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Name: Y/N Edward Stark

Current Alias: Iron Man

Aliases: Invincible Iron Man, Golden Avenger, International Iron Man, Master of Machines, Metal Man, Shellhead

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Status: Alive

Alignment: Good

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Height: 6' 1", 6' 6" (In Armor)

Weight: 225lbs, 425 lbs (In Armor)

Skin Color: S/C

Eye Color: E/C

Hair Color: H/C

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Y/N Stark is, for the lack of a better word, complicated. Being rich got to his head before becoming The Invincible Iron Man, he only cared about fame and wealth. He used to rub his success in everyone's faces. But that all changed after he was captured by terrorists, he built his first armor to escape. After doing so, Y/N realized that he wasn't the same person he was after this, he started a life of heroism to atone for his past mistakes.

Being a teenager does make him arrogant and obnoxious at times annoying his employees. He is described by many, as a future man trapped in the now. Y/N's self-hatred for himself leads him to undervalue his life, mostly putting others' lives over his.

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Extremis virus: After being fatally wounded by an Extremis-enhanced terrorist, Y/N Stark had to inject himself with the Extremis virus in order to survive. His entire body has also been enhanced by the techno-organic Extremis virus which granted him enhanced senses, reflexes, and regenerative healing. He reprogrammed the serum to help him have better connection and control over his Iron Man armor, effectively making him Iron Man "inside and out."

Technopathic Link: The Extremis virus allowed Stark to super compress and store the crucial undersheath needed to operate the Iron Man suit in the hollows of his bones, which was directly wired into his brain. This upgrade allowed him to control the Iron Man armor with a thought like it was another limb. He had direct cyber pathic control over the communication devices, scanning equipment, and recording devices located in his helmet.

Electronic Communication: Using his connection to the Iron Man armor, Stark could remotely access to external communications systems such as satellites, cellular phones, and computers throughout the world. Stark was capable of projecting his voice through transmitting sound systems such as cellular phones via electronic transmissions from his central nervous system.

Superhuman Reflexes: The Extremis virus granted him enhanced speed reactions and movements.

Regenerative Healing Factor: Stark had gained a regenerative healing factor, allowing him to heal himself.

Enhanced Endurance: The Extremis virus was mentioned to have increased Y/N's natural endurance.

Significantly Enhanced Brain Function: With the Extremis virus, Y/N's brain function greatly increased, allowing him to process information and connect data together like a supercomputer. As Y/N's brain thought processes were still at a standard level, this was shown to cause hallucinations which provided him with information that his conscious mind was unable to keep up with.

Modified Physiology: The Extremis virus changed Stark's body to the point it allowed him to augment the way his insides worked to suit his needs. For example, Stark had grown wires in his lungs.

Nanotech Armor Manipulation: Due to the Extremis, Y/N could store the nanoparticles of his suit within the hollows of his bones and summon it at will. He could also command the nanoparticles to reshape and even repair itself.

R.T. node: Thanks to the Repulsor Tech node implanted in his chest, which is linked to his brain, Y/N was able to interact with different types of energies and forces a normal human cannot. The R.T. node acted like a new sense for him. The reactor's excessive generation of energy provided Stark with an increased amount of intelligence and gave him superhuman-level multitasking and learning capabilities. It enhanced his metabolism, core strength, reaction time, reflexes and intelligence up to 25-30 IQ point.

Energy Emanation: The R.T. node not only provided repulsor energy to run devices such as the Iron Man Armor, its user could produce beams of energy at will, possibly weaker and less directed than a unibeam.

Electrical Fields Detection: As the R.T. node was connected to Tony, he could feel different electrical fields that the node was picking up. This included all kinds of invisible frequencies.

Magnetic Force-Field: The R.T. node created a force-field which could be modified at will by its user by increasing the power of the reactor incrementally. It could be so powerful to destroy bullets or repel people.

Levitation: The magnetic force-field generated by the reactor couldn't interfere the ones created by the planet and levitate. It's unknown if this interaction could have been used to fly.

Enhanced Senses: The reactor also increased the senses of Y/N, allowing him to "hear better," for example.

Enhanced Strength: The R.T. node allowed who possessed it to have a greater strength than a regular human's.

Enhanced Endurance: It has been shown that an user of an R.T. node not only recovers incredibly fast from different types of injuries.

