Yearbook part 4

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"Oh Angel of death, when a good ghost like Krish can win prayers from out of the lips of sin, when the pain he beared, and we the little ones, before you, gives away our tears, have some mercy on Krish and take him with you to the world that is free of fears," the trio said all at once waiting for the reply. The angel of death looked at her with a thoughtful expression. "Krish isn't a suicide ghost, so then why keep him in the world of humans? He was killed, and it's must for him to go where he belongs," Shivani said.

"I know my child, but now it's not his time, he died before his time, his death was much farther," replied the angel of death. "Even his sinners are punished now, so for who will he stay back?" I asked. "There is something he is hiding," said the angel of death and then the trio looked at each other and then at Krish and then back at him. "What is that?" Radhika asked. "He loves you my child," said the angel of death giving her a shock. "He... Loves... Me?" She asked in a shock.

"Yes, he loves you, and so till you're alive, he will keep coming back to meet you, to protect you," he told her. Radhika stood on her feet along with me and Shivani and went to Krish who was looking down. She cupped his face and made him look at her. "Krish tell me, is this true?" She asked and he nodded. "So then why didn't you tell me?" She asked. "Because it would've been awkward," he replied. "Even I felt like that, but now it's not awkward as I know you also feel the same about me, I love you too Krish," she said.

They both shedded tears of happiness and had a hug. "I should go now," he said breaking the hug and then went to the angel of death and looked back at her. "I will come back if you ever need me, else I can't come back," he told her, she waved at him and he disappeared. She turned to go back from where we came but we hugged her as her eyes carried pearls of love for him, her lips were trembling as she was trying hard to stop her tears from falling down.

"He left me," she said bursting into tears. "But we are always with you," Shivani said. "And he said that he may come back if you need him so have some trust on the Almighty God," I said and she smiled. We broke the hug and left from there.

Writer's POV:
At evening, Radhika sat with the yearbook in her hands looking at Krish's photo caressing it while tears rolled down from her eyes. She remembered one scene from the past when they met for the first time.

Radhika had come to the dorm for the first time and she kept her suitcase on her single bed. Shivani too did the same. "We got a very good dorm, no?" She asked Shivani. "Yes, it's awesome, well I will unpack later, I m tired so taking a nap," she replied and then laid down to sleep. "Good night Shivani, it's not night but still," Radhika said and shrugged. She dragged her suitcase to her cupboard and unlocked it. She gasped as there were already some clothes of men. "What the hell?" She said and kept moving the clothes here and there and that's when her eyes met pitch black eyes of Krish.

She blinked for several times and when she realized that how devilish his eyes are, she screamed. He held her wrist twisting it painlessly behind her back twirling her around and palmed her mouth. After she calmed, he looked at Shivani to make sure that she's asleep, and when he was sure, he pulled Radhika inside the cupboard and she landed in his lap. He bent down and took her legs pulling her fully inside. "Ssshhh," he whispered and closed the cupboard careful to keep it open partially. He made her sit beside him and sat bending his knees up to his chest.

"Who are you Mr.Black Cobra?" She asked and he giggled. "I m Krish Khanna, not Black Cobra, I am also known as KK," he said and she smiled clearing her throat. "Well it's awkward that you live in this cupboard," she said. "I m a ghost," he said and she nodded. "Okay," she said without realizing but then as she realized, she widened her eyes at him. "Ghost?" She said and was about to go outside but he stopped her holding her wrist. "Relax, I won't harm you, what's your name by the way?" He asked.

"Radhika.. Radhika Krishnabala," she said and smiled hesitantly as they shook hands. "You would be tired, so you may go now, oh and you can keep your clothes here and keep mine in your suitcase if you want," he said and she smiled. "Sure, thanks," she said and went outside. She took Krish's clothes out of the cupboard and then settled hers inside. Once she was done, she kept his clothes in her suitcase and zipped it. Then she looked at the open cupboard and smiled and came to Krish. "Bye Krish," she said picking her little rubber toy and pressed it at his cheek, he giggled along with her and she closed the door.

Fb end.

She smiled recalling that day. "That day was so good, we met for the first time, and today you left me alone Krish," she said and kept the yearbook upside down and got off the bed sitting on her knees. She pulled out her suitcase and unzipped it. She smiled seeing Krish's clothes and picked one shirt and hugged it. "I will always keep these with me," she said and kept the shirt back and zipped it again pushing it under the bed and picked the yearbook again to read what Krish had written.

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