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If its not the name then what? Think Anika think... Rudy yeah Rudy had told me once about Tia and swetlana being sisters.... And they abrevited themselves as tilana.... What if this the password...... Hey Durga! Plz if this password is wrong then plz some how make it ryt... Plz somehow help me enter the mansion plz... Durga ma

And I typed....T-I-L-A-N.... And now the last letter my fingers were trembling and what if this is not the one... What if I get caught?.... What if I won't be able to save Shivay?.....No Anika focus and finally I gathered courage to press A.... And to my surprise........


The door in front of me opened.... It was unexpected I did it yeah.... And then the inner voice of mine said no Anika you have crossed the first problem but now are many more to come so stop being so happy..... As I moved in I saw all the guards welcoming me!!! Wow ..... You stupid Anika you are caught.... Now everything is over.... I told to myself....And this cheepday kapoors couldn't they keep a skinny weak gaurds so that I could manage them.... But these are extra large gigantic John cena type... A guard made me smell a piece of cloth and I fell unconscious.......

And when I gained consciousness I found myself sitting on the chair and tied with a long thick rope and my mouth had tape on it .... Now what how to run from here .... How? Shitt... What if Shivay get married to Tia......No I will have to do something.....

Anikas pov ends.....

Meanwhile in Oberoi mansion.....

Shivay in his room .....

Why yaar Anika ? Why the hell are you behaving like this as if this all is not affecting you? .... I can see in your eyes that it affects you but the problem is you won't say.... Such a stubborn you are.... But what is happening to me? Why I am I thinking of her? Why is it affecting me that nothing is affecting her?..... When I don't noe anything about her....We don't have future together..... Then Why do I care? .... What is her background, family , blood.... I noe nothing but still.... Ok Shivay now you won't think of her.... Nothing is affecting her so it's ok na even you are the same.... Nothing is affecting you too.....

Dadi: it is affecting you billu.... U r just not agreeing to it.....

Shivay to himself: was I too audible that dadi heard me.... I was just talking to myself.... How come she heard me??

Dadi: you still audible billu!

Shivay: mmm... Dadi actually me...

Dadi: u were blabbering urself lyk an idiot.... What all you are saying urself why don't you say all this to Anika?..... Why don't you just tell her that you love her?... And now this khadoos baghad billa became ishqbaaz....

Shivay: dadi plz not again.. I don't understand what you are saying....

Dadi laughs..: arey billu without love what is life? If there is love there is life... And I noe you love Anika she is the only one who changed you.... She is the one for whom your heart beats... She is the one with whom you want to live and die...

There is a knock on the door....

Om: dadi he will never agree.. and you noe what according to him.. he feels for Anika.... He cares for her.... He likes her ....But he doesn't agree for being together... For making their future....

Shivay: ya that's because I don't noe anything about her... Family background , blood , lineage nothing...

Dadi: you don't know anything about her.... But yoiknow Anika very well.... Her likes dislikes... Her character.. her everything... Then what is the need to now about her? Billu you don't realise this now but in your life one day will come when you will not need anything but just Anika and her love....

Shivay: dadi I don't think that day will ever come...

Dadi laughs: billu you are just like your grand dad stubborn....

To which dadi and Om laughs.....

Dadi: ok now you rest you lecture class is over... Sleep ....

OM and dadi leave...

Shivay looks at the time.... Oh god its 9:30 and where is Anika?.....
It's been So long since I have seen her... Oh Shivay you again started thinking of her .. she will be here somewhere where will she go? You just sleep and focus on your and Tia's wedding.....

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