❤Unexpected Love❤

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      Here you go my darling Pjcutee with your birthday present. Hope you'll like it love. It wasn't planned but thought to give you a surprise. Do tell me how's it😀

       Shivaay was busy reading newspaper sitting in a plane waiting for it to take off. He was going to London for his business meeting.

       'Excuse me' he heard a melodious voice and there he got lost in the beautiful lady he had ever seen. The girl had brown doe shaped eyes with a thin line of kohl in them. Her long hair were flowing making her look more enchanting. Her pink plump lips made her bewitched. He was so lost in her beauty that she had to wave her hand in front of him to break his chain of thoughts.

       'Yess! Yes miss......' he asked feeling embarrassed.

      'Ummmm! Could you please exchange your seat with me. I wanna sit near the window.'

      Now that was his weakness. He always sit on the window seat in the plane but now a beautiful girl was asking for it. He was about to deny but she blinked her eyes in the cutest way possible making him fascinate over her.

        'Pretty please' she made a puppy face which immediately melt his heart. He wasn't understanding why he was feeling something that too for a stranger and the more strange fact was that the stranger was a girl and he was certainly allergic to girls. Sighing he left his incomprehensible thoughts behind and exchanged his seat with the pretty girl.

      She sat on the window seat. Opening her purse she got her earphones out and plugged them in to listen to songs. She took out a novel from her bag to read and there she threw the water on his hope to talk to her.

      She was immersed in her work without even sparing a glance at him whereas he was getting impatient to talk to her. He wanted to talk to a girl for the very first time in his life even when she wasn't looking at him. But still he tried.

      'Ummmm! What are you reading?' He asked clearing his throat trying to not sound to desperate to talk.

      She looked confused at him not being able to understand his question because of the earphones. She took those out raising her eyebrows at him.

       'I asked what are you reading.'

    'A book' she said sarcastically. He got embarrassed.

       'That i know! I meant to say which novel is this?' He again said in his usual tadi.

      'Ohhhh! Life is what you make it written by Preeti Shenoy.'

        She was about to insert the earphones in her ears again when he said 'Even i like to read books. I have my own collection of books.' He spoke a white lie as he didn't even remember when was the last time he read a book.

       Being a book lover annika got excited to talk to him. 'Really? Okay tell how many books have you read till now?'

       He looked shocked. Now what was to answer. He cursed himself under his breath for telling her a lie.

       'Ahhh......wo....woh....quite a few actually. Since i'm a businessman so don't get much time to read. But yeah i remember one which i read last time it was woh......wohhh....it was oh yes it was fifty shades of grey. I really loved that book. It's just amazing.' He mentally thanked his brother rudra for talking to him about his favourite list of novels but soon the thankfulness converted into cursing listening to her.

       'Ohhh! That means you're a fan of erotica.' She gave a tight smile.

       'Ohhhh no no actually.....woh...my brother was talking about so.....ha....haha...hahaha.....so it's just....' he shrugged his shoulder mentally crying over his blunder.

       'Oh yes! I remember another one which was really good. That was amazing. You must read it. It was After i guess.' And that increased the count of his blunders to two. She looked at him narrowing her eyes. He gulped. By then she knew that he wasn't a fan of reading but was trying to talk to her. That made her feel something in her heart. She didn't know why but she didn't feel offended seeing him trying to have a conversation with her. Being an introvert she wasn't much into the talks with strangers but this stranger was special. She shrugged her thoughts off.

       'You don't like to read right?' She asked with a small smile.

      He looked amused at her but nodded after a minute or two. She laughed out hard making him lost yet again in her charm. He too started laughing along with her over his stupidity.

       'Okay! What's your name?' She asked composing herself.

       'Shivaay! Shivaay Singh Oberoi.' He replied with pride in his voice.

      'And yours?'

    'Annika! Annika Vardhan Trivedi.' She spoke smiling.

