Shivaay Singh Oberoi

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“Shivaay Singh Oberoi breaks up with actress Sakshi Kapoor after the latter accused him of infidelity” She read out to her bestie who was a mad fan of the said Shivaay Singh Oberoi.

“Heard? This is what your favourite Shivaay Singh Oberoi does. He dates someone delicate, breaks her heart and moves on” She told with disgust and her bestie frowned.

“See, dating someone was his wish and breaking up was also his wish. Sakshi just accused him of infidelity. Did she prove it? What's the proof? She could be lying to gain sympathy. Did you even know who was Sakshi Kapoor before she started dating Shivaay? No! Nobody even knew her. Now she got fame because of him and she being the backbiting snake she is, accused him” She told frowning.

“Whatever you say Mishti, he is such a pathetic person in real life! Don't you remember the heartbroken face of Anika Sharma when he broke their five year long relationship saying he didn't want to have commitments such as marriage with her? She was freaking depressed that she took an year long break from acting”

“God Nia! Did she say anywhere that she took a break because he broke up with her? She had been acting since a young age and might have wanted to take a break and explore places. What's wrong in that?”

“Don't you remember how she cried in front of media when they asked her about him?” She asked angrily and Mishti shrugged.

“And that's Shivaay's mistake?”

“He freaking cheated her Mishti”

“He didn't cheat her for God's sake Nia. He might have fell out of love with her. I mean come-on! He just told her his stand. He might not have been ready for marriage and he told her. She might have over reacted. I don't know! Anika and he looked really good with each other and they were so in love with each other. Don't know what happened between them” Mishti told and Nia sighed exasperated.

“It won't take a Newton's brain to understand that he ditched her because he's big film star now and she's just a television actress. He got someone better than her and just broke up with her saying silly excuses! Didn't he freaking say in that award function that their wedding will be in March? The same month he broke up with her. Don't you remember how they even went on a trip together and the next day they returned back, he un-followed her on all social media sites and even deleted all their pictures together” Nia told and Mishti shrugged.

“It's not my concern Nia. He's a good person and I still stand there”

You know what Mishti? You're so damn Obsessed with him”

“I'm not obsessed with him. I had been his fan since his very first show where he had just a small role. He wasn't even important in that show, just a guy who was a laughing stock for others. Slowly, he became a supporting actor and finally he got a show where he was casted as the hero. From then, till today, he just struggled a lot for who he is today. From a small time TV actor to one of the most busiest and highest paid actor in Bollywood, it was his fifteen years of struggle. We fans who were with him since those days, know who he is, how he is and what character he has. Haan he turned more busy but he still takes time to reply to his fan DMs once in a while. He loves and respects his fans and that's what makes me love him. Whether he dates someone or breaks their heart, whether he drinks or takes drugs, doesn't change the love we real fans have for him. We know our Shivaay” Mishti told and Nia rolled her eyes.

“Whatever! I don't like him”

“Suit yourself”


Elsewhere, Anika Sharma sighed reading the news. She turned to look at him who was sleeping peacefully holding her other palm. Bending down, she kissed his forehead and he opened his eyes sleepily to look at her.

“What's the new updates today?” He asked sleepily and she sighed.

“Sakshi's statement”

“Ah interesting! Check my DM. You'll see many colorful words” He told chuckling as he sat upright and she kept her head on his chest.

“I saw the comments” She told and he sighed.

“Same old you're a heartless man comments?” He asked and she nodded.

“It'll pass baby. One week and everyone will forget about all these. Now the war going on between Sakshi Kapoor's supporters and Shivaay Singh Oberoi's supporters will die down in a week” He told smiling and she raised her head to look at him.

“Let's leave all these Shiv. I'll also leave acting. You come back to acting on TV. Bollywood is not for you. How many days since you slept properly” She told rubbing his chest and he smiled holding her towards his chest.

“Are you saying this Anika? You, who know about all my struggles? You who jumped up and down when I got my first offer? You who supported me through thick and thin?” He asked.

“You're still struggling Shivaay. In front of the world, you're Shivaay Singh Oberoi, an actor who has everything he needs in his life. Projects after projects, money, fame, everything! Even after everything, it's been months since I saw you sleeping peacefully” She told and he sighed.

