🌴 Chapter Thirteen 🌴

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Jayme thought he would never have to beg anyone, yet here he was: on his knees, begging his friend who was a maid to help him, literally. "Please Taileiah, I really could use your help with something urgent." He has sincerity in his voice that anyone would see was true.

Taileiah turned around putting her hands on her hips, still holding the feather duster in her hand. "Jayme, look, I have said this in every way possible: I am not helping you no matter what it is. I have too much on my plate as it is helping with this wedding. There will be guests arriving by the end of the week, we have to have it all done by then." She explained, exasperated for the hundredth time now.

Jayme stood up and looked at her with a cute frown. He knew his cuteness was irresistible. How could anyone deny him? "Yet you haven't heard what I am going to ask. Just give me a chance to explain what I need help with and then you will see what I mean!" He begged her, giving her the puppy eyes he knew always worked or at least did most of the time.

Taileiah's dark eyes rolled in a circle. He was persistent, wasn't he? She ran her hand through her hair, pushing back any stray curls. "I am sure you do not need me to help you, darling. Why can't you find someone else to help you? Why is it always me you come to? You have a family right? Ask them to help." She asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

Jayme whined, pouting like a child. He did not want to hear that at all. "Taileiah, this isn't a matter that my parents can help. They are busy somewhere so I couldn't ask them if I wanted to. Also, there are a bunch of maids already helping out with the wedding, no one would even know you are gone." He was persistent alright, he needed help from a female.

Taileiah shook her head, turning herself around and going back to dusting. Of course, they would know she was gone. Who wouldn't? She was always dedicated to her job and everyone knew she wasn't one to leave or slack off. "I ain't doing it, Jayme. Now go away, I am busy making sure this place is spick and span so that I can at least sleep tonight." She only turned to him to swat him away.

Jayme stood where he was and he didn't move even when she had told him to. "I know you are busy. Yet this can not wait! I know Alex came up with the idea of the reason I need to ask you to help. I am taking the reins and full responsibility on this since William is too busy to handle it." He explained a tiny bit about his situation.

Taileiah paused and turned to him, raising an eyebrow. What was he talking about? Why was he taking a load off Alex, who didn't have much to do but overseas shipments. "What did Alex do for you to take the reins?" She asked curiously. She had no idea what he was even meaning. She hasn't heard anything since they had gotten back.

Jayme took a deep breath and began to explain. "I am sure you heard about the island girl we brought over? The one that saved William after his fall?" He was sure word had gotten all over the palace by now. He knew there was a lot of gossip surrounding it and he knew it was all far from the truth. Now he knew she wasn't one to listen or believe gossip.

Taileiah nodded her head along as he spoke. She had heard it. It was all anyone was talking about. "Yes, the whole palace is talking about it. Many say she and William had a little rendezvous while he was out on the sea. Others say she is a wild girl who has no manners and looks like a common animal. There is much more but I told them to stop gossiping when it is nothing but lies." She glanced at two maids who were whispering and giggling but stopped and briskly walked by after she glared at them.

Jayme watched them briskly walk by but continued. "Well, I would like her to know a bit about our customs. She needs another girl to help her and teach her about human girl things. So she may not know or understand what is going on with her body. I got her a place to stay and helped her with minor things, but there is so much I can do as a man." He knew he had his limits.

Taileiah held her duster in her hand as she leaned against the wall. He had a point. There were just some things women could handle that men couldn't. Which pertained to feminine hygiene and things of that nature. "So you're saying you need my help with her? Turning this girl into a notable person in society? Teach her the human basics of being a girl of our time? And teaching her what it means to be a human girl?" She questioned, knowing exactly what he meant.

Jayme nodded with a wide smile on his lips, clapping his hands. She was a smart girl and he was glad to know her. "Ah, not turning her into a notable person of society. Just help her familiarize herself with our way of life. I am sure she would love to know she can trust you! Since I said I would find the most trustworthy person I know." He exclaimed knowing she had come to the right person.

