BOMB?!

Kumo-01: Time to retreat, our Mission is done here.

Batta-01: Ryōkai...

Kumo-01 pressed the bomb detonator and the explosion caused around the Public Hero Safety Building, the debris falling down toward three Pro Heroes and they got killed.

Pro-Heroes: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! *Got slammed by many debris and dead*

Kumo-01 and Batta-01 walk out of the burning building as they get out of the burning building, Batta and Kumo look at the burning building which was destroyed by them.

Kumo-01: That is a beautiful firework, Batta-01. *Look at burning building*

Batta-01: ... *Look at the burning building*

Kumo-01: Is something wrong, Batta-01?

Batta-01: ... Nothing, Kumo-Sama...

Kumo-01: I see... We better head back to the base.

Kumo-01 and Batta-01 head back to their base. Meanwhile, many people watch the Public Hero Safety Building burning as some civilians take picture of it and some Heroes and firefighters try to clear the fire.

Police: Everyone stay clear. This is a restricted areas!

Pro Hero 1: Oi! Doesn't this belong to the Public Hero Safety Building?

Pro Hero 2: Oh god... This is horrible!

Meanwhile, a certain green-haired boy walks in and notices Pro Heroes clear the fire building as he realized the building is the Public Hero Safety Commission Building.

Green Hair Boy: Isn't that Public Hero Safety Commission? Oh my god...

Then the green hair boy walked up to the Pro Hero as some fire fighters tried to clear the fire and the police kept civilians away from the burning building.

Green Hair Boy: Hey sir, what's happened here?

Pro Hero 1: Kid. The Hero Public Safety Commission building suddenly exploded inside and we have no idea how did that happened. We think it was some villain did it.

Green Hair Boy: Oh god... Does is there any survivors still in there? Who could done this!? *Horrified tone*

Pro Hero 1: People were leaving the building after they had done their work and there were no survivors. But we believe it was two new recent villains that one of Pro Hero report to us.

Green Hair Boy: T-Two new Villains?

The Pro Hero nods as the green-haired boy wonders who are two new villains. Meanwhile, the pink-haired girl stands on the rooftop building with concern when she sees the burning building.

???: I was too late... I gotta stop Takashi-Kun before it's too late...

The pink-haired girl left as she headed to find Takashi before too late and the blue-haired girl wearing a brown trench coat with stoic looks watched the burning building as she walked away.

Timeskip. Few Months Later.

The TV News appears on the TV Screen as some people watch the News. The female news Reporter talks about the scandal of the Public Safety Commission Building burning and the truth.

News Reporter: Breaking news! Few months ago after the Public Hero Safety Commission building exploded and the Pro Hero investigated it. But a group called Shocker sends emails to people around the world that the truth reveal about the Public Safety Hero Commission and Lady Nagant's truth. Many people were angry and protesting at the Hero Public Safety Commission Building but blame them for what happened to Quirkless Children.

The scene shows footage of protesters protesting the Hero Public Safety Commission and blaming what's happened to Quirkless children before the news reporter talks about a new group.

News Reporter: Meanwhile, a company named S.H.O.C.K.E.R has spoken the truth about the Quirk and brought happiness to people as they were the ones who sent the emails to many people.

Meanwhile. Batta-01 looks at the young man sitting on the throne as the young man is the leader of Shocker and wears a white cloak around himself. He speaks to Batta-01.

???: Batta-01. You make a good impression on us. We expose the truth about Hero Public Safety Commission and people are protesting them.

Batta-01: Arigato, Chou-Sama...

???: Now I have a new mission for you, Batta-01. I want you to hunt those two traitor, the person give you the files, right?

Batta-01: Hai...

Flashback shows a robot head man giving him the files of the traitor as Batta-01 looks at it. Two files picture of a man and a blue hair girl with red eyes.

???: I see... I want you to find Dr. Midorikawa and his daughter, Yuriko even killing them.

Batta-01: Ryōkai... I will go find and eliminate them as your task...

???: Good, you can leave now.

Batta-01: Ryōkai... *Nods he left*

Batta-01 left the throne room and walked out of the room. He walks passing by some Shocker Footsoldiers as they salute and respect Batta-01 like their ally.

Shocker Combatmen 1: Eee! Batta-Sama! *Salute at Batta-01*

Shocker Combatmen 2: Eee! You are amazing, Batta-Sama! *Salute at Batta-01*

Shocker Combatmen 3: Eee! Glory to Batta-01 and Shocker! *Salute at Batta-01*

Batta-01: ... Prepare my Vehicle, Combatmens... *Emotionless tone*

The Shocker Combatmen say "Eee!" as they nod and head to the garage room to prepare the bike for Batta-01. Batta-01 walks toward the garage and the Combatmen show the bike to Batta-01.

Batta-01: So this is Cyclone, huh?

The motorbike looks like a white motorbike but it's an untransformed version. The bike is based on a Honda CB250R with advance technology.

