🌴 Chapter Fifty-Three 🌴

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Raymond watched the family reunion, silently doing a lot of thinking. He stepped forward towards his eldest son and cleared his throat. "Now that Janessa is indeed alive, this changes things." He murdered, rubbing his chin in deep thought.

William perked up at his father's words and looked over in his direction. He figured his father would go down this road, it was typical of him. "No, it doesn't." He suddenly countered, walking over to him with his arms crossed.

Raymond tilted his head and furrowed his brows. "How is it not? Your betrothal to Rosalya is void since it was crafted on the account that Janessa was dead. Now she's alive, it still stands, so we can still have a wedding and a coronation -" He tried to explain only to be cut off.

William gritted his teeth and clenched his fists at his side, gathering up the courage. "Just stop!" He suddenly snapped, everyone, falling quiet. "For once can you not? After everything we've just been through you want to continue with the wedding and coronation but with Essa?" He inquired, stepping towards his father.

Raymond didn't see the problem or why William was against it. He had always been hung up on Janessa and here she was alive. "Yes, why? You have a duty William and it's time it is fulfilled. We have wasted too much time."

William ran his hand through his disheveled hair and groaned. "Again with my duty. Why can't you just be a father? All I wanted growing up was a father who loved and cared for me, supported me, and understood me. You were a tyrant who I loathed and couldn't wait to be away from you!" He ranted, his face growing red.

Raymond was taken back. How could his son believe that about him? Couldn't he see all he was doing was for his good? "I was being a good king and doing what's right for the kingdom. As a prince, you should understand what I was doing for you." He explained, trying to justify his actions.

William scoffed and shook his head. "For me? You never asked me what I wanted! Where did you get off thinking you knew what I wanted, better than I did? It's my life, not yours! So, why? Why did you pressure me into being what you wanted?" Why couldn't his father see that? Was he that blind?

Raymond felt like he had just blown a fuse as his emotions erupted. "Because I never had someone to show me how to be a good king!" He exclaimed in a fit of anger. His eyes went wide at what had just come from his mouth.

William was shocked. He hadn't known that about his father. "What?" He muttered in disbelief. 'He never had someone to show him how to be a good king? That is what he said.' He thought as he looked around the room.

Raymond tried to compose himself, he tugged at the collar of his shirt. "My parents died young and I never had the proper training to be king. I struggled with ruling and turned cold because it was best not to feel anything than let my feelings get the best of me. I also had to be stern otherwise no one would listen to me." He explained slowly.

William couldn't believe he had never known that. It explained why his father was like that. "Why didn't you tell me?" He inquired, his gaze softening. "As a child, I would have understood why you were the way you were. I always thought you were just a heartless, cruel man who only cared about the kingdom and duty rather than me."

Raymond felt like he had a bunch of rocks dumped on top of him like the rug had been pulled out under his feet. "Oh, you thought that of me . . ." He couldn't believe that was what William thought. "I didn't see the need. I thought it wasn't important and I didn't even express my feelings."

William walked over to his father and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Maybe it's about time you did?" He softly suggested, hoping that his father would be willing to change. He sure hoped so. He had dreamed of this day for as long as he could remember.

Raymond shook his head, he wasn't so sure he was comfortable with that. "I don't know. That seems like a whole lot of work and time-consuming and I wouldn't know where to start -" He cut himself off and took a deep breath realizing they had gotten off track. "That can wait, we still have to deal with the wedding and coronation."

Chandler stepped in before his brother could say a single word. He had the document and it was the right time to show it to everyone. "Um, if I may, I would like to present a document." He unrolled the document and held it up for everyone to see.

Raymond stared in disbelief at his youngest son. He had found the document. He had thought it didn't exist. He even said there was no such thing and yet here it was. It had the kingdom's blue seal, which dated at least four kinds back. "Is that?" He inquired, furrowing his brows.

Chandler nodded with a smile. He could see the hope in his brother's eyes and the surprised look on his father's face. "Yes. It's the document that gets William out of his marriage." He proudly declared, looking around the room.