Taileiah sighed, how could she say no to her best friend. He had always been there for her and had stood up for her many times. "I shall do this, though on one condition. You help out with some things I need to get done while I help this island girl? I am only doing this because you're cute, otherwise, I would say no, no, no, and no." She asked, knowing she was going to be needing help since he knew her better.

Jayme couldn't help but grin, picking her up and hugging her before setting her feet back on the floor. "I will do anything you need my dear, anything. It means the world you are helping me and her out!" He promised, knowing he never broke his promises.

Taileiah couldn't help but giggle and step back once he had put her down. "Laying it on a bit thick, are we? Jayme, I am happy to help you out anytime you need. I am truly sorry for being how I was. I am just stressed out, you know, it has been very busy for all of us palace staff. It will be a nice change helping out and having another girl to talk to. Especially about things around here and she isn't biased." She said parting his cheek with her hand.

Jayme waved her off, she was everything he could ever want. "Oh no, it is honestly nothing. I know you could use a break from castle duties. She is nice! So, come on, I will introduce you to her now!" He grabbed her hand and began to pull her towards the way out of the castle.

Taileiah did not move and managed to get her hand free from his. "Now? Jayme, darling, can't we wait fifteen minutes? I will be having a break then and then I may help you out." She pointed out, not going to take time away from her job, one she could easily be fired from to help him.

Jayme nodded pursing his lips. She had a point, it was only fifteen minutes, it was hardly that long to wait. "I will have no problem waiting fifteen minutes. Let me help you out with what you need." He said, giving her a playful salute with a lopsided smile on his lips.

Taileiah rolled her eyes, playfully gently hitting his shoulder so she wouldn't hurt him. "That is kind of you. Please take this duster and dust the next picture off for me alright? Be gentle, it is the king's father." She instructed him to do so.

Jayme wished he would plant a kiss on her cheek but that would be too weird for her. "Aye aye m'lady." He bowed with a grin. He took the picture and gently dusted it like she had asked him to do. It was the least he could do in return for her help. He also figured Essa would feel Essa comfortable with another lady rather than a man.

Meanwhile, Essa was hanging upside down from the limb of a tree in the greenhouse. Bananas were right beside mirroring what she did, having his tail curled around the tree as where Essa had her legs folded over the tree. After some exploring, it was time to settle down and relax and try and do what they would do on their island.

Bananas smiled brightly as he gently swung back and forth. This was one thing he did when he needed to relax. Of course, he would do it with his parents. "This place is super fun, Essa. I could stay here for the rest of my life! Well, only if my parents were here with me, then I would stay forever." He giggled, clapping his hands together.

Essa gave an amused smile as she looked at the spider monkey. "Oh Bananas, I am sure your parents would love it here too. This greenhouse has everything." She was amazed at how such a place could exist. It was like a paradise, a perfect paradise with all you could ever need.

Misty walked over to where Essa and Bananas were. She had heard what they had said and she didn't like it. "But it isn't home, remember that. This is only a temporary home until we can find Essa's family. There are many things that our island has that this place doesn't. Like our families. We can't just come back." She felt homesick and was missing her parents.

Toki plucked a few berries off a bush and ate them. "As much as I hate to agree, Misty is right. This isn't our home and it isn't the island. I have to go back home. My parents are waiting for me. Our parents are waiting for us" He couldn't stay away from his parents. This place was nice, but it wasn't home to him.

Bananas groaned sitting on the floor and huffed. "Now that will make things complicated. What happens when I grow to love this place? What will I do then?" He was so confused. He had never had to decide like this. "Now I know how Essa felt when she decided to find her family. It wasn't an easy task, it was hard!"

Essa sighed softly. What would she do when she found her family? Would they allow her to return to her island if she wanted? Would they want to come with her? Could she ever return? How would she stay there with her animal family and her birth family? How could she leave her island behind and live a walking stick life? She groaned in frustration. "Now you got me worrying about what I will do once I find my family and how I can return to my island."

