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 A big sorry for being late. Was busy😕😕

    Annika was sitting leaning to a wall in the hospital. Shivaay was in the ICU. Doctors were examining him. She was looking like a lifeless body. Her face was pale. Her tears dried. Don't leave me...i'll die.....don't leave me......she was just chanting this like a mad person.

      Few hours passed. Doctors were rushing in and out of the ICU. But she was still there continously requesting him to not leave her. The worried faces of doctors turned her heartbeat erratic. She clutched her nuptial chain tightly fearing the worst. Lump formed in her throat. She gulped back her tears. She didn't want to cry since he hated her tears.

        Whole Oberoi family arrived there but she was just lost in her own world. She didn't care to look at her surroundings.

        Finally, after two more hours doctors came out with relieved faces. She immediately got up looking at them with anticipating eyes.

        'Mr. Oberoi is out of danger now but you have to take care of him. He needs stressfree environment. It was really hard to save him. It was as if he had lost his will to live. He had a severe heart attack but if this happened once again, i'm sorry you may lose him.' Doctor explained his situation. Annika stumbled back only to be held by omru from either sides. She couldn't believe he lost his will to live. How could he do this? How could he forget the promises he made to her? How could he forget that he had someone awaiting him? She looked at omru forgetting about everything they did.

      'Om.......ru.......di......did you.......did you he....hear? He....he....didn't want to li....live.. my shiv didn't want to live......' she cried holding onto them. They caressed her back but she suddenly pushed them away.

        'How can i forget that this all is happening because of you? You guys are responsible for his this condition. Did you listen to what the doctor said? He didn't want to live. Why? Because you people defamed him. The ones he loved the most have hurt him the most. I'll never forgive you. Remember one thing if anything happened to my shivaay you will see my worst side.' She left from there to shivaay's ward.

       She entered the room only to see her lifeline laying with pale face on the hospital bed. There was a frown on his head. She let her tears flow finally. Those were tears of relief. Her prayers got fulfilled. She sat beside him holding his hand and caressed his face.

        He opened his eyes after sometime. Looking at the surroundings, he spotted a familiar sight of his wife who was looking at him with a wide smile but her eyes were teary.

        'Shiv! Are you fine?' She asked softly rubbing his beard with her hand.

        'I'm fine annie!' He whispered. His voice showed lack of energy.

       She was just looking at him with love making him smile. He held her hand tightly. She too smiled keeping her head on his chest. He caressed her hair since he knew how badly she was affected with his deteriorated health. She snuggled more into him.

        He was smiling but his smile faded as soon as he looked outside. Whole family was standing there looking at him with tears. He looked at other side being hurt. He couldn't believe his family did this with him. His own family whom he can die for called him a bloody womaniser. He can't forgive them. He couldn't even hate them. He shut his eyes tightly. Annika too looked at them and then at shivaay. His expressions clearly told he was angry. More than anger, it was pain. She tightened her hold on him indirectly telling him that she was there for him. He gave a faint smile looking at her.

        She gave him his medicines as per the doctor's advice which made him sleep.

       She sighed.


         She looked sternly at the whole family who were standing with their heads hung down in shame. She was asking them to leave as she was their to take care of her husband. They didn't move at all saying that he was their family but she too was adamant. When they still didn't move she left from there angrily warning them to stay away from shivaay.

        She was going towards the doctor's cabin when she bumped into someone. Anger rushed to her veins seeing the person in front.

       'Hello Mrs. Oberoi!....oops soon going to become ex Mrs. Oberoi.' Spoke sanaya in her venomous voice. Annika looked at her angrily but since she didn't want to create a scene in the hospital so she started going from there but sanaya didn't let her move.

