🌴 Chapter Thirty-Two 🌴

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An hour or so later, Jayme groaned, slowly opening his eyes. The spot on his head where he had been hit throbbed. He placed his hand on his head and felt a slight bump but also tried blood. "Great, just what I need." He mumbled, sitting up and looking around.

Rain was steadily falling, his back and hair were drenched with water. Any of the blood from his wound was washed away, save for a few dried spots of blood on his temple and bridge of his nose. The thunder rolled across the sky, lightning illuminated his surroundings and he could see the rolling waves gradually grow bigger as time passed.

For a brief moment, he didn't know why he was here but it soon came to him. "Oh! Essa!" He remembered she had been taken away in a fishy manner by the pirates. "How could I forget!" He stood up abruptly, stumbling a few steps before holding onto a pole.

He looked out to the choppy water, the lightning once again rolled across the sky silently, before the rumbles quickly flowed. He tried to push off again but he wasn't ready and couched the pole once again. He tried to ignore the pounding in his head and his slightly blurry vision. "Goodness, why." He mumbled, placing his hand on his head.

He needed to push past the pain and maintain his balance. He was focused on telling William what happened. Essa was in grave danger. "They must have had a head start already. No one leaves port when a storm like this is brewing." He mumbled and began to make his way towards the palace, stumbling as if he was drunk.

He knew that Wiliam would know exactly what to do. His mind was too jumbled to attempt to set sail on the rough sea. Plus, he knew he had a concussion, and the chances of him passing out and perishing at sea were high. So, he needed someone, like William, to help them catch up to the pirates.

He got looks from the townspeople who were last-minute boarding up the windows of their houses before it got any worse. They probably thought he was drunk and would talk about it the next day, however that was the least of his worries. Thankfully the rain wasn't obscuring his vision and he could clearly see the path, his vision also had cleared up.

Once to the palace, he pushed open the entrance for the palace staff. He didn't want to enter through the front considering William's room was nowhere close to that way. He followed the stairwell up to the upper floors and walked down the hallway, ending up in front of William's door. He knocked rapidly on the door for a brief moment before barging in. "William!" He called out tripping over whatever was laying on the ground. "Ouch."

William flicked on the oil lamp on his nightstand and rubbed his eyes. "Jayme? It's the middle of the night." He rubbed his eyes and sat up, his covers slipping off his shirtless chest. He swung his feet off the side of the bed and his feet felt for his slippers. "Are you okay?" He asked, seeing his friend hastily getting up off the floor.

Jayme brushed himself off and used his foot to scoot William's shoes out of his way and looked up at his half-sleepy friend. "I'm fine, but Essa's the farthest from being fine." He moved closer so he could glance in the mirror. He used his sleep to wipe the few dried spots of blood which only smeared it faintly.

William was pulled out of his groggy state at the mention of her name. "Essa? What do you mean? Isn't she sleeping in the greenhouse waiting to have us see her off tomorrow?" He didn't understand what he meant. She was safe. Why would he think she wasn't? Perhaps the greenhouse had some damage? No, he wouldn't leave her there to get him.

Jayme could see his friend was drumming up ideas in his head. "No. She was sneakily taken out by the pirates a few hours ago! I believed they drugged her or something because how they were handling her and her animal family was quite rough. Besides, when I tried to see someone hit me in the back of the head with a rock! I lost consciousness and just recently woke back up." He explained, making various hand gestures.

William stood up abruptly, rushing over to his friend and placing his hands on his shoulders, looking into his eyes. "Whoa, whoa. Are you saying she was kidnapped by those pirates? But why would they want to do such a thing?" He gently shook his friend, hoping that his fear wouldn't be confirmed, but he knew it would be.

Jayme sadly nodded his head. "I can only think that someone wants her gone, perhaps even dead. Why else would they leave at this time in the middle of a storm? Unless you plan to maroon someone on a ship and let the ocean swallow that person up, dragging them to Davy Jones' Locker." He pondered, going to run his hand through his hair but flinched when he touched his wound.

