Art Dump #2

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Just a small dump from random stuff I found. Tomorrow, I'll update with proper stuff. Hopefully.


I did these chibis AGES ago. Some of you might remember these from my Art Request book. I am quite proud of them.

Lugia left, Ho-Oh right.

Yveltal left, Xerneas right.

Kyogre left, Groudon right.

Primal Kyogre left, Primal Groudon right.

Here's a toucan made with ironed beads of some sort, about six months ago:

A felt doughnut I made at school, maybe three months ago:

And yep, that's it for now.

Thank you again for all the support, guys. Truly. Thanks so much. I mean- 10K views. 10,000 views- And not just on this book. I have been getting so much support on multiple book, I- I just can't believe I started as a tiny little account with cringy vampire stories, and now I'm this- an incredibly grateful and happy person. ♥️

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