🌴 Chapter Twenty-Seven 🌴

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Disha made her way to where she knew Essa would be half an hour before the tea party would start. She needed to check up to see how things were coming along with the island girl. She had just checked the pavilion and how things were coming along. She was thrilled everything was falling into place perfectly. So, after she made sure everything was good with Essa she would, with her sister's, go and wait for the others. After all, hostesses were always there first.

ShaFarah walked beside her sister, fixing the bows on her sleeves. She had been surprised to see her sister in a dress, let alone something frilly but simple. It wasn't the typical thing you'd see but she might have wanted to help Essa not feel out of place with whatever she chose to wear. "Disha! Slow down!" She tried to keep up with her sister's brisk walk.

Disha rolled her eyes and pushed open the doors after she had knocked. "Oh my, Essa, you look beautiful!" She marveled at the beautiful sandy yellow and azure blue dress with rose appliqués rather than bows. The sleeves went halfway down her arms and the neckline was similar to a wrap-around top. Not to mention her long hair half in a bun then the other half braided down her back.

ShaFarah couldn't take her own eyes off of Essa. She looked beautiful and even she was at a loss for words. "Those colors suit you!" It seemed to reflect her island, her home. Yes, it may not have been up to society's standards, it didn't matter because it made her happy and suited her. "It reminds me of the beaches and the water."

Samika walked in behind them and wrapped her arms around her younger sister's shoulders. "I am sure that is what Essa was going for. Taileiah, you are talented! I could have never come up with such a dress. You are given little credit." She knew it to be true. She had been the one to help Essa expand her wardrobe but keep true to herself rather than dress her like someone she wasn't.

Taileiah looked up at the young princesses and blushed a little. "Pfft," She scoffed, feeling a little embarrassed by all the praise. "I'm just helping Essa, it's the least I can do." She was humble, perhaps a little too humble. Not that was a bad thing, it was a good thing, but to most, it would be annoying.

Essa turned her attention to Disha and ShaFarah, closing the etiquette book she had been reading from. With the help of Rosalya, she had gotten pretty good at reading books by herself. "Oh, hello. We were just finishing up with a quick . . . brush up? as Taileiah said before the tea party." She wanted to make a good impression.

Disha could tell she was wanting to make a good impression. "I am so glad you agreed to attend my girls-only tea party, Essa. It will be a good time to put your skills to the test!" She knew she had been practicing so earnestly and was trying to find a perfect balance. She admired that and it was inspiring for her as well.

Samika knew that it would but there would also be a few challenges. "I know it may be a little intimidating and perhaps out of your comfort zone, however, I am glad you wanted to." She was just glad she was slowly starting to want to attend these types of events. Everyone was working towards her coming to the engagement ball, a good opportunity to meet people.

Essa sighed heavily as she thought about all the wrongs that could happen. "I will end up regretting it." Chances were that Leshay would make things uncomfortable for her. She understood the foreign queen didn't particularly like her but did she have to be passive aggressive towards her?

ShaFarah shook her head not wanting Essa to think like that. It wouldn't do anything for anyone if they dwelled on that. "Don't think like that. You have improved greatly since that tea party, no one can blame you because it wasn't your fault. It was Toki's." It was the bird's fault for not listening and letting his curiosity get the better of him.

Essa knew that Toki was to blame but she felt it was partly her since she was still new to civilization. "Maybe. I still have a long way to go and it's hard finding a perfect balance. Staying true to my island life and this new life. I would have liked it better if it was just you three, Rosalya and Kalirene." The people who didn't judge her, oh how she would have liked that.

Disha sighed. She would like that too but it wouldn't be so. She had to invite Leshay because that was just how things worked, besides I'd look back if she invited Rosalya and not her mother, considering Kalirene would also be there. "Leshay has been in a pretty foul mood lately. Don't worry about her. My aunt is who you should be concerned about." She was a bit worried about how that would play out.

ShaFarah shot her sister a look and elbowed her in the side. "Disha!" She exclaimed. She knew their aunt was something else but she wasn't like Leshay. She was polite, for the most part, she didn't let things bother her, and was more forgiving. She didn't want to make Essa worry even more about Daphne when that was the least of their concern.