William spun on his heels and grabbed his shirt, pulling it on and buttoning it up. He grabbed his trousers and pulled them on followed by pulling on his boots. "Let's not waste a moment more. We have to go after her and I just know the boat to take, we need to find my mother." He needed to find Essa and bring her back safely.

Jayme pivoted as he watched William walk towards the door. "Why do we need to find her? Shouldn't we go straight to your parents' room?" He asked, hastily following behind him. He didn't understand why they couldn't just go straight to his parent's room to get her.

William looked back for a brief moment. "She hasn't been sleeping in the room with Father lately, she's been in her second room." His parents had fought a lot, he was sure it was about Essa and the wedding. "However, I don't think she's asleep yet, she told me when I had a good night that she would be staying up for a few hours."

Jayme felt a twinge of guilt for asking, he felt like he was prying. He didn't want to acknowledge anything about it because they weren't his parents. "Then we should ask the midnight staff where she is. They'd know right?" He inquired, trying to keep up with William's hurried steps.

William nodded, going to locate the midnight staff where he'd known they would be. "Right!" He knew they'd know. The palace staff knew everything that went within the castle and they somehow always kept it a secret. Perhaps it was because they knew that his father wouldn't take too kindly to their gossip.

Soon, he pushed open the doors to the library, which he was told where his mother was at. He weaved through the shelves of books to a little nook in the corner. "Mother, I need to borrow your ketch, right now!" He demanded, matching up to her and standing in front of her, crossing his arms.

Kalirene looked up a bit startled. She closed the book and set it down on her lap. She glanced out the glass window then back at her son. She couldn't understand why he was asking to borrow her ketch. "My ketch? At this time of night? With a storm brewing? Why? What is going on?" She asked, giving him her full attention.

William nodded, shifting on his feet and anxiously picking at the buttons on his shirt. "Yes, Jayme, explained it to her. You're the one who saw it." He quickly passed it off to Jayme, knowing it was better to hear it from an eyewitness. He had only heard it second-hand from Jayme, but he believed his best friend and had even checked for himself.

Kalirene felt a knot growing in her stomach. Just how her son spoke was making her feel anxious. It had to be something bad for William to act this way. "Saw what? You boys are scaring me." She looked between them, standing up, placing her hand over her heart waiting for the news.

Jayme took a deep breath before explaining everything he saw. "I was coming back from tending to my plants on my ship. I saw Essa and her animal family being carried onto a ship. They were unconscious. But the strange thing was it was being commanded by her "pirate family" which is odd. I tried to see what happened and stop them but someone knocked me out, hence the blood. I don't know how long I was out but I know they are gone from the port." He said all in one breath, finally being able to take a few deep breaths.

Kalirene cupped Jayme's cheeks in her hands and looked at the small cut. "Oh Jayme, when you get back, let me take a look at it and I can patch you up." She withdrew her hands from his cheeks. "Why would they want to do that to Essa? They proved that she was their niece? She hasn't done anything and is a sweet girl, so why would they take her in the dark of the night? "

William had concluded that someone didn't want her there. They probably would try this stunt again but in a different way. That was if they could rescue Essa and her animal family. "Someone wants her gone but I don't know why or why. You see that storm rolling in, being on a ship during that, it's suicide! We have to catch up and rescue them before the storm arrives." He exclaimed, making various hand gestures.

Kalirene cupped her son's cheeks in her hand. "Alright. Go, take the ketch. Do whatever you need to save Essa and her animal family. Come back safe though, please?" She kissed his forehead then stepped back, withdrawing her hands. 'I will need to have a friendly chat with Morgan tomorrow.' She thought to herself, crossing her arms over her chest.

William hugged her tightly. He was blessed to have such a great mother. She helped him become the man he was today, except for how he first treated Essa. In his defense, it was simply because of stress and his father's teachings. "Thanks, Mother, we will do all we can." Without saying another word, he and Jayme left the library.