Jayme pushed open the doors and looked around. "Essa!" He called as he walked in. He wondered where she would be. He figured she might be in a few places that closely resemble her island. "Essa? Where are you?" He was excited for the two girls to meet and he hoped they would get along.

Taileiah followed in behind him, closing the door behind her. "You are letting this girl stay in your greenhouse? That is uncalled for Jayme. Any respectable girl needs to stay in one of the rooms in the palace. Since she is a guest I am sure she could get one of the grand bedrooms." She could not believe out of all the places to have her stay he chose to put her here. It must be because she lived on an island.

Jayme shook his head as he pushed open another set of doors. "No, no, she wanted to be somewhere that is close to her island. She doesn't want to stay inside the castle and besides, Raymond wouldn't allow her animal family to be inside either and she can't part with them." He explained hoping she knew it wasn't his choice.

Taileiah pursed her lips that made sense. "She brought animals along with her? Please tell me you are kidding Jayme." She tilted her head to the side. Was he trying to play games with her because if so it was not the best time to play games? It wasn't funny. Bringing wild animals along was dangerous, not to mention if they had unknown diseases.

Jayme sighed, if only he was kidding. "No, I am not. They are all the family she has and they raised her, not to mention that she can talk to them too. It is so fascinating. I know you'll like her when you meet her." He explained to her, knowing it would be a lot to take in. He even had a hard time realizing animals raised such a well-mannered girl. Of course, they were no ordinary animals.

Taileiah couldn't believe it. It seems so fantastical and not realistic. "I just don't believe this. Couldn't you have told me this before? I needed to know what I agreed to help you with. This was not what I expected! Someone who talks to animals? How is that even possible? Is that even possible?" If he had told her that she could have been better prepared.

Jayme glanced at her, opening up another door and shaking his head. "Don't prejudge her before you meet her. She is a wonderful person and very sweet." He reminded her, hearing that she couldn't quite believe it. Which he even had to admit was pretty unbelievable.

Taileiah placed her hands on her hips as she stopped in her place once she had gone through the door. "Now when have you ever known me to prejudge someone? I do not prejudge. It would be nice however to have known that, for the fact, I would have brought what I needed." She explained making hand gestures.

Jayme smiled, he already had whatever she needed ready. "I have already taken care of that. It is in my parent's room inside the castle, you can use it." He did know her pretty well and he even figured what would be needed for a girl who was raised by animals.

Taileiah was impressed that he had thought ahead. He was dedicated to helping this girl and she admired that about him. "Some days you still amaze me. You know me that well don't you know what I need for everything'? You are a wonderful man." She gently nudged his shoulder with her fist before walking down the path to another door.

Jayme smiled and rushed behind her peering through the glass door. "Oh," He looked up and smiled, opening up the doors once he had seen Essa and her animal family. "Essa there you are. I want you to meet my friend, Taileiah, she is going to help with anything you need." He introduced his friend, proudly motioning to her.

Essa got down from the branch and walked over looking at her. "Oh, um, hello." She said with a shy wave, looking her up and down. She was so pretty, a natural beauty that is after all. She did notice she was dressed like many people, long sleeves, long skirt, frills, bows, aprons, stockings, all of which she had no value in, and on top it made her feel a bit self-conscious about herself due to how much skin she was showing.

Taileiah looked at the girl, everything about her screamed she was raised by animals and had been on an island for such a long time. The long hair, the typical scars you would get, tanned skin, dirty fingernails, bare feet, and an outfit made entirely out of leaves. "Hello, it is nice to meet you." She smiled as she greeted the island girl, giving Jayme a sideways glance.

She then glanced at the wild animals around the proximity. "Are . . . are these your animal friends, er, family?" She asked in her voice, holding a little bit of fear. Her eyes were solely focused on Shylar the tiger cub. She had heard stories of how vicious tigers were and they wouldn't hesitate to rip you to shreds and have you for dinner. "They won't hurt me will they?" She questioned.

