Shot 9

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After breakfast everyone left to their respective workplaces and others to their rooms
Some of them were trying to finish off their works so that they could be free on the day of fashion .
While with SR family they were all busy that they hardly had seen each expect at work place where they would just discuss about work .Shivaay and Sid were regularly found in the company such that even the employees were used to them being around and they never recognized whom they were .

Annika and Mallika were working in the office but today the work was very less and just last minutes preparation .Outside Shivaay and Sid parked their car and entered the office carrying Ansh and Anshi since they wanted to have dome family moments and they missed their parents ,uncle and aunt .
Entering the office they were the center of attraction .The kids looked around happily while the employees were amused .They directly got into the lift and reached the floor to where they were going and entered the cabin .MalAnn were happy to see Ansh and Anshi so were the kids .it felt ages since they spend time together .Finishing their works ,they wrapped up everything and all left the office talking and laughing .
As if morning shock wasn't enough the employees were gaping at them some jealous ,others admiring them and others shocked because they have never seen them being like that .
Days passed steadily and the day of the fashion events was nearing .On fine day at OM they were taking breakfast when Dadi suddenly asked Annika where her Billu was and now everyone attention was to her instead of answering she left the table OF became sad but they hoped to see him in the events but what they didnt know was that they get a shock their about their Billu .

Finally the most awaited day arrived and everyone was running here there but in SR Annika was tensed since it was her first event in India so she hoped it to out well while Shivaay was just encouraging her tell her to believe herself .
They all prepared themselves and hopped in the car and left .
Reaching Media captured their pictures since they were celebrities ,Shortly after Obereis arrived and all were seated to their respective places .

Half an hour later the event started with a speech and welcoming everyone who were able to attend it .OF was happy seeing Annika successful and they were mesmerized with the way it was arranged in Purple and white looking breathtaking and also the number of people who were present since they were actors ,actress ,big business men and women and all celebrities since it was a international brand .
The event started and everyone was happy and mesmerized with the way the clothes were designed

TThese were some of the designs from her collection and last they ended with

IImaginr them with their children wearing same clothes and posing the stage with Sid and Mallika also .
The events came to an end and everyone appreciated the designed clothes and the event went on successfully with many buying the clothes while Shivika were interacting with other people .
OF were sittef at some corner looking at Shivika how they are interacting with people and how they have changed in this four years since they left .They seemed to be happy without them but what confused them were the kids .

They wished to talk to them once but Shivika and Malsid were busy with their guest .
The event came to an end with Media covering it a whole and later people started dispersing with only few left .
Wrapping up things they all left including OF

That for today .No Proof read .

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