       'Where are you going?' He asked a question again.

      'To London obviously. This flight is going to land directly in London right without any stay.' She said yet again with sarcasm. He sighed.

       'What i meant to say is for what are you going to London?'

       'Hmm! It's my friend's wedding actually.'

      'Oh that's cool. Bdw what do you do?'

     'I'm a cardiologist.'

     'Oh that's really good.'

     'And you?'

    'I'm a businessman. I told you.'

     'Oh yess.'

     Then suddenly silence prevailed among them actually awkward silence. They couldn't understand what more to talk. So both got immersed in their works. He opened his laptop and she started reading the book.

      After some time he felt some weight on his shoulder and when he looked to that side, the sight made him smile. She was sleeping cutely resting her head over his shoulder. He kept looking at her until his eyes closed and he fell asleep keeping his head over hers.


         They were standing in queue at the airport to take their luggage. After collecting their possessions they left bidding bye to each other.

       He sat in the car which was waiting for him outside the airport. His client called him to discuss about the deal. He needed a file for that discussion which was in his suitcase. Asking his client to wait for his back call he opened the suitcase but his eyes bulged out as soon as he saw inside.

       'Fhat the wuck?' He shouted being horrified.........

      Mallika dragged annika inside her room to get her ready for the sangeet function asap.

      'Annie! Come on! Do fast. You're already late.' Said her best friend sulking as she came late.

      'Chill malli! I'll be ready in just ten minutes.'

      When she opened her suitcase she had a terrified look on her face. Mallika looked perplexed at her.

      'Oye! What happened?'

     'Malli! My suitcase got exchanged.' She spoke with a crying face.

      'Whattt? Now? How will you get ready?'

     'I'm not worried for that. I'll wear one of your dresses but.....'

     'But what annie?'

     'I hope no one will open my luggage.'

     'Why? Is there anything you don't want anyone to see?'

      'Yes! There's black lin.....lingerie. That too on the top.' She spoke being embarrassed.

       'What?' Mallika burst out laughing listening to her. Annika hit her with the pillow.

      'You idiot! Instead of helping me here you are laughing.' Annika chided. Mallika laughed more.

       Annika was sulking when her eyes caught the sight of something. She looked at it. It was a business card of shivaay and his contact number was imprinted on it. She got relieved that her bag got exchanged with him and now she can easily get it. She took her phone and dialled his number.

        There shivaay was completely horrified seeing the black lingerie in the bag. He immediately closed it breathing heavily when his phone rang showing an unknown number. He picked it up.

      'Hello! Shivaay Singh Oberoi speaking'

     'Hey! Shivaay! It's me annika.'

    His face immediately lit up.

     'Oh hey annika! What's up?'

      'Woh! Actually i guess our bags got exchanged. So could you please come to my friend's house to give it to me.' She said in a pleading way.

      'Oh yeah! I'll come. Just do send me the address.'

     'That's so cool. Bdw did you open the luggage?' She asked faintly.

      'Yesss! Actually........' But stopped realising what he was going to say.

       'Ohh no no annika! I....I just got to know it from you that our bags got exchanged.' He immediately changed his statement. She sighed which he heard. He knew the reason of that sigh. Well he was too embarrassed to even think about it.

      After cutting the call she sent him the address and he came in just half an hour to give her luggage back and to take his one. They exchanged their things and soon he left from there.

     Sitting in the car he thought to use whatsapp for sometime. He was going through the profiles when his eyes stopped at a particular picture. He opened it only to get mesmerised again.

      He caressed her picture on the phone not even realising that he had reached his destination and his driver was calling him since five minutes. 'Urgggghh! Control shivaay control' he chided himself.


       He was going back to Mumbai after five days when he again listened a voice which sounded familiar. He looked up to see the familiar face again. His smile brightened seeing her. Now the flight was gonna be amazing. He himself sat on the seat next to window seat without even her saying to which she smiled sitting on the window seat.

