The End

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I know that by now almost nobody reads my posts, most of my followers are probably dead zccounts, but, I revisited this account tonight and, I just felt it wouldn't be right not to give some kind of goodbye while I'm here. I've been effectively gone for almost two years now, maybe over actually, occasionally showing up and doing near nothing, but I figure it's time to, you know, wrap it up nice with a bow.

My time here was fun. I knew so many people who were so amazing, and forgive me if I spell any wrong, but Wumzy, FriendFry, Blurburb, Eridan, Mallory, Nikole, Nicole, honestly everybody from the #Nallory book, and just, at the time you all were just such good friends to me, helped me feel better about myself, supported me, were funny as fuck, and just, were my main group of friends at the time, honestly, because it was summer for most of my main time here, and if I remember right, not an amazingly happy summer. But, you all helped.

Also, it's been fun writing shit here. Half of it is deleted, and the other half is strewn through this book and the other blog type book, but that doesn't change that it was fun. And, the RPs I had here, while most now are looked back on as cringy, were fun as fuck at the time, so to all of you who RPd with me, thank you too.

I'd just like to take a moment to shout out the people I remember best in a more detailed way. I'm sorry if I don't remember you, my memory is horrid. Sorry if like, you guys too have drifted and I'm simply pulling back bad memories, but, I promise that's not the intent, I don't know how you're all doing.

Wumzy1023 - You always were an amazing friend of mine, someone I felt I could trust and talk to, and who seemingly was down to talk with me too, as well as someone who would leave comments, which always made my day a little brighter because, well, it was a note of someone caring about and liking my work, and also they were usually funny. Thank you. Cheers to Nikole with a K (unless I'm remembering wrong sorry)

dacatnxtdoor - Oh you amazing writer you. Unless my memory is truly screwed, you were the author of Hey, Doll, and though I never did finish it, that was an amazing book, and fun to read. One of the only self insert things I don't look back upon and cringe, even though I never did insert myself, and just imagined a character instead. Putting that aside, one thing I do remember for certain is that you introduced me to all of these people, purposefully or otherwise. I remember this all started because I stumble upon one of your books and thought hey, this person is pretty cool, and then through watching comments came to sort of know the others, and then eventually mustered the courage to talk to one of you. I have no idea who I actually finally spoke to, but, in any case you yourself are amazing and served as a gateway into all of these people, so, thank you.

eridanamporascience8 - You were another one of my closest friends on here, or so it felt, and I just hope that I didn't annoy you too much lmao. Actually, that goes for everyone on this list. But, you, also, are an amazing writer! I forget the exact name, but I believe The Bounce of the Ball to the Rhythm of the Beat? Something like that, amazing book, I don't remember if I finished it but I remember I really liked it, and I'm not even like remotely into dancing, so you must've done something REALLY right. But,, you were always really cool, and memey too, and just, you're great.

SweetCynoCup- - Unless I'm remembering wrong, you're Nicole, with a C, and you not only were a good friend, but also made one of my Thebossllama logo things! I'm sorry I don't remember you better, but I do remember really enjoying talking to you, and being very grateful for the logo thing, so, thank you, so much.

pumakittycat - Again, I'm sorry I don't remember you too horribly well, but I remember that you were always a joy to talk to, and so positive, and you left comments so often! I always enjoyed responding to you, and just having small little conversations, and, I just hope you're doing well. Thank you for sticking with me!

BlurbBurb666 and Mugelbbub28 - I'm so sorry I'm not remembering you better, as even back when I was on all the time I'd often get you two confused XD, but, I remember talking at least occasionally to the both of you, and having fun with you guys. Thank you, so much, I hope you're doing well

KubzScoutsLover26 - Man, you were such a close friend for me. We've drifted apart, and at this point, I thinkit may be best to just let it be, but I thank you so much for being someone I could trust and talk to, who knew you could talk to me, and just, being amazing. I hope life has been getting better for you, and I just, I wish you the best.

TheFriendFryPotato - Again, I'm sorry that I don't remember you too well, but I DO remember you being amazingly positive, contagiously so. I remember at least once, probably many a time, you'd just leave some nice, needlessly sweet comment that'd just make me smile, and I appreciate that, so much, and I hope thst you're happy and are making people happy to this day.

I'm going to stop there because the only others I remember I know to this day, but to any of the rest of you I knew, I'm sorry I couldn't remember, whether that be because you changed your name, or I simply have forgotten, but know that I love everybody here, and hope you all are doing amazing to this day, and are truly happy. That goes to all of you that read this or read my other stuff too, whether you voted or not, left comments or not, all of you are special to me, and while I'll almost never frequent this place again, you'll all forever hold a special spot in my heart.

I've had some bad experiences here, given I wasn't too great over the summer I frequented here most, and I grew to hate a couple people I met here, sadly, as well as having said some things I highly disagree with now, but, all in all, Wattpad was a positive experience for me, and I just want to thank everyone again for making it a positive experience. I'm going to leave everything that's here here, no matter how cringy it is, even if now I'd see it as straight up rude or fucked up, I'm leaving this as is, I guess as a time capsule of memories, somewhat for myself, but also for anyone else who cares to look back, if anyone is nostalgic for me lmao. Plus, I like the idea of someone entirely new stumbling upon my corpse of an account and reading through everything, because in a way, that's a story in and of itself, the story of me, my time here.

Anyway, leave my account alone forever, spread it so others can see what was, occasionally look back on whatever is here, do whatever you will, but, I guess I leave it in your hands now. I don't really intend to ever update this, hence the finality, and the title, The End, but maybe I'll come back some day. Maybe it'll be sooner than I expect. Who knows. Anyway, here's a little poem I found in my other shitposty book, Random Crap I Think Of And Decide To Share, or something like that. It doesn't quite fit me anymore, I don't feel like, although maybe, but it flows nice, and I think it's beautiful, in a way.

Everything now said and done, it's approaching 6 AM and I need to get up at 9. I hope you all are happy, and if you aren't, I hope you strive to be, and I wish you all the best of luck. Sleep well, everybody, and good night.

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