30 : I am not a toy Shivaay

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Please read again deeply because I have added some more things into it

It's about memory loss track where Kapoor's got exposed. So let's start

"So you mean you remember everything and were faking memory loss", said Pinky

"Y..yes because I wanted to expose Tia", said Anika

"So you used my child's feeling ", said Pinky

Anika looked towards Shivaay whereas he was looking at her in anger. He glared her and left

"Soo know how much you messed everything", said Pinky

"And I will clear everything too. You should be thankful to me that I saved your son's life from that Tia", said Anika

"Anika puttar is right", said dadi

"Sorry auntie for being rude but I was trying to aware Shivaay from staring but he didn't believed me. Also if I belong to middle class family doesn't mean that I have 2 hand and you have 3. God made us same just the difference is some people are lucky to get family and love and some aren't", said Anika

"Some are always being taunted everywhere. Pinky auntie I never wanted Shivaay's money . I never told him to be away from you but still you are insecure. Aunty we both have different places in his heart but I understood now that I am nothing but a stranger for him. He never considered me as his family members. No trust , no stand nothing *Anika chuckled* I was so mad thinking that he lo...
But no he doesn't. And about divorce I will give him soon you can find a perfect girl with name blood, linage but please be careful because many of them will be gold diggers", said Anika sadly

She was about to go when pinky hugged her

"I am sorry for my ill words Anika . I am really sorry. I always try to accept you but seeing you very close to Shivaay I felt insecure but now I understood that we both have different places in his heart. He love both of us", said Pinky crying

"No need pinky aunty. And yaa he loved you only not me", said Anika sadly

"First stop calling me aunty and second he loves you a lot . It's just he not able to confess", said Pinky

"P...pinky m...maa ", said Anika crying and hugged her again

"Now go and handle him. Only you can control his anger ", said Pinky teasingly


Anika came inside their room and saw room in a messy state. Everything was shattered everywhere. Shivaay had broken everything in anger.

"Shivaay", whispered Anika

"Just leave", said Shivaay angirly

"I won't", said Anika in childish tone

Shivaay pinned her to nearby wall

"What do think about yourself Han . How can you do this Anika. This much lie ohh god Anika. You thought about yourself Anika hmmm. Why didn't you told me about this before. Why you played with my feelings. Why you faked your memory loss. Why you...",said Shivaay angirly but was cutted by Anika

"Stop it just stop it why are you blaming me for everything Han. It was your fault that you didn't trusted me everytime. Why should I tell you Han if you can't trust me back . Everytime it's me who trust you lot but you never did. You know only one thing that is blaming me", said Anika crying. She pushed Shivaay

"Everytime I saved your life , your brother's life but in return I got accusion . You never trusted me Shivaay that sometime I can also be right. You always shows unnecessarily ego of yours did you ever thought my feelings", said Anika crying

"I did this memory loss drama for you but in return you are blaming me why", said Anika crying holding his collars

"Then Why you risked your life", said Shivaay sadly

"Like you care", said Anika and chuckled sadly

"I do care", said Shivaay angirly

"You could have involved me in your plan we what was the need to do everything alone" , said Shivaay angirly

"Omru were with me. I was not alone", said Anika angirly

"But still Swetlana could kill you that time. There was no need to risk your life . You were talking with that swetlana like she was your sister. What if she got to know that you were faking everything. Or you don't care about anything. That it doesn't matters to you ( ki tumhe koi fark he nai padta)", said Shivaay in concerned voice but he was angry on her at same time

"That was the reason that I didn't involved you. You matter me a lot . This is the reason because I can't risk your life. Swetlana wanted to kill you but I distracted her. That glass which was about to fell on you that was also swetlana plan", said Anika crying

"But I was scared. I was hurt behind the core of my heart when you told that you don't remember me. I tried to make you remember everything everyday but it didn't melted your heart right", said Shivaay being hurt

"I was behaving like a mad person to make you remember me but you didn't even gave me a clue that you remember me. You were constantly playing with my feelings everyday. You didn't noticed my hardwork for you", said Shivaay while crying in angry tone

"Yaa still you are thinking about yourself and your sufferings. Did you ever saw what u suffered. From childhood I am suffering. After meeting you I am bearing pain only but you are always thinking about yourself. You were marring Tia in front of me did you ever thought how I must be feeling. Leave it for you I had a memory loss right then did you ever thought what will happen to me when I will regain my momory back . What wi I do when I will get to know that you are married", said Anika crying but still in anger

"I was doing this got you", said Shivaay in hurted voice

"Really like I matter to you. Because if I ever mattered to you. You would never tried to marry Tia", said Anika angirly while tears were continuously flowing from her eyes.