Batta-01 looks at Cyclone as he feels in awe look at Cyclone and knows the bike looks amazing in front of him. He decides to ride the bike to find the traitor.

Batta-01: Intriguing...

Batta-01 gets on the bike and the garage door opens. Batta-01 releases the engine as he starts reviving the bike handle and finds the traitors in their location.

Batta-01: Iko... To hunt the Traitor... *Start revving the bike handle*

Batta-01 rides Cyclone in the forest before riding on the road and finds the traitors to kill them. He was riding the bike on the road while feel the wind.

Batta-01 rides the bike as some bikers look at Batta-01 as they whistle at his bike and his outfit. Batta-01 ride to the location as he found it.

Batta-01 arrives at the forest, he spots the wooden house as he looks at the blue-haired girl inside his house and knows the traitor inside the house.

Batta-01: ... Target located...

At the wooden house, a blue-haired girl comes out of the house and calls her father from her iPhone as she call her father about the Batta-01 find her and her father.

Blue Hair Girl: Father. I will be fine, I already know Batta-01 is coming.

The Blue Hair Girl looks outside the house and spots Batta-01 hiding, she narrows her eyes as she talks to her father again about Batta-01.

Blue Hair Girl: I already set a trap for Batta-01 so I can free him.

As blue blue-haired girl talking to her through the phone. Meanwhile, Batta-01 hides and watches the blue-haired girl as he talks to Kumo-01 and tells Kumo-01.

Kumo-01: Did you found her, Batta-01?

Batta-01: I found the Traitor... She is leaving her hideout. Moving onto my next objective now, Kumo-Sama.

Kumo-01: Good but be careful of her. She might plant a trap on you.

Batta-01: Ryōkai...

Batta-01 turned off the communication and was about to move when he saw a memory vision of himself when he was put down in the medical bed when he was tortured by white-masked scientists. Batta-01 having intense headache.

Batta-01: A-AGHHHH!!! *Having a intense headache* W-What happened to me?! What are those memories inside my head!?

The blue-haired girl heard Batta-01 scream and turned to see it was Batta-01 as she knew he was send by Shocker to go after her and her Father for betrayed them.

Blue Hair Girl: I know you will come to kill me, Ichinose Takashi...

The blue-haired girl reveals herself as she has red eyes and wears a brown trench coat under a black shirt but looks like Rei from Evangelion. This is Yuriko Midorikawa.

Yuriko Midorika The Clone Daughter of Midorikawa Family!

Batta-01 is alert as he walks out from the bush and looks at Yuriko. He is confused and why did she say the name to him but that name is familiar to him.

Yuriko: Guess the King was right. You're here to kill me, Takashi Ichinose.

Batta-01: That's right, Yuriko Midorikawa. Your Father had betrayed Shocker, and your punishment will be... Death.

Yuriko: Sorry but I gonna free you from your brainwash state, Takashi Ichinose.

Batta-01: Who the hell is Takashi Ichinose...? I'm Batta Augment-01. A Soldier to Shocker. *Cold tone*

Yuriko: Why don't you try to kill me, Takashi Ichinose?

Batta-01: Enough talking, prepared to be forgotten!

Batta-01 charged at Yuriko and sent a straight punch at her but she dodged the attack, this made Batta-01 surprise before spin kick at Yuriko but she leaped over and landed on the ground.

Batta-01: Impossible...

Yuriko: I am different from than people that you kill, Takashi.

Batta-01: Doesn't matter, you won't able to survive from me this time.

Yuriko: Really? Why don't you try to catch me? *Run away*

Batta-01: Get back here!

Yuriko ran into the forest as Batta-01 chased after her, Yuriko shot a small saw blade at the branch tree, and the tree dropped down on Batta-01 but he punched through the branch and broke it.

Yuriko kept running as she ran on the road of the forest while Batta-01 chased after her. Batta-01 spots a bear lunging at him but he punches Bear's head as the Bear head splats out.

Batta-01 continues chasing Yuriko as he's jumps and performs a punch on the ground while Yuriko dodges it, causing the ground to a crater hole which Yuriko continues running.

Yuriko's Mind: Dang it, I need to get to Musutafu quick for the next plan or I will ended up dead. I hope that Nanoko girl is ready.

Yuriko took out a flashbang grenade and throw it at Batta-01, he got hit by the flashbang grenade and blind Batta-01. His vision is almost out and he heard ringing noise inside his head.

Batta-01: UGH!!!

Batta-01 snaps out of it as he sees Yuriko escape from him with her getaway car. Batta-01 growls in anger and sees Yuriko escapes from him.

Batta-01: *Growl* I won't let you get away, Yuriko Midorikawa!

Batta-01 jumps on Cyclone and rides to find Yuriko Midorikawa. He knew he wouldn't let her get away with this because he would find her and kill her.

At Musutafu City.

The scene shows a photo of the city with tall buildings and some sigh appear in buildings. This is Musutafu City, a homeplace for Pro Heroes.