Disha clutched her side. "Ow, what? It's true. Our aunt is very judgmental, she is worse than Leshay! She will not pick at everything. She spares no one. Not even my mother! That is why I have seated you between Rosalya and I, so we can quickly come to your defense." She explained, making various hand gestures as she spoke.

Samika sighed and stepped between her sister's. "She isn't that bad. Now our cousin Sable on the other hand. Genuine brat. She will do all in her power to make someone look like a fool. Even the smallest action with her can cause a huge catastrophe. Thank goodness she is sitting between her mother and our mother. Aunt Daphne is the least of your worries." She said with a heavy sigh.

ShaFarah jumped up and down, clapping her hands together. She couldn't believe it had slipped her mind. "Oh! Oh! Guess what I heard on my way here? I completely forgot about it." When everyone had turned to her she continued. "Queen Nori and Princess Muriel from Oshiappa will also be attending since they arrived yesterday." She was beyond happy to finally meet them.

Essa sighed looking down at the floor and rubbing her arm with her hand. "Oh, more walking sticks . . ." She was already nervous as it was to be there with Daphne, Sable, and Leshay, but now there were some foreign royals whom she didn't know. That made her ten times more nervous. "I am not sure I will be able to do this."

Taileiah finished braiding the top half of her hair and pinned it in a bun. "You have nothing to worry about. I have heard Queen Nori, Princess Muriel and Princess Daiyu are the sweetest people you'll ever meet." She was a maid so she heard all the talk around the palace. She was sure Essa had nothing to worry about, out of them all, they would be more accepting than Leshay or Daphne.

Disha nodded, sitting down on a puffer chair and crossing her legs. "She is right. Although we weren't allowed to attend Prince Akira and Princess Daiyu's wedding, our mother said how friendly they were! Even after the whole circumstances. I can't say for myself, breakfast was a little . . . hostile thanks to Leshay and Daphne." She sighed at the thought.

Essa was relieved that she had nothing to worry about concerning the Oshiappan royals. "It must be uncomfortable for them to be here, considering this wedding was for their daughter." She recalled William telling her that the other day when he took her out for a ride. It had to be uncomfortable and she admired them for the little strength in being able to attend, let alone come early to spend time with them.

Disha clasped her hands behind her back and rocked on her feet. "It is. But they're brave for doing this, considering the history between our families. Oh, we should get going to the pavilion, we don't want to be tardy, especially since I'm the hostess." She was hoping to make a good impression on everyone and maybe have a little praise for it.

Taileiah stepped back and looked Essa up and down. She was proud of how she looked, her content smile said it all. "Go make a good impression and some memories! Then come back and tell me everything that happened! Perhaps one of these days I will be able to attend a tea party with you." She paused and shook her head. That would probably never happen considering she was just a maid. "Anyways, go have fun." She patted her shoulder.

Essa looked at Taileiah and smiled, before following the three princesses out of the bedroom and down the hall. She was still getting used to walking in shoes, even if they were flat, it was a weird sensation. "Do you think I should be doing this? What if I mess up everything? Maybe I should sit this one out." She mumbled, fiddling with the skirt of her dress.

ShaFarah looked back at the island girl and could tell that she was nervous about the whole thing. "Don't worry. You will do fine. You have been doing well with your lessons and just remember to be yourself. Don't be someone you're not." If people couldn't accept Essa for who she was then that was on them not Essa.

Essa felt a little better but she still had that pit in her stomach. Which began to loosen as her eyes laid upon the pavilion. "Disha, this, this looks . . ." She didn't have the words to describe it. The tropical feel of the flowers spiraling and handing down from the poles and the arrangements on the table was beautiful. "It reminds me of my island." She murmured, sitting down in the chair Disha had pulled out.

Disha looked at her proudly, puffing out her chest a little at the sense of pride welling in her. "You did inspire me. I wanted to do something that reminded you of our island and made you feel a little bit at home. Plus it would be easier for people to understand you and why you prefer this other typical look." She sat down, followed by her sisters.

Kalirene approached the pavilion with Leshay and Rosalya beside her. Her eyes fell on Essa who was sitting at the table with her daughter looking nervous. "Essa! What a nice surprise. I am glad you could join us. I figured Disha might invite you." She smiled at her daughter, glad to see she was able to get Essa out of the greenhouse for once.