William shuffled over to his brother and examined the document. "It exists! You-you found it! What does it say?" He asked, wondering what it could say. He was excited to see what he had to do and whatever it was he wouldn't hesitate.

Chandler cleared his throat and turned it around to him, beginning to read. "It states that a month before the wedding or coronation up to the day of, the heir to the throne may renounce his title, birthright, and line to the throne and pass it down to the next in line. It must be done publicly and the current king and queen must sign with the signatures of the current hair and the one who will take it from the heir. Once done, the heir has no claim to any inheritance, loses any claims on land, and becomes a commoner."

William couldn't believe that was all he had to do. That didn't seem so hard. He said to do that in a heartbeat. "That-That's all I have to do?" His voice filled to the brim with hopefulness. "I thought it would be this long, hard, process, but it is that simple!"

Raymond shook his head. That was a huge step to take. How could he agree without time to think about his options? "William, let's take a moment to think about this. You will no longer be a prince and all that comes with it!" Who would, in their right mind, want to renounce all that?

William tore his eyes away from the document and looked over at Essa. "If that means I can be with Essa, then I won't hesitate to relinquish my title and my line for the throne." With those words spoken, gasps rippled through the others and whispers followed.

Essa couldn't believe he was willing to do that for her. She let go of her mother's hand and walked over to him. "But William, are you sure? That's something big and you'd be fine with becoming like I was before we found out who I was?" She explained in disbelief.

William took his hands in his. He kissed the back of each one with a smile. "I was willing to be a fugitive and run away with you, back to your island and disappoint my family and kingdom. If it means I can be with you and give my brother something he's wanted his whole life, then so be it." He declared with a bright smile.

Essa smiled for a brief moment, but it fell when she realized something. "But don't things change now? I'm Janessa, your first friend, and the girl that was special to you. That has to change things for us since I'm not the Essa you first met on my island -" She began to say, pulling her hands away from him, only to be cut off.

William didn't let her go any further. "The Janessa I knew died a long time ago. The girl standing before me is Essa, who was raised by animals and grew up on an island. You are nothing like the Janessa I once knew and I don't care whether you were a princess or not. I'd still do this even if you weren't a princess because I love you and no one else." He leaned in and pressed a kiss on her cheek.

Essa's face grew red not only because of the kiss on her cheeks, but his words. "I-I don't know what to say," She stammered. Never in a million years did she ever think he'd say that. "William, I don't understand -" She couldn't find the words to speak. "What did I ever do to deserve you?" She questioned, seeing the man before she was perfect.

Raymond stepped forward and spoke up before William had a chance to reply to Essa. "I don't understand, William. Your whole life you've been training to be king and you're going to throw it all away?" He asked, confused, why his son would do this.

William looked over at his father and sighed. "Yes, because it was never what I wanted. I'm not foolishly leaving the kingdom without an heir. I'm leaving it in the hands of my little brother, who would make the best king this kingdom has ever known." He placed his hand on his brother's shoulder.

Chandler looked away and blushed a little at the words. "I don't know about that." He mumbled, feeling a little shy. He might have been humble, but he didn't see what his brother was saying. He didn't think he would make that good of a king.

William could see how humble his brother was or maybe it was bashfulness. "Look at what you did? You saved us all. Your plan was brilliant and you even included Essa's animal family. If that doesn't make a good king, then I don't know what does." How could anyone not see a king in his actions?

Chandler rubbed the back of his neck. "I suppose it was," He looked up at Raymond and took a deep breath. "Father, my whole life I've been dedicated to getting you to notice me. How much of a great king I would be but you only saw me as a nuisance. Everything I've ever done was to gain your approval and I never got it, but I didn't stop trying."

Raymond felt like he was on spot. He was, but he looked around to see everyone's expressions before looking at Chandler. "I may not have given you enough credit. I've failed to realize how much becoming king means to you and after this, maybe I should do some reflecting. I haven't been the best father nor king and I'm ashamed of that." He finally caved and admitted it.