Kalirene watched her son and Jayme leave. She picked up the book and put it back on the shelf. If they did bring back Essa, she needed to prepare a room for her and her animal family. She would need to go somewhere safe and the greenhouse wasn't going to hold the same safety as it had before. She knew just where she could place them, she just hoped her son and Jayme could get to her in time.

William and Jayme rushed to Alex's room. It wasn't far from where they were going, thankfully it was just down the hall. He pushed open the door and was met by a messy room and loud, heavy snoring. He stepped over various objects spewed on the floor and over to his cousin's bed. "Alex, we need you to come." He loudly yelled in his ear, grabbing the water basin on the table and dumping it on Alex.

Alex jolted awake and looked around with wide, panicked stricken eyes. The cold water hit him suddenly. "What? Wait, what is the meaning of this?" He exclaimed, crawling out of bed and shaking his arms as the water dripped down his bare chest and off his hair. "Was that necessary?" He mumbled, grabbing the sheet and using some of it to dry himself off.

William rolled his eyes at how dramatic Alex was being and crossed his arms. It was the only way he could think of to wake up the boy. "Essa is in danger and we need you to help steer Mother's ketch. You know how to handle those types of boats, we need you to help us. Please." He begged, knowing normally he wouldn't get begging but he was desperate.

Alex didn't know what was going on but he didn't question it. William wasn't the one to make up anything, and if he believed Essa was in danger, he was going to help. "Alright. I am partly responsible for Essa, considering this whole thing was my idea. Let me get dressed, I'll meet you there." He pushed the two boys out of his room and closed the door.

William looked over his shoulder and called out to him just as the door closed. "Thanks!" He looked at Jayme and motioned for him to follow him to the docks, both in a hasty manner. "Let's hope we aren't aren't late." He was worried for her. It was bad enough he felt awful she had left but even worse it wasn't her choice and she could die!

Meanwhile, the heavy rain had begun to fall quicker as the ship thrashed between the waves. Essa blinked a few times as she looked up at the sky. She had no years left to cry, she was exhausted and just blankly looked out at the water. For the past few hours it had lightly rained and silent lightning rolled across the sky.

Roki, Shylar, and Bananas had tried their best to comfort Essa, while Indigo and Toki chewed Misty out for her actions. They weren't being unkind, but they weren't being gentle either. They needed her to see what she did was wrong and get her to admit her feelings for real and stop with this toxic behavior. Misty had hung her head down the entire time, nodding and agreeing with what they said. It hurt but she knew deep down they were right.

Shylar jumped up on her lap and flicked her face with her tail. "Snap out of it Essa! I get your hurt and the storm is bringing up bad memories, and I don't blame you. But this is no time to give us! We have to at least try and survive, even if it seems fertile!" She got the island girl's attention and looked into her eyes.

Bananas jumped up and down on her shoulder, wrapping his little arms around her head. "Shylar is right! Are you going to go down without a fight? That isn't the Essa I know. The Essa I know would fight to the bone to make sure all possible ways are exhausted! She'd push through the bad memories just like you did when you saved William!"

Essa seemed to snap out of the bad memories, her eyes finding the determined spark. "You're right. I'm sorry." She felt bad that she had taken all this time to wallow in the self-pity of her feelings about the whole ordeal. She needed to focus on saving her animal family and herself, other emotions can come later.

Shylar jumped off her lap and gave a cheer, alerting the others to the newfound resolution. "You don't have anything to apologize for." She knew that Essa had every right to act like that. A lot of stuff had been dumped on her and there was only so much a person could take. Let's just focus on once those waves hit the deck no one is washed overboard." She didn't know where to begin.

Essa walked over to the roles that were limply hanging from the masses or laying on the deck. "We can try and use these to pull the mass to keep the ship balanced whenever the ship tips due to the waves! I am going to need everyone's help." She picked up a rope and wrapped it around her hand.