Essa picked up Shylar and kissed her head gently. Did everything have a bad preconceived notion about wild animals? It seemed everyone was either afraid or disgusted by their presence in this setting. "Yes, they are my family. They could never hurt you. They would never do that unless I was in danger. They are friendly." She replied, setting down Shylar, who rubbed her legs.

Shylar purred, sitting beside her looking at Taileiah. "She is very pretty. Why would she think we would hurt her? Are animals like us around here hurting others? Is it because we're wild?" She now was a bit worried to even be freely prancing around the castle grounds.

Essa bent down to the tiger cub and rubbed her head. She could tell she was a bit worried about what would happen during her stay if she wandered off by herself. "She is very pretty. I am not sure Shylar, I will ask. Why do you think they would hurt you?" She looked up at her, withdrawing her hand from Shylar.

Taileiah had no words for what she had just witnessed yet again. She was beginning to think the girl needed mental help. How could any same person believe they can communicate with animals? Everyone knows humans and animals can't understand each other but by body language and certain sounds.

She stumbled over her words, not quite sure what to say. "Uh, well, you see, wild animals tend to uh attack humans when they feel they are threatened or . . . just . . . hungry for dinner." Her voice grew softer before she quickly added. "I have read about it in books, autobiographies from explorers and animal experts." She knew the stories and they were so vividly told.

Essa gave her head tilt to the side and blinked a few times. That did explain why so many people were afraid of her animal family. It did sadden her. "Oh, don't worry. My animal family would never hurt a fly. They are very friendly." She gently told her knowing she had nothing to be afraid of. She had known them almost all her life. "I grew up with them, I think I should know." She smiled softly.

Jayme looked between the girls before bowing frantically. "I will give you some privacy. Essa this will be the last time you see me today. I will be quite busy into the late hours. I shall see you tomorrow, so good day to both of you." With that he pivoted and walked out, leaving the greenhouse. He hoped all went well and neither of the girls got hurt.

Taileiah moved closer and inspected her very carefully. She circled her, figuring out all she needed to do and how long it would take to get it done. "Jayme asked me to help clean you up. I do have a lot of work ahead of me, no offense." It would take a few hours even more just for her hair, not to mention everything else. However, she was ready to do it.

Essa tilted her head to the side, throwing her a puzzled look. "What do you mean?" She didn't understand what she had to clean up about her. Yeah, she would need a bath since she hasn't had one since they left the island and some clothes, besides that she didn't understand what else needed to be done.

Taileiah was not shocked the island girl had no idea what she was speaking of. "First we must cut those dead ends off of your hair, get out those rats, and shape it up a bit. Next, I have to clean up your hands and feet, trim those nails since some have been broken off and are jagged. Then I will be giving you a full-body bath and letting you soak in some milk to soften your skin." She explained. "Do a few face masks."

Essa looked at everything she had pointed out. "That is a lot of stuff to do for me. Are you sure you need to? I would hate to take up your time helping me when you are busy getting ready for the wedding." She didn't want to be a burden on her. That was all she seemed to be since she came, a burden on everyone.

Taileiah smiled gently. "Oh darling, it isn't a problem. Besides, it will be worth it when everyone sees you and how presentable you look. You will clean up nicely, not to mention you will still maintain your island uh whatever I am meaning to say." She was a bit excited to finally be able to say she was good at making people happy and she had a sense of style no doubt.

Essa knew she had a point. If she looked more like other walking sticks then maybe they would like her and not treat her so awfully. "I will let you do all you need." She would do anything to not be looked down on. No matter how grueling the process was, she would do it without a complaint.

Taileiah was glad she was willing to let her give her a makeover. She had always dreamed of this moment, even when she was a little girl. "Now if you will follow me alright?" She motioned for her to follow as she walked towards the castle and took a room her parents lived in away from the other castle staff. It would be a good workplace.

Essa nodded as she followed Taileiah. Roki, Misty, Toki, Shylar, and Bananas followed behind Essa wondering where they would be going. "Where are we going?" She asked, asking the question everyone was wondering. They were leaving the greenhouse so it must be inside the castle or near it.

