Chapter Eight

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A/N: Sorry. I couldn't help myself.

"A letter from red haired Shanks?" You asked.

You sat on his hip watching him read over the letter. He grunted before handing it to you. Since he couldn't read such tiny print.

"If that redhaired brat wants to talk to me then he would be here in person. Not some errand boy who's delivering false letters." Newgate snapped.

You furrowed to him, "Newgate."

"You know as well as I do that brat would be here before us instead of sending a bloody letter."

You sighed, your husband had won that battle. Before you had the chance to read it Newgate snapped it from you crumbled it up and tossed it at the boy. Your son's chuckled as you sighed resting against Newgate's arm.

"Now get off my ship. If Shanks wants to talk to me. Then have him come here instead." Newgate demanded.

You patted his chest calming him down. The boy left with the crumpled note and with what little hope he had left. Furrowing you snapped over to Newgate and crossed your arms. He cocked a brow to you.

"What?" He asked.

"That was very disrespectful of you. How dare you treat such a boy that way. Would you want our son's being treated like that?"

Newgate smirked, "Oh. Are you ticked off with me?"

"Yes! I can't believe you didn't hear him out. If Shank-" you furrowed, "Your enjoying this aren't you?"

"I like it when you're mad. You rarely show the fire in your belly. It really turns me on."

"Edward Newgate I swear one of these days you're going to regret that cocky tone you give me."

"What are you gonna do about it? Hm? Punish me?"

"No booze for a week."

His smile faded, "W-what?"

"You heard me."

"You can't do that-"

"Watch me."

You stood up just a bit lower than his chin. An intimidating look on your face with a sweet smile. You kissed him softly maintaining eye contact.

"Guzzle a drop of alcohol and you will see my true power." 

"You're bluffing."

"Isn't there a saying of. Behind every strong man. There's a stronger woman? Well. If you're the strongest man in the world? What does that make me?"

Then you pushed away from his chair and headed inside. Newgate pursed his lips as his witnessing sons snickered. As the strongest man had lost against a mere star.

About a day had passed since your threat. Newgate had shaped up a bit as you purred between his knees. This was fun. Watching him squirm and fidget. While you held a crisp cold bottle of booze in your hot little hand.

Now. You hated the stuff. Tasted like an upset stomach and a painful headache. But. It was just a prop to tease your husband. But. Knowing you, you couldn't stay mad at him long.

You sighed handing up the bottle to him. He looked like you were tricking him. But the second nudge had him take the bottle and guzzle it down. You sighed resting back on his thigh.

"Hey pops! There's land ahead."

You both perked up. To the island you all were floating to.

Before you knew it you were already disembarked and on the island. You on the other hand were shopping for new clothes. Newgate sometimes doesn't know his own strength. And has ripped or tore a few of your good outfits.

So. It was time to shop anyway.

Until there was a few guys who stumbled upon you. They pinned you to a wall with slurred tongues and sloppy grins.

"Is your daddy a meat burglar? Cause someone stole two fine hams and shoved them down the back of your pants." One said.

Daddy? What the hell is that? Is that another name for pops? Well so is Dad. But why would Newgate steal any meat?

"I assure you he wouldn't steal meat."

"Is your daddy's name Oliver? Cause you'll be Oliver this dick."

"No his name is Newgate."

"Your daddy must play the trumpet. Cause your makin me horny."

"And you have ten seconds to scram before I crush your head between my fingers."

They turned to Newgate before screaming and running off. You giggled, as Newgate scooped you up and sat you on his shoulder.

"What does daddy mean?" You asked.

"It's another name for pops." Newgate said.

"Oh. Then why don't the boys call you daddy?"

"It's something usually younger children or some adults call fathers."

"So I can call you daddy?"

He glanced to you as you smirked.

"Something tells me you wouldn't mind me calling you daddy."

"Knock it off before the boys hear you."

"Oh. You can tease me but I can't tease you? Hm daddy?"

Then that night the two of you were locked away in your room.

The following morning the crew must of disembarked and were scrambling around. You grumbled turning your head on Newgate's chest. The door opened to Marco.

"He's here."

Now if your telling me that Whitebeard wouldn't have a daddy kink. You'd be lying.

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