Chapter 3: Honey On A Full Moon

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Main Characters: Professors Kukui and Burnet (both late 20s)

Cameos: Ash Ketchum (10) and Pikachu


The way the moon shines brightly over the ocean looks astounding. Look at the way the water glistens with the night sky. And listen to the sound the ocean makes every time it hits the beach. All the stars in the night sky changing multiple colors are beautiful. But nothing is as beautiful and glistening as Professor Burnett's grayish silver ring she has around her neck.

Burnet is still at a lost for words. Yesterday, she confessed her love to an old colleague and he returned these feelings by asking her to marry him. The same colleague she has feelings for since they first met. Burnet accepts the proposal and that's what lead them to marriage today. It all seems like a fairy tale.

The smile on Professor Burnet's begins to fade away and she doesn't know why. She's supposed to be happy she married the love of her life, but for whatever reason, her happiness is starting to fade and the newly Mrs. doesn't know why. Is Burnet having second thoughts about her marriage? Maybe they rushed things a bit too suddenly? After all, they haven't properly dated due to recent events.

Professor Burnet shakes her head in denial. The newlywed wife knows what she's getting herself into and she knows her husband enough to realize that he is marriage material. Her smile makes a comeback as all of her doubts and second thoughts fade away. She wonders what life will have to offer them. Speaking of which, an arm falls around the woman's shoulder which reveals a ring around its middle finger that matches Burnet's ring around her neck.

"Professor Kukui," Burnet calls "You surprised me."

Professor Kukui laughs at his newlywed wife. "We're married now, Burnet," he replies. "You don't have to sound former."

"I know," she chuckles. "I'm still processing the fact we're married."

"Is that why you're standing outside in the middle of the night?" The newlywed husband asks. Burnet didn't want to worry her dear husband about her second thoughts of marriage. Maybe a piece of her still isn't sure Kukui is meant for her. But she is sure of herself and this was demonstrated a few days ago. Kukui loves her and Burnet loves him in return. And this is only the beginning of the rest of their lives.

"It's nothing important," the wife answers. "Cause all that matters is you and me are happy together." Kukui nods in agreement. He leans forward and Burnet meets him halfway until both their lips make contact. During the lip locking, Burnet cant help but notices something poking her stomach and begins to blush. "Well, it's getting late," the wife replies. "You ready to go back inside and get some sleep?"

"I'm ready if you are." Burnet grabs her husband's hand and leads him back to the house. Once they're on the front porch, an idea strikes in Kukui's head. "Wait," he opens the front door wide open.

"What is it?" Burnet wonders.

Without warning, Kukui picks up his newlywed wife in a bridal style position in his arms. Burnet, in return, shrieks after being taken by surprise as he carries her inside the beachfront house. "Oh, Kukui," she giggles.

"Shh!! You got to stay quiet!!" The husband warns.

"Okay, Pikachu," Ash muffles in his sleep. "Time to finish this battle. Use thunderbolt." Ash's sleep talking earns him a pair of snickers from the professors as they reach the staircase to the basement. Of course, Ash would be battling in his sleep. The professors quietly walk down to the basement that also happens to be a home office/research lab/bedroom.

"Now that I think about it, I'm not really all that tired," Burnet explains.

"Really?" Kukui asks in confusion. "But I thought you wanted to get some sleep?"

"I do, but not right now. Or at least until I open up this one last gift."

"What last gift?"

"Right here," Burnet answers as she places a hand over the bulge that's sticking out of her husband's pants. "Just as I expected. You must have lost control of yourself after the wedding."

"Burnet," Kukui shrieks as blush marks creep up on both sides of his face.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about," the wife giggles. "Are you going to let me open my gift up?" Kukui finally sees through his wife's seductive smile and batted eyes and his cheeks grow a maroon red. He smiles right back at her and has only one suggestion in mind.

"Only if I can open up mine," he states.


"Oh, Burnet!" Kukui grunts. "Just like that." Burnet exhibits another talent as she bobs her head down her husband's shaft. As one of her hands is holding the hard member in place, the other is playing with the pair of balls, twisting and fondling them to add more excitement for her man.

Pleasure is building up inside the male professor's body and it's taking every vein in his system to not release it. But Burnet is not making it easy. Her mouth feels warm and tight around his dick and the amount of sucking noises being produce is hypnotic. In addition getting an eyeful view.

Kukui then suggests he should take advantage of this position and even the playing field. No way is he going to lose to Burnet, even if she is his wife. With that being said, he pulls the waistband to her black panties over to the side and dives in tongue first into her dripping wet hold. Burnet pulls off and releases a pleasured scream as the male licks and sucks to his heart's content. So that's how Kukui wants to play.