Yuriko continue to ride her getaway car from Batta-01 as he continues to chasing her driving his Cyclone. Yuriko see Batta-01 chase after her as she knew he fall for the trap.

Yuriko: Almost there and you gonna fall for the trap.

Batta-01 activated Cyclone's rocket boost jump as he jumped high and landed next to Yuriko's getaway car, Yuriko shocked that he learn rocket boost jump.

Yuriko: *Shocked* Nani?!

Batta-01 stopped the car with a punch as Yuriko got sent out of her car she crashed into the building's wall, she groaned in pain before she stood up bleeding on her head.

Yuriko: ITAI!

Yuriko stands up on the ground and she feels the pain, she looks at Batta-01 as she glances at him. He walked up to her and looked at her as if she was in pain.

Batta-01: *Grab her by neck* Any last word, Yuriko Midorikawa?

Yuriko: Five words: You fall for my trap. *Smirk*

Batta-01: Hmm...?

Then suddenly an electric web net trap on Batta-01, he got stuck in the web net and screamed in pain as he got electrocuted while Yuriko dodged out of the way.

Batta-01: AHHH!!! H-How?!

Yuriko: Like I said. I'm always fully prepared.

Batta-01: Damn you... GET ME OUT OF THIS!

Yuriko: I gonna free you from the brainwash so hold still, Takashi Ichinose.

Batta-01: I don't think soo... Yuriko Midorikawa...

Yuriko: Huh?

Batta-01 broke free from the electric nets as he threw the nets away. Making Yuriko surprised that he broke free from the electric webs.

Yuriko: Oh no!

Batta-01: Really? An electric nets? That won't work on Augment!

Yuriko: Crap!

Batta-01 throws a punch at Yuriko but she dodges it. Then Yuriko dodged Batta-1's punch and kick as she knew her plan wouldn't work on Batta-01.

Yuriko: Don't do this, Takashi Ichinose. This isn't you! Your brother and girlfriend wouldn't want to see you like this, you're a Kamen Rider not a Augment!

Batta-01: I don't have anyone! I am loyal to Shocker!


Make Batta-01 alert and look up in the sky. Reveal it was the buff man who landed on the ground and looks at Batta-01 as Batta-01 knows who is the hero when he looks at it.

???: Stop right there, I am here!

Batta-01: All Might... *Cold tone*

The song is playing in the background the song is intense when the Batta-01 sees the Number 1 hero of Japan is here to stop Batta-01 and save Yuriko.

-OST Playing-
-All Might OST [I'm here!] By Yuki Hayashi-


Batta-01 glances at the buff man and knows who he is, while Yuriko looks at All Might as she knows her friend calls him to stop Batta-01.

Batta-01: Why am I not surprised... It has to be you.

Yuriko: A-All Might...?

???: It's fine now. Why? Because I AM HERE!

The Buff Man reveals himself to Batta-01 and Yuriko as he wears yellow red and blue spandex like an American Super Hero. This is Toshinori Yagi aka All Might the Number 1 Hero of Japan.

Toshinori Yagi aka All Might! The Number 1 Hero of Japan & Symbol of Peace! I AM HERE!!!

All Might looked at Yuriko as he helped her stand up and looked at her injury he knew she was hurt pretty badly, he needed to bring her to the hospital otherwise she would get hurt.

All Might: Are you alright, young lady?

Yuriko: I'm fine...

All Might put Yuriko down gently on the ground as he looked at Batta-01 with his serious looks, he saw something wrong with his eyes and got a feeling that someone had brainwashed him.

All Might: I don't know why are you doing this but I won't let you hurt the young lady. *Serious*

Batta-01: Out of my way, All Might... This girl is a Traitor to Shocker and my mission is eliminated her...

All Might: Shocker? *Confused*

Yuriko: Please don't hurt him, he's not a Villain. He's got brainwashed by a terrorist group and I'm saving him from being control!

All Might: I see. *Look at Batta-01* Don't worry, young man. I will save you from the terrorist group.

Batta-01: Then you're now an enemy to Shocker for helping that Traitor... Number 1 Hero...

All Might: I don't think so. *Serious and put a fighting stance*

Batta-01 charged at All Might as he punched at All Might but he blocked the attack. All Might push back as he see Batta-01 doesn't hold back his strength.

Batta-01 and All Might charged at each other as they clashed their fist against each other and caused a shockwave around the city which Yuriko got cover from the attack.

All Might: Damn, what a powerful punch...

Batta-01: You're getting on my nerve, All Might. I will kill that girl for the organization happiness...

All Might: I won't allow it! Even you kill the young lady! I won't let it happen and save you from the Shocker, young man!

All Might punches at Batta-01 many times as Batta-01 blocks it but he feels the pain a bit before Batta-01 pushes back and Batta-01 Rider jumps and kicks at All Might but he blocks it with his kick.