Kalirene was slightly shocked and slightly proud that after all these years he admitted his faults. "We all make mistakes and your pride shouldn't define who you are. It isn't too late to change and admitting you have a probe is the first step. I'm proud of you, Raymond." She leaned up and kissed his cheek.

Raymond smiled, for once he genuinely found a way to smile. "Thank you, Kalirene," He turned towards her and looked down at her. "I truly didn't see how blessed I was to have you as a wife and I've been awful to you. I want to be a better husband to you and father to our children." He vowed, taking his wife's hands in his.

Kalirene couldn't believe this was the same man from this afternoon. He had changed so suddenly. It was all too strange for her. "Why the change of heart?" She inquired, wanting to know why he was going down this path.

Raymond sighed softly. "I suppose I was moved by how much my son cares for Janessa and the lengths he would go for her. I could never say that about myself and it makes me feel angry and embarrassed that my son is twice the man I'll ever be." He then paused for a moment before adding. "I've never felt that before so it's a little weird."

William couldn't believe his father, the man who was yelling at him this afternoon for kissing Essa, admitted all that. "Father, I-I don't know what to say," He paused. "I didn't think you could ever feel like that. You've always been so cold and hostile -" He continued only to be cut off by his father.

Raymond now understood why he never had any of these feelings. "I never got any love like what your mother had given you, so I was never shown how to be a caring and loving father. I only learned what I could from those around me. It was the reason why I loathed Mark - I'm ashamed to admit, I was jealous that he was the man I wasn't. It wasn't right of me and no matter what I said or did, you remained a friend."

Mark was taken back by that. He knew Raymond didn't like him but he had loathed him. "I saw the good in you, even if no one else did. You had it in you to see the error of your ways and change. It may seem a little out of character for you, but I'm happy." He smiled a little.

Raymond tugged at the collar of his shirt. "It is quite out of character but after everything that's happened, I think it's time for a change. I should change. I can't continue to be the bitter person I was or else I could turn out like James. That was a knife to the heart but I was so cold I didn't let it affect me and it still hasn't, but I'm sure it will." He didn't want to be like that anymore.

He turned to Essa. Although he had his pride, he was willing to put it down to make amends to the wrong person he was especially cruel too who had dome nothing wrong. "Princess Janessa," He recoiled from the look his son gave him. "I'm sorry, Essa. I owe you an apology."

"I treated you awfully, like a criminal. You had pure intentions when you came and I thought the worst because of my own experiences. It wasn't right. I shouldn't have ostracized you, and I shouldn't have made you watch William and Rosalya's wedding, that was indeed heartless. No one should have to he subjected to that level of cruelty, especially you."

"I know that no apology can make up for how I was too you, especially after all you've been through. I'm not looking for forgiveness, I know I'm undeserving of it. Am I apologizing out of guilt? Pressure? Pride? I'm not sure. But I can say, with a clear continuous, that I won't make the same mistake again. History will not repeat itself. I can promise that." He ended, feeling a bit awkward at his speech.

Essa smiled softly as she listened to him apologize and admit his wrongdoings. "I forgive you. I was never angry with you, more so upset. I know you were only doing what you thought was best for your son and my timing wasn't all that great. It means a lot you've apologized." She accepted his words and took them to heart.

Raymond didn't exactly know how to feel. Whatever he was feeling was foreign to him but his wife seemed impressed with him and his children pleased. "Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, Essa." He did not expect her to accept his apology but was nonetheless grateful.

Chandler stepped forward after what his father had said and grinned. "On that note, how about tomorrow, bright and early, we can have the ceremony. It will give us time to prepare and clean up this whole mess. We can hold it by the palace gates. We can give the guests something slightly different than they came for?" He suggested, knowing they couldn't just let them go home after the ordeal.