Misty shuffled up to Essa, her head hanging down. As hard as it was going to be, she needed to apologize as Indigo and Toki had said. "Um, Essa. I'm, I'm uh really sorry for blaming you for everything. It wasn't right for me to do and I shouldn't have been taking my anger out on you. I was being selfish, only thinking about myself, and was putting my insecurities off on you."

"I'm ashamed of how I acted and my words hurt you. I know I'm young and still have a lot to learn about the world. Unlike you, I haven't lived as long as you, Roki, Indigo, or Toki has. I hardly know anything about growing up or acting mature. I know I'm still a baby, and without my parents here, I don't have anyone keeping me in line. It isn't your job to do that, you are my sister, not my mother."

"I know deep down that none of this was your fault. You had every right to want to find your family. If I was in your place, I wouldn't want to go my whole life wondering who I was and where I came from. I was scared you might leave me behind but I never asked you your feelings. From the moment we met walking sticks like you, I felt like you'd leave me for them. That you wouldn't want me anymore. Why would you want to still be with us, animals, when you have your kind who you understand and have much more in common with."

"My parents, if they saw me now, would be disappointed in my actions. I'm disappointed in myself. I said those harsh things about you, to you. I wanted to hurt you because I felt hurt. That was wrong. I was being a bad sister, a bad friend. I was so clouded, unable to see your point of view of things instead of my narrowmindedness."

"You felt betrayed by the people who you were told were your family, and I wasn't the most accepting of the idea. I was rude in saying the things I did, even if they turned out to have been true - I uh, I shouldn't have said them. I should have been happy you had found what you were looking for."

"This whole time I was never truly sorry, I was nothing but mean to you. I was trying my best to bring you down so you'd forget about this life and come back to the island. I wanted to try everything I could, I said things that were selfish and things I regret. I was trying to - uh manipulate you into doing the things I wanted but I didn't stop to see what you wanted. I was so focused on my selfishness I wasn't being considerate of you and your feelings."

"I'm sorry Essa, please forgive me. I promise to try and be a better sister." She ended her apology. Repeating a majority of what Indigo and Toki had told her she was being. The whole time she never looked at Essa, she couldn't bear to see the shame or whatever emotions Essa was having. She felt so small, despite being the biggest animal here, she wanted to disappear the whole time she was speaking.

Essa was stunned. Misty had apologized for everything. Most of what she had said was something she would have never thought Misty would have been capable of. "Misty . . . you were truly never happy for me to begin with?" She hesitantly asked, wanting to know for sure that she was silly to believe all her animal friends supported her.

Misty shook her head, running her trunk gently on the rim of the ship. "No, I wasn't. I know that sounds bad. It is bad, I'm not going to lie. I feel bad about it." She did feel true remorse for her actions. Indigo and Toki knew the right words to pierce her stubbornness and talk to her on her level.

Essa pushed her wet hair behind her ear and rubbed her arms. "I understand you were scared, but Misty, I've known you since you were born. Why didn't you just talk to me about this? I would have listened and tried to understand things from your point of view. I'm hurt that you tried to destroy everything I've worked so hard on here, the friendships I made." She had so many questions and little to no answers.

Misty sighed, glancing up at Essa for a brief moment. "I know that no apology can make up for what I did. I know I have a lot to work on and do to make up for my actions. I wasn't thinking about you, I was only thinking about myself. Now, I will do my best to understand things from your view and not be so selfish." She figured her words wouldn't bring any comfort to Essa. Actions did speak louder than words.

Essa wrapped her arms around Misty and hugged her. "I'm glad you apologized and told me what was bothering you. I could never stay mad at you, you're my sister. Yes, you were selfish but I was too. I didn't stop to think how you were feeling, and I will be better from now on. I love you so much, nothing you can ever do will make me love you less." She smiled softly, tears welling in her eyes.

