Shivika 'A Redux OS'

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Hii people. This is a one shot on what happens after Shivaay marries Annika forcefully and declares her his mistress in the temple as shared in the clip by Gul. The hospital scene didn't take place. So Annika didn't meet Priyanka, Daksh or Payal.

Shivaay was driving the car back to his house all in rage. He remembered how he broke Nikhil and Annika's marriage and inturn married her only to leave her afterwards. He left her in the temple alone and came back to his house.

It was late at night therefore none of the family members were awake. He straightaway went to his room. He went to his bathroom and stood in the shower cooling down his inner demons and his anger. He further emptied 2 full buckets of cold water on his head. He came outside, changed his clothes and wiped his hair.

He was sitting on the bed and eating some pain killers when his phone rang.

It was khanna. He was in no mood to pick it up. But after his repeated calling he gave up at last and picked up. He was now calmer than before.

"Sir where are you.?" He asked from the other side of phone.

"What type of question is this Khanna.? I am at my home." he replied with an irritated tone.

"Sir and Annika?" he asked nervously.

Her name alarmed him, "What about her.?"

"Sir actually," he stammered "her sister,Gauri called me to ask about her. She didn't reach home until now."

"What am i supposed to do then." he asked pressing his forehead.

"Sir you took her from the wedding venue." he replied.

Reality struck him then, "Shitt.."

He thought after leaving her in the temple she will go to her house back on herself. After cutting the phone and telling Khanna that he will inform him about her soon, he took his car keys and went towards the same temple.

After he reached there, he saw the place was empty. He couldn't spot anyone, not even the pandit who chanted matras for them. The night was chilling.

He didn't know why was he worried for Annika when he himself left her to be stranded here.

He looked around, he could see no one. He shouted her name, "Annikaaa" No response. He again shouted. "Annikaaa." No one responded yet again. He thought she might be on her way back to her house, as he turned to leave he saw a Red dupatta lying behind one of the pillars. He went near that place and indeed saw Annika sitting there lifelessly with eyes closed and disheveled hairs. He could make out from her puffy eyes that she was crying a while back.

He neared her and called out her name in order to wake her up. She didn't budge.

Lots of bad thoughts were already playing in his mind.

He touched her forearm and shook her a little. He moved her face to looked at him, she finally opened her eyes and saw the last person whom she wanted to see right now. She hated him to the core. The person who destroyed her life a while back. All the marriage flashbacks were going on in her head and the word Mistress was ringing in her ears.

She retracted back in reflex. She hated his touch, his face and everything related to him. She moved her face to look at the other side.

"Why are you still here.?" He asked her.

She chose not to respond. Heck! She even hated his voice now.

"Annika i am asking you something. What are you doing here alone.? It's not safe." he said again.

"I was feeling more safe before you came." She replied sharply.

Shivaay was taken aback by her reply. He knew he had hurt her but her answer just pierced his heart no matter how heartless he was with her, a while back. He himself wasn't aware why did he do it with her what he did on the first place.

He knew when he is angry, he looses his mind completely and that what happened with him. But thinking all this was of no use now. The deed was already done.

"Annika get up. We'll talk about it but not here." he said trying to make her stand.

"You really think there is still something left to talk." She asked him with accusing eyes.

Totally ignoring all her accusations and even her eyes he said, "Your family is worried about your whereabouts. Come I'll drop.. "

"I had no family Shivaay. The only thing I had was my self respect and dignity that you crushed so brutally under your feet."

For a minute, Shivaay pondered over her accusations and he indeed felt Guilty.

When Annika showed no signs of getting up on her own, having no options left, Shivaay picked her up in Bridal style and went near his car. He opened the door from one of his hand and made her sit on the front seat.

Shivaay was sure that she will protest and hit him to leave her but strangely she didn't. Infact she was quiet. She didn't even look at him. She was lost somewhere.

The always smiling Annika, didn't have a slight curve on her face.