Essa quickly got up and curtseyed to them, greeting them. "Hello, Queen Kalirene, Queen Leshay, Princess Rosalya." She then looked at Daphne and Sable, figuring they were who the princesses told her about. "Duchess Daphne, Duchess Sable." She stayed like that until they had gotten seated and she sat herself down.

Leshay scoffed as she sat down and rolled her eyes avoiding Essa's gaze. "Pfft, let's hope we don't have a repeat of the last tea party. Inviting her to this will end up being a mistake." It had never crossed her mind that Disha could invite her. Considering she had decided to host a tea party, she figured she would know who to invite and who not to invite. Essa was an uncivilized island girl no matter how hard she tried to fit in.

Sable looked between Essa, the odd girl she had never seen before, and Leshay, who had met her before. There seemed to be a big gap that she was missing out on and not having the whole backstory she was left confused. "Mistake? Why would it be a mistake? Am I missing something?" She didn't know that Essa grew up on an island, let alone had an animal family here with her.

Essa had to reassure Leshay she had nothing to worry about. "You don't have to worry. I have already made sure Toki and the others won't interrupt us. They know how important this is to me." She had gone over with them that morning when Disha had come to see her. Thankfully they had decided to go to the beach with Sajuah, who promised to keep an eye on them.

Sable didn't know who this Toki she was speaking about. It was an odd name. Not a name a person would have, but could it be an animal? "Who's Toki? I'm lost." She was remaining polite as she asked because she had been given a long talk before coming from her mother about how she was to act. She was not about to make a fool of herself, at least not in front of her Aunt and Leshay.

Daphne chuckled. She already knew about Essa and her animal family from Morgan. Of course, her daughter didn't know that and she supposed it was for the better. Besides, no one even knew she knew anything about Essa. "Sable, you'll overwhelm the girl with questions." She placed her hand gently on her daughter's shoulder.

Essa shook her head. "Oh, no, it is fine. Toki is my friend, my family, he's a pink cockatoo and he's like a brother to me. We grew up together. I met him when he was just a little chick." She smiled as she spoke about him. "He was also the one to ruin the first tea party I attended. He felt bad about it and promised not to do it again. He was simply curious." She explained, pushing her hair behind her ear.

Sable furrowed her eyebrows. She was speaking about an exotic bird like it was a family member. "What? Now I am completely lost. How can a bird be like a brother to you? Let alone your family. Did you grow up on an island or something?" She joked with a scoff, she was only joking because it was so unbelievable.

Essa felt a little embarrassed or was it self-conscious? She felt her cheeks grow a little red and she felt small. "Um . . ." She made it sound as if it was a bad thing to grow up on an island. She was proud of it but she was getting the feeling that maybe she was pushing it. Why would people just accept that part of her? It was uncommon and as William said, people thought they were superior to her.

Sable gasped with a slack jaw. She was serious? That blew her away. She couldn't believe that she truly grew up on an island. Oh boy, there was so much much she could have with this newfound information. "I was joking! Did you grow up on an island? Don't tell me you were raised by animals!" She laughed softly, finding this whole thing amusing. That wasn't a stretch to think.

Nori, Muriel, and Daiyu approached them, wondering what they had just walked into. Their eyes focused on Essa, who was completely new to them, and then there was Sable who was being extremely loud and a bit obnoxious. "Are we late? Are we interrupting something?" The Oshiappan Queen asked with a skeptical look.

Sable fell silent and inwardly rolled her eyes but simply outwardly smiled. They had interrupted her and she hoped to find out more about this island girl. She wanted to know whether she talked to animals or not. She was already weird, that would make her weirder than anyone she knew. She had to tell her brother about the island girl, he would surely enjoy it.

Disha was glad they had come at the right time. Yes, it had maybe been only a few minutes but it felt like forever. "Oh good, you came. No, you are not late. You are right on time." A few minutes didn't make a bit of difference. It was a lifesaver that they had come or else Sable would have gotten worse. She could already tell Essa was uncomfortable with how Sable was treating her so she was glad she had her seated between her and Rosalya.

Essa quickly stood up and curtseyed to them just like she had done to Leshay, Rosalya, Daphne, and Sable. Everyone at the table was royal but her, so she needed to show respect. "Hello, your majesty, your highnesses." She directed towards Nori first then to Muriel and Daiyu.