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Super-Genius Intelligence: Quite apart from the powers granted him by the suit, Y/N Stark is far more than a mechanical engineering prodigy who graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with honors at the age of 16. With an intelligence classified as super-genius, he easily is one of the smartest people on Earth. Furthermore, this extends to his remarkable ingenuity dealing with difficult situations such as foes and deathtraps where he is capable of using his available tools, like his suit, in unorthodox and effective ways, for example when he built the first Iron Man Armor in captivity.

Master Engineer: He is an excellent engineer and mechanic capable of fixing almost any, if not all machinery.

Master Tactician: He is a brilliant tactician capable of quickly formulating battle strategies and new plans if the situation changes, like being able to elaborate different complex plans in order to defeat different enemies in difficult situations, and be victorious.

Skilled Marksman: Y/N knows how to handle firearms, mainly the ones he has produced.

Multilingual: Apart from English, Y/N can speak different languages fluently, including Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, French, Russian, and Korean. He also might know multiple Middle Eastern languages, at one point noting that Urdu wasn't his strong suit in particular.

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Armor: Iron Man wears a sophisticated suit of body armor containing various offensive weaponry. He has several suits aside from the current model. Some are mission-specific or prototypes for testing, others are older models kept for nostalgia or research. He has developed a special briefcase to carry his armor in. A few models are too big for the case and require a separate module. As the multi-billionaire head of a global corporation and a genius-level inventor, Stark can procure or develop additional technology as needed as possible.

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Iron Man Armor MK I: The armor's primary function was to act as a pacemaker which electronically stimulated Y/N Stark's heart to keep it beating after the shrapnel from a land mine's detonation had entered his chest. This ability was achieved through the use of a defibrillator circuit and flat antenna that directly stimulated the S-A signal of Stark's vagus nerve as needed with the use of a supercutaneous high-frequency electric signal.

Iron Man Armor MK II: This suit is essentially a lighter, more flexible, and more maneuverable version of Y/N Stark's original Iron Man Armor. For example, the chest plate was reduced in thickness to a "wafer-thin" layer, and the helmet was redesigned in such a way it was so light, Stark claimed it can be barely felt it's being worn. The reduction in weight allowed Stark to add more protective devices. The parts of the suit subjected to more articulation, such as the legs and arms, used a malleable metallic mesh instead of solid metal plating. Ultrafine 3D knitting incorporated knitted motors for full motility surface.

Iron Man Armor MK III: Image inducer produced holograms. Electric bolts could be used for stunning. The armor's surface could be heated. Various gadgets: vapor ejector, smoke bombs, bomb pellets, a chemical kit, cutting blade, sound duplicator, and a high-frequency wave generator. Life support was improved with a longer air supply. The armor could absorb energy from extreme temperatures (both hot and cold). The armor included the infamous rocket skates as a back-up way of transportation.

Iron Man Armor MK IV: The armor's structure was improved with 3D knitting. In addition, a force-field helped keep the armor rigid. The armor used solar power and integrated micro-circuitry. A thermocouple was used to handle extreme temperature and convert it to usable power, but it could be overloaded.

Iron Man Armor MK V: Life support and other systems are designed primarily for space; the armor is heavy and awkward in normal gravity conditions. Its control system is highly sensitive. An auto-camera and extendable exo-units are used for exploration. Sonar detects vibrations despite a lack of atmosphere. Thermographs provide detailed information. Repulsors were standard. In addition to the standard array the unibeam could use a deflector beam to push objects. The armor also has concussion beams mounted in its epaulets.

Iron Man Armor MK VI: All repulsor weapons are adapted for underwater use; in particular the updated "tri-beam" style uni-beam and mini torpedoes. The armor can generate an electrical field around itself similar to an electric eel. It could also release a chemical into the water that generates an inky-black cloud similar to an octopus's. Boot jets received modified turbines. Life support was enhanced for deep-sea conditions. Long-range exo-units act as grapples with fully articulated hands. Crampons help in maintaining footing on rocks and coral. The backpack is a holding bay that can store objects. Lastly, the main armor can be jettisoned if needed to escape.

