39 : love and religion 2nd

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"Hiiii everyone so she is the girl whom I was talking about", said Shivaay as he entered in hall .

Everyone just gave a look at him and engrossed in their suitable works which irked him. He turned his face to find Anika but she was not there..

"Anika come inside" , he said being irritated and pulled her inside as she was hiding herself behind door

"Aaaa", screamed Anika because of sudden pull

"Attention everyone she is the one. You can see I was not joking. This mad girl was being shy", he said and interwined their fingers again

Pinky and Janvi who were talking with eachother looked towards Anika as well as Tej and Shakti who were doing something on laptop. Dadi who just came hearing his shout smiled seeing her

"Ohhhh my Mata.. Shivaay what she is wearing", shouted Pinky which made Anika scare as she thought her nightmare will come true

"N.. namaste", said Anika while joining her hands together as Indian girl

"Mom can you please wish her. Rather than wishing you are talking about dress", said Shivaay and holded Anika's shoulders as she was joining her jands

"Why can't we Shivaay just look at her dress . She is not looking like an Indian", said Tej while pointing towards her dress

"Just stop it I came here to make her meet you not for choosing dress", shouted Shivaay as he noticed her teary eyes. Her tears were about to fall

"She is not looking like an Indian Shivaay. Is she Indian. What is her surname, cast, and religion", asked Pinky

"She is a Pakistani. Anything more you want to know? Just tell me" , shouted Shivaay angrily

Anika closed her eyes. Tears started coming from her eyes as she guessed what is going to happen next

"This marriage will not happen. We are not ready", declared Pinky coldly

"You people can't decide this. What's the problem if she is not an Indian. She is also a human na. She knows Indian cultures too .. she respects people what do you want more", asked Shivaay being hurt from his family behaviour

"Come here puttar", said dadi to Anika and opened her arms

Anika looked towards Shivaay with weak smile. Shivaay wiped her tears and nodded

Anika moved towards dadi and hugged her. Dadi caressed her back

After breaking hug Anika was about to touch her feet when dadi stopped her

"You are like my daughter dear", said dadi and touched Anika's cheeks softly

Anika smiled through tears

"A...are you ready...for this marriage.. will you accept me as daughters in law of this house", asked Anika in chocking voice

"Yes I am", said dadi and hugged Anika

Anika started crying hugging her

"Dadi... First time .. after Shivaay some... someone accepted me.. even I am a human...na.. I am...same like you people then...why people think me...as...a.. badluck.... Trust me dadi I will never disappoint you pukka I will never... I love him a lot and... Can't live without him ..don't seperate us", chocked Anika while crying

Shivaay who was trying to control himself lost his patience after her confession. He pulled her towards himself from dadi. He started calming her by rubbing her back lightly

"Shhh Anika I love you too no one will seperate us. I will make my family agree I promise. We know you are also human. You are my strong and beautiful to-be wife",he said lovingly while calming her just like a father does

"Will they agree",asked Anika and looked towards Tej , Janvi, Shakti and Pinky

Shivaay smiled holding her close

"Yes they will",he said and holded her face near his shoulders

"I think you both are serious and this girl also.. you both.. will be happy na? She will be able to live here happily or not", asked Pinky understanding that her son loves this girl. She knew that he will not marry any other girl rather than her so there is no point to argue

Seeing Anika's state she realised that no one could love him more than her

"Yes I will..  I will adjust anywhere if he will be there", said Anika without waiting for him to speak

Shivaay wiped her tears with a smile

"Despo",he said in loud voice which was audible to everyone in hall

"I know who is... Who holds me like this", said Anika while holding his waist whereas he smirked. He pointed towards his family which made her embarrassed. She looked down while blushing

Anika came in front of family first time otherwise they used to be alone everytime

"Stop blushing",he whispered in her ears which made her blush more because he told after holding her hand

"Aww cute couples.", Pinky said Franky adoring couple in front of her

"Mom it's couple",he said in order to correct her when Pinky pointed towards their entangled hands which made him blush too

"Which type of marriage you both want? Of Indian tradition or.. Muslim",asked Shakti with a smile

"Indian", said Anika with a smile

"Muslim",he said and glared her

"Indian",she said angrily

"I said na Muslim",he said

"Do I have parents for that",she asked in low voice

"What's my family for",he asked while cupping her face in his hands

"I don't want Muslim wedding that's it..  I want Indian wedding please.. yaa-allah when this boy will start understanding me", said Anika dramatically while joining her hands together to pray. Before he could reply Tej interrupted

"We agree you both can marry", said Tej after seeing smiles on everyone faces after meeting Anika which was not there from months

"Yyyyy", Shivaay said and twirled her like a child . They both giggled

"You saw right that every Indian is not bad",he said after putting her down

"Yes like every Muslim",she said and took blessings of whole family like an Indian girl

"I also know how to pray in Indian style",she told after joining her hands together like an Indian girl


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