Nori could tell that this girl was nervous. She never met their eyes as she greeted them but kept her head down. It was odd, yes, but she was touched and some people still had formality. "No need to be so formal. It is a pleasure to meet you?" She bowed to her and sat down, followed by Daiyu and Muriel.

Essa quickly introduced herself, not wanting to leave them hanging. "Essa, Essa of the Pacific Ocean." That is how she was taught to address herself to others. It made it sound better than saying Essa the Island Girl or whatnot. Not that she was ashamed to be called that. She was proud of it. She just wanted people to see her as a person.

Nori gave a gentle smile as she thought about the girl's name. "Essa? That is a beautiful name." It was simple and no, it never crossed her mind how similar it was to her daughter's. "I'm Nori, this is my daughter Muriel and my daughter-in-law Daiyu." She motioned to them, who waved in return.

Muriel could see that Essa was a tad bit uncomfortable with this. She wasn't sure why, but she just wanted to help her feel at ease. "Hello, your dress, it sure is pretty." She had to take notice that it was different from what the Wenuzzelles, Leshay, and Rosalya were wearing. In comparison, hers was simple and seemed to be only one layer versus the many the others wore.

Essa pushed some hair behind her ear even if there wasn't any to push. It was a nervous habit. "Oh, um, thank you. Taileiah made it for me since nothing else seemed to suit me." She replied, trying to look the princess in the eye but was having trouble keeping eye contact. It was something she was working on.

Daiyu titled her head as she spoke. "Taileiah?" She had no clue who that was. She hadn't heard that name before. Whoever it was, she had to admit it was a beautiful dress. "I will admit that it has a unique taste. It seems tropical? It suits your complexion and I'm sure you have a reason for wearing it." She hoped that made her feel better.

Essa was surprised. She never anticipated that they would be this nice. Their compliments made her feel a little embarrassed. She wasn't sure why, perhaps it was uncommon for her. "T-thank you. It reminds me of my home." As she spoke about her home her heart ached. She missed it so much and she missed everyone, her animal family's parents.

Leshay rolled her eyes and mumbled something under her breath. Throwing her hands in the air she tapped her foot rapidly on the ground. "Ugh, Taylor, or whatever her name is, is a maid who befriended her with the help of Jayme, you've met him. She grew up on an island raised by animals if that wasn't apparent enough." She sarcastically said, her voice having a hint of condescension in it.

Rosalya whipped her head towards her mother with a slack jaw. "Mother! We've talked about this." She hissed. She couldn't believe she was being this way to her friend. No, she hadn't told her mother she had befriended Essa, but she did tell her that she deserved to be treated like a normal person. "Essa is a well-mannered girl and a sweet person."

Leshay scoffed at what her daughter had said. It was almost as if her daughter was embarrassed by what she said. "What? Where was the lie in what I said? Tsk, there wasn't one. She can try all she wants, but she will never fit in. You can take the girl out of the island but not the island out of the girl. Because her being here has caused so many rumors about William, which isn't what we need with the wedding coming up. Besides, she talks to animals, you have to be mental to believe that." She ranted, taking a bite out of a tart harshly.

Muriel simply blinked at the sudden outburst of Leshay. She had never met someone like her before. She shared a look with her sister-in-law who had the same puzzled expression. "What . . . ?" She stammered out. Trying to comprehend what Leshay had said, she looked back at Essa, the girl at the center of everything.

Daiyu could tell that Leshay's sudden outburst made Essa uncomfortable and the glare Rosalya was sending to her mother told her she was embarrassed by her actions. "Uh . . ." She opened her mouth to speak but closed it back. She didn't know what to say. How was she to react to that? Leshay made it sound like all that was true and an utterly horrendous thing.

Nori looked over at Leshay. She awoke to Essa having grown up on an island and having been raised by animals. That was something she had a hard time believing. Not because it couldn't happen because it could and was quite rare, but because of how she spoke about it. "Is this true?" She asked, turning towards Essa.

Essa looked down in her teacup, running her finger around the golden rim. "Yes, it is true. I was raised on an island since I was young. When I was young on the beach after a storm, I was taken in and raised by the animals of the island, which were Roki, Indigo, Toki, and Misty's parents, well before Misty was born. I, uh, can also speak with . . . animals." She spoke, not being able to meet anyone's eyes. She wasn't embarrassed or ashamed, she was simply feeling down.