Taileiah glanced back at her, opening the doors to the staff entrance. "Jayme's parents' room in the castle will give me a lot of room and many more opinions to help you out. Not to mention finding you some shoes and clothes. And since they are hardly ever here, we won't be bothered." She replied, crossing her arms and holding the door open.

Essa walked through looking around as she waited for Taileiah to show her where they were going. She passed by other palace staff, who gave her odd looks and whispered amongst themselves. She of course ignored them because it was only a little while till no one did that anymore. "Oh? That is very kind of you. You don't have to do any of that." She insisted.

Taileiah shook her head, not wanting to hear another word from Essa. "Please, it is the least I can do for Jayme and besides you need to at least look part of civilization and not like you came off an island, just to spare you the hurt people can be." She replied, glancing back with a smile.

As they ventured into the castle and up to the room, Taileiah babbled on about what she had planned to do for Essa. She figured Risa had no idea what she was talking about which she realized as she came upon the door. "Essa, darling, I am so sorry. You don't have a clue what I am even saying do you?" She turned to the girl.

Essa shook her head, she truthfully had no clue what was half of what she said. "Sorry, I don't know. Everything you said I have never heard of before." She bowed her head feeling a bit shameful she was uncultured. The world outside her island was different than what she was used to. She didn't know how she would fit it.

Taileiah smiled when everything was all ready for her to get onto cleaning up this girl. "It is alright. It is now time for me to show you. Now, during this process, I only speak. When I am asking you a question you may answer. I take these things very seriously. Also, your animals need to stay out of my way so I can do my thing." She glanced over at the group of wild animals.

Essa nodded her head as she followed Taileiah into an open room with a huge round tub filled with warm water with bubbles. The smell was that of roses, vanilla, lavender, and a few others she couldn't put her finger on. "What is this?" She asked, tilting her head and walking over to it, curiously poking the bubbles.

Taileiah gave an assumed smile crossing her arms. She wasn't surprised she had never seen a bubble bath before. "It's a bath. Please undressed and get in the bath, I will be back with towels, oils, a brush, and a sponge to clean you up, and wax!" She explained leaving the room and Essa alone.

Essa looked down at her Roki, Toki, Shylar, and Bananas. "A bath, so walking sticks don't just use water to rinse off they use all this other stuff." She softly spoke at what she had been told. She slipped off her handmade island dress onto the floor and cautiously stepped into the bath.

She let out a gasp of surprise as she sank into the warm water. "This feels like the water from a hot spring, nice and warm. It smells great too. I don't recognize the smell." She said scooping up some bubbles in her hand and blowing them at her animal family. Although Taileiah told them to stay out of her way, the ugh were curious and would spectate from the side.

Bananas' eyes widened as he saw the opulence bubbles floating around the air. They were unlike anything he had seen. "Ooh, it is so pretty. These must be . . . reflection balls, because you can see yourself in them and they are clear." He said, bouncing up trying to eat the bubbles which he wasn't too good at catching them.

Roki looked at the monkey and shook his head. "That is not what you do. I do not think they are for you to eat. I am sure they would taste gross, yucky." He cringed using his tail to flick them away and a few of them popped as soon as they touched his fur. "Fascinating. They make a sound as they pop, it isn't very loud but disappears. How on earth?" He mused, popping a few more with his tail.

Misty reached her trunk up to which a bubble gently rested on it. "It looks like the sunrise over the sea through the light. These reflection balls are cool, I must admit that." She sheepishly admitted. Was it so wrong for her to find walking stick things cool? Not at all. But a part of her felt like when she did she was betraying her island.

Shylar was running around pawing at all of them. Trying to pop them but was unable to pop any thanks to Toki swooping in and popping them with his beak before she had the chance. "Essa, Toki won't let me pop any." She whined while sitting down. It was unfair he had all the fun and she didn't. She wanted to at least pop one.