All Might and Batta-01 push back as All Might performs a hook punch at Batta-01 but he dodges it and Batta-01 punches at All Might with his powerful punch as All Might blocks it.

All Might: Detroit... SMASH!!!!

Batta-01: Not soo fast!

Just as All Might use Detroit Smash at Batta-01 Batta-01 blocks the punch from All Might. Making him shocked and Yuriko knew his punch wasn't working on Batta-01.

All Might: Nani?! Masaka!? He's managed to stop my Detroit Smash!?

Batta-01: Too predictable... *Punch at All Might weak spot*

All Might: GAH! *Cough up the blood from his mouth*

All Might gets hurt and coughs up the blood which makes Yuriko worry about Batta-01 knowing All Might's weakness because the Shocker knows Pro Heroes's weakness.

All Might: Gah! How did he know that spot? *Shocked tone*

Batta-01: Muda da, Number 1 Hero. I know exactly where to punch at you...

All Might's Mind: This boy know my weakness!?

Batta-01 charged at All Might but All Might blocked his punch whenever he screamed in pain before Batta-01 slammed All Might down on the ground.

All Might: AGH!!!

Yuriko: All Might! Look out! *Point behind All Might*

All Might: Oh shit! *Turn around*

Batta-01: You let your guard down, All Might! *Punch at All Might's stomach*

All Might: GRUAAGHH!!!

Batta-01 punched All Might's stomach as he got knocked out of the cold and lay on the ground as he lost consciousness. Batta-01 glare at Yuriko.

Yuriko: Don't do this, Takashi Ichinose. Shocker is using you as an tool...

Batta-01: Lies... They showed me the path of happiness to remove the pain and sadness. That is why Shocker give us the Happiness.

Yuriko: This isn't you, Takashi Ichinose! You're not a slave to Shocker! You're a human who want to help people!

Batta-01 rushed and grabbed Yuriko's neck as he strangled her and she was about to lose her breath. Batta-01 glance at Yuriko as he about to finish her off.

Yuriko: P-P-Please, remember who you were, T-Takashi... *About to lose her breath*

Batta-01: I'm Batta-01 but I will finish you off- *Interrupt by a shout*

???: YAMETE!!!

Batta-01 was alert before he looked around but when he looked up, see it saw a blue and pink energy arrow appear before it brokes into a bunch of bunny-shaped ice into Batta-01.

Batta-01: ...?! *Shocked*

Then bunny-shaped ice hit Batta-01 as he was frozen in an ice cube and tried to break himself from the ice. He wondered who froze him.

Batta-01: ARGH!!!

???: Are you alright, Yuriko?!

Yuriko: I-I'm fine... But you're late, Mitsuki Nanoko! Where the heck are during the plan to free your boyfriend from Shocker control?!

Reveal it was Mitsuki Nanoko because she was transported to the world of MHA by Zi-O and she was calling for help until she met All Might to stop Batta-01.

Mitsuki: I'm sorry! I was calling All Might for help to stop Batta-01!

Yuriko: *Sigh* It's fine, but we need to free him right now. The ice won't hold him for long, I let you talk to your long lost boyfriend before I began my process to unbrainwashed him.

Mitsuki: *Nods as she look at Batta-01* Takashi-Kun... Don't you remember me? It's me, your girlfriend Mitsuki Nanoko!

Batta-01: Stop calling me Takashi, I'm Batta Augment-01 an Soldier to Shocker! And I don't know you!

Mitsuki: S-Sonna...

Yuriko: Look, I gonna free him out while you know- *Interrupt by Batta-01*

Batta-01: Not soo fast! *About to break out the ice*

Yuriko and Mitsuki are alert as Batta-01 is use his strength power and is about to break out two girls need to do something to stop Batta-01.

Yuriko: Mitsuki! Quickly shoot arrow to keep freezing him while I gonna free him from the brainwash!

Mitsuki: H-Hai!

Mitsuki shoot her ice arrow from her bow to keep frozen Batta-01, he keep frozen as he tries to break the ice but he doesn't see Yuriko isn't there.

Batta-01: W-Where did she go?!

Yuriko: Behind you.

Yuriko walks behind the ice block and then puts her hand on Batta-01 ready to unbrainwashed Batta-01 as her eyes turn blue and he is scream to free himself from the ice.

Yuriko: It's will be painful, soo please endured it a little. Takashi Ichinose.

Batta-01: *Scream* ENOUGH!

Batta-01 is struggling and the ice is cracking as Batta-01 is about to break free again. Mitsuki feels tired as she can't use her Ice arrow anymore.

Yuriko: He about to break free again, Mitsuki you need to do something! This is our only shot left!

Mitsuki: ... I have an idea! Just hold him for a second!

Mitsuki opened Batta-01's mouthguard as he was confused and shocked before Mitsuki looked at him and knew what she gonna do with Batta-01.

Batta-01: What are you gonna do to me?!

Mitsuki: Sorry about this, Takashi-Kun!

