Shinobi in 2024

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We then go to see the village in the land of Japan.

Shinobi: (voice over) Previously on Shinobi of the past...

We look to see the scene change to show the wasteland as Aku has awoken.

Aku: Aku: Once again, I am free to smite the world as I did in days long past.

We see the scene change to show Aku as he was in the village bringing destruction as the emperor and general look to see their swords.

Emperor: The swords.

We then see them both running to stairs as we see two cases.

Aku: Not this time.

We then see Aku as he brings his arm down and he grabs the Emperor and General in his hand as the Emperor turns to the prince's mother.

Emperor: Mother, Aku has returned!

General: (to his wife) Do as we have planned, our future depends on it!

The scene then changes to see the son of the general with his mother as they sailed away from Japan as the beginning of his journey to train as the scene showed multiple scenes of the boy training and growing up as he then returned to his home as he donned the shinobi outfit as he raises his mask.

Shinobi: It is time.

We then see the scene showing the shinobi and Samurai coming to their fathers.

Samurai: What has happened to our land, Father?

Emperor: My son, it has been many years since that fateful day that Aku returned from his imprisonment.

General: Enslaved we have become, to unearth the riches of our land so that Aku can strengthen his powers and begin to take over the world.

We then look to see the Shinobi and the samurai as they were in aku's lair as they were battling Aku as they had weakened him as he was reduced to a shadow with their blades up ready to deliver the final blow as Aku looks at the two.

Aku: You might have beaten me now, but I will destroy you both in the future.

Samurai: There is no future for you, Aku.

Shinobi: Your end is here.

Aku: I disagree.

He then lets out a high pitched screech as it tears open two portals above the shinobi and samurai.

Samurai: What trickery is this?

Shinobi: Aku!

We then see the Shinobi and Samurai fall into the portals as they close as Aku then rises up as he stood.

Aku: Do not worry, Samurai and Shinobi. You both will see me again. But next time you both will not be so fortunate.

We then see the scene turning black as we then look to see the Shinobi as he was seen going through the portal which was a black and white ring pattern as he started to scream as he went through the portal as we then go to a city as we see the portal open up as we see the Shinobi come out of it as he was seen falling many feet from the air as he started to fall down but then creates a gust of wind which then softened his landing as he then lands on his feet as he then looks around as he sees the city.

Shinobi: What is this place?

He then looked to see a green van in a ditch as he saw some people there as he walked up to a young man his age with long red and black hair.

Shinobi: Pardon, but do you require any assistance?

Ashton: Well yeah, the Mystery Machine's stuck in a ditch so we can use some help.

Shinobi: I can help bring your carriage out of the ditch.

Velma: Oh what's he gonna do? Pick it up?

We see the Shinobi walk to the mystery machine as he then grabs it and starts to lift it up as he then brings it out of the ditch as he places it on the road as everyone was shocked at his strength.

Velma: I didn't know he was so hot. I mean strong!

Ashton: Nice one, name's Ashton by the way. What's your name?

Shinobi: My name?

He then starts to look around as he sees a sign reading "D" and then looks to see a poster which reads "There's no one like me." focusing on the word "me" and then notices an oak tree at a park as he begins to think of a name.

Dimitri: My name… is Dimitri.

Ashton: Well, pleased to meet ya, Dimitri. Hey, mind tagging along with us to sweet justice?

Dimitri: I suppose so.

Ashton: Cool, come with us then.

Dimitri then followed them as they were seen entering a shop called sweet justice as they walked to a counter as Dimitri looked around to see the many people in modern clothing as he saw everyone having ice cream as we see a young man with blonde hair come to the counter as Ashton sees him.

Barry: Hey Ash.

Ashton: Hey Barry.

Barry: So what can I get you? The usual? (Sees Dimitri)

Ashton: Yeah, the usual for us, and our friend here will have the same.

Barry: Alright.

We later see the group at a table as they were seen with various desserts as they started to eat them as Ashton noticed Dimitri was only looking at his dessert.

Ashton: You'll love it. It's death by chocolate. (Diana was seen holding a mace behind Ashton) Figure of speech, Diana.

Dimitri then looked at Ashton as he then looks at the table as he sees a fork, spoon, and butter knife as he then raises his hand out as he holds it above the silverware trying to see what he should use as we then see a girl with long orange hair pick up a spoon and hands it to him.

Nami: What's the matter? Never had ice cream before?

Dimitri then takes the spoon as he then takes a scoop of the ice cream as he lowers his mask and then takes a taste of it as he then found the taste to be satisfying.

Ashton: Good, right?

Dimitri: Yes.

Daphne: So where are you from?

Dimitri: I am from a land in Japan.

Ashton: Japan, huh. Seems like a nice place.

Dimitri: Yes, but I am more used to the customs of my home. So forgive me if I am not used to the customs here.