"But you were faking it", said Shivaay

"Did you know about this before", asked Anika angirly wiping her tears

"N..no", said Shivaay

"Still everytime you blame me . I am not a toy Shivaay which you can use everytime and then throw whenever you want to. When you want made me wife and whenever you wish you gave me divorce", said Anika angirly

She went towards almirah she took some papers and signed them . And throwed them on his face

"Keep these with you I am leaving", said Anika and left

Shivaay saw papers and was schocked to the core of his heart

"Divorce papers", he whispered

Now he understood what it felt when someone close to you give you divorce when you never wanted . When someone throws divorce papers in your face

Anika told Khanna to send her belongings to her chowl and she left

Shivaay came down running shouting Anika's name

"Anika Anika", he shouted

Everyone came out

"What happened", asked Pinky tensed

"Mom ...mom where is Anika", asked an Shivaay huffing

"Sir mam left and she told me to send her belongings to chawl", said Khanna

"How can you let her leave like that", shouted Khanna

"It's not his fault Shivaay ", said Om angirly

"She left me Om she left me", said Shivaay and started crying

For the first time the great Wall of Shivaay Singh Obroi was breaking. He was crying for 1st time. He never cried but today he is crying due to his follishness and loss of trust he lost his precious thing called wife whom he never called his wife. What will he say to world when he himself killed their relation

He went towards Anika's home but she denied coming with him

"Anika please forgive me and come with me", said Shivaay crying

"For 1st time I am seeing you crying Shivaay but it's difficult for me to forget everything because you broke my heart by always pointing on me. Why it's important for you to choose linage rather than me" , thought Anika

"Please", said Shivaay crying

"Today you are pleasing me but if he broke my heart again. No no I can't give him chance we don't have any future together", thought Anika

"No I won't", said Anika angirly

"Let's go to our house", said Shivaay wiping his teears

"That is your house not mine", said Anika angirly

"You are my wife Anika that's your house too", said Shivaay

"It's not . Your wife is Tia hana village people", said Anika

"Yes sir you married Tia what's her fault that Tia betrayed you", said one man

"She is my wife not Tia", shouted Shivaay

"You married Tia and introduced her as your wife not our Anika", said an women

"W....wo it was my mistake but I married Anika on that day but introduced Tia as my wife", said Shivaay

Anika never thought that he will confess truth forgetting about his family reputation

Village people started bad-mouthing about him.. He was hearing everything without any argument , some started throwing stones on him seeing him like this Anika said

"Stop it just stop it and leave him . Stop questioning him", said Anika angirly and took Shivaay to her room

"Why you didn't stoped them", said Anika crying

"Because I deserve this" said Shivaay in cold voice

"Let's go", said Shivaay

Anika shooked her head


Shivaay being stubborn stayed there with her and started living with her but still Anika didn't forgave him

After 3 moths

"Anika its been 3 months please forgive me", said Shivaay

"Why should I . What I am to you", asked Anika

"My wife", said Shivaay

"Nothing else", asked Anika

Now Shivaay understood what she meant

"And my love too", said Shivaay

"Finally", said Anika and hugged him tightly

"I love you too", said Anika
Anika a reporter who hates buisnessman's . she thinks that they are play boys everyone is fake. They use girls like tissues

Shivaay Singh Obroi
A famous buisnessman . He hates reporters because he thinks that they are heartless they only want trp . Trp of their channels is most important rather than lives

Can they fall for each other??
My new story 😁😁do try this too

Straw005 , hope you liked this is 🤞🤞

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