He sat on the driver's seat, fastened their seatbelts and began driving. Time and again he looked at Annika to get a response from her but she was just looking towards the sky as if talking to it internally.

She finally said,"You are free to leave me anywhere except my house."

"But..your.. "

"Do as i say or leave me here on the road itself."

"Fine." he replied.

The car stopped at the door of Oberoi Mansion.

Shivaay got down from his seat, opened her gate and asked for her hand. She made no signs to move out still. Again having no option as he didn't want anyone else to wake up, he again picked her up in his arms and went straight to his room.
He put her down on his bed.

He offered her a glass of water kept near the table. She didn't even look at him.

Shivaay - Annika. Have it.

Annika - 'Zehar hai isme' If yes then i will happily drink it.

Shivaay - You have gone mad or what.

Annika - Kyun.. What should I say then? Why have you brought me here.?

Shivaay - Because I didn't know where to drop you. You didn't want to go to your house.

Annika - In Your room? Kis haq se? Shaadi ki.! Jise aap maante nahi. To phir? You know what, i don't want to stay here also.

She stood up and started leaving towards the door, Shivaay went after her and pulled her back and closed the door.

Shivaay - You are not going anywhere. Stay here.

She lost all the patience she had inside her until now, she went ahead and pulled the collar of his shirt, she literally shaked him from the floor. She held her grip so tight on the collars that for a sec, Shivaay was himself scared of her. He tried to loosen the grip but to no avail.

"What do you want from me. You got what you wanted to achieve. You wanted to humiliate me. You did. You wanted to degrade me infront of the society. You did. Still it didn't please you and you further went ahead and married me forcefully only to disregard it afterwards and declare me your Mistress. Kyun Shivaay. Kyun..? Kya bigada tha maine aapka...?" and she broke down leaving his shirt and sat on the floor with a thud and began crying. All that what she had hidden inside her from so long finally came out.

Shivaay sat at her level. He didn't know how to make her quiet.

She said, "You know the only thing i didn't want somebody to call me was someone's Mistress. And you broke my dream and indeed called me your Mistress. You..."

"Shut up. Shut up. Just Shut up. Stop repeating that word. Maine keh diya aur tum ho gyi meri 'Mistress' I married you with proper rituals for God sake. How can I, you or someone else call you that word God dammit." he shouted.

Annika was looking at his face with a blank expression. She said, "But you will eventually marry Tia infront of everyone. And i will be left...."

"Am i marrying her right now.?" he asked angrily. "No right. Nor i have any plans to marry her in future. That was an alliance that broke the very moment when Daksh and Priyanka's marriage broke. And all thanks to you for that." he shouted.

"I know i broke their marriage. But that was for Priyanka's good. You won't understand. I'll talk to her directly." she wiped her tears and asked, "Where is she.?"

"You can't talk to her." he replied.

"I'll make her listen. I am sure she will understand." she told him.

"You can't talk to her. Because she is in Coma." he shouted.

"Coma.?" she asked nervously. "Why...I mean. How.?"

"She had an accident. Because you made Daksh flee from the marriage."

"I didn't Shivaay. I swear i didn't. I agree that i didn't want them to marry. But nowhere had i thought that Priyanka will suffer that to like this. And trust me i had no personal motive behind it."

"Really then why did you tell all this to Daksh and threatened him to leave Priyanka and choose you?" he told her what all Daksh had told him about her. He demanded an explanation.

Annika was shocked to hear all that. She had clearly underestimated Daksh in evilness. She said, "It's all Rubbish Shivaay. I never said like this anything to Daksh. Yes i agree i threatened him to break this marriage with Priyanka but that was because Payal.." she paused for a while. "Payal is pregnant Shivaay. She is carrying Daksh's child. And i am not saying all this on my own, Payal herself told me."

Shivaay was clearly shocked to listen about Payal, how much he wanted to trust her, to believe what all she was saying. He was however glad that atleast all this is finally going inside his head which earlier couldn't because of anger. But he was quiet. He still wanted things to sink in.