Misty leaned into her arms and nuzzled her head into Essa's cheek. "I love you too." She was starting to realize that she needed to try and be less stubborn. Her parents always told her she was stubborn and they often scolded her for that. It never struck her that what they said she was doing, she always thought they weren't listening to her. Yet that was what she had been doing, not then.

A wave washed over the deck, soaking everyone and sending them towards the starboard side as the ship tipped. They held tightly onto the ropes as the ship leveled itself out. It was cold, so cold Essa began to shiver, pushing wet hair from her face. "Just hold on and don't let go." She called her animal family who had followed her command.

Suddenly, it began heavily pouring rain from the dark clouds. The thunder. It was so loud. It hurt her ears. She placed her hands over her ears, trying to drown out the rumbles. It seemed angry, very angry. The lightning lit up the sky, making it easier to see the waves that kept growing in sidled by the minutes. They slammed into the ship, making it tip to one side before a wave on the opposite side would slam into it, pushing it the other way.

This was what she was experiencing now. It all began to feel so real to her. Their doom was sealed like a rock being rolled in front of the tomb opening. It seemed that it was too late to do anything, that no one was coming to save them. No matter what they did, it seemed that it was going to be useless and why even bother trying?

Essa whimpered as the scenes played out in her mind. She collapsed on her knees as her breathing hitched, petrified as the flashbacks of the storm that shipwrecked her on the island vividly played in her mind. Just like all the nightmares that she had growing up whenever she closed her eyes or a storm had approached.

The storm was raging on, the lighting crashed and thunder roared across the dark purple sky. The dark teal waves got bigger and rougher, and the wind got stronger making everyone get worse. The rain hit like a thousand knives, stinging and feeling cold to the skin. It was an awful-looking storm, so vivid like you were standing there and watching it all play out, almost as you could feel it all.

The waves. The cold, cold waves. They pulled her under, seemingly grasping at her body trying to keep her under. As if to tease her the sea would allow her to surface enough to take a deep breath, getting air into her lungs just to pull her down again. Every time it happened it seemed that the minutes had been getting longer and longer. She could see the fuzzy image of a ship growing farther and farther. Her arms were flailing above the water trying to keep the small girl above water. Her legs were trying to kick as well, but she kept being submerged into the water. She took in a big gasp of air when she came above, but held her breath and panicked when she went back under.

She heard people calling out, a bunch of people, but who were they calling out to? She couldn't make out the name, yet she was sure it was to her as she tried to call for help after she took a big gasp of air. She wanted to know what they were saying, yet all she could hear was the storm raging around her. At the moment she thought she could hear something she was dragged under and everything started to go black.

"Oh no, Essa! Essa! Jan-essa! Janessa! Janessa! Janessa!" The voices were from different people, two female and three male. They were so vivid in her mind as her eyes snapped open. "Janessa?" She spoke out loud. Was that her name? Was that a memory? "Janessa, they were calling me Janessa, not Essa, but Janessa! Just like . . . just like -" She gasped when it struck her as the thunder clapped above. "Princess Janessa, who had supposedly died at sea eleven years ago!"

Roki held onto the rope but also dung his claws into the wood of the bare mass that towered above them. "Essa? What did you say?" He called over the thunder. The look in her eyes was something he had never seen before but he was happy. Although he didn't understand what she said.

Essa looked off in the distance with a dazed look in her eyes. "Someone calling my name . . . I think my name is Janessa, like Princess Janessa!" She didn't think she was the late princess, she just figured her name was similar. It had just clicked and she felt a sense of peace now that she knew her name.

The voice called again, but this time everyone heard it. It was muffled over the thunder but it was clear enough to hear. "Essa! Essa are you okay? Hold on, I'm coming aboard." It was the voice of William, who was not too far from the ship with Alex steering and Jayme holding down the sails.