“Every profession comes with shortcomings jaan. I'm doing what I enjoy the most and that's what matters. All these controversies, dating and all are just those shortcomings” He told and she kissed his chest.

“About Sakshi and me, you know the truth isn't it? She was a good actress but people didn't know her. When she was selected for the lead actress role, to make her familiar with everyone, the production told me to date her and I did. When people started forgetting Sakshi after the success of her movie, they made this break up drama and I acted along” He told looking at the wall. “Bloody PR stunt!” He muttered mockingly and she looked at him.

“Just like everyone forgot about us?” She asked and he nodded.

“Can we never have a normal life Shiv? Meeting like this everyday by disguising ourselves”

“Isn't it fun?” He asked chuckling and she rolled her eyes.

“After an year or two, we'll announce about our wedding. We'll make up a story saying how we both got together after my break up with someone and that we realised we still love each other. Simple!” He told and she sighed.

“Will your PR team allow to do that? The villains of our love story!” She told frowning and he chuckled.

“I hope” He told laughing and she hit his chest.

Her phone rang and she attended it seeing that it was his mother.

“Ha mummy”

“Did that nalayak son of mine wake up?” She burst out laughing listening to that and he frowned.

“Yeah your nalayak son is up mom!” He told frowning.

“Ah! Shivaay, my darling baby, won't you both come for next week's party?” Jhanvi asked in a sweet voice and he rolled his eyes.

“Mom don't you know it's difficult? That too for Anika to come in the party. By any chance if media finds out——”

“We'll take care of that bhaiyya! You both come na! It's just us. We're all missing you both here” Rudra, his brother told and he sighed.

“Let me try. If I can't come, Anika will come. She's free anyway” He told and she sighed.

“I'll come for sure Rudy. Even I'm missing you all” She told and he smiled.

“By the way, Sakshi was hot huh! You could have gone a little longer” Rudra told and Shivaay frowned.

“Hot my foot! I'm just glad it got over” He told and Anika looked at him.

“You're saying that because Bhabhi is with you. Haina Bhabhi?” Rudra asked in a teasing tone and Anika chuckled.

“I second that Rudy!”

“Fhat the wuck! You wait till I get my hands on you! Trying to create problems in my life” He told frowning while Rudra and Anika burst out laughing.

He got up from the bed and walked to the washroom while she continued talking to the family.

As she hanged the call, she saw her reflection in the mirror in front of her. She touched the long black beaded chain that slowly peeked out between the collars of her shirt. With a faint smile, she pulled it out of the shirt.

“Will you marry me Mrs Radhika Krish Singhania?” He asked going on his knees in front of both his and her family. She smiled and showed her palm to him as tears rolled down her eyes.

“Bhaiyya that's Anika Bhabhi, not Radhika Singhania” Rudra told chuckling and Shivaay smiled at her.

“Tell me Radhika, will you marry me?”

“I will Mr Krish Singhania” She told and he got on his feet smiling.

“Why Radhika and Krish, Shivaay? For your kind info, now Radhika's Krish is someone else in the serial” Jhanvi told frowning as once Shivaay got an offer to work in a movie, his role was replaced by someone else.

“Radhika and Krish made us shivika. For me, she's always my Radhika” He told and she looked at him smiling.

His phone rang and he excused himself as he went out to attend it. As he returned back, his face said he would cry the next moment.

“What happened Shivaay?” Tej, his father asked but Shivaay just looked at Anika.

“I want to talk to you. It's important” He told and walked to his room without another word while everyone looked confused at Anika. She nodded at them and followed him to his room.

“What happened Shiv?” She asked as she sat beside him and he turned to her with tears in his eyes.

“We can't marry”

“Why?” She asked shocked.

“The PR team wants me to date my co star so that the hype for the movie increases. I don't know what to do! They say that if I get married now, it would be drawback for my career. Their argument is that you're a TV actress and it would affect my popularity” He told and she looked at him without any emotion on her face.

“You were a TV actor too” She told softly and he nodded.

“So if I date you, that image stays there itself. It's been quite sometime since they're pressuring me but I wasn't ready but now——I——”

“You're breaking up with me?” She asked hurt and he nodded.