The scene show Mitsuki kiss Batta-01's mouth as he wide his eyes while Mitsuki still kissing him and confused about what she was doing to him.

Batta-01: Aghhhhh.... *Eyes Widen*

Yuriko: That your idea!?

Mitsuki stopped kissing him as Yuriko had done to free him from brainwashing. Batta-01 is confused before he kneels down as Yuriko looks at Mitsuki with weird looks.

Yuriko: Really, Mitsuki? Kissing him?

Mitsuki: Hey! I don't have other choices and I loved Takashi-Kun. That kiss was meant everything to us, Yuriko!

Yuriko: *Sigh* I suppose you're right... Let's check on him.

Yuriko and Mitsuki look at Batta-01 and kneel down as he holds his head in pain Mitsuki worry about Batta-01 while Yuriko knows what's happened to him.

Mitsuki: Is he's alright? *Worried tone*

Yuriko: This is memory processing since he gonna see his memory...

Batta-01: I-I...

The memory scene shows Takashi hanging out with Mitsuki in the park for dating. They look at each other as they smile at each other.

Mitsuki: What did you think of the dating~?

Takashi: I like it, Mitsuki. *Smiles*

Mitsuki: I'm so happy~! *Kiss Takashi's cheek*

The memory scene shows young Takashi and young Nijiro watching their first Kamen Rider series known as The First. Takashi and Nijiro look at each other and want to be Kamen Riders.

Young Nijiro: Let's go! Kamen Rider! Rider... Punch!

Young Takashi: Rider Jump! Rider Kick!

Young Nijiro: Big bro! When we grow up, I want to become a Hero like Kamen Rider! *Cheerful smiles*

Young Takashi: *Smile* Same! I want to be a motorbike racer like Takeshi Hongo!

The third memory shows Shocker Scientists turning Takashi on the medical bed and they remodeled him into an Augment as he is screaming in pain from modification.

Shocker Scientist 1: Takashi Ichinose, welcome to Shocker.

Shocker Scientist 2: You are the next Batta-Augment 01 of Shocker!

Shocker Scientist 3: Now, accept the power we gift to you and be Soldier of Shocker for our happiness!

Shocker Scientist 4: You shall serve and be loyal to Shocker!

Takashi: No! I will not become one of you, AGHHHHH!!!!

The memory shows one of Shocker scientist activating the wind turbine and torturing him with electrics as Takashi scream in pain when they make him an Augment.

Takashi: *Scream* AAAAAGHHHH!!!!

All Scientists: From now on, you are Batta-Augment 01 of the Shocker!

The memory is over as Batta-01 snaps out of it and sees Mitsuki as he is tear up under the mask. He remembers who he was and why he became like this.

Batta-01: *Start tearing up* M-Mitsuki...? I-Is that you...?

Mitsuki: *Start tearing up* You remember... Takashi-Kun?

Batta-01: Y-Yes... W-What's happened to me...?

Mitsuki: *Rush to hug Batta-01* BAKA TAKASHI-KUN!

Mitsuki hugged Takashi as he was surprised before hugging her back, and they hugged each other after Mitsuki finally saw Takashi again after many months of got kidnapped by Shocker.

Mitsuki: Baka! Don't you know how much I worried about you!? *Hug him tight while crying*

Batta-01: I'm sorry, Mitsuki... I miss you as well.

Mitsuki: When I found out you were kidnapped by Shocker, I thought I lost you forever...

Batta-01: But what's happened to me? Did I hurt someone else?

Mitsuki: You don't wanna know...

Batta-01 looks at the damage he caused, he is horrified as his memory shows him that he murdered some security and Pro Heroes even destroyed the Public Hero Building.

Batta-01: What's have I done...

Mitsuki: Takashi, it's not your fault.

Batta-01: But! I destroyed a building and killed alot of innocent lives... It's all my fault... I don't deserve mercy for what I did...

Yuriko: It's fine, that is not your fault Takashi Ichinose. Shocker was forcing you to do their work against your will.

Batta-01: I guess you are right...

Batta-01 heard a phone call as he took out a communication device and learned this device belonged to Shocker which made him surprise.

Batta-01: It's Shocker, they calling me to report the mission now.

Mitsuki: Oh no, what should we do?!

Yuriko: Just betray them and tell them that you won't work for them anymore.

Batta-01: Don't worry, I got this.

Batta-01 answered the communication phone device as Kumo-01 answered the phone and asked him did he had eliminated Yuriko Midorikawa.

Kumo-01: Batta Augment-01, report. Have you eliminated Yuriko Midorikawa?

Batta-01: No... She escape from me, sir... *Emotionless tone*

Kumo-01: Dammit, even you got fall into that's woman traps! Keep hunting her to find Professor Midorikawa as well.

Batta-01: Roger... But I have to tell you something... *Emotionless tone*

Kumo-01: Hmm? Tell me something, Batta-01? *Confused*

Batta-01 gonna crush his communication device Kumo-01 was shocked and angry that Batta-01 was betraying the Shocker and the Augment.