Raymond looked around the room and nodded. That seemed reasonable. They could do the ceremony before the guests left and hold it at the cathedral. "I'll let the guests know." With that said, everyone departed for the night to do their respective tasks.

Bright and early the next morning, everyone gathered at the cathedral. Guards stood in formation, creating a barricade for the royal and noble guests.

The townsfolk stood outside and couldn't wait to hear the whole thing happen and see it, since all four doors were wide open and so were the windows. They stood with anticipation of the outcome since it wasn't something they'd heard of happening before.

Inside, Raymond and Kalirene stood off to the side, both decked out in formal attire. The archbishop stood in the middle of them with parliamentarians seated in the front pews, while the royal and noble guests.

Chandler waited in the royal carriage to be called in for the ceremony. He would have to walk down the aisle and kneel before his family and the archbishop after his brother had renounced his title. His hands fiddled with the medallions on his chest.

William sat opposite of him waiting to be called in first, so he could relinquish his title and then help with passing the throne to his younger brother. He rapidly tapped his foot on the floor, anxiously waiting for things to begin.

Chandler looked over at his brother and smiled, ignoring the pounding of his heart in his ear. "Nervous?" He inquired, leaning back in the seat. He could tell by his brother's actions he was anxious about this whole thing.

William looked at Chandler and pursed his lips. He nodded his head slowly and looked down at his hands. "Understatement of the century." He replied and itched the back of his head. "How about you?"

Chandler didn't hesitate to reply. "Nervous as ever. I never thought this day would come!" He exclaimed, realizing things were becoming more surreal. He was going to take on the task of becoming king when he became of age. He knew he was ready since it was many years down the road.

William smiled, reaching over and poking his brother's forehead. "Nor did I. I can finally be free of my duties and focus on sailing and Essa. It seems like a dream and that I'll wake up and all of this will be gone." He knew it was real, but the feeling lingered.

Chandler nodded along. It was true, even for him, he seemed too good to be true. "It's a happy ending or happy beginning, whichever way you want to look at it." He then paused for a moment. "You'll still be a prince, just of Oshiappa when you marry Essa." He teased with a snort.

William rolled his eyes and looked towards the doors. "That is far away. Neither of us is ready for that and I just want to do all the things I never got to do. I want to make more memories with Essa and spend as much time as I can." He watched as two guards approached the carriage. "That's my cue."

He stepped out of the carriage after the footman had opened the door. He walked beside the guards, into the cathedral, and down the aisle. The kingdom's anthem was being sung by the church choir, their sweet voices filling the room.

He could feel all the eyes on him, but this time they didn't make him feel suffocated. Their whispers brought him joy, knowing a high majority were thrilled about this event. It made up for the wedding that never happened. He stopped and stood in front of the archbishop, looking up at the tall man.

The archbishop brown eyes scanned the room as the chair's singing came to an end. "Prince William Wenuzelle, the first prince of Bowlivekeya and the heir to the throne. You stand before the eyes of God, your family, and your people, to renounce your title and claim the throne. I ask you to address those gathered here today, the reasoning behind your choice. Parliament will talk about the matter and bring it before King Raymond Wenuzelle, who will speak with me about it. Then I will deliver the final verdict." His deep voice echoed throughout the church.

William took a deep breath and turned around, facing everyone. He had gone over what he would say but it seemed now that the time had come all those words were gone. He could feel the sweat gathering on his forehead and neck as he wracked his brain for the words.

He figured he'd have to wing it and just speak from the bottom of his head. This had to be moving for it to be accepted. William wished Chandler had seen the third parchment that had been stuck to the second and he would have had a better time to prepare.

Now it was solely up to him to make his case and there could be a slight chance they'd decline his request. "I want to thank everyone for taking their time out of their morning to attend this ceremony. I am sure some of you may feel disappointed in me, that I'm not understanding my duty or taking it seriously. You're not the only one who thought that and certainly won't be the last."

