Ch. 20 - Meeting her father 😎😎

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This part dedicated to _annie353  for our win in the first competition of mine.

Shivaay didn't ignored me at school; he flirted with me instead. He and Om had joined Gauri and me at our table, along with a few others. We didn't talk about what we spoke of that night not yet. I could tell Shivaay was trying to figure out where he belonged; I could see that he fought with his urges. It had been a good week, we all had a good time and then the weekend came.

I sit in the front porch watching Gunjan play in the sandbox. Shivaay had been called into work that morning and asked if I would keep Gunju for him. I smile as I see a black BMW pull up into my driveway.

"Hey" Gauri says as she climbs the porch


"How r things" she asked

"Fine" I give her a look that says where's this going

"So everything between u n Shivaay is fine."

"Shivaay is trying to find himself and I am doing great, waiting for him."

She smiles

"He wants u, Annie" she tells me

"Gauri, I don't want to be the girl he comes to, just because he wants to get his pleasure. I don't want to be his side woman, or his fuck buddy and neither his friend with benefits. I want more. And u understand my feelings."

"So what r u going to do just wait for him, hmmm" Gauri asked raising her brows

"Yes,as long as it takes. And for now this is what I have planned." I said looking down and smiling sadly

She smiles, turning to look out at Gunjan

"She is so cute" Gauri says

"Yeah" I smiled seeing towards my Little angel

"She doesn't look like him" Gauri says continue to watch Gunjan

"But she acts like him sometimes" I said reminiscing my moments with this cutie pie when at times she is full of stubbornness or shows her tadi like her father and laughed thinking about duo, but she is still cute and sweet then her father


She laughs

"She calls me mommy sometimes; I don't think she realises she does it. And I didn't tell Shivaay this."

"U really care for her so much" Gauri states

"I love her" I look over at Gauri "I skipped three of my monthly." I told her being bit nervous but confident to share with my best friend

"Anni..." she starts to question

"I have a doctor's appointment on Monday."

"Does Shivaay know"

"I haven't told him yet."

She sits in the chair beside me looking out at Gunjan once more.

"U want me to come with u."

"I thought of asking him to come with me."

She nods before throwing a question "Thought...."

"I am lil scared how he will react, kahin wo mujhe cho...." I said with tears in my eyes n couldn't complete my sentence.

She gives me a pitty smile with a tight hug of assuring me by patting my back.

"I think he will be ok. U should ask him atleast." She says

"If I decide not to tell him just yet I'll take u with me." I tell her

We sit for some more time watching Gunju play; then we ol go in, and I fix lunch for all of us. Gauri leaves after lunch, Gunjan and I crawl up on the couch together watching cartoons. I have just got up to get something from the kitchen when there was a knock on the door; I opened the door and let Shivaay in; with myself continuing to the kitchen him behind me.

"Haw was Gunju today?" Shivaay asked me

"She was good; we played outside for a while"

"Do u mind watching her tomorrow too?" he asked

I turned towards him and then asked "u have to go again for work?"

"yeah" he replied

I smiled turning towards my work for which I was here "No, I don't mind, by the way gauri came to visit today." Thinking of ways to tell Shivaay about Dr.'s appointment


"She said Gunjan is cute" I turn to him after fixing him a plate of pulav which I made for our lunch. "I have...... a mmmmm........ do... do....doctors... appointment on Monday." I completed stammering while fidgeting with my fingers

"So will u still be able to watch Gunjan?" he asks

"Yeah, but that's not y I'm telling u."

"Oh" he narrows his eyebrows

I sat down looking at him; his eyes are still watching me carefully.

"I would like u to come with me" and I finally asked him

Again his brow narrows

"Okay, if u really want me to come, but I don't know what I would be good for there."

He looks away taking a sip of the wine I served him; I smile then go for the kill. I mean final shot a climax of ol this, I have to; yes I have to.....

"I'm going for.........pre....pregnancy test."

I swear he does a double take, his eyes look as if they would pop out of their sockets.

"A... ann...Annika did.....did u just now sa..said pre.......pre.... preg.....pregnancy test?" he asked being shocked

I tried to smile that pleads don't be mad please.

"Yes, Shivaay."

He brings his hand up hitting the plate by accident; I catch it before it falls on the floor.

"Sorry" he says "A baby"


He nods his head letting out a long breath which he stopped from the time I said about pregnancy test.

He rubbed his face with both palms and said "ok sure I will come with u"

"Will u be alright with that?" I ask him placing my hand on his shoulders

He takes my hand in his


I bite my lips pulling my hands free from his grip

"Hey sweetie" dad says coming in

I look up at him

"Hey, dad"

Again Shivaay hits the plate that is in front of him.

"Shit" he cusses grabbing it before it falls

I can't help but smile, a reliving smile now it is, taking his plate I get upand go to the sink.

"Mr. Trivedi" Shivaay says turning to my father "I'm..."

"I know who u are" dad tells him "I have heard a lot about u."

Daddy comes over getting him a cold drink out of the refrigerator then leaves us.

"I don't think he likes me very much." Shivaay says looking at dads retreating figure.

I smile

"Well considering, u slept with his daughter for reasons I won't say right now..........."

His eyes widened

"He knows all about that does he."

I turn to Shivaay leaning across the table

"I find it easier to tell my dad the truth"

He nods

"So does he knows u r going to doctor on Monday, too"

"Not yet, I thought I would wait until check up and after that tell him"

"That's a good idea" Shivaay says "Well I'm surprised that I am still alive right now as is."

"U and me both"

"I am going to tale Gunju to that new children's museum today would u like to join us" Shivaay asked changing the topic.

I smile

Precap: Three at museum and a big decision to take over by them.

Keep waiting...... well me and my best friend  _annie353

Wrote for the competition held by IBFanficCommunity  

Book The Ishqbaaz Fanfic community one shot contest's winter chaos two shot story and we stood second runner up in that that's my first prize so obviously holds the most special place as first competition n swiped both prizes of jury as well as audience as that was a hidden one and no one was allowed to disclose our story during voting period but as now it's results are declared so I would request u ol to take a lil pain and read the story

"WILL YOU BE MY DATE" there story no. 9 part one and two

Thanks for those who voted and loved our this story. o hope those who have not read should give it a try u will love it as its a new year concept only.

KEEP LOVING. Happy New Year in advance. Love u ol.

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