“Shivaay we love each other” She told as her voice choked.

“Do we?”

“Shivaay” She told shocked and he looked at her.

“If you loved me, you wouldn't have asked me this question Anika. Do you think I'll break up with you just for some bloody PR stunt?” He asked and she felt her nerves going calm.

“But Shivaay the PR——”

“Even if they throw me out of Bollywood, I'm not agreeing for this” He told with finality and she shook her head.

“No Shiv! Please. You struggled a lot to reach here. Please don't spoil years of hardwork with one quick decision”

“Do you want me to date someone else Anika?” He asked and she sighed.

“It's just a PR stunt. In front of the world, break up with me and date whoever they say. We know what we have between us isn't it?” She asked and he closed his eyes as he shook his head.

“Please Shiv! All these happens in Bollywood. Just go with the flow. We can marry anytime. It's your first movie and it should be grand success. If you dating her would increase the popularity, then do it in front of the world” She told and he hugged her.

“Then marry me. Just in front of our family. Here in Oberoi Mansion, without any photographer or media”

“We can do it later also”

“No Anika. We decided to get married and we're getting married. I don't want to listen to anything else. I'll talk to the production. After a few years we'll make our marriage public. It won't be a problem because by that time, two things can happen. Either I'll be a successful actor or I'll return back to TV. Both times, it won't be problem if I marry you” He told and she sighed.

“Where are you lost?”

“Nowhere! Just thinking about my new project. What's your opinion? Should I take it?” She asked and he shrugged.

“Your decision”

“There's a lot of romantic scenes” She told with a mischievous smile.

“Daily soap right? I know about their romantic scenes very well. Go for it” He told and she frowned.

“Get jealous Shivaay! You were better off as Krish Singhania. My Krish used to get jealous even when I talked to some other men” She told and he burst out laughing.

“Oh yeah! The same Krish who insulted Radhika in front of the world and even divorced her just because some evil villain created misunderstanding between them right?” He told and she shrugged.

“Whatever you say Shiv, Krish's love for Radhika was true. Situations were like that. Finally Krish realised his mistakes and loved Radhika right” She asked and he rolled his eyes.

“After hurting her to the extreme”

“Let's not fight early in the morning for Krish and Radhika” She told putting an end to the argument and he chuckled, pulling her closer to him.

“First you start getting jealous seeing me with my so called girlfriends, then I'll start getting jealous for your so called romantic scenes” He told and she frowned.

“I'm your wife! I have more authority on you than them. Why should I get jealous of those luchi tuchi people?” She told frowning and he chuckled.

“Yeah yeah! Not at all jealous” He told poking her nose.



“Mishti did you see the news? Shivaay Singh Oberoi and Anika Sharma are dating again” Nia told with wide eyes and Mishti chuckled.

“You're seeing that now? I saw it yesterday itself. There were rumors since his break up with Aditi Singhania. I knew that they were always meant to be together” Mishti told proudly and Nia shook her head.

“That Anika is mad! I mean he cheated her once and it's so foolish of her to trust him again. What's wrong with these people? How can they date each other again. Like what nonsense” Nia told frowning. .

“I thought she was dating Namit Khanna. They looked so good together” Nia told cribbing and Mishti rolled her eyes.

“She looked better with Gaurav Chopra than Namit!”

“Then she could have dated Gaurav right? Why Shivaay?”

“Gaurav is married! And what's wrong with Shivaay? They look perfect with each other”

“He's not a good person. I don't like him”

“Grow up Nia! Just because you don't like him doesn't change the fact that he is one of the best actors of Bollywood and that he has more fans than haters” Mishti told frowning.

“Anika is a good person. I'm damn sure he'll break her heart again” Nia told and Mishti face palmed.

“You know what! Let's get over with this. I love Shivaay and you hate him. I don't want to talk more on this” Mishti told before walking off.

“I don't like Shivaay Singh Oberoi” She muttered before following Mishti.

~The End~

Not every story of Bollywood is true! Not every actors live their life according to their wishes! Not every actors are happy in their life!

Happy birthday Sushant Singh Rajput ❤️
A gem that Bollywood lost

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