Batta-01: You have failed, Shocker! I finally free from your control! Thank to Miss Yuriko! *Smirk*

Kumo-01: Y-YOU! Dare betraying us after what we done to you?! We give you happiness and you turn your back on us siding with the Traitors?!

Batta-01: Urusai! You guys kidnapped me and brainwash me! Took away my free will and turned me into a mindless soldier! Also, I have something to say to you!

Kumo-01: Nani?! What did you say?!

Batta-01: From now on, I am ally to Humanity and Emeny to Shocker! And you Kumo Augment-01... Kiss my ass! Spider-Cunt! *Crush the device*

Batta-01 crush the communication device by his hand and throw it away before wipe his hand to clean the dust away. He finally free from the Shocker.

Batta-01: It's done, Shocker know I have betrayed them. We need to run now.

Mitsuki: Yeah but we cannot bring Yuriko because they might hunt her!

Yuriko: I'll be fine, but we have to separate for now. Mitsuki Nanoko, you should go with your boyfriend.

Mitsuki: Okay but please be careful, alright?

Yuriko: I will. *Look at Batta-01* And you, Takashi Ichinose. I got something for you.

Batta-01: Hm? What is it?

Yuriko gives Batta-01 a black trench coat and an address paper to her different hideout. Batta-01 grabs the black trench coat and address paper as he looks at Yuriko.

Yuriko: Put this on and here is the address to my another hideout, my Father is hiding there and waiting for you. Come until you lose tail from Shocker.

Batta-01: I understand.

Mitsuki: Please be safe, Yuriko-San!

Yuriko: I'll be fine, just go you two! Run now! I'll be waiting for you two after they lost our tails!

Both: Right!

Yuriko left as she headed back to her other hideout. Batta-01 and Mitsuki is ready to run together Mitsuki wonders what's about All Might.

Batta-01: Alright, I think we should go. Mitsuki.

Mitsuki: Wait, what about All Might? *Look at unconscious All Might*

Batta-01: Don't worry. The Pro Heroes gonna pick him up.

Mitsuki: Naruhodo, I hope they arrived in time or Shocker will do anything on him...

Batta-01: Yeah, let's go. Mitsuki *Grab her hand then run together*

Batta-01 and Mitsuki ran together and left. As they finally left, All Might woke up and look confused before he remembered he was knocked out by Batta-01.

All Might: Ow... Where is that blue hair girl and the Hopper Boy? Ugh... That boy hit my weakness is really hurt... No doubt I gonna report about this.

Batta-01 runs away with Mitsuki holding her hand as Cyclone's secret follows like a robot companion and follows Batta-01 as they run away before Batta-01 narrates.

Batta-01: *Narrating* I am finally free... I am free from Shocker after they kidnap me, turn me into Augment, and brainwash me...But I feel guilty for killing many people during the mission even almost killing Yuriko... Am I deserve to be a Kamen Rider?

Batta-01 and Mitsuki run together while Cyclone follows Batta-01 like his robot companion. But what they didn't know is a certain King and his prophet watched him from far away.

3 Days Later. The Present Day.

The scene shows everything that's happened in the prologue like Batta-01 and Mitsuki ride Cyclone away from Kumo-01 and Shocker Grunts. They are now still on the run from the Shocker.

Batta-01: *Narrating* It's been 3 days since I broked free from Shocker brainwashed, all thanks to Mitsuki and Miss Yuriko. And we have been running away from Shocker, I know what did to me but I need to check my head.

They were inside an abandoned wooden house as Mitsuki ate her bread because she was running away with Takashi for 3 days after they got separated from Yuriko.

Mitsuki: Mou... This bread is soo hard to eat...

Mitsuki ate the bread as she looked at the bathroom and she was sad as she was worried about Batta-01 and worried about his mental health and his humanity.

Mitsuki: *Sad tone* Takashi-Kun...

Meanwhile with Batta-01 inside the bathroom. He decides to check himself as he feels something wrong with his body and knows something wrong with his body.

Batta-01: It's been 3 days... What the hell Shocker did to my body when turning me into Ichigo? W-Why I felt my bloodlust rising?!

Batta-01 felt the wind inside him as he felt a survival instinct that made him aggressive. He knew he needed to remove gloves and helmet from his clothes.

Batta-01: T-The wind! It's flowing in me! I can't control myself how violent I am wearing the helmet?!

Batta-01 tries to remove his gloves as he finally pulls off his gloves, and looks at his hands. They are human hands like mutant grasshopper hands.

This shocked Takashi aka Batta-01 as he looked at his hopper hands and was afraid that he wasn't human anymore. He realized he was a mutant but not like X-Men.

Batta-01: M-My hand?! I become a kaijin or a mutant like X-Men?! I-I need to took off the helmet?!

Batta-01 tries to open the helmet he finally pulls helmet out and reveals it is his face but more horrifying because his eyes are red and red marks around his face.