Essa looked over at the pink bird and frowned, narrowing her eyes a bit. "Toki, let Shylar pop a few reflection balls. You have plenty higher in the air. I am trying to make sure everyone has a lot of them to pop." She scolded as she scooped some more up and blew them into the air. There were enough bubbles for everyone to share.

Taileiah came back into the room and smiled at what she saw. "I see you found out how to blow bubbles into the air - not that it isn't common knowledge or anything. I am back with all we need to get you looking fresh and clean." She beamed, giving an amused laugh at how they were having fun with them.

Essa turned herself towards the girl and rested her arms on the side of the tub. "How is the water staying warm? I don't see a hot spring coming up to warm the water." She didn't understand it. Everything here seemed complicated or fascinating, she didn't know how ideas like this were thought up.

Taileiah set everything down on the table and sat down on a stool. "Under each tub are hot coals that keep the water warm as long as it is going. Since there is a large amount of water it will take a long time to boil, which is like hours which no one takes that long to bathe. I am sure you were told our kingdom is beyond its time with technology." She proudly explained, glad to be a proud Bowlivkeyan.

Essa nodded slowly, it was true she had heard about it but she never saw it before. "I have heard. Some of this is just unbelievable. None of this has ever crossed my mind that could be possible. That is coming from someone who can talk to animals and understand them." She paused for a moment when something hit her. "Do you think I am weird?"

Taileiah sat down on a stand and pulled her hair out of the tub, down a wooden shoot type thing, and pooled into the wide wooden tub. "I must admit I have never heard of someone being able to understand animals like I am with you. To a certain extent, it is weird, not that it's a bad thing." She replied.

Essa felt a bit better; she didn't think she was that weird. "Normally my hair would be shiny, soft, and have no knots. I didn't have spare coconuts to soak my hair on the ship ride. The wind and all that did this to my hair and I tried my best to fix it to the best I could." She randomly said, feeling a bit self contagious about how her hair looked.

Taileiah scooped up some water in a cup and poured it down Essa's hair. "Oh, coconuts? I never thought of using that for hair. I have made my hair paste with bananas. It keeps my hair healthy, tangle-free, strong, and much more. I managed to get some for your hair which I will be using now your hair is all wet." She smiled gently. "I am using a lot of bananas, but we have an abundance so they won't miss any."

Essa thought about it for a moment. That would smell pretty nice and do wonders for your hair. She never thought about doing that. It was by accident she realized what the coconut milk did for her hair. "I do love bananas, I never thought of using it for my hair either. My hair will smell good and perhaps I won't look so wild anymore." She rubbed her arms, pulling her knees up to her chest.

Taileiah rubbed the paste into her hair as she occasionally brushed it through, making sure to cover every inch of the hair. "You don't look wild to me, you look like a native islander. If Leshay and Raymond think that, so be it. Their standards are way too high not to mention to match their egos." She mused with a little snicker. "Don't tell anyone I said that."

She grabbed a bar of soap and held it out to Essa. "Take this and wash your body with it and your face while I do your hair." She said, running a brush through her hair, pausing to pull apart a few knots by hand. "There is oatmeal in it to help better clean your skin."

Essa took to soap and did what Taileiah had said. She rubbed it on her arms and her body, making sure to get off the dirt and sweat she had accumulated from her time sailing without being able to bathe. "It smells good, what is the smell?" She asked, enjoying the nice scent it was giving off.

Taileiah looked up at her. "Oh, honey, almonds, milk, and of course oatmeal as I said. There are some things that are abundant around here. In Jayme's greenhouse, he has a section of beehives in what looks like wooden crates. He learned a few tricks from his father, and I must admit, I love honey." She explained, knowing he missed seeing his father.

Essa furrowed her eyebrows as she glanced out of the corner of her eye only able to see Taileiah's sleeve. "What is honey? I have never heard about it. It smells sweet and I am sure it tastes just as good as it smells, am I correct?" She asked genuinely curious. She didn't have honey on her island.

