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We see a rocket as it was seen flying through space as we see it flying to the planet earth as we go to earth in Japan as we see a car was driving through the road as we see the rocket fly by as the car stopped as we see the couple get out and see the rocket as it lands to the ground. We then see the couple as they walk to where the rocket had landed.

Craig: Hey Mia, what was that?

We then see them go to the site as the woman walks off.

Craig: Mia, over here. Mia?

We then see Mia as she saw the rocket as she walked to it as she reached out to it the rocket opened up as she looked and saw that within the rocket was a sleeping baby as we see Craig walking to Mia.

Craig: Mia? Mia?

Mia: Shhh, you'll wake him.

Craig: Mia, put that thing back. We don't know where it came from.

Mia: It's not a thing, it's a baby boy. Who would put a baby in a spaceship?

Craig: That's just my point, could be Russian, a spy baby.

Mia: Oh stop it.

Craig: Maybe he's one of ours, think JAXA's missing a kid

Mia: I don't care where he came from, all I know is that he needs us Craig. Look at how he's reaching you.

We then see Mia hand Craig the baby as he smiles as the baby smiles at him.

Craig: Cute little fella. (sees the baby grabbing his finger) Good grip. (feels the baby's grip tighten) Ow!

Mia: (takes the baby) What do you think of the name Damian?

Craig: Mia, let's discuss this.

Mia: Or Dillan?

Craig: Mia?

Mia: Or Kyle? Oh, we can use my father's name. What do you think of-

We then see the scene change as we see a young man as he was seen in a room.

Kiriya: Dimitri.

Dimitri then turns and sees a man in his forties with gray hair.

Dimitri: Yes sensei?

Kiriya: It seems you daydreamed your way to success in training.

Dimitri: Thank you sensei.

Katsu: Boy genius, always at the ace level.

Kiriya: You on the other hand need to work on your training.

Katsu: Yes sir.

We later see Dimitri as he was walking with five girls as Dimitri seemed to be in deep thought.

Yagyu: For someone who completed training you don't seem to be happy.

Dimitri: Sorry Yagyu, there's just some things in my mind right now.

Katsu: Like you wanting to grab Asuka's tatas?

Dimitri: (blushes) No! Not that, it's just over the past 3 months I've been feeling kinda weird.

Asuka: Katsu always thinks that you're weird. (looks at Dimitri) Come on Dimitri, it's me Asuka, the girl who's had a crush on you since we were like 3? You can tell us.

Dimitri: It's just I've been hearing things, things I couldn't hear before. (points at a girl whispering to a boy) Like over there, Tatsu is asking Hanzo to the movies

Asuka: You actually heard that?

Dimitri: And I can see through walls

Katsu: So how many times have you peeked into the girls locker room

Dimitri: Not that. I mean for real.

Dimitri looks at a building and looks at it as he sees through the wall and sees a woman on a ladder setting up decorations for a party.

Dimitri: Like in that building, that lady is inside setting up decorations for a party. Somebody should be holding that ladder.

Asuka: Really?

Dimitri: Yeah, just right now I'm going through a bad time now and-

He then stopped and looked in a direction.

Dimitri: Wait, listen.

Ikaruga: What is it?

We then went to a road as a camper was seen driving through the road as a tire then popped, sending the camper sliding through the street as we went to Dimitri as he looked at the girls.

Dimitri: Call an ambulance, there's gonna be an accident.

Katsu: What? How do you know?

Dimitri then ran off at a fast speed as we go to a gas station as we see a man was at a tanker truck as the back was filled with gasoline as we see the man loading the gas as we see the camper was driving out of control and heading to the gas station as it crashed into the tanker truck knocking it down and breaking the hose as we see Dimitri running to the scene as we see an explosion as Dimitri then ran to the camper as it was on it's side as Dimitri jumped on it and then grabbed the door ripping it off as he reached out to a couple and pulled them out and led them away from the fire.

Girl: Mommy!

Mother: Anne!

They turned and saw a girl was inside the camper banging on the back window as Dimitri then ran to it and ripped the window off and grabbed the girl as we see the gas station exploded as we see the girls run to the scene as they saw the explosion as we then see Dimitri walking out of the flames shirtless but completely unharmed as he had the girl in his arms.

Anne: Mommy!

She then ran to her mother and hugged her as we see the girls run to Dimitri.

Ikaruga: How are you not burned?

Dimitri: I don't know.

We later see Dimitri and the girls at Dimitri's home with his parents as Dimitri was seen holding a metal rod.

Dimitri: I'm growing stronger everyday.

He then bended the metal as the others looked at it in shock as Craig took the bent metal

Hibari: Wow.

Dimitri: And that's not the half of it.

Dimitri then looked at the rod as they saw the middle of it was getting hot.

Craig: It's getting hot.

