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A woman around 25 years of age is sitting in front of the operation theatre and praying to God to save her husband's life. Her father, Harshvardhan was consoling her. After few minutes, a doctor came out from the OT and removed his face mask. The woman hurriedly rushes towards him.

W- Doctor, how is my husband Abhay?

D- We are really sorry Mrs. Anika but we couldn't save him. The accident was very fatal. We tried our best but I am sorry.

A- You are mistaken doctor. This is not possible. He can't leave me like this. He promised me that he will be there with me forever. You don't know anything. You are just talking rubbish. Papa, look what are they saying?

H- Anika beta, its the truth.

A- No. No. This is not truth.

She immediately rushed inside OT and her father followed her. She went near her husband and kept her head on his chest and started crying.

A- Abhay, please open your eyes.prove them wrong. Tell them that they are talking rubbish.

She burst out crying and sat down on the floor with a thud. Harsh hugged his daughter to console her.

H- Calm down beta.

A- He cheated me, papa. He can't go like this.

Doctor also felt pity on her. Suddenly a nurse came running to him.

N- Sir, the condition of patient of room no.305 is very critical. His heartrate is dropping very fast. Sir, we are loosing him.

D- Oh no! lets go.

The doctor immediately ran towards room no.305 and saw the man's mother standing in the room holding her son's hand and crying hysterically. As soon as she saw Doctor entering the room, she immediately ran towards him.

P- Doctor, please save my SHIVAAY.

D- Don't worry, Mrs. Oberoi. We'll try our best. please wait outside.

Pinky nods her head and went outside.

Doctor Checks Shivaay's pulse and realised that it is fading. He checked his reports and frown lines covered his forehead.

D- He needs a heart replacement immediately otherwise we'll not be able to save him. Nurse give him adrenaline injection.

Nurse nods her head. Doctor checks abhay's reports and he immediately rushes to OT. He went near Anika and Harsh and said-

D- Mrs. Anika, Mr. Harsh, Please come to my cabin. I need to talk something important to you both.

Harsh nods his head and took Anika towards his cabin as she was totally blank and expressionless.

D- Look Mrs. Anika, I know its a very difficult time for you and I give my condolences. I need a favour from you. Actually there is a man who is suffering from a heart disease since birth and now his condition is very critical and he needs an immediate heart transplant otherwise we'll lose him.

Anika who was lost in her own thoughts, looks at the doctor.

D- Mrs.Anika, your husband's heart perfectly matches him. If you allow, we can transplant his heart with your husband's heart. I know its difficult for you but your one decision can save someone's life.

A- No.No.No.

H- Anika, atleast think once.

A- I said NO.

She ran out of the room and saw Pinky standing outside the cabin with tears in her eyes.She folded her hands in front of her.

P- Please save my son. I can't lose him. I love him very much. please save him. I knew from his birth that I will have to face this one day but still I am not ready for this. I tried everything to save him but now I am losing him. Only you can save him. Please do this for a mother's sake. I know its difficult but please save him.

Pinky starts crying hysterically and fell on Anika's feet. Anika immediately bend don on her knees and stopped her. Tears were continuously falling from Anika's eyes. She felt miserable after seeing Pinky's condition.

A- Please don't do this. I am sorry that I became selfish for a moment but I can't let anyone lose his life because of my selfishness. If my husband's heart can save your son's life then I am ready to donate his heart. Maybe my husband's soul will be at peace.

Pinky smiles and thanked her.

P- Thank you so much beta. I'll never forget your favour.

Finally Shivaay's operation was successful and he stepped into his new life. Here Anika's world was broken beyond repair.

After 15 days

Shivaay was finally discharged from the hospital. Pinky took him to Oberoi mansion.

P- Shivaay beta, go and take rest in your room.

S- But mom, first answer my question which I am asking you from 15 days.

P- Shivaay, please don't be stubborn. You are still not recovered completely. Please go and rest.

S- No first tell me where is Tia? It's been 15 days that I haven't seen her. It's our marriage after a week and she is nowhere to be seen. Oh, I think she is busy in our wedding preparations, right mom?

Shivaay says last Line while smiling. Pinky was looking here and there, not able to meet his gaze.

S- Tell me, mom. Where is she?

P- SHE LEFT YOU. She doesn't want to marry you. Now she is already married to Daksh Khurana.

Shivaay was completely shocked.

S- what? Mom, you are joking, right? Mom... Tell me.

Pinky burst into tears after looking at his condition. She went near him and cupped his face.

P- This is the truth beta. When that day, your condition became worse and we admitted you at the hospital, Tia also accompanied us. She said... She said....

S- What... di... did... She... Sa... Say...?

P- She said that she doesn't want to marry a person who is not healthy. Then I told her that you'll get fine after your heart transplant, but then she said that what if something happens to you in future, then her life will be spoiled so she can't take a risk and she left.

S- But she said that she loved me.

A lone tear escapes from his eyes. Shivaay starts leaving the house when Pinky stopped him.

