Me Justifying Satan Be Like:

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WARNING!!! The content in this chapter may be offensive and triggering to everyone who believes and trusts in a God. Please do not read if Satanism and a downgrade on God(s) upsets you. Because I rlly do not want people spamming the comments with "you will be punished" and etc. just because I spoke my opinion. If you believe in God but Satanism and whatever does not affect you in any way and you decide to read on, then keep in mind that some content might still be very offensive. Note that I do not aim to offend you, this is just me sharing my opinion on religion in a very sarcastic, rude, tired and snarky way.

I hope you read the whole warning thing because I really don't want any misunderstandings or toxic hate comments, thankies. And if you have an opinion on this, don't be like me and attack one deity while justifying another. If we're gonna have a normal conversation, let's do it calmly and not repeat what I wrote (prepare yourself for a lot of using God's name in vain).

Anyways, I used to be a rather devoted Muslim (tho did very little; I was devoted by spirit) and spoke of Allah (God) quite a bit but...
I think I'm a Satanist now.

HERE ME OUT!!! I thought about it and wondered, "why exactly am I relying on this unknown entity to solve my problems?" And I have concluded that God is a writer and we are his most loved characters. He said, "I challenge those I love." What does that sound like? Something every author does. Every author's favourite character is the one who gets tortured the most. So yes, God is a fucking author and a roleplayer.

And a goddamn tyrant. The dude literally just said "obey me bc I have created you" and we happily followed like sheep as the same thing got taught to generation after generation. W e a r e j u s t m i n d l e s s s h e e p b e c a u s e w h o t h o u g h t o f a c t u a l l y l o o k i n g i n t o G o d ' s w o r d s ? ? ?
Not only that but everyone who doesn't obey gets punished?? Excuse me sir, this sounds like ur stripping us from freedom of speech and opinion- what if we don't want to follow you? So what? Just carry on. It's not like we're murdering a nation over here🙄 Coz the only reason you gave us to follow you is bc u gave us life which is supposedly a blessing. But there are different opinions and sometimes life is hell on earth. And don't give me "it's the devil's fault" crap. He didn't create our toxic emotions and he certainly didn't write down every scarring scenario in our lives.

If we look at the supposed past (in Christianity and Islam anyway), we can see that Satan and God used to be very close. Tho the entire thing was washed down after thousands of years of misinterpretations. Anyways, the thing that drove them apart was that God said to bow down to someone made of clay and Satan was over here asking things like "why should I?" This reminds me of rebellious teenaged phases lol.

If you're on God's side, you will think this act is absolutely vulgar and idiotic bc...its God telling you to do smth, right? But...what if God was a parent, Satan was his son and Adam or whatever his name is was his newborn brother? Imagine your parent is telling you to bow down to your baby brother who is supposedly the smartest being to walk the earth and you just...have to. I'm sorry but if I were Satan, I'd ask the same questions. I mean, he's lived longer than Adam and therefore had more life experience, he was created with an element better than clay and he didn't understand why he had to bow down to someone and be there at their every call when they have been made years after him. Not only that but most intelligent human being and more intelligent than the angels?? I'll believe it when I see it. That's probably what he actually thought at the time. He'll believe it when he sees it.

Sure, Satan might of had some anger issues and started a whole holy war was kinda like a peasant rising up to the king. And he was made with fire, a symbol of rage and passion. If we're looking at this in modern terms, he only fought for what he believed in with more rage than actually necessary. I'm very sure he had the mind of a 15 yr old boy then.

Anywho, I distinctly remember that his job was to whisper in the ears of people to drive them away from God. His whispers were for them to disobey or rebel against God, not necessarily to follow Satan. Then you have god who literally just told everyone to follow him or else. I say Satan is more of a proper king than he is...

And God says to not kill humans. Then why we kill animals? Surely there is no difference other than the way they are built??? Other than that, most animals that we often eat and kill are mammals just like us. So why is killing people prohibited? Yes, I understand killing an animal without a need is a sin as well as the same with people but I rlly just don't get this rule... and God has a higher kill count than any serial killer who ever lived. Every death is scripted. Every author who wrote off a character death has committed real murder. And the world's story is continuing with different dillemas that only God can pull off. I mean where did covid come from exactly? It's killing thousands and it's so normal now that ppl think nothing of it anymore. Tis the same with the author known as God, I'm sure.

I'm sorry but...there are so many things pointing to god being a hypocrite that it plainly frustrates me... YOUSAIDYOULOVEKIDSSOWHYDIDYOUKILLTHEM?!
Oh and I say God is sexist. No legitimate prophet was a girl. You have almost the whole Quran dedicated to the male prophets and only very little things when it comes to females. And then God tries to justify his actions in that by saying that there is a whole chapter dedicated to one woman who killed her children and committed suicide for God.

............firstly, that's ONE freaking chapter where almost the entire BOOK with countless CHAPTERS is dedicated to the males. What abt the females, sir? I repeat, WHAT ABOUT THE FEMALES?!
Secondly, now you want us to suicide for you? Okay :D I'll just throw my life and everything I've worked for away so I can be on ur good side haha~ *note my heavy ass sarcasm* Oh and God says to refer to him as "He" instead of "Them" which I and a friend find more appropriate. And that human beings were first referred to as "mankind" even after woman were brought into the equation. Ya coulda made it seem less sus but ya didn't...

Next, no gay? What is so wrong about loving ur same gender?? We didn't ask to be born this way with smth we can't control??? B r u h w h a t. LITERALLY HALF MY FAMILY THINK LGBTQ+ IS DISGUSTING BC THEY THINK IT ONLY CONSISTS OF SEX AND SHIT!! THERE'S REAL FEELINGS THAT GO INTO IT, YA KNOW! AJAJAJWJJWJWJW

Ok, I'm getting tired so ima speak abt 2 more things and leave u guys to contemplate on whatever. Heaven would be...hella boring. Who the hell wants to live in a world where everything is cupcakes and rainbows? How are you happy from that? Because all the fun times on earth grow from the bad times. What would u even talk abt in Heaven? There's only so much to talk abt with another person bc ur past life was only abt 80 yrs or so. There, you're living for eternity. WTF DO U EVEN TALK ABOUT???!

Also, who really decided on there to be a hell? Not Satan is who. I don't recall him ever being the creator of hell. He just got thrown down into it...

In conclusion: I am not willing to follow a hypocritical tyrant who is also an author bc I can admit that even an author such as myself cannot be trusted. And Satan was somewhat sensible in history if you think about it. I follow a certain satanic religion now. Or at least it falls under the label of Satanism (this label was made by society).

It's where I believe that I am my own goddess and follow no one but myself. I do not worship Satan, that is not a must. I just agree with him mostly. Here, you have a choice on who to follow and don't get kicked out of anything for choosing to change your religion. Lgbtq+ is allowed and this religion encourages sex (but not with children or animals) as well as many things that you can really agree with. It has a lot more freedom and there are different parts to it as well. I like the community. Those who follow Satan for power make me want to face palm. I mean- I actually believe he's a reasonable guy rather than an evil dude with a goat's head giving out free power to anyone who will draw a pentogram. Before this, a friend of mine and I came up with this religion called Kamuwa only to find there was smth exactly like it via a Tumblr post. Soooooo...yeah, ig I'm in it now. I finally feel in place and not like this random outcast👑

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