"I know what it means to renounce my title and claim to the throne. I've thought long and hard and have come to a firm decision and reason behind my actions." He paused for a moment to try and read the audience. They all had seen to be handing on his every word waiting for him to continue.

"Have you ever had a dream? A dream that meant so much to you that nothing could get in your way? I have. That dream wasn't ruling a kingdom but sailing the open seas. I never could see myself as a king, ruling over the kingdom, making judgments on what I thought was best for people, all come with the title. Weighting everyone's future in my hands seemed too much for me."

"From a young age, I was taught what my birth entitled me to, all the pressure that piled up, causing a huge burden. One a child should never have to endure. I yearned to be like the kids in the township, carefree and able to follow their dreams no matter how out of reach they felt. I had wished more than anything to make my destiny and not have it decided for me."

"I had always known being king wasn't what I wanted, nor was it best for the kingdom. Growing up, my heart wasn't in it. I wasn't looking forward to all the lessons and thought it was cruel to burden a child with that. It may have been childish, but it was my feelings and they shouldn't be invalid."

"I'm not leaving the kingdom without an heir, I'm choosing to pass it off to someone who has dreamed of it his entire life. Someone who has put his whole heart into learning what it means to be a great king and flourish in a kingdom. Someone who has a big dream and will continue to unlock this kingdom's potential to be a great power. Someone who can plan for anything that may arise and use what he has at hand in creative ways. Someone who thinks outside the box and includes everyone who has the position to help."

"My younger brother, Prince Chandler Wenuzelle. I know in my heart he will be the best king this kingdom has yet to see. He will lead this nation into a new mark in history and I put my full trust and word that he will live up to all of your expectations. Time and time again he's proven to me that he can raise expectations of everyone and do things that are deemed impossible."

"I ask you today, allow me to relinquish my title and claim to the throne and give it to someone who shows great potential to be a ruler for this kingdom. Thank you." He bowed towards his people, placing one arm across his chest and the other behind his back. He turned around and knelt on his knees.

His heart was pounding against his rib cage and his back was soaked with sweat. The hardest part was over and now the deliberation was about to begin. He hoped his words moved everyone and he was worried there were things he should have left out. He figured he could have done better - he shook his head knowing he did the best he could.

The parliamentarians stepped out and into a side room and spoke amongst themselves. It took about fifteen minutes before they walked up to Raymond and presented him with a document with their thoughts. Raymond looked over it and nodded, allowing them to go back to their seats. He walked over to the archbishop and spoke with him about it and gave his thoughts as well.

The archbishop walked back up to the front and stood in front of William. "You may rise now." He commanded, to which William obliged. "The parliamentarians had mixed feelings about this, however, the high majority was for your speech. Your father and current King were also for your speech and willing to allow you to relinquish your title and claim to the throne. I too agree on this. You've spoken from your heart and in good conscience, under the eyes of God, not allowing you to follow your dreams as you've said."

William couldn't believe it. Many were in favor of it. He felt like he could cry but he kept himself composed. He wasn't going to get emotional in front of everyone. He took the golden orb and scepter from his father and held them in each hand.

The archbishop looked towards the door and nodded to the guards. "We now bring in Prince Chandler Wenuzelle." He explained, knowing he couldn't relinquish the title until the one who would take on the duty was in front of him as well.

Chandler walked down the aisle, a huge smile on his lips to hide behind since he was nervous. He walked up beside his brother and knelt on one knee, crossing an arm over his chest and crossing one behind his back.

The archbishop down at William. "I ask that you repeat after me what I've said," He paused long enough for William to not before continuing. "I, Prince William Wenuzelle, first in line for the throne of Bowlivekeya, renounce my claim to the throne, to any land, to any resources, to any inheritance that may be passed down to the next in line. I vow, in the eyes of God, that my choice here will not be regretted nor taken back on. That the person to take the throne is able-bodied and mentally able to take upon the duties of ruling a king."

William repeated every single word the archbishop had said. He tried to keep his mind clear and suppress all excitement he was feeling. He needed to focus on the task at hand and that was publicly renouncing his title.

