Chapter 3 - Zindigi ab tumhi ho....

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Hey people....
I hope you all liked the previous two chapters.....
So back with the last one....

*Next Day *
Sunrays were trying to peep into the room but was failing miserably due to the heavy curtains. A nurse entered the ward and opened it and allowed the sun to spread it's bright light over the place. Anika was already awake and looking at her Baggad billa who looked so tired and exhausted. Tear marks were clearly visible on his face showing the amount of tears he had wasted. Nurse came to her.

Nurse: Mrs. Oberoi.... I will be removing your oxygen mask now.

Anika nodded her head and the nurse opened it carefully.

Nurse: Ma'am you will be shifted to the private ward now. So should I wake up Mr. Oberoi?
Anika: Let him sleep please...... He looks so tired......
Nurse : He loves you so much ma'am. You should have seen him yesterday how he broke down in front of the doctor. The Shivaay Singh Oberoi we know was an arrogant man but yesterday it seemed as if he has or loosing something very precious.
Anika(carenessing his hair) : That is what makes me scared. I'm becoming his weakness which I never wanted.
Nurse: But he had great faith on his love which brought you from death. Everyone in your Family had given up hope but He never did.
Anika: I know he never will.....
Nurse: I will just make arrangements till then.

Anika nodded and the nurse went out leaving them alone. She kept on looking at him with tears in her eyes.

Anika(thinking): Why Shivaay? Why do you love me so much? Am I becoming your weakness? I don't want to..... Please Shivaay.... Don't be like this.... Please.....

Suddenly, she left his grip tightened. She looked at him and became shocked seeing him crying in sleep.

Shivaay(murmuring): Anika.... Anika.... Please don't leave me and go.... I will die without you.... Anika.... Please....
Anika(calling him) : Shivaay.... Shivaay get up... See I am here only... Shivaay.... Shivaay get up... (little louder voice) Shivaay...

He woke up with a jerk and looked at her. Seeing her awake he just couldn't resist himself and hugged her.

Anika: Aa.. Aa...
Shivaay(breaking the hug) : I am so sorry.... So sorry.... Is it paining? Should I call the doctor? Wait... I.....
Anika(stopping him) : Shivaay.... I am fine.... Nothing has happened.... I am fine....
Shivaay: Are you sure?
Anika: I'm hundred percent sure. Now sit down.

He obeyed her sincearly and sat down without any further questions. No words were exchanged between them but their eyes spoke volumes. Hands were interwind and eyes locked with each other. Their moment broke when the door opened and doctor and nurse walked in.

Doctor: Good morning Mrs. Oberoi. How are you feeling?
Anika: I'm good doctor.
Doctor: Well that's a good news. Mr. Oberoi we are shifted Mrs. Anika to the private ward.
Shivaay: Okay doctor.

Doctor checked her and asked the nurse to do the necessary things. Streacher was brought for Anika to be shifted but Shivaay stopped them.

Shivaay: Will it be fine if I carry her?
Anika(blushed hearing it): Shivaay what are you saying?
Nurse(with a small smile): Sure Mr Obeori.
Shivaay: Thank you so much.

The nurse removed all the tubes and within no time, Shivaay swiftly picked her up in his arms and walked out of the ICU. Anika became shy and hid her face in his chest.

Shivaay : You have become so light. See how you have lost your weight. Once you go back then see how I make you healthy again.
Anika: Whatever you want to do, you can do but who does like this. This is so embarrassing.
Shivaay : What embarrassing? I am carrying my wife so what's the embarresment here.
Anika : Everyone is seeing us.
Shivaay(serious voice) : Then let them see. Let them see what Shivaay Singh Oberoi can do for his wife.... Who is not less than his life......

The spark in his eyes while saying those words made her speechless.

Anika: Shivaay.....
Shivaay : Hmm....
Anika: Nothing....

He smiled and kissed her forehead. She snudged more into his embrace feeling peace.

* Private ward*
Shivaay entered with Anika and boom.....

"Surprise.... "
Anika: Aa... Shivaay (hugged him tightly in fear)
Shivaay (raised voice) : People you are scaring her.

Everyone went silent.

