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Hey its been a while just been dealing with a lot an shit tho am OK...but I hope you guys are okie too well I been trying to get better with this whole sickness going on in the world I wish this was not going on I wish that through world would get better when is it going to end some say that we have cure but do we really or is that false hope? I don't want to go into my final year of highschool with this idk how the grads of 2020 did it idk if I can do it for a full year its been almost 2 months how much more do we have to take I want to see my friends I want to go back to my normal life everything is lifeless everything is dying I hate it I feel like I can't do anything but stay inside yes that's helping but is it really when we can't go onto the front fields an do some real work? Idk what ak talking abt many more I am just ranting again I always do that when am too stressed to talk to my friends yet they are too an I will end up being a bother again like I always do I just want  to be at peace the world is not helping am scared that this the end for us all why is this happening to us what did we do that's so wrong for the world to turn back onto us we have sinned yes but the pain is thing to this we just want to be normal again not this we want our freedom we are sick of staying copped up how much Kore of this "hang in there, we are in this together" crap I know it helps but it don't help me it make a me panic an worry that I can't do anything which I can't I can only try to get used to this cooped up life in my home I don't want to go into the great big world like this I want things to get better how much more do we have to take what did we do to have this happen why did this happen who caused it why is it taking so long to fix ik there is others working as fast as the can to fix this but am so scared that this will be the fall of earth why is this going on what did gov do nothing but tell us to stay inside we are but we can't handle it much more noe can we?  Now how much this effect those born of 2020 they will have hard time in time if there is more to this year in this big great world that we call home to many when will this pain stop?


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