"I know Shivaay you won't believe me. Why would you. Who am i to you. But still all this doesn't justify that you made fun of my reputation infront of everyone and married me. Did you just want to take revenge from me because your sister's marriage got broken and thus you broke mine. What pleasure did you get in pulling such a stunt.? She whimpered in her last sentence.

"Yes that's true that i did all this in haste but revenge was not the only reason why I broke your marriage." he replied still not looking in her eyes.

"And what is that.?" she asked.

He was quiet.

"Shivaay i am asking you something."

"Because I could not see you getting married to Nikhil." he rebuked.
"I couldn't see you choosing someone over me. And that to when we were engaged." he said softly and a lone tear escaped from his eyes.

Annika was shocked would be an understatement. She didn't expect this but nowhere was she giving in so easily. "We were never engaged for your kind of information. I was engaged to Nikhil and you with Tia."

"Really. Show me your ring." he took her hand to glance at her ring, she actually still didn't wear it on her left hand, after giving her a knowing look he replied, "Yeh Nakli hai."

Annika took her hand back and saw it clearly, why didn't she notice it before. Hell she was so busy with Priyanka and Payal. She said, "If you are so smart Mr. Oberoi than why don't you check few things for yourself."

"What do you mean.?" he asked.

"I guess you check CCTV for your own convenience only. Not when you really should do. The thing I should have done long before which i highly regret. But nevermind. Never late than before. Is this your laptop." she pointed towards a laptop kept on the table and opened it to view the CCTV footage after asking from Shivaay. She showed all the corridor footage of her every encounter with Daksh. Shivaay was indeed shocked to see how much he had misbehaved with her already. And even the scene where Daksh was paying money to same journalist who threatened him with the video. He himself saw Payal coming towards him during mehendi Ceremony and how Daksh caught her and made her quiet."

If all this was not enough Annika called the same airline by which Daksh came to India a day before and also called the hospital which she had visited to collect Payal pregnancy reports.

How stupid he had been. All this was happening under his roof, infront of his eyes and he didn't even realize it. And blamed the only person who tried to help him And further went ahead to destroy her life. He couldn't even meet his own eyes forget about Annika who was standing infront of him. He never hated himself to this extent before this. One day and life of two girls had been destroyed. Had he given two hoots about Annika's repeated accusations on Daksh and enquired more about him, her sister wouldn't had faced the trauma that she was facing today. Not Annika, not Daksh but he realized he himself was responsible for her condition. He was so blind. And on the contrary had he controlled his anger at the right time, he wouldn't have ended up marrying her forcefully. He broke down. The reality was so harsh for him to accept. Shivaay Singh Oberoi was never wrong in his entire life but had been proven now. He needed some time alone. He requested Annika for the same.

The next day a Press conference was called in Oberoi Mansion where Shivaay broke his alliance with Kapoors and told everyone how Bankrupt they were. He slapped Daksh infront of everyone for cheating his sister and handed him to the police after Payal told everyone the truth. He further went on to declare Annika as his legally wedded wife. He even apologized to her infront of all the cameras for his behavior. She didn't forgive him at the moment and neither did she say anything but was indeed quietly listening to him from a distance.

Shivaay called for the best doctors to operate Priyanka. After everyone was gone, he looked at Annika and thought A lot had to be done still and no matter how much he need to do, he'll still have to earn her forgiveness no matter what, even if it cause him a lifetime.


Phew! Finally Done with this over-sensitive plot. I know it might not be how you want the things to turn out and never will they ever be since Gulneet have thought for a different story altogether.
I just gave a try.

However i believe a lot would have changed if Payal won't had flipped at the last moment in the show today. But still i request y'all to give some time to see how the things take place and think from both perspectives.

Coming to this do tell me how you liked it and your point of view on the same and please vote if you liked even 10 percent of this OS as it would motivate me to write some more plots in future. :)

Lots of love ❤❤

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