Batta-01 shocked that he is no longer a human anymore because he has an inhuman face with blood marks around his face. He was shocked and afraid as he learned that Shocker turned him into a monster.


Batta-01 closes his mask to hide the monster's face, he puts his gloves on and is afraid and shocked that he lost his humanity. He feels scared and shocked that he is a monster like Kaijin.

Batta-01: What happened to my body, why I don't remember anything after Yuriko freed me? I need to ask Mitsuki.

Batta-01 gets out of the bathroom and looks at Mitsuki as Mitsuki looks back at Batta-01. He gonna ask her what's happened to his body after Yuriko free him.

Mitsuki: Takashi-Kun, what's wrong?

Batta-01: Mitsuki, did you know what's happen to my body?

Mitsuki: I-I have no idea... I only help Yuriko to free you from Shocker Brainwashed Control. She doesn't tell me anything.

Batta-01: Please, I want to know what's happened to me right now! *Shaking Mitsuki*

Mitsuki: I-ITAI!

Batta-01 realizes that he is hurting Mitsuki before letting go of Mitsuki. Mitsuki touched her should as she felt pain and Batta-01 sorry Mitsuki for hurting her.

Batta-01: O-Oh my god, I'm soo sorry Mitsuki! Did I hurt you!? I-I can't control myself due to this suit making me soo aggressive...

Mitsuki: I-I'm fine, it's not your fault... You don't remember anything back then, like we spend time with your brother and Aya-Chan?

Batta-01: My Brother? Aya-Chan? Who are they?

Mitsuki: Sonna... You don't remember them, even your own brother!? What did Shocker has done to you...?

???: I believe he lost his half memory.

This makes Batta-01 and Mitsuki alert as they turn to see a young man walk in. Batta-01 wide his eyes to see a familiar person who had arrived just now.

Batta-01: You're?! Zi-O?!

???: Hai! I'm Sougo Tokiwa but you can call me Kamen Rider Zi-O, the king of time and space.

The scene shows a brown hair young man wearing a yellow shirt, and his waist has a certain Driver as he holds his finger in a pose. This is Sougo Tokiwa aka Kamen Rider Zi-O.

Sougo Tokiwa aka Kamen Rider Zi-O! The Demon King Of Time!

This makes Batta-01 and Mitsuki shocked to see Sougo Tokiwa for the first time and they hear Sougo Tokiwa is Kamen Rider Zi-O the demon king of the time.

Batta-01: Zi-O?! Why are you here!?

Sougo: I came here to explain why are we here and the reason why you were kidnapped by Shocker.

Mitsuki: You do? *Realize* Hey if you are Rider then you know how to turn Takashi back to normal, right?

Batta-01: Yeah! I don't want to be a mutant Batta Man forever on the rest of my life! I don't know how to turn back!

Sougo: *Smile* Don't worry, let me turn off your Prana's energy.

Sougo deactivated the Typhoon as the Prana Energy flowed out and the armor chest's Prana flowed as it back to normal. Batta-01's mouth guard drops before revealing his mouth.

Batta-01 took off his helmet and touched his face as he realized he was back to his normal self, he looked at his face as he back to his normal self.

Takashi: M-My face? *Touching his face* I'm back to normal again! *Excited tone*

Mitsuki *Touch his face while tearing up* Your face... It's back to normal.

Takashi: I know right!?

Sougo: Anyway, you want an explanation?

Takashi: Yes, can you tell us why Shocker kidnapped me and turned me into a Kamen Rider? What do they want and how did I ended up in My Hero Academia World?

Sougo explained to them that Shocker targeted Takashi to become the next Batta-Augment because it was Professor Midorikawa's request, Shocker made a dimension machine after they discovered multiverse exists escaped to another world, and kidnap someone else with knowledge of MHA Anime and Kamen Riders.

Takashi: I see... That's why those Nazi Bastards kidnapped me. But where is Dr. Midorikawa?

Sougo: He was hiding with his daughter but Shocker knew the MHA World. They change the story plot and character's fates.

Takashi: NANI?! Shocker are also planning to change this world story events and the characters fate?!

Sougo: Yes and that why I need your help stopping them from changing MHA story event. Or everything will be destroyed.

Takashi: Okay but is there any person that come with you? Like a prophet.

???: You got that right, Takashi Ichinose.

Then suddenly a black robe man appeared and holding his book Sougo smiled while Takashi was shocked to see a familiar character and Mitsuki already knew who he was.

Takashi: No way...?!

Mitsuki: *Giggle* There he is.

???: IWAE! The reader of the past and the future. The prophet who will write the proper timeline. And his name is Kamen Rider Woz! This is the first page of a new history!

The black robe man reveals himself as he has a grey scarf, and holding a book with a title name saying "New Gen Kamen Rider Chronicle". This is Kuro Woz aka Kamen Rider Woz.

Kuro Woz aka Kamen Rider Woz! The Time Prophet and servant of Zi-O! IWAE!!!

