24 : true love never dies- it has ability to fight

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abhi18699 for you ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Shivaay was seeing a video

In this video it was proved that Anika's father Harsh killed  everyone (you people understood what I am saying hana)

Next was recording :

" Shivaay your dear wife is responsible for every hate because her father is responsible for your grandfather's death"

Shivaay sat on bed with thud. Anika heard this she was also schocked beyond limits

*Next day

Anika was passing through her room when Veer came and pinned her though wall.

He tells Anika truth of kalyani mills.

"Y... you mean that b...Bua killed everyone", asked Anika broken

"Yes and cheery on the point she is my mother", said Veer smirking

Anika was trying hard to get out of his hold was unable to

"Leave me ", said Anika angirly

"How can I Anika. I really love you a lot " said Veer

"But I hate you", said anika and pushed him hard

"I love my Shivaay only", said Anika

He was trying to come close but Anika picked nearby flawedvase and hitted that in his head.
Due to which he falls unconscious

Anika ran out for saving her life.  She reached in garden to see Shivaay standing with gun in his hands

"Shivaay", whispered Anika

Shivaay with blood shot red eyes shoot Anika

After realising what her did he ran towards her and hugged her

"A.....Anika Anika woke up Jaan . I .. I love you please woke up", said Shivaay crying

"She is dead ", said Veer coming from behind

"Shut up just shut up 8 foot ke vanmanush ", said Shivaay Hugging Anika

"Don't be a child Shivaay. She is dead", said Veer

Shivaay slapped him

"M...my Anika can't leave me ", he said stammering and started crying

"Utho Anika please wake up", he screamed

He cried and hugged Anika again

"Please Shivaay see she is dead . Throw her in water. No one will doubt on us", said Veer

"Shut up just shut up . My Anika is alive . She loved me", said Shivaay crying not believing Veer

He kissed Anika's forehead

"Anika please don't play these silly games  with me please Anika", said Shivaay crying.

He was trying hard to remember what happened but was unable to

"Utho", said Shivaay crying.

"Anikaaaaaa", he screamed her name

After so many tries Veer agreed Shivaay to throw Anika in water

Veer did it. Shivaay fall in ground. Tears were not stopping from his eyes

After this Shivaay caged himself in his room . He used to cry everytime seeing Anika's photo

"I am your killer Anika. I am a murderer " , he said and fall unconscious

He started taking alcohol. He also tried to went to jail saying he is a killer but omru saved him

*Here Bua and Veer laughed in their victory

"Thanks mom for mixing that drug in his drink", said Veer

"Yaa I did it otherwise we would have caught because of your follishness ", said Bua angirly

"What you said to him that he killed her", asked Veer

"I ordered him to kill that girl. She is not Anika she is some other girl in Anika's getup. She wants to take Anika's place", said Bua smirking

Veer also smirked evily.


A girl came in Obroi Industries. Everybody greeted her with respect

"Hello Obrois I wanna deal with you. That's why I came..", said girl

"Ok mam please sit ", said Khanna without turning.

He was setting some files

"Where is Mr Shivaay Singh Obroi", asked Anika

Yes she is Anika

Khanna turned

"Mam..  you", he said being schocked

"Mr.... Close your mouth and call Mr obroi otherwise forget this deal. I am going", said Anika and was about to go when Khanna stopped her

"Mam p.. please sit and wait.  He will come", he said and called Shivaay


"Hello sir . Come office fast", said Khanna through phone

"I...I don't wanna come", said Shivaay in chocking voice

"Sir Anika mam is here", said Khanna

Shivaay became schocked

"Khanna please don't play with my feelings. Don't joke in this matter", said Shivaay angirly

"Sir she is here really", said khanna

Shivaay saw her and was shocked to see her. He had already sensed her when he entered office. Everybody was schocked seeing him in office after 7 months (I took a leap of 7 months)

He checked her from top to toe and hugged her

"What are you doing Mr. Obroi I am not your wife", said Anika pushing him

"Why were you checking me out", said Anika angirly

Shivaay became broken. He fall on ground

"A...Anika d. Don't lie please", said Shivaay crying

He had become very weak withou her.

"I am not Anika I am Rosie", said Anika 🤣

Khanna called her dear ones so her friend came in front him

"Do you know her", he asked and Shivaay nodded

"Sorry Mr obroi but she lost her memory", he told. Which came as a shock for him

Shivaay remembered Thier every moment and cried.

Here Anika was feeling different. Her friend Vijay told her that she losted her momory. Anika decided to work with him


Both started working together.

That day Shivaay came with Anika in Obroi mansion.

Everybody became happy and hugged her . They showed her album. Anika decided to live with them.

One day  she saw gun which was not real which was of Sahil. She remembered Shivaay shooting her , nothing else. She fall unconscious. Shivaay picked her and called doctor

Doctor treated her and suggested some medicines and went

She wake up to see Shivaay holding her hand . He was constantly kissing her hand and rubbing her hand too.

"I...I hate you....y... You will kill me a .again .. . I am going", said Anika scared and went

For Shivaay his land slipped from his feet . He became broken that his love hates him

He went out and drived very fast. He parked his car near cliff.
He came on top of cliff .

"Anikaaaaaa", he screamed

He remembered their every moment. From their hate to love story. Their confession

Today is Valentine's day (please..  imagine)

And on this day he is going far away from his love .

"I can't live without you Anika. And...*he cried* .... I can't bear your hatered", said Shivaay and was about to jump when someone pulled him and slapped him

"What were you going to do", said that person and the person is......









His brother om ( haha Anika socha kya????)

"Are you mad Shivaay. ", Shouted om

"But Anika.. h...hates me", said Shivaay crying

"Then get her love back Shivaay", said om

"Try to make her remember everything. How can you leave her alone", said om

"Yes , om you are right. She can'tj forget me. I will make her remember everything .I will not leave her alone", said Shivaay


He came mansion and saw her talking with Rudra.

He came inside and backhugged Anika

"I love you Anika", said Shivaay

Seeing him Anika pushed him being scared.

"Anika it is your bad dream. I love you", said Shivaay

Through Anika didn't wanted to trust him but when Rudra and dadi said that they are true ishqbaaaz and he loves her truly she believed him. Also she saw love in his eyes

*2 months passed*

Anika started falling in love with him again. Slowly slowly she was getting her memory back


One day Anika fainted and when she opened her eyes she hugged Shivaay

"Why you shooted me Shivaay", asked Anika

Shivaay told her everything. Also bua was also caught in between. And Shivaay came to know that she did this

Anika also told that she was not killed with his shoot somebody saved her who was famous businessman

"I thought you misunderstood me", said Anika

When Shivaay asked , Anika a told him that she saw him watching video

"I never believed that Anika", said Shivaay

Rudra told his state to Anika. For which Anika pushed him and slapped him lightly

"What if something happened to you", told Anika crying

"Not even this bhabhi . He was committing suicide also", said I'm and told everything

Anika started crying listening that and started beating herself "I am the reason of your every pain Shivaay", said Anika crying

Shivaay stopped her by hugging her. "You are the reason of my happiness Anika", he said

Shivaay kissed her hands and forehead and then touched their foreheads together.

After this they lived happily ever after

I had thought of sad ending but you told not to so I didn't otherwise I wanted to end is when he tried to commit scucide

I am tired now byeeee. Please share your response too because I updated this only for you guys

Also try my new story

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