       They started talking casually and this time neither he opened his laptop nor she took the book to read. Both wanted to talk to each other for as much time as possible giving to the fact that they were going to be busy in their regular lives after going back. They didn't even realised when the plane landed and they were standing outside the airport not wanting to bid bye to each other.

      She tucked her hair strand behind her ear looking down.

     'Bye annika!' He said not being able to bear the silence.

      'Bye shivaay!' She said with a thumping heart.

      Both left to their ways silently wishing in their hearts to meet each other soon.


      Annika was turning and tossing on her bed. It's been a week to their last talk at the airport but she wasn't able to forget him especially his captivating eyes and alluring smile. She wanted to talk to him more. She didn't know why but she felt attracted to him. He was the first ever man in her life who crossed her heart. She even typed a message to send him but couldn't bring herself to that level. She didn't want to sound too desperate in front of him. She was thinking all this when her phone pinged with a message. She looked at it and smiled seeing the person who sent it. It was actually shivaay. Her lips curve stretched up seeing the message.

'Hey annika! How have you been?'

    'Hey shivaay! I'm good. What about you?

'I'm good as well.'




'Nothing! Just....what are you doing?'

   'Trynna sleep. Hehe..lol😁'

'Ohhh! That's good. Sleep then. Good night😊'

'Good night😁'

This made her heart flutter in happiness. Though it was just a normal chat but she felt happy. She got the sign that even he also wanted to talk to her.

      His condition was same as well. After fighting a battle between his mind and heart for deciding to send a message or not to he finally listened to his heart. And when she replied his heart swell with delight. He felt extremely overjoyed.

       Their lives changed with that single conversation. They started talking daily. Not even a single day passed for them without discussing their day with each other.

      Six months passed in a blink and they fell head over heels in love with each other but didn't confess due to the fear of rejection from other side. But one day he finally decided to confess it all as he couldn't keep it to himself for more time now. He asked her to come to the nearby cafe in the pretence of an important work.

       She felt happy. Little bit she knew what was coming her way.


      He was waiting for her when she entered the cafe making his heartbeat raise. He was fascinated with her enthralling beauty.

                 Her dress

    He couldn't take his eyes off her. She blushed feeling his intense gaze on her.

        Both sat down and ordered coffee for themselves.

      Suddenly, he sat over his knees in front of her making her heartbeat erratic.

      'Annika! I won't beat around the bush but just tell you straight away that i'm in love with you. I don't know when where how but i just love you. You are the first ever girl to cross my heart. I had a slight idea that you are the one for me on our first meet only but realised it late. Still better late than never. I love you annika. I really really do. Will you marry me?'

      Annika's happiness knew no bounds. She cried in happiness. The crowd in the cafe shouted for her to say yes. She chuckled looking at his pleading face.

       'I love you too shivaay. I love you so much.' She hugged him kneeling down in front of him. He reciprocated whole heartedly.

         'You didn't give my answer annika.'

     She looked perplexed but soon realised what he was asking for. She hit his forehead.

      'Idiot! You still need my answer. Even after me saying i love you.'

     'Please' he pleaded.

     'Yes! I'll marry you. I'll marry you shivaay.'

       The crowd hooted for them. He picked her up from her waist and twirled her in happiness. She shouted in delight........


        Annika was sitting on his oops now their bed in a bridal attire. Yes they got married today. Both their families were more than happy to get them hitched.

      He entered the room to see her fidgeting with her fingers. He went to her and assured her to not worry by kissing her forehead. She smiled hugging him.

       Their one trip changed their lives but in the bestest way possible. Not in their wildest dreams they would have thought that they would get their soulmates like this. This all was so unexpected yet so beautiful which can't be described in words. They generally felt short of words to describe the beauty of their relation. That night they became one and lived happily ever after................


   Thanks to everyone who voted and commented on the last shot❤❤

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