❤Incomplete Love?❤

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      Hey everyone, i'm back with the second part. It's for those who wanted a cliché end to the story. And there is a little change, annika is cardiologist not gynaecologist.

He was lying on the hospital bed being unconscious. Omru were sitting beside him on either sides. They were scared for him. Their great wall was breaking. They couldn't see it.

        After sometime, he started murmuring something, 'An...annie...annika..no....no...please don't go....jaan pl....please don't le...leave me....i'll die please baby....please........

      He was continously murmuring while omru were trying to calm him down. But he was continously pleading annika not to leave him. He didn't want to open her eyes fearing to hear the news of her being dead. Doctors came rushing towards his room. They all were trying to calm him, but he was getting out of control. Doctor injected him and he again lost his consciousness.

        Whole family was crying seeing his condition.

     After some time, he opened his eyes slowly. He looked at his surroundings and it took a while for him to grasp the situation. When he realised everything, he immediately got up shouting annika's name. Omru rushed to him seeing him crying and shouting.

      'Om....ru...m...my annie...my jaan....she is fine right? ..Bolo na....nothing happened to her right?....I. ..I have to go....she needs me', blabbering this he went towards the ICU to see his jaan.

         He looked at her through the window and realised that she hadn't left him. She was alive and he got relieved realising that it was all his horrible dream that he had seen a few moments ago before losing his consciousness. He asked his mom about her. She told him that doctors were treating her but she was still in critical condition. He nodded sadly.

       Suddenly, doctor came out and gave them a hope that she started responding to the treatment and now they have a hope of her getting fit and fine. Shivaay got relaxed listening this but still he wanted to see her, to talk to her, to listen her exciting talks, to listen shona from her mouth. He couldn't be at peace until she don't get fine.

        Everyone was sitting silently.

     After two hours, doctor came out. There was longing in shivaay's eyes for the good news.

      'She is out of danger now. But still she have many injuries. Her one arm and one leg are fully broken and there is a huge injury on her head which will take a lot of time to be healed. Please take care of her.'

        Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Tears escaped shivaay's eyes. His heart ached listening about her condition. Omru hugged him tightly which he reciprocated.

      'Can i meet her doctor?', he asked.

     'You can meet her after two hours as she is still unconscious and we need to shift her to a normal ward', doctor said and he nodded lightly.

        Two hours were like two decades for shivaay. He was getting impatient to see her, to meet her.

       Finally, the time arrived. A nurse told him that she was shifted to a normal ward and he can meet her. His face immediately lit up. He went inside her room only too see her lying on the stretcher with a pale face and so many wounds. His heart cried seeing her like that.

        He sat beside her and held her hand just like he did in his dream.

      He was just staring at her lovingly without saying anything. After sometime, she was trying to open her eyes. He got alert. She woke up only to feel so much pain in her body. She looked around only to find her love looking at her with teary smile on his face. She smiled faintly.

     'Sh.....shona', she said softly to him and tears rolled down his eyes like a waterfall listening shona from her mouth. He couldn't control his sobs. He started crying badly hugging her taking care of her wounds. She tried to hug him back but couldn't because of the pain. She too was crying by then.

       'Shona', she again called him softly and that's when he realised that he was crying in front of her, which will give her stress and he didn't want that. So he composed himself and broke the hug. Both looked at each other. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead making her close close her eyes in contentment. He too got relieved feeling her so close to him again.

       'Annie...jaan you okay? Is it painting somewhere? You need anything? Wait......what a fool i'm? Of course it must be paining right? Let me call the doctor.', he kept ranting and tried to go to call the doctor but she held his wrist to stop him from going.

      'I....I ju...just need y...you shona. Plea..please be with me', she said with difficulty because of the pain.

      He caressed her hair, 'Okay! Okay! Calm down baby...I'm here only', he said softly.

        She kept looking at him. She very well knew his condition. She was sure that he could have died thousand times seeing her like that. So she wanted to assure him that she was fine now. She just wanted to be with him. Both were looking at each other with so much love in their eyes.

         After sometime, doctor came to check her. He injected her so that she don't feel pain and he went outside after checking her.

      Her eyes started drooping because of sedatives. He kept caressing her hair and she slept in no time again. He kissed her forehead and went outside and told everyone that she was fine now.

       Everyone went back home on shivaay's insistence as he said that he was there for her.

       Two days passed with shivaay and family taking care of her. He didn't go home, not even once. Though everyone including annika insisted him to go and rest but he always declined saying that he can't go leaving his jaan alone and everyone had to agree. He got freshened up in the hospital only as omru brought his clothes there only.

        Right now, shivaay was feeding her a healthy soup and both the families were surrounding her. She was eating it making faces as it was yucky according to her. She couldn't deny to eat because of his stern glare. She tried making her famous puppy face but it was about her health and he can't take a single chance of risk as she still feels pain in her body and her head still ached badly.

      'Shivaay! Please na, i'm full now. I don't wanna eat this yucky thing anymore....pleachhh', she said cutely but he maintained his stern face while everyone else were standing controlling their chuckles. He made her complete the whole soup. After that he cleaned her face and made her lye down.

      Doctor came to check her and asked her about her health and she nodded smiling faintly.

      'Doctor! When will i get discharge', she asked in a low tone.