Burnet, not wanting to lose either, wraps her mouth around his member again and sucks him off harder. Kukui cups both his wife's ass cheeks and pulls them closer to his face. Even slapping both cheeks as he's giving his wife head. This has now turn into a competition to see which newlywed will reach their climax first. Both of them doing everything they can make the other one come.

Kukui drills deep down until her inner walls wrap around his tongue. He thought this would be enough considering the fact she's moaning like crazy, but it's not. Burnet pushes her head down even further until the tip of his member reaches the entrance of her throat. She lets out of all the gag reflexes and focus her attention on making her dear Kukui release his orgasm. His legs buckle forward and his member sprays his wife's mouth with his assets.

Kukui lays there panting, trying to catch his breath while he waits for his orgasm to die down. "I thought I had you," he gasps.

"You knew you was on the losing end with me," Burnet responds. "So why try to fight it?"

Ignoring her question, Kukui places two fingers inside her wet fold. Burnet moans with pleasure as the fingers start drilling inside. Now she's on the verge of releasing her orgasm. But Kukui still has one trick left. His right index finger sneaks up and digs inside her butt hole.

"AHHH!!" Burnet screams out loud. "NO!! NOT IN THERE!! AH HA!!" She yells as her orgasm reach an all time high, spraying her husband's face with her assets.


"You're so beautiful," Kukui compliments his blushing, smiling wife. The couple resume Kalos kissing one another, taking turns entering their moist tongues in each other's mouth while Kukui's naked body presses on top of hers. The head of his cock makes contact with her wet opening. Burnet whimpers and buckles her hips forward, but Kukui pulls back. "Are you ready?" He asks, wanting to make sure she is censor about this.

"Make me your one and only woman, my dear Kukui," Burnet answers. And with that, Kukui drills his member inside her waiting hole.

"AH HA!!" Burnet screams.

"Now listen. If I'm hurting you, let me know right away."

"I'm fine. Make your mark on me and don't hold anything back. Please."

Hearing that, Kukui will make sure he does just that and thrusts inside her. Burnet makes no effort with keeping her voice down, forgetting about Ash sleeping upstairs with her husband's meat pounding her insides. She is connected with him in both mind and spirit at the moment. Love is in the air follow by loud moans from the wife and grunts from the husband. They are in sync.

Burnet screams Kukui's name wildly as she claws her manicured nails on his bare back. This prompts Kukui to increase the speed into his pounding and more forceful. Burnet grabs and yanks his head for another round of Kalos kissing to the point where of giving the new definition for tongue tied. The speed in Kukui's hips increase to the point where he lost complete control as Burnet's wall tighten around his member again.

Both are reaching their peak and all it takes is one final thrust. Kukui's volcano erupts inside Burnet and covers everything with white, sticky lava while at the same time, Burnet hits a night note. The sweaty pair lay next to one another as they make an attempt to catch the little breath they have left. Neither one of them will forget this day including tonight. Of all the years they have known one another, they have never felt even more connected with one another, even if they were bounded together by robe. While savoring this moment, both professors haven't realize their noise making project caught some unexpected attention.

"Professor Kukui? Professor Burnet?" Ash calls out to both professors. "Is everything okay down there?"

"Pika Pika?" His partner Pikachu asks.

"Pikachu and I seem to hear screaming down there and we was wondering is everything alright." Alarm bells ring in both their heads. They have forgotten about Ash the entire time of their love making. Now they caught the attention of Kukui's underage student who is now making his way downstairs. Maybe if they stay quiet, Ash will assume they're asleep and go back to bed himself.

"I don't hear anything, buddy," Ash says to his partner. "They must still be sleep and I think we should do the same. What do you say, Pikachu?"

"Pika," his partner yawns in agreement.

"You're right, buddy. Let's go back to sleep ourselves."

Kukui and Burnet didn't move a muscle until they are convince Ash is gone. After another minute, a breath of relief escape from both their mouths. they dodge a huge bullet that time. The last thing they need is to have an underage student to walk in on two adults, butt naked, and doused in sweat with comfort covering only half their bodies.

"That was way too close," Kukui mouths to his wife.

"No kidding," Burnet mouths back. Silence fills the entire house once again. "We should get some sleep ourselves."

"I agree." The newlyweds engage in one last kiss for the night. "I love you, Burnet."

"I love you too, Kukui."

My Christmas gift to all you tune heads is a surprised chapter for my long delayed Shipping Wars lemon fanfic. I started working on this chapter after watching last Thursday's episode featuring Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet getting married. If you haven't seen it yet, then you are missing out. I hope you guys enjoyed it and please forgive me for being MIA. I've been dealing with a lot of personal issues throughout 2017 from classes, depression, anxiety, and even suicide thoughts. Yeah it was that bad. I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas like I did.

This is my last chapter for 2017, but I'll be back in the new year with a one shot, new chapters, and new fanfics. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and I'll see you all in 2018.

Stay tuned for 2018


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