MALK & Waffles (A Shinobis In My House Short)

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Inside the L/N household, or also known as Y/N's house that is located in a cul-de-sac of Chatsworth, Los Angeles California. Y/N, Shiki, and Murakumo were in the kitchen sitting at the table.

Shiki was on her phone while sitting in the kitchen table as always. And Murakumo was on a apple macbook playing a game on it while sitting in the kitchen table with her mask on.

Y/N gets up out of his chair.

Y/N: Hey Shiki do you got anything to drink? I am already feeling dehydrated. He said.

Shiki: Yeah. In the fridge. She said.

Y/N: Okay thank you. He said as he walks to the refrigerator and opens it.

Murakumo: Hey Y/N! Uh grab me a glass of malk. She said in a deep voice while wearing her mask.

Y/N: They don't have any malk but I can give you some milk. He said.

Shiki: That's...What she just said. She said.

Murakumo: Yeah i just want some Malk. She said.

Y/N: No, you're saying it wrong you're saying "MaLk" like it's some sort of disease. He said.

Shiki: Ahahaha. Like Y/N how do you say it boy genius? She asked.

Y/N: I'm saying it the way everyone how to say it "Milk" M-I-L-K. He spelled.

Shiki: Right! Like 2%. She said.

Murakumo: Indeed whole malk. She said.

Y/N: No no no no! Now Murakumo, say "Milkshake". He said to Murakumo.

Murakumo: Milkshake. She said.

Y/N: Okay now say Milk. He said.

Murakumo: ...Malk. She said.

Y/N's eyes twitched a little as he stuttered for a moment.

Y/N: Are you hearing this? He asked as he looks at Shiki.

Shiki: Yeah, the girl wants a glass of Molk. She said.

Y/N's eyes were replaced by blank white eyes as he stood there paused for a second.

Y/N: M-Molk?! He asked.

Shiki slammed her hand on the table.

Shiki: Give her the molk Y/N! She said.

Yumi just came in the kitchen with her fan.

Yumi: Shiki, inside voices please. She said as she puts her hand on her shoulder.

Shiki: Sorry Yumi...My weird friends. She said.

Yumi then walks away while holding her fan as she covers her face with the fan.

Murakumo: Y/N! POUR ME! A GLASS! OF MALK! She yelled at Y/N.

Y/N: Why are you yelling at me? He asked.

Shiki: Just give her the fricking molk! She said.

Y/N clenched his fists.

Y/N: You guys aren't even saying the same thing! He said.

Murakumo: We're all saying malk Y/N! She said.

Y/N punches the refrigerator.


Murakumo: Maaaaaalk!


Murakumo: MAAAALK!


Y/N has tick marks on his head as a shadow covers his eyes, grits his teeth, and clenching his fists shaking in anger and irritation by the two making weird noises.


Y/N pulls out his ray gun, charges it, and points it at Shiki and Murakumo.

Y/N: SHUT UP! SHUT! UP! He yelled in a demonic voice with glowing red eyes while pointing his ray gun at the two of them until he puts it near his own head.

Shiki and Murakumo looked at each other blinking as they both pulled out they're own guns, cocks them, and pointed at Y/N. Shiki has a Colt Single Action Army gun and Murakumo has a Uzi gun.

Shiki: You better put it down Y/N! She said while pointing her gun at Y/N.

Murakumo: Don't! Don't do it Y/N! She said while pointing her gun at Y/N.

Y/N: You're gonna shoot me if i shoot myself?! That doesn't make any sense! He said while holding his ray gun near his head.

Shiki: ...

Murakumo: ...

The two of them puts they're guns near they're own heads.

Shiki: Y/N PUT IT DOWN! She yelled.

Murakumo: PUT THAT RAY GUN DOWN! She yelled.

He yelled as he now has tears in his eyes.

Shiki: JUST PUT IT DOWN NOW! She yelled with tears in her eyes as well as she cries.

Y/N: I'M GOING TO KILL MYSELF OVER THISSSSS! He yelled with tears in his eyes as he cried.

Murakumo took her mask off revealing her sad teary crying face while holding her uzi gun near her head.

Murakumo: YOU'RE LIKE A BROTHER TO MEEEEE! She yelled in a higher and cute voice with tears in her eyes.


Murakumo: YOU'RE HANDS ARE LIKE A BROTHER TO MEEEEE! She yelled with tears in her eyes.

Y/N: I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME AS YOUR BOYFRIEND! He yelled with tears in his eyes.

Shiki was sobbing hard holding her chest while sitting on the chair and holding her Colt Single Action Army gun near her head.


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Y/N: And then, after that we pulled the trigger. All of us. He said while sitting on the couch holding a sheet of paper looking at it.

Shiki: .....

Murakumo: .....

Yumi: .....

Yozakura: .....

