Awaiting happiness or.......

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After reaching OM shivaansh immediately went into a deep slumber though a kid he was also tired after the whole day's drama...
Annika first made Shivi lie in her crib and then she also went to sleep with Shivaansh....

In shivaansh's room,
Annika was caressing Shivaansh's face....she ruffled her hair and smiled at his nose which was turned to red due to continuous crying...she covered shivaansh and herself with a duvet and both mother-son slept like they wont wake up for the next thousand years... 😅😅😅

At morning 6:00 a.m
Shivaay woke up holding his head, he forwarded his hand for the glass of water but when he looked beside him annika was not there(how will she be she's with anshu) Shivaay somehow wore his room slippers and went near shivi's crib to greet his princess....
As expected shivi was already wide awake . She waved her hands in air signalling her dadda to carry her...
Shivaay understood her princess' every antic....
He carried his life in his arms and rubbed his nose against hers making her giggle. He carried shivi to the balcony accompanied by shivaay's expresso....

S- my princess...ur dadda is very lucky that ur not a kumbhkaran like ur mamma otherwise u know....
Shivika made a grumpy face to what shivaay said ...
S- no no princess dont make that face look there*pointing towards the sky* look there....can u see those birds flying with their flock...if my daughter wont smile they all will come back and will peck ur nose with their this...*he said while pulling her little nose*

Shivi started sucking shivaay's thumb thinking it to be her mumma's breasts ................
S- princess is hungry lets search mumma so my pricess can drink her milk....

Shivaay searched annika in the kitchen, then in temple , later in pool side at last found her sleeping with shivaansh in his room...

S-(to shivi) baby see ur mumma and bro are still sleeping lets wake them up...

Shivaay went near shivaansh and planted a kiss on his face...

S- anshu....champ wake up its already 7:00 a.m....champ early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise....wake up

SA- *in his sleep* me..and what... u said is only applicable for men not for champs....

Shivika tried to caress shivaansh's face but he threw her hand *bcoz he was sleepy*making shivi cry loudly....

S- princess...dont cry...dont cry....ur dadda's doll naa so dont cry dont cry....

Shivika's cries filled the whole room and both annika and shivaansh sat on the bed half awaken from their sleep by that noise...

Annika climbed down the bed and was greeted by her sso . She took crying shivi in her arms and started caressing her mood...

A- ale le le mere baby ko kya ho gaya mera baby to storng hai naa vo aaj dadda ki tarah rondu kyun ban gayaa hai ?? Kya ho gayaa meri jaan ko...

Shivika being just 6month old hasn't started talking....she tried to say something but she cant help hersef naa...

A- accha zaroor aapke dadda ne hii kuch kiya hoga...shivaay aaj aapki khair nahin rula diya naa meri jaan ko...

Shivika nodded her head head in the opp. direction indicating no....finally she spoke her first word....her first name which sounded like,"an..chu.., an...chu"

"Shivaay did u listen what she said?? She uttered her first word...and it was anshu's name...she our daughter just spoke her first word!!!" Annika claimed in excitement....

Shivaay went near her princess with a very sad face....
S- princess like ur bro u also betrayed me...atleast his first word word was but urs....u both dont love ur dadda naa...
Annika also became sad seeing shivaay's face. Shivaay was about to leave the room when shivi spoke...her her second word which left shivaay in tears...."da...dda", shivi called and shivaay took in his arms making her giggle with his funny faces...
S- annika did u listen shivi called me dadda she loves her dadda a lot....haina meri haina...haina...

Shivi nodded yes to what shivi said making annika a bit jealous...
Shivaansh climbed down the bed rubbing his eyes unknown of what really happened he tightly clutched annika's kurti...

SA- mumma what happened?? Dadda n u are looking shoo happy something special today??
A- *ruffling her messy hairs* yes anshu...indeed the day is really special  because ur shivi said her first word...

SA- really mumma??*excitement on his face* whose name it was urs or dad's??

A- *pecking his nose* no was ur name...

Anshu jumped in excitement he forwarded his hands towards shivi indicating his dad to handle shivi....

Shivaay made shivaansh carry shivi in his little arms carefully....both shivaay and annika laughed looking at their kids....

They all were having fun in each other's company when something unexpected happened that shocked both shivaay and kids.

Leaving shivi with shivaay annika rushed to the washroom with the feeling to throw up....few time later she came out after empting the contents of stomach...

Shivaansh ran towards annika and his face was expressing so much emotions that literally he was on the verge of crying....

Both Shivaansh and shivaay bombarded annika with questions...

SA- mumma what  happened to u?? Are u fine ...i think you should take rest me n daddy will handle shivi. You dont worry shivaansh hai naa...

A- baby is so intelligent*cupping anshu's face*....anshu mumma is alright it may be just due to changing weather....mumma is fine and dont make that saddu ur dad.just look at him rondu Singh Oberoi...*she started laughing *

S- annika this is not a joke ok...did u get it?? U know naa if u get a single scratch on ur body i feel like dying. And whats ur problem haan ?? Why dont u take care of urself....i dont want to listen after having breakfast u will take rest and no arguments...

A(to both SA and S) billuji and my lil billuji....

Publishing the next chapter within few hours...till then enjoy reading it and dont forget to click the star button and comment.....

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