My book system and new writing style.

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So you guys may notice how I'm not updating as much anymore. Well I'm here to fix that! I've come up with a system that allows me to do 1 chapter per weekend, and if I have time I'll do two. But again I also have a life so it's gonna be hard to update. (School can eat my ass).

The thing is that I want to finish "MANNY'S REVENGE" so I could start writing my cuphead bosses x reader fanfic. I've been trying to think about it and Manny's revenge which was a terrible idea. Cause I can unfortunately do only one thing at a time without screwing up. (Explains why I suck at cuphead)

Also, what do u guys think about my new writing style? If you don't like it, or do like it, or just want to say something about it, then please leave a comment. Ch. 15 will be out 12/2/17. Thanks for your support and patience guys, u seriously are awsome, shoutouts to all of you!

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