My Beloved Past and Present (Part 1)

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Hello everyone. I am Nivedita. This is a Two shot story of our Beloved couple Shivika. I was planning to write one from quite a while. So without much preliminary, I will want you'll to read this one and share your views afterwards.

"Oh. God! I so want this to work out. I have waited for this chance for almost two weeks." Annika, a girl in her mid twenties told her friend with whom she was sharing a flat, Chanda.

"Don't worry you will get through it. You have applied properly naa? Just don't take stress and give the interview nicely tomorrow."

Annika had applied for the job of Creative Supervisor in a company. She had been trying to get hold on a job on her own independently after she came back to India from Europe. Her father was adamant to make her practice a job in the Europe itself after getting graduation and then eventually get her married to a nice guy.

Annika couldn't sit well with the suggestion. She wanted to stand on her own feet before even thinking of her marriage proposals. She wanted to earn money of her own. After a lot of persuadings and pleadings with her Mom and Dad, she decided to start her base from India itself, as it was her birthplace and also the place where she had completed her schooling. This place was very close to her heart.

So she requested them to give her few months to prove herself and establish herself on her own money. The idea that was so pleasing then, sounded so tough right now. It was no cake walk to earn a living on her own easily in a city like Mumbai.

She had basically applied at many places, but couldn't fit well with them. At some places she didn't like the work environment and others weren't paying her enough according to her.

That's when an advertisement of a job of Creative supervisor caught her eye in the newspaper and that too from a very renowned company.


The next day Annika got up early, ate her breakfast and hurriedly went to the desired place. She didn't want to be late. There were 25-30 people sitting outside the cabin waiting for their turn, they were informed by the P. A. of the CEO, that Sir himself will be taking all interviews as he was very consequential with the post and the selection of the candidates. And there were only 4 Recruitments to be done so far.

Annika patiently waited for her turn. She was on no. 15. She was hell nervous. She wanted this job at any cost as she has waited a lot for something like this to happen and moreover she was having all the education qualifications that were required for this post.

Her name was called after sometime. She stood up to go inside the cabin. She was now confident enough to crack it. She knocked on the door slightly and a voice came from inside, "Come In!"

She went inside and closed the door behind her back, the guy sitting infront of her had a file infront of him, his face hidden. Having sensing her inside, he removed it and looked directly at her.

She expected anyone but him!

Her face fell. His familiar blue-green eyes and well built body was not so new to her.

He signalled her to sit. She didn't know how to react. She sat quietly on the chair infront of him with hands on her lap and fingers intertwined and pressing each other. She was prepared for the Worst.

He forwarded his hand to ask her file that she was carrying with her, looking directly in her eyes. She was looking anywhere but him! Mentally cursing her luck but making herself strong at the same time, she gave away that file to him. She tried very hard to keep a straight face infront of him.

He barely went through 2 pages of her file and closed it at once after that. He slid the file on the table to pass it back to her.

He pressed a button of a phone sort of thing kept on his table, and said, 'Next'.

Annika couldn't recollect what just happened, even before she could react, another applicant came inside.
His P.A. told her to move outside as her interview was over.

She gave a last look at him, who was inturn looking directly at her with a blank face as if he was totally unaware of what he did a while back. Having no option left she moved out.


Annika came back to her home, kept her bag on the couch and sat with a thud.

Chanda came with a glass of water and gave it to her and asked her, "Annika how was the interview.?"

Annika trying to control her laugh replied, "Guess. Where did i go?"

Chanda - I don't know. You didn't go for the interview?

Annika - I did. I mean that's what I thought. But guess who interviewed me?

Chanda - Who?

Annika - Shivaay.

Chanda - Whaaat.?? Shivaay Singh Oberoi..?

Annika - Yes the very same.

Chanda - Isn't he the one whom you..

Annika - Yes the guy whom I Dumped.!

Chanda - Lol. Let me laugh. You both finally met and how.

Annika - Chanda. It isn't funny yaar. Why do i have such a Phooti Kismat. I mean I knew it was 'Oberoi Industries'. But..

Chanda - How can you forget your Ex-boyfriend's surname.?

