Stone by day warriors by night

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We see Dimitri and the others as they were seen in the castle of the tower as Dimitri was seen talking with Brooklyn

Dimitri: So you and Bronx are the last members of your clan that have been asleep for a thousand years

Brooklyn: That's right.

Katsuki: Then how the hell did the spell get broken?

Brooklyn: It was made to end when the castle rose above the clouds.

Dimitri: I see.

Brooklyn: Our last human friend betrayed us and he allowed Vikings to shatter the others during our stone sleep

Dimitri: I know how that feels to lose something. You lost all the members of your clan, I lost my home planet.

Brooklyn: Home planet?

Dimitri: Yes, I may look human but I have abilities beyond a normal human. I'm stronger than them.

He then held a metal pole made by Momo as he bent it into a sculpture of Bronx

Brooklyn: No way.

Dimitri: And that's not the half of it.

Dimitri then looked at the statue as his eyes glow red and the statue melts

Brooklyn: It melted, but all you did was look at it.

Dimitri: Yeah, so far I have super strength, speed, endurance, x-ray vision and flight.

Brooklyn: How are you able to do it?

Asuka: His body draws its strength from the yellow sun.

Dimitri: Exactly, and even with this power humans would most likely fear me or in some cases try to destroy me, so I can't use my powers in anger.

Brooklyn: Goliath would love to meet you.

Mina: Goliath?

Sero: Who's Goliath?

???: That would be me.

They all looked and saw a purple gargoyle walk into the room with his wings folded as a cloak.

Dimitri: Oh, so you're their leader?

Goliath: Yes. It is rare to find someone who is similar to us.

Dimitri: Yeah, seeing how we both lost everything that mattered to us.

Asuka: But even if you lost something Dimitri, when you came to earth you got something new, a family, friends and a team.

We then see Katsu come behind Asuka and start groping her chest.

Katsu: Yeah and you even have these to play with!

Goliath: Disgusting. Is this a regular occurrence?

Dimitri: Unfortunately yes.

Dimitri then came to Asuka and pulled her to him.

Dimitri: Katsu, why do you have to keep fondling Asuka when you got your own?

Katsu: Come on, a little groping won't hurt anyone, it might even make them grow a cup size or two.

Dimitri: God you're such a freaking pervert.

Katsu: Come on, it's not like you would want to do it.

Dimitri: Hey, don't try to pull that crap on me. Unlike you I am not as dirty minded.

Mina: Well if we're gonna be here, maybe we can look around and see what there is.

Tenya: A swell idea, it will be best to know this town.

Dimitri: Right and we do need to be careful, who knows if Ashton is gonna be out looking for us.

Ikaruga: Right, so we just need to lay low until then.

We see Dimitri as he is seen walking around town until his stomach starts to growl.

Dimitri: Seems like I can use a bite to eat.

Dimitri then saw a pizza restaurant.

Dimitri: Pizza? Well it may not be Asuka's futomaki rolls but guess it'll do.

???: Mind if I join you?

Dimitri then turned around and saw a woman with black hair and a red jacket

Dimitri: Sure, I mind some company. Dimitri by the way.

Elisa: Elisa. So I assume you met Goliath and the others?

Dimitri: Yes I have, I assume they told you about me and my friends?

Elisa: Yeah they did.

We later see them in the restaurant as they were talking.

Elisa: So you were from a planet called Krypton and you've been living on earth for years.

Dimitri: Yeah, I grew up in Tokyo and learned to be a shinobi along with my team and friends Ikaruga, Miyabi, Yagyu, Katsuragi or Katsu for short and Asuka.

Elisa: Sounds like you and that girl are pretty close.

Dimitri: Well we are, me and Asuka both had a crush on each other when we were three.

Elisa: Well that's sweet.

Dimitri: Yeah, but right now I'm just trying to keep a low profile because some maniac called Ashton is trying to kill me.

Elisa: I see.

Dimitri: But if he's around just promise you won't tell him that I am here.

Elisa: I won't.

Dimitri: Thank you.

Dimitri was later seen walking around town as he stopped and looked at a display window as he saw a necklace with a crystal looking like a japanese cherry blossom.

Dimitri: Hey, Asuka would love that.

We see Dimitri as he was seen paying for it as he was seen walking out the shop with the necklace in a box.

Dimitri: She's gonna love this.

Dimitri then hears a loud whistling noise coming towards him and he gets out of the way as an explosive is shot at him

Dimitri: Where did that come from?

Dimitri then looked and saw a female gargoyle holding a plasma cannon.

Dimitri: The hell? What is wrong with you, you almost blew up my present for my girlfriend!

Demona: I don't care about your pathetic human desires now shut up and die!