Taileiah was glad she asked because she was going to tell her. "Honey comes from bees, little insects that use the pollen on the plants to turn into the honey we eat and use. I am sure you will get to try some. Many put honey in their tea. Although I hate tea and more of a juice gal myself. Honey is also used as a sweetener or a topping on bread or even cakes. It also has medical purposes too, used for burns and to keep a wound from getting infected. It is very versatile." She replied.

Essa was shocked. She had never heard one thing being used in so many ways. It was all still quite new to her. "Everything here is so complicated. You have so many things that can be used for the same purpose but then there are other ways you can't use them. Even with some of the things back on my island, I am seeing you can use them for many other purposes. It is so confusing." She huffed, her cheeks slightly puffing out as she gave a confused look on her face.

Taileiah laughed, it was a soft, amused laugh. "You will learn, now just relax and let me work on your hair. I will be cutting some inches off your hair, bringing the length to the end of your bottom. I will also be shaping up the hair around your face and it is just hair so it will grow back." She explained, knowing soon she was going to look like a new person.

She then worked her skills, brushing, applying more of the mask, and rinsing. She had done that for at least an hour or even more just to get out all the knots. She wasn't going to admit it, but this was much harder work than anything she had done at the palace. She had spent a whole hour on just half of her hair, she had long hair. She must've never cut it since she arrived on an island. It was a beautiful pale black color, and it may not have been thin, but it certainly wasn't thick either.

While she left that to set in her hair she dipped her hands into the melted wax. It would soften her hands and make it easier for her to clip and shape her nails, which after the wax was dry and taken off that was just what she did. She also did the same with her feet, which were callused from years of being barefoot. She was sure it had protected her feet on her island and as long as they didn't bother her there was no reason to do anything with them.

After she was done with that, she had Essa stand up and wrap herself in a towel after stepping out. Taileiah brushed the hair to how it would fall naturally when dry and began to trim and shape. "Essa, stop trying to look down. Keep your eyes straight ahead or I will be cutting more off than I wish." She commended, being very careful about how much she cut off to make her hair look healthier.

Essa signed gently, keeping her gaze at the wall directly in front of her. She couldn't help but she was curious to know what she was doing. "Will this hairstyle be easy to manage? I won't have to do a bunch of things too, will I?" She asked curiously. She had to admit because her hair was so long, at times it became troublesome. Especially after swimming or sleeping or even on windy days. Yes, she kept it mostly in a braid, but even then it didn't always help.

Taileiah looked up at her from her knelt position on the floor. "Oh no. All you will be doing is what you normally do. I haven't done much to your hair, just clean it up so it will better suit you. If you ever have trouble just let me know and I can help." She offered with a gentle smile.

She stepped back and smiled at her work she had now accomplished. "There. Your hair is done and I will towel dry it as much as I can. Then it will dry naturally and be just as beautiful as it was on the island." She proudly declared, puffing out her chest as she placed her hands on her hips.

She then went to work on her nails, which were mostly rounding and smoothing them out. She had become quite good seeing as she had learned to do hers at a young age. "Once I do this as long as they don't chip you can easily file them to keep them this shape and size. Nail maintenance isn't that hard unlike what some want to believe." She explained and soon she finished.

She paused and walked over to the closet. She opened up the door and pulled out a dress she thought would suit her. "Here, put this on." She held out the dress before the island girl. She had been saving her pride and joy for many months. "I will admit I made it. It is a bit ahead of its time and a bit plain looking, but I think it would suit you."

Essa took the dress and went behind a folding screen and took off the towel, draping it over the top. She slipped on the dress she had been given. Now, she wasn't all too keen on dresses like everyone else wore and the long fabric did feel a bit weird against her now smooth legs. "It is really pretty, and oddly enough comfortable as modest as this dress is." She mused.

Taileiah sighed dreamily at the pink, loose-fitting cotton dress. She loved the empire waist, the sleeveless sleeves, the hand-painted island flowers on the skirt part, and the gathered-up fabric for the straps with cute matching flats. "Essa, that dress suits you. Not only that but you can tie it up to shorten it and you have a lot of room to move around in it."