Annika - Trust me i didn't expect it to be him. Plus i didn't know that there were only 1 Oberoi family in this big city. There could be more right. Shitt. Yaar.
Can you for God's sake stop laughing.

Chanda - Okay sorry. Sorry.

Annika - Some one said it true. Ye duniya sach mei gol hai. Why mee?? And i guess he is still mad at me.

Chanda - Obviously anyone would. You literally dumped him without even an explanation, moreover you didn't even face him when you did that. You just Ran away. As far as i know. You just texted him 'It's Over' and blocked him after that and shifted to London. Who does that?

Annika - I had my reasons then. And i know he tried to reach me with everything possible through social media and through our mutual friends too but i just changed my number and blocked him everywhere. But Heck it was 4 years back.! I didn't know that i'll face him again that to here all of a sudden.

Chanda - But are you sure he still remembers you?

Annika - Hell. Yeah!! Otherwise he would have taken my interview. He practically didn't interact with me at all. Everybody else's took good 20 minutes, mine was done in just 5 mins.

Chanda - Dude. You cannot do anything now. When is the final list coming out.

Annika - In the evening. But there is no use of checking. I know he won't select me.


"Annika..Annika.. Come fast babe." Chanda called out to her from the living room.

"Kya. Hua.?" she asked all blanked.

"Arre. I was checking your.."

"No need babe. He didn't even take my interview." she replied.

"But your name is here.!" Chanda said enthusiastically.

"How is it even possible." Annika came running and went to see the result from her own eyes as she didn't believe what Chanda said. After few minutes she said, "It's a trap."

"What..?Are you mad you got selected. What else do you need.?" Chanda said and looked at her friend all surprised.

"But. He didn't even.. " Annika could barely speak.

"Shut up. And stop thinking Rubbish. Prepare yourself for tomorrow. Don't disappoint him." she said and pulled Annika along with her to eat dinner after closing her laptop.


The next day Annika went to the office making her quite presentable. She was shown her way to her current work place. All four of them were shown their open plan office table which was basically open but not at all conjusted for the time being before there actual cabinets were made.

And to her sheer bad luck, or maybe the only luck that she had, her seat was basically opposite to His cabin. And moreover they shared the same floor.

She was so sure that the 'Cat' had something in mind. As all these things couldn't be mere a coincidence. Hell Her selection was not a coincidence.!

Suddenly everybody stood up to wish their boss, Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi as he came in the office. He swiftly passed by her, not even glancing her once. He wished them back but not even a slight smile on his face was found. He had become Rude and Arrogant. Atleast of what she had heard about him. He wasn't like that. She whispered.

"He is so hot. Just look at him." Said a girl named Mallika who was sitting beside her, fresh recruitment along with her. Annika couldn't say anything but just nod in the agreement.

After some time all of them were called inside his cabin, to give away their duties for the day.

All of them reached inside. He was sitting on the edge of the table probably waiting for them.

"Daksh and Nikhil, here's your file. Take this both of you. Mishra will explain the on doings for the day."

"Mallika take yours."

"And... Annika.. Here's yours.." he forwarded the file before her. She was lost. Lost in the world of her own. Lost when he took her name, with the same endearment as he used to take when they were dating. He was such an adorable boyfriend back then. He used to pamper her a lot. Probably the best, One could have. But Alas! She didn't prove to be a good girlfriend to him.

He snapped his fingers infront of her, breaking her thoughts. She quickly took hold of the file and all of them moved towards the door to leave.

"Remember I don't want any kind of ignorance or jovial attitude while working. It wouldn't take me a lot of time to show you the door. " he paused and continued, "Most importantly I don't want People running away from their problems and not facing them. I hate such people. You all can leave."

She knew the last sentence was meant entirely for her. So he hadn't forgotten a single thing. Sighing she moved towards her table.

The day went quite well. Annika managed to escape from Shivaay, not coming in his view and how did she do that, was only known to her as all of them were supposed to submit the file to him at the end of their completion.

But she wasn't knowing that his cabin had a wall fully made up of glass facing the office which had curtain drawn when they went inside it. So he used to practically see whatever happens in the office outside when he is inside the cabin. One of the primary reasons why she was kept on the same floor as him.