Yagyu: But all Dimitri only did was look at it.

Dimitri: I know. I don't know how it happened. Suddenly I was running faster than I ever ran before, I ripped a camper door off like it was made of paper and the fire never even touched me. I knew I felt different even before you and mom told me I was adopted but how is this possible, how can I do these things?I do these things?

Craig then looked at Mia.

Craig: I think it's time Mia.

We then see them going to a shed.

Craig: We never showed you this son, I guess we didn't know how to explain it. And we still don't.

He then opened it as the others looked and saw a rocket inside it.

Craig: You know how some babies are found in baskets, well this is how we found you.

Katsu: You're kidding?

Ikaruga: I believe they're serious.

Asuka: But where did Dimitri come from?

Mia: We don't know, there wasn't much inside. Just some blankets, a pouch of rings and this. (pulls out a device)

Craig: Never could get this thing to open. Maybe you have the magic touch.

They then handed Dimitri the device as it started to glow as he looked to see the screen moving as it then shows a symbol of a diamond with a s in it as it then brought a beam to Dimitri's head as he then looked to see he was in a different place with advanced technology.

Dimitri: What's happening?

???: Kars-El.

Dimitri: Who?

He then looked to see a man and woman.

Zel-El: Hello son, you activated the message we placed in your escape rocket. I am Zel-El.

Sara: And I am Sara, we are your parents.

Dimitri then looked at them in complete shock.

Zel-El: By the time you see this our world will be gone.

Sara: You are the sole survivor of krypton, a planet much like earth.

We then see the others as they look at Dimitri.

Dimitri: No this can't be true.

Hibari: It's hurting him.

Craig: Let him be.

We then see Dimitri as he was looking at Zel-El and Sara.

Zel-El: You may have already discovered that you are much stronger and faster than a normal human being.

Dimitri: I am a normal human being!

Sara: Your kryptonian body draws its strength from earth's yellow sun.

Zel-El: It will give you abilities that no other human has.

Dimitri: I don't believe any of this.

Sara: Some people will fear you, perhaps even try to destroy you. Despite this, you must never use your powers in anger.

Zel-El: Be brave my son, remember who you are and the legacy you carry inside you.

Sara: We love you Kars-El, always.

She then reached her hand out as Dimitri looked at her and reached his hand out and saw them vanish as he looked to see he was back to the others.

Dimitri: This can't be true. I'm not a freak. I'm not. I'M NOT!

He then punched the wall of the shed as it splintered into sawdust as Dimitri looked in shock as be then ran off as he was seen running at a fast speed as he then jumped over a river as he then looked back and ran as he jumped into the air and was slowly descends slowly as he then looked to see he was floating in the air.

Dimitri: Yes!

He then started to fly around town as he was seen flying through the air as he was seen going through the clouds as we see him going back to home as he landed to the ground as the others came to him. We later see Dimitri was sitting outside as he was seen looking at the stars as he then hears footsteps.

Dimitri: I know it's you Asuka, I heard you coming.

He turns and sees Asuka.

Asuka: I was just checking to see if you were alright.

Dimitri: I'm fine. Still processing what I just learned.

Asuka then walked to him and sat next to Dimitri.

Asuka: Such as?

Dimitri: Well I found out that I'm actually from Krypton, a planet that's kind of similar to earth. And my real name is actually Kars-El.

Asuka: You're still Dimitri to me.

Dimitri: Really?

Asuka: Of course, it doesn't matter where you come from, you're still the Dimitri that I know and love. That will never change how I see you, I'll still love you no matter what.

Dimitri: Thanks Asuka, I am actually glad to be with the girl that I love.

Asuka: And I'm glad to be with you.

Dimitri: For hearing this I had hoped that you girls would see past the flaws I have.

Asuka: Dimitri it isn't about looking past your flaws. (holds Dimitri's hand) it's about accepting them, it's about people seeing the flaws and scars that you have and still love you no matter what.

Dimitri: Thank you Asuka, and there is something I want to do if you trust me.

Asuka: Of course.

Dimitri: Hold on.

She then held on to Dimitri as he then flew up into the air as Asuka looked and saw how far they were above the ground as she looked in amazement of them flying through tokyo as Dimitri looked at Asuka as he smiled at her as we see him fly to the clouds as Asuka touched some as they looked at the many stars and constellations as Dimitri stopped as he floated in the air while holding Asuka.

Dimitri: Asuka, I'm glad to have you with me in my life.

Asuka: Me too.

Dimitri and Asuka then came close as their lips met into a kiss as Asuka's arms wrapped around Dimitri's neck as his arms wrapped around Asuka's waist bringing her closer as their silhouettes were seen in the light of the moon as we see them returning home.

Dimitri: I'll see you later, Asuka.

Asuka: Me too.

He then went inside as he began to smile knowing that he has others who still care for him for who he is.


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