Dimitri then saw her fire a blast at his head as he then jumped up and flew in the air as Demona saw him as he then blew a powerful gust at Demona blowing her into the air as she looked in shock.

Dimitri: Surprised? Well, so am I.

Demona: You can fly?

Dimitri: It's not all I can do.

Dimitri then fired a beam of heat from his eyes at Demona's weapon and it exploded as she looked at him.

Dimitri: Why are you doing this? What have I ever done to you?

Demona: Humans are vermin! Filth!

Dimitri: But they gave your clan a home.

Demona: Humans also destroyed my clan, they took everything from me! You don't even know how that feels to lose everything important to you!

Dimitri: I do actually.

Demona then looked at Dimitri in confusion

Dimitri: You may not know this but I was born long ago on Krypton, a planet much similar to earth except it was more advanced in many ways.I was sent to this planet to prevent me from suffering the same fate of my parents. So you think you lost your family? I LOST MY HOMEWORLD!

Demona looked at Dimitri as she was in shock to see that someone had felt the same pain she had felt.

Dimitri: But even though I lost many things, I've gained new things, like a family, friends, and those who love me for who I am. And you can too, you just have to put aside your hatred for humans, join us and we can make a world safer for all creatures, gargoyles, vampires, and every being under the sun. And all it takes is a little faith and a shake of the hands.

Dimitri then held his hand to Demona as she looked at him.

Dimitri: I promise you, you'll never be alone anymore.

Demona: I'll believe it when I see it.

Dimitri: I promise you, it will happen.

Demona then looked at Dimitri and then shook his hand

Demona: Betray me and you're dead.

Dimitri: I keep my promises.

Ashton: And so do I!

Dimitri then turned and saw Ashton

Ashton: (to Demona) I have no quarrel with you so stand aside. (To Dimitri) I will end you and take the last heart of krypton.

Dimitri: Oh great, the winter soldier.

He then saw Ashton coming at him as Dimitri then dodged him and flew off as Ashton flew after him.

Ashton: You cannot escape me kryptonian!

Dimitri: Why can't you just leave me alone?!

Ashton: I want redemption for my tribe! And you're the only way I can think of to get it!

Dimitri: But why me? What do I have to do with the last heart of Krypton?

Ashton: It's in your right pocket!

Dimitri: What?

Dimitri then saw an amusement park and flew to it as he went into a fun house as Ashton followed him.

Ashton: When your rocket left krypton your parents put a red gemstone in with you and sent you to earth, like that would keep me from finding it.

Ashton then walked inside the fun house as he looked around and saw Dimitri and came at him and hit something and saw that it was only a mirror with Dimitri's reflection in it.

Ashton: Please I have to get the heart! I have to kill you! Or he's gonna kill me!

Dimitri: Who's gonna kill you?

Ashton: Lex Luthor.

Dimitri: I'm sorry, who? I spent my time growing up in Japan and I never heard of that guy.

Ashton: You heard of Lexcorp?

Dimitri: Hmmm, yes.

Ashton: He made that company.

Dimitri: Oh. But I'm not giving you anything if it means something bad will happen.

Ashton then came to a mirror with Dimitri in it and smashed it along with a support beam as we see he got Dimitri as we see the fun house started to come down as Ashton was ready to punch him only to be tackled by Demona as Dimitri saw her.

Dimitri: Huh?

Demona: You will not touch him!

Ashton: (crying) Please kill me! I have no other option! I have nothing to live for!

Dimitri: Guys, this whole place is coming down!

Dimitri then saw a beam coming down as he then pushed Ashton and Demona out of the way as the beam came down and hit him as we then see it hit a case as we see a green rock was glowing as Dimitri tried to get up but felt weak as he saw the place coming down and saw rubble about to fall on him but saw Demona and Ashton come and lift the beam up

Demona: We're even.

We then see her carry Dimitri out as the fun house collapses as Dimitri got up and looked at Ashton.

Dimitri: Didn't anyone ever tell you that you have serious anger issues.

Ashton: You mock me with your weak jokes, but you know nothing about me.

Dimitri: Well I know you and your people have this habit of showing up uninvited and ruining my life.

Ashton: Ruining your life? Another bad joke, I lost everything because of you

A flashback was seen as we see a planet as soldiers were seen going to spaceships.

Ashton: (V.O.) Our tribe was on the verge of it's greatest victory, the kryptonians home planet was discovered and Zel-El and Sara's secrets of the heart of krypton would be ours.

We see in a base we see a younger Ashton who was seen with a blaster was ready to join but was stopped by a man.

Ashton: (V.O.) But my father stopped me from joining the fight, he said that my moment to honor our tribe would come but it was not this moment.

We then see young Ashton was left as he watched his tribe leave.

Ashton: (V.O.) Those were the last words I heard my father had spoken to me.