Disha could tell things were getting a little uncomfortable. "If Essa wants to tell us about it then we shouldn't push her." She spoke, addressing everyone. She was mainly looking at Leshay, and Sable because they were the ones causing the most trouble for Essa. She gave Essa's shoulder a gentle pat and gave her an encouraging smile.

She then continued. "Anyways, as you can see here, we have many choices and drinks here. Most were inspired by Essa's Island and from what she told me. We have hibiscus, passion fruit, pineapple and coconut juice, dragon fruit, and mango juice. I also decided to have petit fours, tarts, and macaroons that the flavors are just like the juices but also other ones like pineapple, lemon, and lime, banana, and rambutan which is very sweet and creamy." She explained, pointing to each one and hoping that they liked the array she has.

Kalirene was proud of her daughter for standing up for Essa. She nodded along as her daughter spoke. She liked that she was incorporating a tropical-style theme to this tea party that no doubt made Essa feel a little bit at home. "They look very delicious." She picked up a passion fruit tart and poured herself some dragon fruit mango juice into a teacup, tasting them both. "Hmm, both are delicious. You said you got them from Jayme's greenhouse?"

Disha nodded her head rapidly, giving a smile and placing her hands on her cheeks. She was so glad her mother liked the choices she picked because Essa had suggested them. "Yes, with permission from Jayme. He was thrilled to supply all I needed for this, and he did say if he were a girl he'd join." She laughed at the recollection of what the royal botanist had told her.

Sable sipped on some coconut and pineapple juice, which was oddly delicious while nibbling on a coconut petit fours. "Hmm, Jayme? Is he that boy who has a messenger bag on all the time and disheveled hair?" She asked, getting a nod from Disha to confirm what she asked. "Why did you need permission? Isn't that what a greenhouse is for?"

Samika knew that the gleam in her cousin's eye told her that she had a plan of sneaking in. If she had she would probably be met by Essa's animal family, mostly Shylar the tiger. That could scare her. "Because that is his greenhouse he built for his research. Unless you have permission you can't enter because he doesn't want anything to happen to his beloved plants." She explained but left out that it was where Essa was staying.

Sable crossed her arms and frowned. That was saddening. She was hoping to sneak in but by the looks of it, that wouldn't happen unless she was able to make sure that Jayme wouldn't be there to catch her. She'd have to tell her brother. "I see." She looked at her mother who raised her eyebrows at the smirk the young girl had on her lips.

Nori brought her teacup to her lips and took a small sip from it. Now that everyone had fallen silent she decided to bring up a topic she and the other queens would speak about. "I hear that England may declare war on France in the coming weeks." It wasn't a surprise there. She was just saddened to hear that war would be declared and with war came casualties.

Leshay groaned. That was just what she needed to hear. It wasn't a surprise considering this was England they were talking about. "Of course England would declare war. When haven't they? It seems they always have to get their grubby little hands on everything and colonize the world! They are occupying what they call Canada, and heaven knows what else!" She exclaimed, taking a bite out of a tart.

Kalirene's family had first-hand experience with England. "They are a dominant kingdom, they date back eons, even longer than any of our kingdoms, even ours combined. They hold a lot of power. Compared to us we seem minuscule in power. We could easily be wiped out by them. My family left Britain a few centuries ago because of how they were. We came here and set up a kingdom, of course, they had narrowly escaped death despite being descendants of royalty. Australia became our home and we set up a kingship here and haven't left since."

Leshay couldn't have agreed more. "Hmm, that is similar to how my ancestors came here. Although my great, great, great, great grandfather was the only heir to a small African tribe, he was even kidnapped by pirates and made to work. He fell in love with a young British noble, they ran away and got married, came here to start a kingdom with a ship full of runaways who were to be put to death for - I don't quite remember." The history was a bit iffy, but it wasn't like she needed to remember that.

Nori set down her cup and pondered what they had said. "No wonder the pilgrims sailed to The New World or The United Colonies to start a new life. Of course, they won't be safe from them, it seems all counties want a piece of The United Colonies. France has their hands on the Louisiana Territory, it seems Spain may get their hands on the Californias and areas around them. It's a mess." All eyes had been keeping a close watch on that new land and to most it was chaos.