Essa lifted the skirt just above her knees and used a gold piece of thin rope to tie up the rest to shorten it. "This is easy to do. When I am not using the rope I can tie it around my waist." She exclaimed happily spinning around. She never knew walking stick clothes could look so pretty and feel comfortable.

Taileiah gave a surprised gasp as she heard a knock at the door. She hadn't been expecting anyone to come by. She walked over and opened the door. On the ground was a little cream white envelope with the royal seal. She picked it up and closed the door with her hip as she hummed. "A letter?" She peeled off the wax seal and opened it up, taking out the letter.

Essa walked over to her tilting her head at the envelope. "What is it?" She had no clue what Taileiah had in her hands and was opening. It looked weird. What was it for? Why did it come to the door? Who delivered it? "The only person to know where here is Jayme. Did he send it to us instead of coming?" She inquired.

Taileiah looked up at Essa and smiled after she had read the note. "It is from William. He said: Essa,

I would like to invite you to have tea at the pavilion with my family today. It would mean a lot and I would love for them to meet you again and start on a better note than previously. You don't have to come but it would be nice if you attended.

Sincerely, William." She cooed a little, placing her hand on her cheek. "That is cute! But that wording doesn't sound like him. I bet Disha had something to do with this letter. Not that William doesn't mean it, I am sure he does, but I am pretty sure Disha wanted to send it and pestered him until he agreed to write it for her, from him. If that makes sense."

Essa took the note that Taileiah had handed to her and looked at it. "He wants me to come to meet his family again? Oh no, I could not do any such things. It would be too odd for all of us and I could make a mess of everything. I know nothing about those things. I already am the weird-uncivilized-island-girl," She said, handing it back. "It would be a disaster like a beach after a storm. I couldn't bear to embarrass them again. Even worse!"

Taileiah grabbed Essa's hands tightly. She gave them a gentle squeeze. She would tell she was panicking and the first introduction did not go well. "Essa, I know you can handle this. Just take a deep breath, be yourself, and watch what the others do and follow them. You'll fit right in." She encouraged her with a smile on her lips as she let her hands go.

Essa took a deep breath looking in the mirror at herself. She slowly braided her hair, knowing it looked better than having it down. She tied it with a small thin rope. "Alright. I can go. I just am still worried I will make a mess of things. I have never sat at a table around other walking sticks before, let alone a setting like this." She nervously mumbled, playing with the end of her hair, twisting it around her finger.

Taileiah dragged her over to the door and opened it up. "Don't overthink it. Remember what I said and just go. You do not want to keep them waiting because I can attest, the king is picky about being on time." She said, crossing her arms.

Essa nodded, turning to Taileiah. "Thanks for the encouragement. Roki, Toki, Shylar, Misty, and Bananas please go back to the greenhouse. I don't want anything to happen to you or they think I have no respect for them." She hugged her animal family before walking to the pavilion.

How could she not be nervous? Her first impression left her feeling unwanted and a burden to everyone. She didn't want that to happen again and she desperately wanted to fit in so they would help her find her family. Was that too much to ask?


Sorry this has taken so long. I have been focusing on Finding Home which I have a bunch of chapters already written up to that. I am focused on getting that book was completed but I will not neglect my others. I am just seeing which ones I have inspiration for at the time and writing as much as I can.

Chapter Talk:
I had never had Taileiah before, she is a few character I added in, knowing that we were going to have to have another girl to help Risa. Having Jayme deal with girl things was not going to happen even if he may be knowledgeable. It would be weird and a bit inappropriate. Having a girl who is around her age and knows a thing or too, not to mention she is patient.

This may be a little longer than most and I had been having writer's block for this but I soon had a lot of ideas on how to finish this chapter and I am quite proud of it as it is. I don't think there is much I will change other than errors people find that need fixing.

And lastly, anything else I forgot to ask away my pals. I am happy to answer anything!

In closing, all rude, impolite and mean comments will be replied to in a diplomatic way, reported or deleted if I feel like it is attacking me personally.

Thanks for reading!

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