Essa gasped and let go of the rope, the boat lurching to the port side and she tumbled to the edge. "Ouch." She gritted her teeth and she grabbed onto the side and pulled herself up to look over. "William!" She called, her eyes wide with shock and flabbergasted at seeing them here. "What - how -"

William squinted under the lightning and once he saw her face he couldn't help but feel relieved. "Oh, Essa, thank goodness! Are you okay? Is your animal family okay?" He asked, his voice raised over the howling wind. He sure hoped that she was because he had been so scared for her.

Essa was glad to see him. Seeing him gave her hope. Gave her peace. She knew that she wasn't alone anymore and they wouldn't perish at sea. All her worries seemed silly now. "We're fine, but we don't know how much longer the ship is going to stay upright." She called, clutching the side of the ship as a wave washed over the deck.

William shields his face with his hands from the water that splashed him. He shook his head and ran his hand through his hair. "Jump. Jump over to us, your animal family first." He wanted to make sure that her animal family was safe first. He knew she would want that too since she had always done everything to ensure their protection.

Essa turned to her animal family but stopped to hold her breath as yet another wave crashed over the ship. She sputtered the salty water from her mouth and coughed a few times. "It's William! Hurry, can you jump to his boat?" She quickly told her animal family. She wanted them to first get off this ship and onto the boat William was one.

Shylar let go of the rope in her mouth and panted her paws onto the wet deck. She was glad William had come to save them. "I can! Come on Bananas, hold onto me." She looked up at the petrified monkey, shaking like a left while having a death grip on the rope.

Bananas hesitated, peeking one eye open to look down at the tiger cub. "Are you sure this is a - eek," He jumped as a flash of lightning cracked overhead. "Never mind, here I come." He let go of the rope and dropped onto her back. He wrapped his arms around her neck and buried his face into her wet fur, trembling a little.

Shylar took a deep breath and then dashed towards the edge of the ship. She launched herself off the end and flew through the air, gracefully landing in William's arms. "That was awesome!" She exclaimed after William had set her on the deck, under a little tent he had made in the middle of the deck to keep them dry. She shook her coat and licked her paws.

Bananas, still trembling, fell off her back onto the ground with wide eyes, almost petrified. "Awesome? Awesome! I felt like I was going to die! I was petrified! One wrong move and we could have fallen into the water." His teeth chattered as he spoke, taking the blanket that was sitting under the tent and wrapping himself up in it.

Indigo and Toki exchanged glances at each other than their surroundings and lastly back at Essa. "Both of us are pretty light and we have feathers, the chances of us being blown away are great. Do you think he could throw a rope and we could hold onto that and he could pull us to safety?" Toki asked, to which Indigo nodded.

Essa leaned over the edge, bracing herself as another wave crashed over them. "Indigo and Toki can't jump, can you throw a rope so they can hold on and you pull them?" She asked, hoping that was something they could do. Neither bird was made to be able to battle such strong winds, especially Indigo.

William nodded and grabbed a rope, throwing it towards Essa, and thankfully the wind helped bring it right to her. "Here, tell me when you're ready." He called back, holding onto the rope tightly. He hoped this worked because he didn't know how much longer it would be before the ship crashed into the rocks.

Essa grabbed the rope in her hands and smiled at William. She carefully reached it out for Indigo and Toki to grab onto it with their beak, which they did. "They are holding on, William, pull." She called, hastily stepping back to watch.

William pulled the rope, pulling Toki and Indigo through the wiping wind. They used their wings to help guide them over the dark foreboding waters and safely under the tent on the boat. "Four down, three left to go." He mumbled, casting the rope to the side.

Essa grabbed onto the rope and grabbed Roki in her arms, then walked over to Misty who had her eyes closed. "Misty, are you ready?" She asked, placing her hand on the terrified elephant's side. She tried to soothe her by gently running her hands over her side.

Misty stammered a little, shaking her head and shaking. "I- I can't. I-I'm scared." She couldn't jump. She couldn't make herself do that. Just the thought of jumping off the ship onto a boat over the waves of the dark foreboding waters. If they didn't gain enough momentum they could fall into the water.