Kalirene had no doubt it was a mess. She hoped their country would never end up like that. "Ah yes, The United Colonies is no doubt a mess. Half isn't even occupied but by Native Indians anymore, which sadly seem to be losing their land, other parts haven't been explored. Our kingdoms hadn't been stolen from anyone, for ours had no one living here." She felt bad that people chose to steal land that wasn't there and enslave or cast off those who grew up there for generations.

Leshay couldn't have agreed more. As odd as it might have been, she agreed that it was sad land was stolen from those who lived there for generations before settlers came. "Agreed. Our kingdom was barren, snow for miles and miles, most who traveled that way perished because of the harsh weather. Once our kingdom started as a small village, turned into a beautiful kingdom." She then paused and looked at Nori. "Wasn't your husband born in one of the United Colonies?"

Nori placed her hands on her lap and nodded. "Technically yes, he was born and did stay in one of the Colonies for a short time after his birth before his parents made their way back to China. Most don't know, but they chose to name him Mark due to the kind man who helped them when their ship had been wrecked during a storm." She explained, not that it was a secret, it just never needed to be brought up.

Daphne nodded along as she listened. Of course, the royalty in their family had come from her side, not his. It was already stated that Nori's family had their kingdom for generations under her lineage. "Interesting. That explains a few things." She wasn't that interested though, she was just being polite.

Nori sighed as she took a bite out of a tart then set it back on her plate. "In speaking about China and, well, Japan, I do hope they never go to war because we all know who will be in the middle of it: us. We will play mediator between the two and if no one can agree they declare war. Then we will supply both sides with resources: men, money, whatever they need. And unless all three parties agree to end it, we will be stuck in the middle for heaven knows how long. So far both countries have been peaceful with each other, which I am ever more grateful for." She would dread that day to be caught in the middle.

Kalirene could see how that would be tough. Having to choose a side or stay neutral between two major kingdoms. "It's sadly inevitable." It was common for empires and kingdoms to be at odds with each other. It was bound to happen, whether in their lifetime or fixture generations.

Muriel folded her hands over her lap and looked over at Essa. "Um, Essa, I have been wondering. How did you meet William and Jayme? How did you meet them? You of course don't have to tell us, I understand, I'm a little curious." She asked, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. She didn't want to put her on the spot now that all eyes were on her.

Essa was surprised she had asked about her since she had been relatively quiet as everyone conversed. "Oh, I don't mind. My animal family and I watched them when they had gotten off their floating island and came onto our island. We followed them for hours and I saved William, with the help of Misty, after he slipped and fell off a cliff. That is where he got that scar on his forehead, I am just glad he wasn't seriously injured. I took him back and tended to him while Bananas found Jayme and Alex, who helped in ways I couldn't with medicine and stuff."

"I met them first then William when he woke up. He wasn't particularly nice to me, only Jayme was. He only got nicer to me when we arrived here but did apologize for how he acted. Alex still hasn't. Then the second time I saved them was when they fell into the marshlands. Thank goodness Jiki, Naimie, and Duwah told me what happened so I was able to get to them before the crocodiles did." She recalled, hoping that helped clarify a few things for them.

Muriel tilted her head as she listened to the story Essa told. She was fascinated and although there were a few times she was lost, she still took everything in. "I have no clue who any of them are but that was nice of you to do. I can't imagine what that would be like to fall off a cliff and then into the marshlands." She shuddered at the thought of the disgusting marshlands and even heights in general.

Essa quickly explained who she was talking about. She didn't want to confuse the princess. "Oh, Jiki, Naimie, and Duwah were messenger birds for the island, mainly Kailau. My animal family, well, uh, never mind . . . Yes, um, I understood how he felt since that happened to me on my first night on the island. It can be scary but I am glad I was able to get to him quickly." She got back on track and decided not to veer away.

Kalirene picked up a napkin and dabbed the corners of her mouth where the jelly of the tart had gotten. "When William told me that, I couldn't thank Essa enough. Heaven knows what would have happened to him if Essa wasn't there so I am forever thankful for her." She set the napkin down and placed her hand on her chest.

