Chapter Two

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"Ow!" You barked.

"I'm sorry ma'am I'm going to have to wrap your ankle." The doctor said.

You sighed as he had taken your foot once more wrapping your ankle. He wore white maybe he was the man of white. But you frowned to that. He was already married. His eyes glanced up to you before finishing your ankle.

"May I ask what happened?" He asked.

"Oh I fell." You shrugged.

"I see."

You smiled softly.

"She got too curious about the crater and fell in." Newgate said.

You slowly pursed your lips and turned to Newgate. He sat in a chair on the opposite side of you. The three of you were pulled behind a curtain as the doctor sat back and nodded. He turned to Newgate and handed him a small bag of bandages.

"You should help keep the misses off her feet." He said.

"Oh no we're not-"

You cocked your head, "Misses?"

The doctor left before you gasped to the white wrapping to your ankle. You pulled up your foot but hissed to the pain. You delicately touched the soft fabric before smiling softly.

"What do you call this?" You asked.

"It's a bandage. It helps your ankle heel." Newgate said.

You looked up to him but his eyes were stuck to you. Your smile faded as he blinked. He got up cupping your face between his large hands.

"You- you were glowing!" He said.

"No wasn't." You huffed, "I shine, stars don't glow."

You rolled your eyes as he furrowed, "Your, a star?"

You batted his hands away, "Well yeah, I was in the crater wasn't I?"

"You're beautiful."

Your eyes widened as a hue of blush took over your face. You clutched onto your dress and pursed your lips.

"I. I've. Never heard that before." You said.

He smiled softly, "Well I will help you. I'll teach you what you want to know on earth. Well until your ankle heels."

You smiled softly, "I guess that wouldn't hurt."

He scooped you up delicately before taking you out of the hospital. You clutched onto his vest looking to the many lights hung in the town. You smiled reaching out to touch one when Newgate stopped you.

"You'll hurt yourself." He said.

You turned to him, "How?"

"It's hot. Like the sun."

You gave a soft oh before reaching for his hair. Then touched your (H/C) hair. Feeling they both were pretty soft.

"You know, I never got your name." He said.

"Oh, my name is (L/N) (F/N). And I'm a fallen star. It's nice to meet you. Newgate. What is it you do?"

"I'm a pirate."

You gasped, "A pirate?! How amazing! Will you tell me some of your stories?"

He chuckled, "Maybe tomorrow."

Newgate got onto his smallish ship before heading inside. He took you into his room and put you up on a hammock. You smiled hanging up in the air. Newgate kicked off his shoes and rolled off his vest. You seemed to be drawn to him. Now that his vest showed off more of his muscles. And his form. He turned to you as you snapped away and tossed away from him.

"Here's a question for you star." He said.

You looked over your shoulder to him, "Yes?"

"What would you wish for?"

You hummed tossing over and turned to him. Newgate sat on the corner of his bed awaiting your answer. Smiling softly to yourself you held your heart.

"I'd wish for love. A story I've heard of many times. Something I'd like to experience myself." You sighed.

Newgate chuckled climbing into bed, but he was turned to you.

"Are you going to sleep?" You asked.

"Yes. It's night time." He said.

"Right, humans sleep at night."

"And stars stay awake."

You nodded, "What would you wish for?"

"A family."

"What's that?"

"It's a group with parents and kids. It's like love, but. A lot of people would love you."

"Then I want one too."

He chuckled, "Goodnight (Y/N)."

You smiled shutting your eyes, "Goodnight Newgate."

There was a loud l clumping and trotting of horses. A small group of men headed into the forest to the crater. They slid to a stop before the large hole in the ground. One man stepped out of the bunch dresses in royal rags and a crown upon his head. His eyes dark and cold looking into the hole. He turned his horse to the small bunch of guards.

"Bring me my star. NOW!" He barked.

You awoke to the sound of seagulls and the sea. Fluttering your eyes open, you glanced around seeing Newgate was gone. You sat up and struggled to get down when Newgate came back.

"You shouldn't be walking on that leg." He earned.

"It feels fine. See."

You stepped down walking around just fine. But there was a slight twinge having you freeze a moment. He sighed going to you and picking you up. You clutched onto Newgates neck and noticed the many scars littered on his back.

"You have many little scars." You said.

Your fingers ran over the larger ones, or the rugged ones.

"I'm a pirate, what'd you expect." He said.

"I've never seen a pirate before. Or another human with my own eyes."

Once the door was open your eyes widened to the beauty of the day. Newgate set you down as you stepped up on deck. Your eyes flicked to the sea, the trees, and the many people on the island. You turned to him with tears in your eyes.

"Is this the beauty of daylight?" You asked.

He gave a breathless answer, "Yes."

The wind tousled your hair and your dress. You shut your eyes feeling the cool of the wind butterfly over your skin and blow through your hair. Your dress was tousled up in the air and flutter in the wind. Once you opened your eyes Newgate was standing before you. You blushed slightly.

"Stop looking at me like that. It makes me. Feel funny." You said.

He chuckled tilting up your chin, "Can't help it."

But the moment was broken when there was a loud scream and shattering glass. You and Newgate went into town to investigate.

People were throwing and picking on a small boy who had caught aflame with a blue fire. He was huddled to the ground battered and bleeding. You furrowed approaching the boy and knelt down to him. He looked up to you as you smiled softly.

"It's alright. I won't hurt you." You said.

You watched the flame disappear before tears welded up in his eyes. He embraced you as you held him back. You looked to Newgate.

"Close your eyes." You said.

He furrowed, "Wha- what for?"

"I'm gonna do what stars do best." You said.

A blinding light began to take your form clutching onto the small boy. Newgate turned away shutting his eyes.

"Shine." You said.

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