      'See, Miss Trivedi, your injuries are deep and it will take a lot of time to heal. Your arm and leg will be healed in about 2 to 3 weeks but your head injury is too deep and it will take at least 2 months to heal properly', doctor said to her while she gasped listening this as she couldn't even think of living in hospital that too for 2 months.

        She was about to say something but shivaay interrupted her and said, 'Okay doctor! That's not a problem. We just want her to be fit and fine.' while she frowned.

       'But shiv, i can't stay here for so long. Please, i'm feeling michmichi', she said making a cute face but he didn't listen to her and said with a calm voice, 'No annie, it's for your health and i can't take risk.'

       'Shi....', she was about to say but stopped listening his stern voice.

     'Annika! I said na you are going to stay here till the time you don't get fine and that's final. Understood?' He said sternly while she layed there frowning murmuring 'Bagadbilla'.

         She made puppy face towards everyone to help her but everyone shrugged their shoulders as they knew that it was for her health only.

      Doctor and both the families left from there. He sat beside her taking her hand in his while she jerked it off. He sighed.

      'Annie', he said softly while she turned her face to another side.

      'Jaana please', he said softly and she looked at him with a slight smile.

        'I love you', she said in her ever so loving voice and he smiled with a confused expression.

     'You are not angry with me for letting you stay here for 2 months', he asked looking at her quizzically.

     She shook her head smiling and said, 'Why would i be angry when you are doing it for me only.' And he smiled.

         She very well knew his condition.  He wasn't her shivaay who always kept chirping around her being happy. He was stressed about her. He was scared to loose her. He hadn't talked properly to her after her accident. She knew him more than himself.

       'Shona! See, i know it was very difficult for you to see me like this. But i'm fine now. You are not talking to me like before. You are not like my shivaay. Please talk to me. Share your pain with me. I can't see you like this. I'm feeling like i'm becoming your weakness which i don't want to. Please baby, share your feelings with me. I won't ever leave you, i promise.', she said with so much love in her voice and he couldn't control himself more and burst out crying. She hugged him with her working arm and kept rubbing his back to calm him. He cried his heart out hugging her tightly. After crying out his pain, he composed himself and broke the hug. He held her hand in his and said with a choking voice,

        'Annie...I was scared. Very scared. A single scratch on you makes me panic and here you were fighting between life and death. You are my everything annie. I can't even think about living without you.', he paused for a moment and further continued, ' You know annika, i have never lived for myself. I was just living for others before i got you in my life. My life was just about my family and business. I can do anything for them. My family is solely dependent on me and i love doing things for them. But sometimes, it hurts when there is no one for you to share your pain. When there is no one to love you unconditionally as you do. I ain't saying that they don't love me. They love me a lot but with so much expectations in their hearts. There love is not selfless annika. And when i met you, i started living for myself. You taught me to love, to laugh, to live annie. You are the only person in my life who loves me unconditionally. You are the only person with whom i can be myself. You know the real shivaay was lost behind The Shivaay Singh Oberoi, but you brings out the real shivaay from me. That's why i'm scared to loose you annie. Because i don't wanna loose myself again. I can't.......', he completed crying and she herself was crying. He first time shared his pain with her. She never knew he has hided this much pain in him. Both hugged each other.

      'Shiv....i promise you today that i'll never leave you. I'll be with you always. You can share everything with me, your happiness, your pain, your sorrows. I'll always be there for you. I love you shiv...I love you so much', she said hugging him tightly.

      'I love you too annie', he said hugging her back tightly.

       Two months passed in a quick with everyone taking care of annika. Shivaay had taken off from office for whole 2 months so as to be with annika. He pampered her a lot. He never let her feel bored. He was always there with her. She fell more in love with him.

       She was sad thinking about their marriage as it was postponed because of her accident. But shivaay made her undestand that her health was more important.

       Today, she was getting discharged and she was way too happy. Her eyes twinkled as the mere thought of going back to home. She was jumping like a kid. He chuckled at the kid in front of him.

      Formalities were done and now they were going out of the hospital towards their cars. He made her sit comfortably on the back seat and himself sat beside her. Om was driving and rudy was sitting on passenger seat.

     After 2 hours of journey, they reached Trivedi house. Her eyes glistened seeing her home after so much time. He side hugged her seeing her getting emotional. Everyone went inside. He made her rest in her room as he still wasn't convinced about her being properly fine.

      Life was back to normal again. One more month passed like this.

     They all were sitting in Trivedi house and discussing about their marriage. Both were smiling lost in each other. A day after a week was fixed for shivika to get hitched.

           She was standing in his room, in the window looking at the moon smiling. She was wearing a bridal dress with nuptial chain and vermillion adding more to her beauty. Yes, it was their marriage today. Finally they got married. All the wedding functions had been done with full of fun, romance and teasings.

      The room was decorated beautifully as it was their first night(his most favourite ritual😉😉😋).

     He came inside and locked the door and back hugged her keeping his hands on her waist and she smiled brightly.

     Both were standing in silence looking at the moon. No words were needed. Their heartbeats were depicting their love. Suddenly, she turned and hugged him tightly. He hugged her back happily.

       He broke the hug and kissed her forehead cupping her face while she smiled.

      'I love you shona'

    'I love you too jaana'

    And they sealed their love with a kiss full of love, passion and desire. That night, their incomplete love story got completed and they lived happily ever after.

                      The End

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