Daphne rolled her eyes. It wasn't unlike her to put her duty as a mother before being a queen, something Raymond often complained about to Morgan. She then heard it from him but she saw it with her own eyes. "It wouldn't have happened if he wasn't out sailing. As a future king and husband, he should know that the kingdom comes first and then his wife and family. I don't think him galavanting out on the open sea was a good thing to let him do."

Kalirene frowned and poured herself some passion fruit juice. "I didn't let him. We never knew he had left until it was too late. You ought to know that he is a grown adult and I can hardly tell him what to do, even though I'm Queen. Just wait until your son becomes William's age then you will understand." She explained, narrowing her eyes and taking a sip from her teacup.

Nori could understand how Kalirene had felt. Looking at her reflection in her teacup she spoke. "Yohan was similar in a way. He'd lock himself away for days in his art room. Not even I could pull him away from what he loved. How could I? After all, he has gone through, he deserved to do what he loved if it helped him heal. I am sure it was the same with William." Unlike the others, she was showing more compassion and understanding.

Kalirene looked over at her and smiled. This was why they were good friends. They understood each other. "It was. Because he never got to mourn properly, he left the palace at night and explored the township with Jayme. I of course knew, but I never let him know nor did I tell Raymond. How could I take away his freedom if it helped him? The whole reason he sailed was because of the promise he made to Janessa when he was young. He felt he needed to honor it, and before anyone asks, I had come across a journal that said that. It had simply fallen open to that page."

Nori wracked her brain. She tried to recall anything about a promise that William had made to Janessa. "The promise?" She mumbled then it hit her. "Oh, how he promised to sail with Janessa when they both got older? She constantly talked about how she could hardly wait for that to happen. It was ironic that her first time sailing for leisure was the first time we lost her. I still can't help but regret even allowing that to happen." She set the teacup down.

Muriel placed her hand on her mother's arm and looked at her with a gentle gaze. "Mother, it wasn't your fault. No one could have known that would have happened? You mustn't blame yourself." She, besides Akira, constantly told her not to blame herself as Yohan did. She never blamed either of her parents, but the pirates who took her away

Daphne wasn't too keen on all the feelings that were being shared. However, she didn't want to seem completely cold-hearted and uncaring. "I suppose it is honorable that William decided to uphold a promise he made as a child to your late daughter. He truly loved her, did he? Well, as much as a child could." Even as a mother, she had to admit, she wondered what that would be like.

Leshay let out a huff, rolling her eyes once again. "But she's gone now and William must learn and grow to love Rosalya since she will be his wife. As harsh as that might sound, it is simply a fact, the way of life, nothing we can control." She bluntly and coldly spat, looking at Nori and Kalirene. It seemed like they had forgotten that she was here and that the reason they had come was for her daughter's wedding.

Nori bit her tongue and decided not to say anything rash. She couldn't continue to let the things she said bother her. Leshay was just doing what any mother would do considering the big day that was approaching. "Leshay is right. Holding animosity towards you guys for things beyond your control isn't right. I feel ashamed for having moments of anger since it's not your fault. It was how your customs are and we should take this opportunity to move on." She honestly said, placing her hand over her heart.

Kalirene was touched. She never figured they had held a grudge but it wasn't uncommon or surprising. "If only Raymond would have given William a few times things might have turned out differently. We can't change the past though, we can only look forward to the future." She had high hopes for the future, they all did, which everyone raised their glasses in agreement. It was looking like the rest of the tea party may go smoothly even if there would be a few bumps.


I am trying my best to get this book finished by the end of the year. I am working on other books because those aren't as complicated as world building like this. I plan on working back on The Royal Charm Academy after this is finished. I will also be writing a sequel to this book about Essa adjusting to her new life as a princess and her and her family visiting her island. So that would be interesting.

Chapter Talk:
The long awaited meeting between Essa and uh Nori, Mingmei and Daiyu. She will meet the others soon, very, very soon. This wasn't such a hard chapter to write and I had a lot of inspiration for it. I had already the basic idea I wanted mapped out so it was just a matter of writing it. I did write a whole lot last night in bed, haha, I had a huge surge of inspiration.

And lastly, anything else I forgot to ask my pals. I am happy to answer anything!

In closing, all rude, impolite and mean comments will be replied to in a diplomatic way, reported or deleted if I feel like it is attacking me personally.

Thanks for reading!

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