Essa could understand why Misty was hesitant and she didn't blame her. "I will be right beside you the whole time -" She gasped as she saw they were only a few feet away from rocks. "Misty, we have to jump down. Trust me? Please?" She extended her hand for her to hold it with her trunk.

Misty opened her eyes and hesitantly looked at Essa. She had no reason not to trust her sister. She took a deep breath and let go of the rope, taking her hand with her trunk. "I trust you." She knew that Essa would never allow anything bad to happen to her. She had always protected her and why would she fail now? She wouldn't.

Essa nodded and took a deep breath and closed her eyes. 'You can do this Essa. You are brave. You came to this new world, you have survived the past few months. You almost found your family and now you have a name.' She reminded herself. "Ready?" When birth Roki and Misty, who nodded hesitantly, agreed. She dashed off to the side of the ship.

Roki clutched her shoulder. For the first time, he was genuinely terrified. "Please make it. Please make it." He prayed under his breath. He couldn't look. He kept his eyes closed the whole time. He wasn't normally afraid of doing daring things, but this was a whole new level he did not want to try again.

Essa and Misty launched themselves off the side of the ship and flew through the air just as the wave crashed over the deck, pushing them onto the deck of the ketch. "We did it!" She exclaimed, gasping and turning around as she heard the crunch of the ship crashing into the rocks.

William caught Essa and held her long enough for her to regain her balance and hold the railing. "Alex, get us out of here, now!" He called as it started to rain debris from the ship onto them. They would just narrowly miss the same rocks and the whole time he felt worried that they wouldn't make it.

Essa set Roki down under the tent and unfolded some of the blankets to wrap around them and dry them off. She then turned and held onto the side of the boat with one hand while holding Misty's trunk. Everything was happening so fast she didn't have any time to comprehend what happened.

Alex nodded his head, held onto the wheel tightly. "Aye, Aye," He called, turning the wheel sharply and narrowly missing the rocks himself. He turned the wheel until they were facing the way they came and held it tightly as the boat cut through the big rolling waves.

William, once they were on their way back to the palace, he hugged Essa so tightly and abruptly. "Oh Essa, I am so sorry. I can't imagine what you went through! I'm so happy you are okay, I was so worried about you, Jayme told me what happened." He pulled away and placed his hands on her shoulders, looking into her beautiful brown eyes.

Essa held onto him and just broke down crying in his arms. The two collapsed onto the deck and Wiliam stroked he'd hair as she just cried. "Shh, you are alright. You're safe." He whispered, holding her tightly and warmly. "Soon we'll be back at the palace and you won't have to worry anymore." He didn't know if his words would bring her comfort but he tried.


I just realized that you can split the screen with YouTube and another app so I used Google docs and the chapter I was writing. So, I listened to some stormy sea ambiance to help set the setting for me to be able to write this chapter. I wrote like 4k words last time and finished the next 500 words just now.

Chapter Talk:
Poor Jayme, I feel so bad that I had him get hit. Oh well, he'll be fine. What's a story without a little torturing of my characters now hmm? First William and now Jayme. Who next is going to be hit by rock-chan, which William hit his head on a rock on the side of the mountain and Jayme was hit deliberately with a rock by Morgan.

Wow, I am glad that Misty could finally realize her actions. I figured that all this might be a wakeup call and the possibility of losing Essa (as Indigo and Toki had told her) she needed to come clean. Yes, Essa was hurt but she couldn't couldn't mad at her sister.

She finally remembered her name! But it's whether she will tell anyone or believe she is the late princess. We still have some time before that happens.

And lastly, anything else I forgot to ask my pals. I am happy to answer anything!

In closing, all rude, impolite and mean comments will be replied to in a diplomatic way, reported or deleted if I feel like it is attacking me personally.

Thanks for reading!

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