We then see the scene changed to Ashton looking at Dimitri.

Ashton: I never saw him again.

Dimitri then looked at Ashton hearing Ashton's story.

Dimitri: Huh, guess we both lost everything that day.

Dimitri then began to think of him being put into the escape rocket by his parents and sent to space as Krypton was destroyed as Ashton then looked at Dimitri and then sat on the sand of the beach along with Demona as Dimitri came to them.

Dimitri: You both saved me?

Ashton: Don't talk. I'm not in the mood.

Demona: Just leave us be.

Then we see two balls of sand come and hit Ashton and Demona.

Ashton: How dare you attack me in my hour of sorrow!

Demona: Why you!

Then two more balls of sand came and hit them square in the face.

Dimitri: Why did you both save me?

He then got ready to throw two more sand balls but a giant sand ball came and hit Dimitri burying him.

Ashton: Because you saved us first, which clearly gave you a tactical advantage I do not understand.

Dimitri then got out of the sand.

Dimitri: It wasn't a tactic, I just couldn't let you both die.

Ashton: Why? I have tried to kill you since the moment we met.

Dimitri: Because I learned that being a shinobi isn't about taking care of yourself, it's about taking responsibility for others.

Ashton: Hmm, wise words. An ancient earth proverb?

Dimitri: Nope, the hanzo academy special. Ashton, you know you don't have to do what Lex Luthor says

Ashton: But he is the one person that I trust.

Dimitri: But trusting him doesn't mean that you should accept everything the guy says blindly without thinking things through for yourself. I mean when encountering you if you used a tiny bit of brain power none of this would have even happened.

Ashton: Are you calling me stupid?

Dimitri: No, I mean Lex must have been using his whole last heart of krypton to his advantage to manipulate you. He duped you.

Ashton: Duped?

Dimitri: Now you're putting it all together. But look, you don't have to do this, you can be with us, you have a choice.

Dimitri then held his hand out to Ashton.

Dimitri: You don't have to be alone anymore.

Ashton: My mind is my own once again.

Ashton then grabbed Dimitri's hand as we then hear bones cracking

Dimitri: Ow! Ow! Ow! Are you kidding me with that handshake?!

Ashton let's go of Dimitri's hand

Ashton: My apologies.

Dimitri: It's ok, come on, we better get you to the others.

We later see them arriving at the tower.

Ashton: You are certain that they will accept me?

Dimitri: When they hear about your half they'll understand and (looks and his eyes widened) What the?! Katsu!

They looked and saw Katsu was groping Asuka.

Dimitri: How many times do I have to tell you to leave Asuka alone!

Katsu: You will never stop me!

Ashton cracks his knuckles

Ashton: You will let go of her before I break both of your arms.

Katsu then released Asuka and backed away in fear.

Ashton: That is better. (To Asuka) She will not bother you anymore

Demona: That is disgusting.

Dimitri: Unfortunately, she does that all the time

Kaminari: But why is he here? Isn't he an enemy?

Dimitri: Was the enemy along with her, but now, they're good guys. And I have a good idea for an activity for us all.

We later see everyone at a baseball field as everyone was there as Dimitri was spectating the game.

Dimitri: Tonight is a good night for a game, as we see in the pitcher's mound we have Kaminari, and batting we have the power house Ashton the Kazian.

We see Ashton as he was seen holding a baseball bat.

Ashton: I do not understand, why am I angry at the enemy ball?

Dimitri: You're not angry, you just wanna hit it as hard as possible and run around the bases.

Ashton: But if my quest ends there, why run at all?

Dimitri: I can't with this guy.

Asuka: It's only a game and we're just having fun.

Ashton: Fun? What is that?

Dimitri: It's something exciting that you do. Now give that ball a ride.

Ashton: A ride to where?

We then see Kaminari as he then throws the ball as Ashton then uses his fist and hits the ball sending it far away.

Ashton: Ha! Victory is mine!

Ashton then started to run to the bases.

Kaminari: That's not fair!

Ashton: (Runs to first base) First base is also mine!

Dimitri: I think that was our last ball.

Ashton: (Runs to second base) I have conquered the second of the bases!

Dimitri: How about ice cream guys.

The others then agreed as Ashton went to home base.

Ashton: I am having the fun! What is Ice Cream?

Dimitri: It's a dessert, if you like fun then you'll love it.

Ashton: Yum, dessert. Does it have grapes in it?

Dimitri: No, not usually.

Ashton: Oh.

Babs: Well I hope you're not still mad that we hit you with that bus.

Ashton: Pfft. I was completely uninjured and my revenge will come when you least expect it.

Dimitri: Let's just go.

We see Dimitri as he pulls out a ring and throws it, making a portal.

Dimitri: Besides there are other places to see.

We then see them going through the portal as it closes.


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