Ashton: It's no problem, so I am wondering? What's with the get up? Going to a ninja convention?

Dimitri: No, in my home I am a shinobi.

Ashton: A shinobi?

Dimitri: Indeed, it is my duty to do what must be done, to end Aku.

Nami: Who?

Dimitri: Long ago in a distant land, Aku, a shapeshifting master of darkness, had unleashed an unspeakable evil to my home. I had traveled around the world to learn many skills and techniques I needed to defeat Aku. When I returned, me and the prince who had become a samurai came to oppose Aku, wielding magic swords which could harm him, but before we both could deliver the final blow he tore open portals in time and flung us both into the future, which I believe is this timeline that I am in.

As he finished the others all looked at him weirded out as if he was crazy.

Ashton: Right… (whispers to Nami) He's crazy.

Nami: I'll say. What do you think, Jinbei? (Sees Jinbei not responding) Jinbei?

Nami looked to see Jinbei as he was looking at Dimitri while being deep in thought.

Ashton: What's got ya stumped man?

Jinbei: I'm just having a feeling.

Ashton: What kind of feeling?

Jinbei: That he seems familiar.

Dimitri: Well I am familiar with his kind, and I was told that if I ever crossed paths with my mentor I was to return this.

He then pulls out a sake cup and places it on the table as Jinbei sees it as his eyes widened.

Jinbei: It can't be. Where did you get that?

Dimitri: It was given to me by a fishman who taught me the ways of Fishman Karate when I was six, from what I remember his name was Jinbei.

Jinbei: My name is Jinbei. That means… it is you. I can't believe it! (Hugs Dimitri) You haven't changed a bit.

Nami: Wait, you actually believe this guy?

Ashton: But we just met him.

Jinbei: Why shouldn't I? He has no reason to lie.

Ashton: Wait, so you actually trained this guy to use Fishman Karate?

Jinbei: Yes, I taught him everything that I knew.

Ashton: Cool.

Velma: So that means he is from many years ago.

Dimitri: Your world is new to me, what has happened.

Ashton: Well while you were sent to our time, Aku had ruthlessly ruled earth, taking any valuables he saw fit. But it wasn't enough, so he opened his ports to the whole universe, so he could take riches from other planets.

Dimitri: There are other worlds across the stars?

Ashton: Yeah.

Dimitri then looked at Ashton as his eyes then widened as he then sensed something.

Ashton: Something wrong?

Dimitri: I feel something, a familiar presence. And it's somewhere in the ocean. Is there a dock that has any ships nearby?

Ashton: Luffy and his crew have a ship, we can use that.

We later see the group as they were on a pirate ship as the figurehead was a lion but with more of an appearance of a sun as they were seen sailing through the sea.

Ashton: Where are you sensing it?

Dimitri: (points east) That way.

We see the ship as it turns east as we see them heading to the direction Dimitri pointed as they then looked to see a large iceberg and noticed it had two domes of ice as Ashton sees Dimitri leap off the ship as he lands to the iceberg as he walks towards the domes.

Ashton: Hey, wait for us… and he's gone. 

We see Ashton as he jumps off the ship to catch up with Dimitri as the others follow him as we see Dimitri walking to the dome as he wipes the ice a bit as he sees a boy who was bald as he had a blue arrow on his forehead as the others came as they noticed a girl in the second dome and noticed the two were in a meditating pose.

Ashton: This is something.

Dimitri then walks up to look at the boy.

Shaggy: (looking at the boy) Like, is he…

Dimitri: No, he's alive, the same with the girl too.

Nami: Now what?

Dimitri then placed his hand on the ice and moved it around as he stopped to a spot as he then pulled out his sword and pierced the ice at the spot his hand had marked on as we see the ice begin to crack as the cracks spread to the two domes as they then shatter as Dimitri came to the boy as the others followed him.

Nami: What's with the rush?

Ashton: Yeah, you're acting like you know this guy.

Dimitri: I do, his name is Aang. And he was the one who trained me in my travels.

The others the. Looked at him in surprise as Aang began to open his eyes and saw Dimitri.

Aang: I need to ask you something …

Dimitri: What is it?

Aang: Come closer…

Dimitri: (leans closer) What is it, Aang?

Aang: (Smiles) Would you go penguin sledding with me?

Dimitri: Huh? (Smiles through his mask) Classic Aang, it's good to see you again.

Aang: Do I know you?

Dimitri: Don't you recognize your old friend?

Aang looked at Dimitri as his eyes widened.

Aang: Dimitri? Is that you?

Dimitri: It's me, alright.

Aang: You've grown.

Ashton walked to the girl who was on the ground.

Ashton: Hey, you alright?

The girl then started to open her eyes as her vision adjusts as she sees Ashton.