Minori: .....

All five of them have blank white eyes as they blinked at Y/N.

Y/N: Well? He asked them.

Yumi: ...We are not filming something like that Y/N. She said.

Shiki: Yeah! She said.

Yozakura: Uh-Huh! She said.

Murakumo: Same here! She said.

Minori: And here! She said.

Y/N: Eh? Why not? He asked.

Shiki: Like it's so...Dark! I don't know. She said.

Minori: Not to mention scary! She said.

Murakumo: And morbid! She said.

Y/N: Oh well...Guess i should throw this away then. He said as he crumpled the sheet of paper up into a paper ball.

Y/N: Kobe. He said as he threw the paper ball into the trash can and it went in.

Y/N: Whoo!

Yozakura: Nice Shot. She said.

Y/N: Thanks. He said as he smiled.

Yozakura: (So adorable~)

Murakumo: (So precious~)

Shiki: (So like beautiful~)

Minori: (I wanna cuddle him so bad~)

Yumi: (I love him so much~)

In the kitchen, Hikage was seen sitting in a chair at the table as she has a plate of a pile of Eggo Homestyle Waffles stacked covered in Eggo syrup with empty boxes of Eggo waffles scattered around the floor, table, and the Eggo syrup bottle and a plush doll that has short lilac hair with bangs that reach down to it's collar bone and purple eyes was by Hikage. Hikage was wearing a red shirt, blue shorts, and barefooted.

Hikage licks her lips.

Haruka was sitting in the kitchen table with Hikage looking at her plate of a pile of stacked Eggo waffles covered in syrup. Haruka was wearing a pink robe.

Haruka: That's a lot of waffles Hikage. She said.

Homura came in the kitchen wearing a white shirt, black pants, and red socks on as she picks up the empty Eggo waffles box.

Homura: You ate all the waffles? She asked.

Hikage: Yes. I did. She said with no emotions.

Homura walks towards the kitchen table and sat by Haruka.

Homura: You could've asked us if we wanted any. She said.

Hikage: Nope. If i gave you the waffles i won't get any. She said with no emotions.

Haruka looks at Homura.

Haruka: Homura. Would you like a waffle? She asked her.

Hikage: Um hello. There is no waffles, I have them all. She said pointing at her waffles with no emotions.

Haruka: I know it's an example. Ever heard of that? She asked to Hikage.

Homura: Why yes Haruka i think i would like two waffles! She said as her breasts jiggled.

Hikage: You can't ha- You want two of them? She asked with her head tilted and her breasts jiggled with no emotions.

Haruka: So if Homura gets two waffles. She said as she takes the two waffles from Hikage's plate and gave it to Homura on her plate.

Hikage sighed.

Haruka: And I get two waffles. She said as she takes the other two waffles from Hikage's plate and puts them on her own plate.

Haruka: Then that still leaves eight waffles for you. She said to Hikage.

Homura: Mhm. Nodding.

Hikage: I don't want eight waffles i want twelve. I want twelve of them. She said as she taps her finger on the table with no emotions.

Haruka: Hikage if you can seriously eat all of those waffles i will personally take you to the store and buy you some more. She said.

Hikage: I just don't know why you guys get all the waffles. She said with no emotions.

Homura: You still have more waffles then Haruka and me combined right. She said.

Hikage: They're mine. I got them from the freezer and i put them on my plate. She said with no emotions.

Homura: Without putting them in the microwave first? She asked.

Hikage: Nope. Like how can twelve waffles fit in one microwave? She asked with no emotions.

Homura: ....

Haruka: ....

Hikage had a deadpan look on her face.

Hikage: You guys are being selfish. She said with no emotions as she picks up her fork, puts her fork on her waffle, piece of the waffle was on the fork, and then she eats it.

Ending with a shuriken-shaped Iris out.

(Ending Theme)

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Characters that were in the short chapter: Y/N L/N, Shiki, Murakumo, Yumi, Yozakura, Minori, Hikage, Haruka, Homura.

This is the most dumbest thing I've ever made lol. But I did enjoyed myself. What do you all think?

Are you all excited for Chapter 1?
1: Yeah!
2: Or No?

Are you all gonna be very patient?
1: Yes!
2: Or No? (That would make me not to be able to finish it).

Special shout-out goes to VampireLord_2101. He's a really cool guy and makes some pretty good books, especially his Tokyo Ghoul male reader x BNHA book. You guys should check him out and give him all of the support he needs.

The Main Characters: (Y/N L/N, Asuka, Ikaruga, Katsuragi, Hibari, Yagyū, Homura, Yomi, Hikage, Haruka, Mirai, Yumi, Yozakura, Murakumo, Shiki, Minori, Miyabi, Imu, Murasaki, Ryōbi, Ryōna): Senran Kagura! They all said in unison.

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