Next 2-3 days went quite well. Annika and Shivaay never had a proper conversation alone, as Annika used to always visit his cabin with Mallika if she was called by any chance. 'Lion's Den' she called it.

"You guys have a scene or what?" It was break time and all of them were chilling in the cafeteria. Mallika asked her sipping her juice.

"And why do you think that?" Annika replied acting as she isn't aware of anything.

"Come. On. The way you guys look at each other. I mean the way he looks at you.., says lot of things."

Annika didn't know why did her heart fluttered on the last line. How much she wanted to go back being with him, but the past couldn't be undone.

"We dated in our school." she replied.

Mallika who was quite surprised with the revelation asked, "Are you serious? Then What went wrong?"

"Nothing. I dumped him."

Mallika almost spat whatever she had in her mouth.
"Are you insane.? Howw.. How.. I mean how can you dump him. Look at him man. Annika are you joking.?"

"No. I am not. Moreover i didn't know that I'll meet him here. Now get going. He'll eat us if we are late. Not you but definitely me. I am coming right from the washroom. You go." saying this she moved.

Annika came back to her table where she got another shock that she was microsecond late and all the next project files were distributed to 3 of them and hence she has to collect her part of files from the Man himself. Cursing Mallika for leaving her alone, she went inside his cabin quite timidly.

He was working on his laptop when she came, she waited for him to give the file to her on his own but he acted so non-chalant, he very well knew she is here but didn't flinch at all. She understood she had to ask herself to this devil in disguise.

"Umm..You ca..called me." she stammered a little. Damn! She didn't wanted to show that he still affects her. She continued, "You have to give the file." she said in a go.

Having heard her properly, he stood up from his chair and began moving towards her with slow steps having a Smirk plastered on his face. Seeing him coming dangerously close to her, she moved back slowly until her back touched the door of his cabin. She remembered it was an auto lock as she heard Mishra saying it before.

As she thought it was a Lion's Den and she was trapped with no idea of escaping.

He neared her more, eyes plastered on her face. She could smell his scent, his breath, quite nostalgic for her. She closed her eyes at once, moved her face sidewards, her sympathetic system was in full action. She could hear her own heart beat. His one hand was already on the wall right beyond her face, the other touched her exposed arm as she was wearing a half cut crop top, she flinched.

1..2.. Nothing happened. On opening her eyes, she realized that In turn he bent a little sidewards and took a file kept on the shelf adjacent to the door and stood back keeping a fairly great distance between them. Huh. How wrong she was.

"Some mistakes shouldn't be repeated.!" he said.

It broke her heart. Was she a mistake.?! She thought.

"I am talking about the previous file. Don't repeat the same mistake in this, those you did in that one." he replied.

Without speaking a word, she moved outside quietly.

She was hurt.
He knew where he had hit.

Mallika - That's not fair. He gave you only 1 file while we got 2 each.

Annika - It's okay Mallz. I think he doesn't trust me enough with his work. Lol.

Just then Mishra, Shivaay's P.A. came to her table. He handed her 4 more files that were to be completed today itself with the strict order of his Sir.

Annika - Do hell with it. Am i a robot or what.? You will make me overwork on my 1st week itself. That's not done.

Mallika - Honey. I guess he trust you more than us. Hahah.

Annika felt so helpless. After trying to negotiate something with Mishra Ji, she couldn't get anything. He was so loyal to his boss. Sighing she went on to focus on her work.

All of it was noticed by the man standing inside his cabin, hands inside his pocket. He couldn't hear them but knew what exactly was she saying. Afterall their connection wasn't so weak from the past.

He overworked himself and it was practically 9 p.m. in the night. And he didn't even realize. He came out from his cabin, the lights were dim as everyone had left except a table where Annika had dozed off on all the papers she was working on.


Okay. So i wrote almost 2700 word long chapter. This was only Part 1. Part 2 will follow soon.

Trust meh i really enjoyed writing it. I really hope you all enjoy reading it as well.

Inline comments are most welcome. :)
Please share in your Comments and Votes so that i know that i am writing something worth reading.❤

Lots of love ❤

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