[REMAKE!] Blice (Blaze x Ice) One-shot!

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Okkkk I remake this story with a some help from LunalaStarlight!!

And yup I accepted her challenge on making this. I chose the theme 'Spring Day- BTS'

Hope you guys enjoy this. N pardon my English n some others  >< Oh n dont forget to read this while listening to the song >wO


Blaze P.O.V

Its been 3 years since I have been away from home. Studying at London alone.. ain’t easy... especially without [Him] beside me... I stare at his picture always... every time... day and night... I miss him... questions keep swirling in my mind every night..

‘How is he doing?’

‘Is he doing well?’

‘How's his day?’

‘Does he miss me... too?’

"Ah!! ///" I stuff my face into my pillow while an image of my beloved brother, Ice appeared in my mind.

I can feel my face heats up. "My gawd, I miss him so bad.."

Can’t wait to see him again...

I want to see him again..

Ice P.O.V

4 more days. And he will come back... home...  to me... in my arms again... I miss seeing his wide happy smiles... hearing his voice... heh... even though we fought for the past years.. I miss him.

"Ice!! Come on! Dinner is ready!" I can hear Mommy Quake shout.

"Alright...!" I replied lazily.

I put his photo under my pillow and processed walking downstairs. And went to the kitchen n sit down on one of the chairs and yes, I was the last to come down.

"Hey Thorn~ what are you doing?" Solar ask.

Thorn happily say "Im making a welcome back card for Blaze! >w<"

"Yay! He is finally coming back after 3 years!! That firehead!! I miss him so bad!!" Cyclone laughs joyfully.

Earthquake chuckled while putting down the desserts. "there, hold your horses, there is still 4 more days before he comes back. Right Ice?"

Everyone looks at me. I look at them and lazily nod while looking down. "Yea" I can feel my heart thumping fast.

I can’t wait for him to come back..

Blaze P.O.V.

Finally I reached the airport! Now is time to surprise the other by~ coming home early like RIGHT NOW! That’s right~ I told them I will be back at 6 but I’m already here 3 hours early cause~ yea! Who doesn't like surprises ey~?

I rushed to run out from the airport. Happily jumping n smiling. I’m finally back to my country, can’t wait to see my brothers again and show them my excellent grades!

And see ...Ice again.

GAH BLAZE! Snap out of it and focus on the road!

3rd Person P.O.V

It is snowing in August. Blaze is rushing down the street, hitting some few snows under his feet while running. Excited to see Ice again. Also his brothers.

As he reached home, he peeks through the window and saw one of his beloved brother... sitting infront of the tv, laying on the couch.

"Cyclone!" Blaze shouts out and enters the house and gives Cyclone a big warm hug.

Cyclone jolts up, wide awake as he was hugged by the firehead.

"B-blaze?!" Cyclone stutters.

"Mhm! Its me Cycy! Your brother!! Hehe~!" They reunite the hug yet again.

"I cant believe it!! You came back so early!!" Cyclone said with full of excitement.

"What is going on? " Earthquake's voice is heard from the kitchen as he walks into the living, as soon as he saw Blaze, he hurriedly runs to Blaze and hugs him. "It really is you Blaze!! Oh my gawd!!"

"Ehe~ calm down Omma~ I cant breath"

"Oh sorry" Earthquake pulls away from the hug, all of Blaze's brothers were there. Welcoming him and Thorn, giving his welcoming back card to Blaze. But there was one missing person... that questions Blaze so much..

"Where is Ice?"

Ice P.O.V.

Walking in the snow up the mountain alone. Feeling the pile snow underneath my feet. Waiting for Blaze. I told the others to meet him at the mountain... if he ever come back early... cause he is always like that.

I look up ahead and found a familiar cherry blossom tree....


3rd person P.O.V.

"I remember this place well..." Ice stops infront of a tree which is cut down or... been punched with fire... its burned... Its the place where Blaze and Ice use to fought because Ice didn’t want to play with Blaze... and Blaze was pissed off with Ice's laziness... Ice was sleeping against this tree then Blaze hit it out of frustration..

Then when they turn 16, Blaze confess to Ice about him loving Ice more then a brother, Ice is the same as his brother and accepts it.

As years past.. their relationship is slowly drifting into the shadows. Blaze and Ice fought because of Blaze’s jealousy and Ice’s never show up on their date.

It was painful when they broke up.


When they realized they immediately meet each other here.. but it was the day when Blaze have to go overboard, the time was cruel for them..

Ice place his cold hand on the tree then close his eyes letting out a sigh. “The past can’t be change.. but.. He changed so much that time... unlike the past... or was it.. I who changed?" Ice then leans against the tree and sits down, closing his icy blue eyes. Feeling the snowflakes falling even more from the skies.