The archbishop motioned for William to place the golden orb and scepter in his brother's hands. "Now you may pass them to your brother and hand your crown to your father." He commanded in a gentle voice, William obeying. "From this moment on, you will no longer be Prince William Wenuzelle, but simply William Wenuzelle, a normal citizen of the kingdom." With those words said a wave of claps from the guests happened.

William turned around and smiled at everyone. He was finally free and no longer was burdened by his duty or crown. He bowed to his brother, his father, and his mother as he walked over and took a seat beside Augustine and Cordelia.

The archbishop turned to look at Chandler, who he instructed to rise. "Prince Chandler Wenuzelle, do you accept the title of first prince and heir to the throne and claim your rightful place as king when you become of age?" He asked, looking down at the young prince.

Chandler had been waiting for this moment for as long as he could remember. He would officially be the first prince and heir to the throne, what more could be asked for? "I do, before God as my witness, and as those here." He replied, looking up at the man in front of him.

The archbishop carried on as everyone waited with bated breath. "Now that you've pledged before God and everyone here, you are the future king of Bowlivekeya once you become of age." With that said William's crown was placed on his head by Raymond.

Once Chandler turned around everyone erupted in applause. He walked down the aisle, smiling as bright as ever. Once at the doors, he stopped and the townsfolk also erupted into cheers at this momentous event in Bowlivekeyan history.

He couldn't believe he would take the throne in eight years. He knew his father would have to rule a little longer but he didn't seem to mind. He did know that he still had much to do for when that time came. He couldn't wait to dive into the history and documents of the kingdom which would probably start as soon as they arrived at the palace.

William was going to be with the woman he loved and was even going to tag along back to her island. Essa had found her family and would be spending some time on both her island and in her home kingdom. His father had changed for the better and his mother couldn't have been happier. Rosalya was getting to travel the world, despite the protest from Leshay. It had seemed everything had worked out in everyone's favor.

It marked the beginning of a whole new story for everyone.


And we come to a close with the editing of this book! I'm so sorry to have a second book completed! I am so happy with how far this has come from my original draft. This ending is one of my proudest ones yet and I don't think it was rushed.

I do have a second (third) book in the works but I don't know if I'm going to publish that here. Since I've taken the prologues and turned them into their own book I may end up doing that. Well just have to see where that takes me.

Now I will begin finishing The Royal Charm Academy, so if you wanna check that out then cool! That will be my next book I finish and I may occasionally publish a chapter of The Haunting of Briarwood Manor & A Modern Cinderella Story, since I'm heavily editing them.

I may add a bonus chapter if I feel like it. Although I'm not sure what that bonus chapter would include. We'll just have to see, won't we?

Chapter Talk:
Yes, Raymond isn't 100% changed, but it's a start. He realized his mistakes and apologized for it. We now know why he is the way he is and from here on out he can change to be a better person. Just like Leshay in the last chapter, Raymond had a change of heart. Not because Essa turned out to be a princess, but because of William's words to his father.

I felt it was a good idea to have William pass his line on the throne to his brother and renounce his title, making him a normal person. If he hadn't, it just wouldn't hold the same power. He needed to make a statement, a display, showing that Essa meant more than his title ever did. I didn't want him to have it all, since that seems unrealistic. He needed to choose between the woman he loved or his title, and he chose the woman he loved. It made a bigger impact on everyone just how much he cared for her.

Also, I had to do a lot of research for the ending part of this chapter. I figured I'd ought to add my own twist on a renouncing of the title and claim to the throne and passing it down to someone else. Mind you, William is fully alive, the only way Chandler would have taken it is if William had died. So, I wanted to do my own thing and make it so that everyone gets what they want

And lastly, anything else I forgot to ask my pals. I am happy to answer anything!

In closing, all rude, impolite and mean comments will be replied to in a diplomatic way, reported or deleted if I feel like it is attacking me personally.

Thanks for reading!

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