Iron Man Armor MK VII: The Stealth Armor maximizes concealment over everything else. As a result, it is more fragile and cannot fit into a briefcase. Radar-absorbing coating, electronic countermeasure (ECM) jamming, and a wave-modifying plasma layer held by a force field distort incoming radar and sonar signals. Emissions from the jets are washed by supercooled air as the boots themselves have liquid oxygen rings. If discovered, it could launch chaff. Subterranean equipment was added for reaching underground areas. The sensory systems were upgraded for stealth missions, including an "auto-camera" with microfilm. The original model had no weapons systems. A later version had limited weaponry: repulsors have enough charge for three shots. Its unibeam is usable but similarly low-powered. The later upgrades included the ability for the armor to change color for stealth purposes, although this camouflage ability was limited to working only in environments that were of one color, such as snow. A booster pack conserves energy and increases the armor's long-range capability.

Iron Man Armor MK VIII: Flight was improved with new turbines for the boot jets. A separate booster pack could also be used. Individual armor parts stored a small emergency charge. Repulsors and the uni-beam were enhanced. Pulse bolts gained energy as they traveled up to a certain point. Other weapons included a heat lance, cutting lasers, an electric shock, variator rays, and a tractor beam. A disruptor field was used against electrical systems. The sonic distorter could also be to disrupt opponents. Freon streams handled fire. A 'six-second' force-field greatly enhanced protection for a short time but consumed considerable power. Refractory coating blunted lasers and other energy attacks. An absorption grid could be used to absorb energy from various sources. Life support equipment was considerably enhanced: recycled air, water, and nutrients could last an indefinite amount of time. The "chameleon effect" generated a hologram to make the armor blend in with its surroundings. Due to harmful interference with his nervous system, Stark limited its use. Electromagnetic sensors could determine layouts of structures and identify stolen Stark technology. Negator packs neutralized and destroyed stolen Stark technology.

Iron Man Armor MK IX: A Beta particle generator and solar converters became the armor's power source. As a result, the armor was more powerful and faster. A security chip and anti-intrusion devices were added to prevent the armor's technology from being duplicated. The cybernetic interface was adapted after Stark's spinal injury. Its battle computer could track up to 60 targets simultaneously. A cybernetic probe could link to other systems. A universal translator was added to boost communications. A booster pack was available for space travel, as well as a hydro module for underwater missions. The armor retained and improved the Silver Centurion's weaponry. An EMP was adopted from Force's usage of it. The gauntlets had a nozzle for freon or gas. An add-on could carry "titanium foam." It could also launch a "hyperwave" generator. An Energy Shield was used to protect against energy attacks. "Protected senses" acted automatically to protect Stark's sight and hearing.

Iron Man Armor MK X: Various systems were improved over the original. The computer could simulate possible scenarios. The armor's cloaking and ECM were enhanced; however, the cloaking was used sparingly to not further damage Stark. Life support was enhanced and kept a detailed analysis of Stark's nerve damage. In addition to repulsors, unibeam, and concussion beams, this armor had a powerful self-destruct mode.

Iron Man Armor MK XII: Telepresence Neural Net transmits mental commands from a headset via sub-space. This system gives the wearer realistic feeling without lag time, but also makes him or her vulnerable to feedback. Beta particle generator and solar converters for the power-source; this model is improved to compensate for the added weight and power needs. Battle computer can track up to 60 targets simultaneously.

Iron Man Armor MK XIII: Repulsors and the uni-beam remained standard for the base unit. Boot jets were upgraded. A refractive coating helped against energy attacks. Magnets located on the palms and soles as well as a grappling hook with cable were used for climbing. A loudspeaker was used to address crowds. Image inducers were upgraded to give off 'identifier signals,' fooling the Controller. Hulkbuster feature, it integrated a magno-hydraulic pseudo-musculature which provided greatly enhanced strength rated at 175 tons. Sensors were adapted to focus on detecting gamma radiation. It had impact-resistant carbon composite plating and an anchoring system.

Iron Man Armor MK XIV: The full capabilities of this armor were unknown. Presumably, it was geared for subzero temperatures and other cold-weather conditions. It possessed a hexagonal-shaped uni-beam and what appeared to be blaster ports on its gauntlets.

Iron Man Armor XV: The armor had oversize gauntlets with wrist-top projectors. They could also be remotely controlled by Iron Man when not attached to the suit. Wide-angle repulsors fired over more surface area. Unibeam and pulse bolts seemed standard. The gauntlets could also fire fine-focus lasers, tractor beams, a heat beam, cryonics, and acid. The armor's surface could also heat up to the point of melting confiscated weapons. Boot jets incorporated gyro-stabilization and 'magnetibrakes.' Inertial dampeners prevent projectiles from ricocheting off the armor. Improved software included threat analysis.

