A theory

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Okay you might be thinking right now "what theory are you about to do?" Well I'm going a mlp: fim theory, and it's about Twilight Sparkle.

Now we all know her, she's a alicorn, has 5 awesome friends and is the element of MAGIC. In my opinion, she should not have that element cause it should be given it Starlight. Twilight's element should be patients. Yes you read it, patients. Some might be like, you know she should. She's going to rule Equestria one day and she's going to need alot of patients. While on the other hoof. ~> No she should NOT, she should have the element of magic!

This is my explanation. Twilight always has a list or chart and or schedule that she wants to finish just in time. But it takes patients to finish that. She always wants it to be right on time, when she doesn't get it in time she can have a break down. I mean remember in an episode pinkie pie  (i forgot which one but I think it's in the mean six) said something like this. "Wait! And smell these roses!" Twilight said. "Okay let's hurry up we don't want to be late." Or something like that. 

That's why she should have the element of patients and Starlight should have the element of MAGIC.

Today was the second day if school for me and it was okay, I was late for one of my classes and it was embarrassing. Good thing my teacher is nice but strict. My friend chuckled at me and I said this in my head. "I swear I'll blow your locker up." It was science so that would be easier but I'm not that evil.

Welp see ya.

✌ peace!

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