P- Shivaay, where are you going? You are still not fine and you need rest.

S- I just need some alone time, mom.

He left from there. He sat in his car and drove to a park. He stepped down from the car and went to lakeside.

He sat on the edge of the lake and started throwing stones in the lake angrily.

S- how can she betray me? I loved her so much and never disappointed her,always tried to keep her happy, then also she betrayed me. Why Tia, why did you do this to me?

Suddenly his eyes fell on a lady who was sitting a little far from him, in a white salwar kameez, and looking at nothing.

He felt an attractive pull towards her. He got up from his place and slowly went near her. As soon as he went near her, he observed her face, which was not less than a fairy's. Her eyes were very beautiful but they had some pain and hollowness inside them. Her cheeks were tear-stained. He sat beside her and cleared his throat. She immediately wiped her tears and looks at him.

S- Hi. My name is Shivaay. And you?

A- Anika.

S- Actually, I saw that you were crying and I was also feeling like crying, so please can we cry together?

Anika first looks at him and then chuckles.

A- Why do you feel like crying?

S- Because my girlfriend left me and married another guy just because I was fighting from death. She left me as she thought that if she will marry me and something happened to me in the future, then her life maybe spoiled. But now I think she was right. But still it hurts because I think I loved her.

A- Maybe she was not meant for you.

S- Huh?

A- If she was meant for you, then she wouldn't have left your side in your difficult times. Maybe she never loved you because it's very difficult to let your love go.

A lone tear escapes from Anika's eyes. Shivaay immediately took out his handkerchief from his pocket and forwards it to her.

S- Please don't cry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I think you are right. She was not meant for me. If you don't mind, can I ask you that why were you crying?

A- Umm.. Fifteen days ago,I lost my husband, Abhay in an accident.

Anika starts crying. Shivaay felt bad for her.

S- I am so sorry. Please don't cry.

A- He promised me that he will never leave me. That day, he had a meeting in Pune. He was going there when his car crashed into a truck and he.....

Anika again starts crying.

S- please don't cry. If your husband will see you crying like this, then his soul will never be at peace. Please stop crying, for him.

Anika looks at Shivaay with teary eyes. She slowly wipes her tears and Shivaay smiles at her.

They were sitting in silence and looking at the lake. The silence was broken by Shivaay.

S- Will you have an ice-cream with me?

Anika looks at him confusingly.

A- Huh? But I don't know you.

S- Liar, of course, you know me. You know my name is Shivaay. You know that I had a break up with my girlfriend. I think that's enough. Please, I want to celebrate my breakup.

Anika chuckles at him.

A- But I don't eat ice cream with strangers.

S- Then we can be friends, right?

Shivaay says while forwarding his hand towards her.

Anika smiles and holds his hand.

A- Ok. Friends.

Shivaay smiles and helps her to stand up.

S- let's go.

They went to an ice cream parlour nearby.

Shivaay pulled a chair for Anika and made her sit.

S- What is your favourite flavour?

A- Umm.. Mint chocolate chip.

Shivaay looks at her shockingly.

S- Really, that's my favourite too.

Anika smiles at him.

S- You wait here, I'll go and get our ice creams.

Anika nods her head and Shivaay left to take their ice creams. After few minutes, he returned with their ice-creams and have one to her. They started eating.

After finishing their ice cream, they headed out of the ice cream parlour.

S- Anika, let's go. I'll drop you you at your home.

A- It's ok, Shivaay. I'll go.

S- No. I can't leave you alone here. Let's go.

Anika finally gave up and agreed with him.

They sat in the car and Shivaay drove towards her home. They finally reached her home. Anika was about to step down when Shivaay stopped her.

S- Anika, thank you for coming with me. Thank you for sharing my pain and making me realise that Tia was not good for me. I really needed someone by my side. Thank you for being that someone.

Anika smiles at him.

A- I should also thank you, Shivaay. I was suffering from this pain from fifteen days. But today when I shared my pain with you, I am feeling relieved. Thank you.

S- Anika...wo... Wo... I... I...

A- What happened, Shivaay?

S- Can we meet again? I mean we are friends right? So can we?

Anika nods her head and Anika went inside her home after bidding bye to Shivaay.

Anika enters her house with a smile on her face. Harshavardhan looks at her and gets shocked to see her smile because he has seen her smile after fifteen days.

H(thinks) - God! Please keep her happy always.

Shivaay also reached Oberoi Mansion and entered the main door while whistling. Pinky was shocked to see him happy.

P- Shivaay, where were you? I was so tensed for you.

S- Don't worry mom. Everything is fine now.

P- Are you okay, Shivaay?

S- Yes mom. Someone made me realize that Tia was not good for me so I am happy now.

Pinky looks at him confusingly.

S- Now I want to rest as I am feeling tired.

Shivaay left to his room. Pinky silently prayed to God to keep him happy.

This idea popped up in my mind. So here it is. 😀😀

This was the first part. Second part will be updated soon. 😊😊

How was it? ☺☺

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