Iron Man Armor MK XVI: Repulsors had variable settings. Like other armors, it maintained an unibeam. Pulse bolts were powerful but power drain limited their usage. In addition to standard sonics, a "sonic ramshot" could now be fired. Explosive and tear gas pellets were stored in the left gauntlet. Flame-retardant foam was also stored. The armor's communications with enhanced with a cellular phone and wireless modem. Sensor upgrades included a Combex/Sonar system and seismographs. A later add-on was a force bubble projector. This "hamster ball" provided protection for civilians. A chin toggle was used for convenience (drinking water) and as a backup if the cybernetic link became damaged.

Iron Man Armor MK XVII: Added insulation for power systems made this armor larger than previous ones. As it was still in testing, its full capabilities were unknown. It did display functioning repulsors, a uni-beam, tractor beam, and a wrist-mounted weapon on a gauntlet.

Iron Man Armor MK XVIII: This armor emphasizes stealth and seems to be designed to function in space only. It is less durable than earlier designs but is stealthier and easier to control. The armor is covered with an experimental compression gel before launching. It uses a booster rig with solid-fuel rockets rather than its own supply to leave Earth's atmosphere. Instead of traditional boot jets, the suit uses compressed gas maneuvering pods. Retro burst stabilizers located at the knees and hips help maintain attitude control. A solar sail assists in both reentry and recharging the armor. It possesses repulsors, a uni-beam, pulse bolts, and explosive 'concussion buds.' ECM jamming and a stealth mode mask its presence. It possesses various sensors including a thermal scan. Like other space armors, auto-sealants protect the wearer and an autopilot can return it to Earth.

Iron Man Armor MK XIX: S.K.I.N. is a flexible alloy that can bounce like a basketball yet become nearly as hard as Adamantium. On command S.K.I.N. flows out of the chest plate and forms the gold armor sections. Jocasta's AI served as the armor's operating system. Sensors and circuitry were improved as a whole. The new "Stark Card" was integrated into the system. Repulsors and pulse bolts are standard weaponry. A new energy absorber is able to take in energy and fire it back out via the "omnibeam." The sonic array and tractor beam are improved.

Iron Man Armor MK XX: Repulsors were modified including a mild version for 'crowd control' as well as improvements when fired underwater and in space. Firing repulsors and uni-beam simultaneously produced a "blockbusting" effect. Sonic weapons were improved. A deflector pulse can push objects away from the armor. Defensively, EMP shielding was improved. The basic forcefield used wave algorithms to randomly change its frequency. A small energy shield could be emitted from the gauntlets. Backup forcefields could also be used to cover armor breaches.

Iron Man Armor MK XXI: Unlike previous models, this armor is completely non-metallic. It uses the latest ceramics, a Kevlar-like polymer weave and 'bio-neural gel-pack' circuits. Cloaking is achieved through an optical fiber network. However, its movie screen-like surface is fragile and was disrupted by household cleaning solutions. The armor is improved with noise reduction and internal air tanks. The armor vents carbon dioxide- a danger when the plasma system is engaged. The battle computer's adaptive combat guidance logic bases protocol based on data it has collected on a particular target. The armor retains the limited repulsor charge and uni-beam of previous models. However, it can redirect power to these systems if needed. A plasma discharge system provides protection against anti-metal weapons.

Iron Man Armor MK XXII: The armor was powered by an Asgardian mystical element. Everything from flight to life support utilized the magical energy. A facemask could be lowered for additional protection. If need be the wearer could eject and use a normal Iron Man armor. Experimental "Type X" repulsors could be used to boost the armor's punches in addition to the standard blast. The uni-beam fired large bursts of energy. Also impervious to any kinds of harm except, oddly enough, Thor. The Asgardian Crystal empowers the armor and allows it to absorb and manipulate Asgardian energies effectively giving him Odin Force.

Iron Man Armor MK XXIII: A kiln produced honey-comb shaped polymer tiles. These were held in place by a force field and replaced after impacted. Tiles could also be used as chaff or as projectiles. It possessed repulsors and a uni-beam. It had diamond-tipped blades for cutting samples. A bio-containment field prevented contamination of the armor or samples gathered.