This makes Takashi shocked and excited to see Woz is actually a real person, he was excited to see Woz first time when he loved Woz's Iwae moment.

Takashi: Kuro Woz!? *Excited tone*

Woz: Hai! It's nice to meet you, The next Kamen Rider Ichigo from Shin Universe.

Sougo: Alright, let's us tell you another reason why we choose you. We are looking for new generations of Kamen Rider.

Woz: Indeed, and we chose you Takashi because your destiny became Kamen Rider Ichigo.

Takashi: Eh? Nande?

Woz explains to Takashi that the Shocker looking for Kamen Rider candidates and the reason is that they try to recruit but Takashi is taken by Kumo-01 when they plan ahead.

Woz: And that's why we recruit you.

Takashi: I see... You two are trying to save me back then but didn't made it on time soo you two send my girlfriend to save me?

Woz: That is correct. And I give her the power based on March 7th.

Sougo: And Mitsuki gonna give you something important to Kamen Rider Ichigo that you know.

Takashi: Huh?

Mitsuki: *Smirk before pulling something out of her pocket* You forgot that you need a red scarf.

Mitsuki pulled out something from her pocket and revealed it was a red scarf Takashi was surprised to see a red scarf that Mitsuki was holding it.

Takashi: This is...?

Mitsuki: It's your scarf Takashi-Kun, I've been holding it for awhile after me and and Yuriko freed you from being control. I didn't get a chance to give it to you due to on a run from Shocker.

The scene shows an iconic red scarf to Takashi as he looks at the red scarf. He learns Kamen Rider Ichigo always wears a red scarf and holds for so long.

Takashi grabbed the red scarf as he smiled and knew he wanted to be a Kamen Rider Ichigo so he looked at Mitsuki and kissed her cheek as she is blush.

Takashi: Mitsuki, is this Scarf for...? *Smiles*

Mitsuki: Hai, it's your now Takashi-Kun! Since you're a now Kamen Rider Ichigo soo you can't be him without the red scarf. *Blushes*

Takashi: Thank you, Mitsuki. Can you put it on me?

Mitsuki: Hai! *Smiles as she grab the scarf*

Mitsuki smiled as she put a red scarf on Takashi's head and looked at him as he had a red scarf around his neck. Takashi wondered where Mitsuki had the power of Ice and her bow based on March 7th from Honkai Star Rail Game.

Takashi: Hey Mitsuki.

Mitsuki: Yeah, Takashi-Kun?

Takashi: How did you got March 7th power from Honkai Star Rail? Kinda ironic that you illegitimate look exactly like her.

Mitsuki: Woz uses Shiro Woz Future Notebook to give the power to me. So I have power of march 7th and her bow. He's also tell me I'm her... AR Version.

Takashi: EH?! Seriously?

Mitsuki: Yep, I was shocked and surprised about that back then. *Done putting the Scarf* Yosh, it's done.

Takashi: Sokka, naruhodo... And thank you, Mitsuki. *Smile*

Mitsuki finally done put on the red scarf to Takashi. As Takashi put his helmet on his head as the mouth guard cover his mouth and look at Mitsuki, Sougo, and Woz.

???: How do I look, Mitsuki?

Mitsuki: You look so cool and badass! *Smile*

???: TOH! *Do a pose*

The scene shows Batta-01 now has a black coat jacket, and a red scarf on his neck and doing his Kamen Rider Ichigo's pose. This is Kamen Rider whom they called Shin Kamen Rider but he prefers Kamen Rider Ichigo.

Kamen Rider Ichigo! The Shin-Verse Masked Hopper Rider And The Man Of Beginning!

Ichigo looks at himself as he feels badass and awesome. Kamen Rider Ichigo looks at Mitsuki as she gives him a thump up, Sougo smiles, and Woz nods.

Mitsuki: Sugoi, you look soo cool now!

Ichigo: Thank you! Not gonna lie, I like real Kamen Rider.

Mitsuki: Yep!

Ichigo: What you think of me as Ichigo, Sougo-San?

Sougo: You look amazing as Kamen Rider, Takashi. *See Woz doing something* Woz?

Woz: *Shout* IWAE!!

Woz does his pose and says his famous words as he Iwae Takashi Ichinose who is the new gen of Kamen Rider Ichigo in Reiwa Timeline and the Shin-Verse.

Woz continues to say his Iwae twice as Mitsuki and Ichigo are surprised while Sougo sweatdrops to see Woz doing Iwae again.

Woz: IWAE! You all bear witness to the first Kamen Rider of Beginning and the Rider from the Shin Universe that rider jumps toward the sky to rider kick! His name is Kamen Rider Ichigo, and his story is begin!

This makes Ichigo, Mitsuki, and Sougo sweatdrop as Sougo nervously chuckles and knows Woz is excited to do Iwae to Kamen Rider Ichigo as they know Ichigo's story is beginning.


To Be Continued.

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