Heading back home ~Part 2~

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     Shimmer's POV
    Moonnight and I woke up. "Ughhhh, what time is it?" I said, yawning. Then I realized, that Moonnight was back to sleep. I smirked. Maybe I could jump on him to wake him up... I thought. I'm so clever. >:3 I walked backwards, then ran towards him. I sprang up. Then landed on Moonnight.

      "AHHHHH" Moonnight screamed like a girl in pain and shock. I started to giggle, then fell back laughing. It was hilarious. His face looked so scared!

    "What the heck, Shimmer?!" He said grumpily. I stopped laughing. But still smiled. "You went back to sleep...." I giggled. "Doesn't mean you do THAT!" He yelled. I had an idea. Another one...

I started to cuddle with him. "What are y-you doing?!" He asked in shock and blushed a lot. He started to pur when I started to pet him. I started giggling. He looked at me with a mad face. I stopped and frowned. "Ugh....you're no fun..." I said still having a very bored frown stuck on my face.

"I'm sorry....just I'm very tired..." He said as he yawned. I looked at him. "Don't we need to go to my house?" I asked him. He walked up to me, he said, "Only if you promise, and I mean PROMISE, that you'll let me stay." "WELL DUH!" I yelled.

20 min later

Moonnight's POV

Me and Shimmer were heading to her house (den,) we packed a bunch of berries. She was walking oddly. She was trying to lift one of her paws up, but then that's when I saw a bunch of scars on the back of her leg.

"What happened to your leg?" I asked. "Oh! My scar? Well you know how I was wet when you found me? (Wasn't mentioned, sorry!) Well there was this river that was really low so the land was like at least 2-3 meters tall. All of us were just playing around but then... We were jumping over the river. When it was one of my turns, I got my back paw stuck on a twig. Then Spark tried to grab my front paw and he couldn't even touch me because the twig broke down and I went into the river. Then my back paw got stuck in a pile of rocks a few times, and the waves were strong somehow, it wasn't even windy. And I went through. I may have passed out...But then woke up trying to find someone for help."

    "Wow! That really happened?!" I asked, shocked. She nodded slowly. "I just really hope you can help find my den and my friends..." Shimmer said, closing her eyes shut and her head just drooped. "I just don't know why I have so much drama surrounding me..." "It's ok! Everyone has those days..." I said, trying to make her happy. She smiled cutely. "Thank you...."

-After a long silent walk-

Shimmer and I were heading to her friends. I got very bored so I wanted to break the silence, so I did just that. "Hey...Umm...Shimmer, I'm just wondering... Why didn't you get at least a little nervous when you saw me. I mean I was a stranger to you after all! So why?" I asked. "Actually....I was really nervous, I was still scared when you came out. But... I realized you were a dark Pokemon so I thought I was safer." She answered. Oh yeah...She's a fairy....and I'm a dark. She's my weakness... I thought.

(Since I got bored...I'm gonna do something that I REALLY enjoy Sylveons doing, I just find it entertaining. But sadly it won't really happen ;n;)
Me and Sylveon were talking... As they were walking. They past by a certain dragon, a hydreigon... She turned around and saw the hydreigon. She made an evil smiled. She giggled when she started walking towards the hydreigon. I realized what she was doing so I pulled her back. She looked at me and frowned. "Don't even think about it..." I said. "Fine..." She said grumpily. So we continued to walk...

   "I'm getting hungry......" She complained. I sighed and I gave her some berries. She looked at them. Observed them. Then she smiled. She started eating them. Closing her eyes, enjoying the hunger disappearing. But then her eyes shot open. "This....is.... DELICIOUS!" She exclaimed as she ate them like a pig. I laughed a tiny bit from the immature (Not IMMATURE side, the MESSY) side of her.

     "Done!" She yelled as if she was in a contest. I started to laugh a little more from all the berry juices on her face. "Saving some for later?" He asked. Shimmer was confused and touched her face with her paw and saw the BJ (Berry Juice.) "Oh umm... Heh heh..." She nervously giggled.

Shimmer's POV

I went to a lake to wash off all the BJ. After I got it all washed off, I went back to Moonnight. When I got there, he was battling greninja. I was confused and scared. I wanted to help battle. I couldn't help myself. I joined...

I used moonblast on him. It was affective. Then I used attract, THEN of course draining kiss. (Just like from the show but not with greninja :/) he fell back in daze and Moonnight looked at me, shocked. "What? My kisses are powerful. :p" I said.

   I turned towards the greninja....Then....The greninja got up and ran towards me. I tried to run but he got me...and....hugged me? ❌〰❌

    "Hands off!" Moonnight yelled and tugged me towards him.      💧➖〰➖

  I pushed away from him and looked at the greninja. "IM GONNA TELL YOU ONCE! I! DON'T! LIKE! YOU!!!!" I screamed.

The mysterious greninja's face: 💔________💔

Sugars Face:

    (Sorry...I had to...P.s. I got this from piemation's video, The Amazing Pyro.)
     So...He ran away. "Don't ever use that kissing thing ever again..." Moonnight said. "Who said I got my rules from you?" I asked in a sassy way. "Me!" He said, smiling. I looked at him with a weird face and said, "My rules are MY rules!"  He looked at me and said, "You know....I was just joking...." (THIS SEEMS SO AKWARD TO MEH)

  1 BORING silent walk later

    It was getting dark and I was exhausted from all the walking. On the other hand Moonnight was still wide awake.

  Moonnight's POV

    It was dark and Shimmer was getting tired. So when she finally let herself pass out, I picked her up so we could continue. It wasn't hard since how light she is. She isn't really heavy at all.

   After sometime, right when I was walking. She wrapped her ribbons around me. I could FEEL me blushing, A LOT. But besides me blushing... I smiled and walked more and more till the sunrise..

I hope you enjoyed. In my opinion... I did terrible...I mean SERIOUSLY! Well you guys have your opinion. BAIIIII!

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