Iron Man Armor MK XXIV: The armor standard's weaponry included repulsors, uni-beam and sonics. Concussion blasts were used against the Hand.  Via voice command, the armor went into "Battle Mode." If separated by magnetism, it could reform and return to Stark. Defensively, a repulsor shield could be extended to protect the armor and allies in combat. An integrated remote command could override other Iron Man armors as a safety feature. Security was enhanced by upgrades to anti-tampering devices.

Iron Man Armor MK XXV: The armor standard's weaponry included repulsors, uni-beam and sonics. Via voice command (by saying the word "Assemble"), the armor can go into "Battle Mode," and follow Stark's orders, including targeting and identifying enemies. The order code "Quivers" makes the armor go in standby mode. If separated by magnetism, it could reform and return to Stark. Defensively, a repulsor shield could be extended to protect the armor and allies in combat. An integrated remote command could override other Iron Man armors as a safety feature. Security was enhanced by upgrades to anti-tampering devices.

Iron Man Armor MK XXVI: The armor is designed to attract radiation into the armor where it is converted into usable power. This greatly enhances its strength. Through absorbing ambient radiation the armor is able to decontaminate irradiated areas. It also possesses repulsors and a unibeam.

Iron Man Armor MK XXVII: This armor was designed for the increased gravity conditions of hyperspace travel. Its limits were unknown, but Y/N was safe at 50 Gs. The design made sure that blood remained in the limbs rather than collecting in the torso. A combination of pseudo-musculature, mobility software and a magnetic/jet compensator helped the wearer move around. Y/N was still affected by G-Loc (loss of consciousness), possible nitrogen narcosis, and the bends, all of which were side-effects of hyper-gravity travel. If he became sick, the armor cleaned and disinfected itself. An intermix mask worn under the helmet regulated oxygen, as normal air under high gravity condition was dangerous. It was unknown if this armor could fly. Weapons systems were unknown; presumably it had functioning repulsors and a uni-beam.

Iron Man Armor MK XXVIII: The armor's main feature is the presence of high-speed hardware, being able to move at speeds more than 150% faster than a regular Iron Man suit when using it's "accelerationware." Additonally, the armor was capable of analyzing and learning from its wearer as well as following routines such as autopilot. In emergency situations, it can "upload" a copy of the consciousness of its wearer into its systems. Boot jets were variable mode and automatically adapted to environmental changes such as lack of air. For high speed underwater, the armor used a supercativation spike. A capacitor ring mounted in the back stored and regulated the suit's power, it could launch tungsten-carbide rounds at hypersonic speeds. Manipulators mounted in the arms fired repulsors. Plates on the knuckles could generate a powerful electric shock. "Impact studs" can extend from the elbows. The armor's uni-beam seemed to be standard issue. Penetrator fletchettes could also be fired in bursts from the gauntlets. The armor could also fire narrow-focus electromagnetic pulse discharges. The armor's outer shell could be used to generate resonance. While Stark used it initially for broadcasting music, it could be turned into a potent sonic weapon. For defensive purposes, the armor had "chameleonware" cloaking as well as chaff and flares.

Iron Man Armor MK XXIX: This armor used vectored repulsor fields to tessellate its 'memory metal' design. The armor formed over a gold under-sheath produced by Stark's own body. The under-sheath's regenerative systems could repair damage to wearer or armor. Due to Extremis, Stark's mind could now directly access satellite networks, security systems, and other digital technologies. The armor could be piloted remotely, even simultaneously with several other models in the field.Repulsors were potent and had an additional "full form" version for multi-directional attacks. Standard weaponry such as the uni-beam, pulse bolts, and sonics were intact. Explosive "micro-munitions" were launched from the gauntlets. The armor had a degree of adaptability to support and protect the wearer. A neural net could counteract or adopt similar effects to superhuman powers. Shields or "deflectors" could be raised for additional defense. The armor could maintain a cloaking effect. Flight was now largely handed by small arrays throughout the suit; boots still contained turbines. The armor has reached speeds in excess of Mach 8. A "gravity grip" produced by the gloves and soles could be produced for climbing surfaces or for anchoring.

Iron Man Armor MK XXX: This red armor was a composite of carbon nanotubes and reinforced ceramics skinned with Adamantium, making it nearly indestructible. It had a limited stealth system. (Not the type of xxx you're thinking of.)

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