       'You know i pity shivaay. Poor fellow. He's innocent but the whole world is criticising him. So sad. I did everything but he has to face the consequences. I made him drink and then he turned unconscious. We didn't do anything but i presented myself that way in the morning that no one could deny that we spent a night. I'm not even pregnant but who will prove all this. Now he'll have to divorce you and then marry me. I'll be the owner of his whole property. This is what i wanted. That's why i came in your life in the pretense of a business deal.....' she confessed everything to Annika. 

      Annika, who was angry few minutes ago, now had a wide smile on her face. Sanaya looked perplexed.

        'What happened to you? Ohhh! You turned mad because of shock. Haha no problem. You are anyway going to be mad when your own husband will leave you for me.'

       Annika again laughed. 'You know what Miss. Mehrotra! Confidence is a good thing but overconfidence is not.'

       Annika signed her to look back. When she did, she was shocked to see that her whole confession was being telecasted on the TV that too live. Sanaya was shocked. She started sweating.

      Annika looked at Khanna who had a victory smirk on his face. After all he was the one who did all this on his annika mam's orders. Annika smiled at him mouthing thank you. He shook his head saying it was his duty to protect his brother like boss. He was the one who knew shivaay inside out. He knew shivaay could be hard from outside but not inside. His shivaay sir could never do such disgusting thing. He had blind trust on his boss.

       Sanaya started to run but was shocked to see whole Oberoi family looking at her as if she was their prey. She turned to other side but there annika blocked her way.

         'I told you overconfidence is a bad thing. I knew that you would come here and see you came. I already asked Khanna ji to do everything and he did as per my instructions. You fell in your trap only. Awwwww! So sad. You know i PITY you Miss. Mehrotra.' Annika spoke smiling.

      Police came there to arrest sanaya as Khanna informed them. After they left, whole family apologised to Annika but she just left saying 'Apologise to whom you all have hurt. If he forgives you then i'm no one to be angry from you all.'

       They looked down in shame. How will they face him when they themselves gave him the biggest pain of his life?


       Annika entered his ward to see him waiting for her. She smiled widely.

       'Shiv! I have something to show you.'

      He looked quizzically at her. She took her phone out and showed him sanaya's confession. She told him everything.

      He hugged her tightly not being able to say anything. She hugged him back. 'Thank you annie! Thank you so much.'

       She narrowed her eyes at him breaking the hug. He raised her eyebrows.

       'You forgot our rule Mr husband. There is no sorry and no thank you between hubby and wifey.' She said cutely. He smiled hugging her again.

       'Can you be any cuter than this wifey?'

       She smiled listening to him and tightened her hold on his torso.



     'I love you.' He whispered in her ear.

       'I love you too shivaay.' She kissed his cheek.


Two days later

       Shivaay entered Oberoi Mansion along with annika. He got discharged today. Whole family was waiting in the hall but he just went towards his room ignoring them holding annika's hand.

       They didn't even go to meet him. Well they didn't have the courage to face him after what they did to him. But only one question confused shivaay. When they can have the audacity to defame him openly then why can't they have the courage to ask sorry from him? Was it so difficult for them?

         Few days passed. Shivaay fully ignored them. Annika took care of him. He started going to office.

      One day, he came back and was going to his room when dadi stopped him. Annika was there too.


     He didn't look at her as he knew one look at her crying and guilty face, he will melt instantly which he didn't want.

       'I'm sorry puttar. I know what i did is unforgivable but if possible please forgive me. I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have defamed my billu, my upbringing but i was too blind in all the proofs that i couldn't notice my billu's innocence. I'm sorry.' She cried.

      This way everyone asked sorry giving their explanations. He gulped back the lump formed in his throat. He couldn't fall weak. He wasn't able to forgive them.

      'It's not so easy. It'll take some time for me to forgive you. I hope you people will respect my decision.' He left. Everyone cried. Annika too left behind him.

      Annika hugged him from back as he was standing facing the pool. He held her hands which were on his chest pecking them.

       'Annie! Will you give me something?'

      She turned him towards her and placed her head over his chest. He too hugged her.