"Hope he get here soon.."

Blaze P.O.V.

I run up the mountain in a hurry, as I get the words from my brothers saying that Ice is at the mountain. Of course I know why he is there... its obvious....

I stop and looked around. "Where are you Ice.. I will get you... I won’t let you run anymore... I won’t hurt you anymore.... Like last time..." I pant heavily and starts to run again then sensed a familiar scent. Its Ice.

"There you are..."

I found him... finally, he is leaning against the tree.. Wait.. the tree..? Isn’t that..

I walked up to him n crouched down infront of him, who is sleeping with his cap covering his eyes. I miss looking at his sleeping face... I blush a bit as I lifted his cap to his face. To see his icy blue eyes with twin snowflake, he was awake.

"Finally Your here...."

"Heh... sorry for being late..."

I could feel the snowflakes lands on our clothes, like stars falling from the skies... its so beautiful... reminds me of Ice...

"What took you so long?"

"Sorry I was just..." without finishing my words. I hugged Ice... like its been thousand of years I havent hugged him... he is so warm... despite his name ‘Ice’

Ice P.O.V

I was hugged closed to Blaze, I could hear his heart beating fast. Like mine. I have loved him for so long.

I return the hug and soon pull away a bit to see him facing me with his blazing eyes. I could hear him humming.... a familiar tone.... Its the song ...we always sing when we were together. I soon hum along.

~I miss you
When I say that
I miss you more
Even though I’m looking at your photo
I still miss you
Time is so cruel
I hate how things go between us
Now seeing each other for once is
So hard between us
It’s all winter here
Even in August, it’s all winter here
Time is gone by mind
Like a snowpiercer, I was left alone
I wanna hold your hand
And go to the other side of the earth
Wanna put an end this winter
How much do I have to long for you like snow piles up on the ground
Until the spring days come?

Like a tiny dust that floats in the air
Like a tiny dust
If the flying snow is me
I could've reached you
A little faster

Snowflakes are falling
And you are getting farther away
I miss you (I miss you)
I miss you (I miss you)
How much more do I have to wait?
How many more days do I have to stay up all nights?
Until I can see you? (until I can see you?)
Until I can meet you? (until I can meet you?)

Until this cold winter ends
And the spring comes again
And until the flowers bloom again
Please stay there a little longer
Please stay there

Is it you who changed?
(Is it you who changed?)
Or is it me?
(Or is it me?)
I hate even this moment that is passing by
I guess we are changed
Just like everyone you know

Yeah, I hate you
You left me
But I never stopped thinking about you
Not even a day
Honestly, I miss you
But now I’ll erase you
Because it hurts less than to blame you

I try to ease your pain
Like smoke, like white smoke
I say that I’m gonna erase you
But I can’t really let you go yet

Snowflakes are falling
And you are getting farther away
I miss you (I miss you)
I miss you (I miss you)
How much more do I have to wait?
How many more days do I have to stay up all nights?
Until I can see you? (until I can see you?)
Until I can meet you? (until I can meet you?)

You know it all
You’re my best friend
The sun will rise again
No darkness, no season
Can last forever

Seems like cherry blossoms are blooming
The winter is gone
I miss you (I miss you)
I miss you (I miss you)
If I wait a little longer
If I stay up all nights for a couple of more days
’ll go to meet you (I'll go there to meet you)
I’ll come to get you (I'll come to get you)

Until this cold winter ends
And the spring comes again
And until the flowers bloom again
Please stay there a little longer
Please stay there~

We both stopped in the same time with a bit of humming then look at each other and blushed.

"I missed that" Blaze said, blushing while rubbing his back neck.

"Same here.. " I blush as well while looking away from Blaze.

'His voice is beautiful.. as always...'

I felt a hand under my chin as it got grabbed and brought closer to Blaze's face. I blink in confusion.

"I... always missed this too"

Blaze pulled me into a kiss, I was startled at first but soon melt into the kiss and kiss back.

After a few mins we part away. We pant then I look at Blaze as he keeps eyeing on me. Wanting to say something.

"What is it?"

"Ice... I forget to say what I was suppose to say, so.. can I say it now?"

Ah...those words...

"Of course.."


"I’m back"

"Welcome back, My fireball"


END! Awwww shippy~ and thats all from me! Gawdds this is giving me goosebumps! Yet breath taking!!!! Hope u guys like n dont forget to comment anything~ oh n i have a question...

[What happened if you see someone crying in the street, either its a stranger  or some you know, what would you do?]

comment below for your answers >wO

Mikachu out!

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