Ashton: You're not hurt are you?

In response the girl grabbed Ashton by his face and then pulled him into a kiss on the lips as Nami turned to Dimitri.

Nami: Dimitri, you said Aang trained you right? So what did he train you exactly?

Dimitri: This.

He then brings his hands together as he creates a sphere of wind.

Dimitri: Aang showed me the ways of airbending.

Ashton: This frozen chick just-

Then a low growling was heard as Aang heard it as he runs to it as he sees a large bison with six legs

Aang: Appa, are you ok?

He then walks to Appa as he opens an eyelid that immediately closes again once it is released. He jumps down to the front of the bison and tries to lift its enormous head. The others then came as well as four other women as they looked in shock to see Appa as he finally started to react to Aang, opening his mouth and licking Aang with his giant tongue.

Aang: Appa, you're ok.

Dimitri then walks up to Appa as he pets him.

Dimitri: Good to see you again.

Nami: What is that thing?

Dimitri: It's a flying bison.

Ashton: Ok, I know many animals and I know that a bison does not fly.

Dimitri and Aang both look to see Appa as he inhales deeply as they both knew what was going to happen as they both ducked immediately and Appa let out a sneeze sending out a blast of green snot as we saw it was revealed it had hit Ashton as he was covered in it.

Ashton: Gah! Gross!

We see Ashton as he started to roll around in the snow as he was trying to get the goo off of him.

Aang: Don't worry, it'll wash out.

Ashton: I was just used as a snot rag

Dimitri: (To Korra) What is your name?

Korra: Name's Korra. (Points at the girls behind her) That's Asami, Lin, Suyin, and Kuvira.

Dimitri: A pleasure to meet you. (Bows to Korra and then turns to Luffy) That hat you wear, I remember someone who had a hat like that.

Luffy: You do?

Dimitri: That belonged to Red Haired Shanks.

Luffy: Yeah, Shanks gave it to me. But how do you know about him?

Dimitri: Because I was trained by Shanks, he showed me how to learn and use Haki. And I have also met and was trained by your brother as well, I believe his name was Fire Fist Ace.

Luffy: My brother teached you?

Dimitri: Yes. He showed me how he created the boards that he used to travel through the water.

Then a bark was heard as Korra looked to see an animal that looked like a cross between a polar bear and a dog as she smiled.

Korra: Naga, you're ok.

Daphne: What is that?

Korra: That's Naga, she's a polar bear dog.

Ashton: Fluffy!

Ashton then comes to Naga as he hugs her.

Dimitri: Though I know that I had faced Aku before but to face him again, I will need help. (Turns to the others) Will any of you be willing to help me on my quest to defeat Aku?

Ashton: You mean going on a long and perilous journey, to many places around the world, facing many enemies, monsters, villains, tyrants, and demons sent by Aku all to try and destroy him once and for all? Sounds like a hell of a party. Can I come?

Dimitri: Of course.

Ashton: So we'll all come with you, but under one condition.

Dimitri: Hmm, state your condition.

Ashton: We'll come with you only if you teach us your ways of honor, combat, respect and loyalty.

Dimitri: I see.

Ashton: So does that mean we have a deal?

Ashton then held out his hand to Dimitri as he looked at it with a raised eyebrow while looking at Ashton.

Ashton: Oh, you just have to shake hands with me. It's a modern world custom to show that we have an agreement for something that is beneficial for both sides. So I will ask again, do we have a deal?

Dimitri then looked at Ashton as he smiled under his mask.

Dimitri: We have an agreement.

He then takes Ashton's hand and shakes it.

Dimitri: Then if we are together then we will need a name for our clan.

Luffy: Oh! I just thought of the perfect name! The Black-Bear-Polar-Bear-Lion-Tiger Clan!

Usopp: That's a horrible name for a clan! (Smacks Luffy in the head) No way!

Ashton: So shut up!

Luffy: Then what about the Super Wolf Gorilla Bear Clan?

Usopp: That's even worse!

Ashton: Just stop talking!

Dimitri: Well I had one suggestion in mind. Perhaps we should call our clan, The Gashadokuro.

Luffy: Whoa! I like it!

Chopper: Yeah, me too!

Luffy: I was thinking "Dandelion Dandy Unbearable Bear Clan" but that's cool!

Usopp: (Smacks Luffy in the head) Just stop!

Zoro: I was thinking of the Rorazoro Clan, but Gashadokuro is good.

Robin: I was going to suggest the Nico Clan.

Sanji: I like the Blackleg Clan personally.

Usopp: Have all of you lost your minds!?

Ashton: Well then it's settled, Gashadokuro it is.

Dimitri: Then it is time to begin our quest.

We then see Dimitri as his eyes narrow as the screen zooms to his eyes as it freezes as the background turns blue.


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