       'What do you want shiv?'

      'Some alone time with my wife. Only you and me.'

      She raised her head to look at him. He smiled.

        'I'm considering your silence a yes.'

       'Do i have any other option?'  She asked mischievously. He frowned, fake-ly though.

       She giggled again placing her head on its favourite place that was his chest where she could hear his heartbeats.

       'Where do you want to go?'

      'Our farmhouse in Goa. Just for the weekend.'


Next day,

       They left for their farmhouse without even informing anyone. Everyone in the family knew they deserve this.

      Shivika reached Goa by 10 in the morning. They took rest for a while and then had their lunch together. After that, they left to roam around. They had a lot of fun going to clubs, beaches, eating annika's favourite street food. Annika made him eat everything which he ate without showing any tantrum. She was loving his this carefree nature. He was showing his true self which she loved. He was living away from any worries of his daily life.

       They spent the weekend there having fun. It was there time to go back. He was sitting in the balcony of their room thinking about something when she came there. She knew he was serious about something but she patiently waited for him to speak up.

        'Should i forgive them annie?' He asked after a few seconds of silence.

      She kneeled down in front of him cupping his face.

      'Do you want to forgive them?'

      'I don't know.' He looked down. She made him face her.

        'Shiv! You can't deny the fact that they are our family. We have to spend our whole life with them and we can't ignore for lifetime right. I'm not saying you to forgive them. Do it only when you feel like doing so. Just listen to what your heart says.......and remember i'll always be there with you no matter what.'

      He smiled. Now he knew what to do.

      They reached Mumbai after enjoying their two days vacation. He still didn't talk to anyone. He wanted them to earn his forgiveness. They too knew this.

      They started chanting sorry to him everyday. Ladies made his favourite dishes everyday to pacify him. They brought gifts for him. They pampered him as if he was a baby. He too was loving this attention which he never got in his life till now.

      A month passed. He forgave everyone except omru since they were the one who hurt him the most. He was the closest to them and they only abandoned him.

        He was sitting dipping his feet in the pool water when omru sat on his either sides. He didn't speak. They too were silent. They were never too far but guess they themselves pushed him away from them. They very well knew if they would have been on his place he would have broken the mouth of the people who would defame them but what they did? They let others insult him and themselves did the same. When it was time to protect their brother they stood against him.

        He was leaving from there when both held his either feet. He stopped.

        'Bhaiya! I'm sorry please. Please forgive me. Please bhaiya. You can beat me, slap me, punish me the way you want but please don't stop talking to us.' Rudry cried.

       'Please bhai!' It was Om who pleaded. Shivaay looked at them. He knew when Om said bhai then he was serious. He couldn't look at them.

      'Leave me.' He choked.

      They denied.

     They kept pleading. He didn't budge.

       They bend their faces towards his feet making him shock. They were about to rub their noses over his feet when he stopped them making them stand up. He slapped both of them not because they had hurt him but because of what they were going to do.

       'Are you guys mad? What we're you doing?' His tears escaped. They too cried.

       Both joined their hands in front of him. He stopped them. Trio hugged tightly crying. They poured out their pain in the form of tears. Some time passed.

       'Rudy! Pehle emotional tha.......'

      'Ab awkward hai.'

       Rudry frowned. They broke apart.

       Rudy forwarded his hand which Om held.

       'One for all.' Omru spoke. He looked at them.

      'All for one.' He kept his hand over theirs.

       They turned when they heard sobs of someone and that someone was annika. She was crying but with a wide smile plastered on her face.

       She came to them.

      'You three look good only when you are together.'

       They smiled.

     Four of them hugged each other.

     Looking at each other, they chorused

            'Dil bole Oberoiiiiiiiiiii.'


   Thanks to everyone who voted and commented on the last part❤❤

  How was it?😀

   Well! I just realised that in every short story either shivaay or annika was in hospital except one or two. Hehe lol😂


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