Shivaay (soothingly) : Anika see everything is fine.... Open your eyes princess.....
Anika(looking around) : So beautiful. Who did..... (saw the people in front of her) Dadi, Papa, Maa, Tej Uncle, Janvi Aunty, OmRu, Gauri, Bhavya... You all here and all these...
Rudra: We all did for you bhabi. But it scared you....
Anika: No.. No... I liked it so much... It was just that..... It was all of a sudden that's why I got scared..... I am sorry....
Om: Bhabi why are you saying Sorry. We understand.... But this duffer(hitting Rudra's head) Doesn't understand....
Anika: Don't hit my cute devar Om.... He just wanted to make me feel good. Right Rudra?
Rudra: Haa bhabi.....
Dadi: Billu, Anika ko bed pe sula de....
Shivaay: Haa Dadi.....
Rudra(back to his teasing mood): Waise bhaiya... You could have left Bhabi now at least when she id injured... But you toh....
Shivaay(made Anika lie down and turned towards him) : Shut up Rudy.
Om: What shut up haa. He is saying correct only. Put a hold on your romance for somedays at least.
Shivaay: You also Om.
Pinky(moving everyone away) : Move aways.... Let me put this flower on my bahu..... (giving blessings and a tika) I went early morning and gave puja for my bahu and my grandchildrens. (giving a black dot) Kisi ki nazar na laage.
Dadi: Haa.... (blessing her) My bahu has come back from death.... And that to because of Billu's love. (taking some money and rotating it above her head) Kisi ki nazar na laage.... (gives it to Rudra) Jaa ke garibo me baat de. Anika putter, you have given us the most beautiful gift ever.
Anika: It's all your blessings and love Dadi..... Maa, why did you go so early to the mandir? You couldn't have gone later.
Pinky: No ways.... What do you think that you aren't important for me? (Anika tries to speak) No don't say anything.... You will just listen now.... You are the most important person in this Family. Each and every one is connected with you deeply. So from next time before doing such stunts think 100 times. Understoods?
Anika(with tears) : Yes, Maa.... I will keep in mind.....
Shivaay : Yaa, teach her something Mom. She always tries to become Jhashi ki Rani and makes everyone scared.....
Anika: Okay baba... I am sorry but what to do.... The only thing that came in my mind that time was that I had to save Shivaay at any cost so I just stood in front of him. How will I know that the snipper will shoot three times.
Shivaay: One second.... How did you know that there was a snipper?
Anika: Veer had planted him to threaten me on your life so that I can find Soumya and the bride swapping and everything.
Pinky: That's why you were saying me to what ever happens please take care of Shivaay.
Shakti: Whatever happened is past now. Let's forget those. And Anika beta now you are not alone. So you should think twice before doing something. Okay?
Anika: Yes, Papa. I will take care of myself.
Tej: Anika beta, sorry for what ever I have done to you and Shivaay.
Anika: Tej Uncle.... Please don't say like that.
Shivaay: Yes, Baade papa. It wasn't your fault at all. I had done all those purposefully so that you force me to leave the house.
Janvi: Whatever maybe the reason Shivaay but I shouldn't have said like that to you.... Please forgive us....
Anika: Please Janvi Aunty don't say that...
Shivaay : Haa Baadi maa... Please... It's not your fault too. Don't think like that at all.
Janvi: Anika.... Thank you so much for this happiness.... After so many days Oberoi mansion will hear the voice of baby. Thank you so much.
Anika: It's all because of your prayers that I am alive today so is (putting her on her stomach) The baby.
Dadi: Challo, abhi Anika ko aaram karne dete hai. Billu ghar chalke fresh ho jaa.
Shivaay: No Dadi... I will not leave Anika and go.
Om: Shivaay, Dadi is right. You should go and freshen up and have something and come. Don't forget that you have to take care of yourself too. Did you forget that you suffered a heart attack yesterday.
Shivaay: Om... Is it necessary to say that now. In front of Anika?
Anika: And why wouldn't he say that? I won't listen anything. Shivaay go home freshen up eat something and then come. No I won't listen anything. If you don't go, then I won't talk to you.
Shivaay: Okay fine I am going. But...
OmRu : We will stay with our bhabi and look after her. Now go.
GauVya: We too will stay with Bhaujayi /Bhabi....
Shivaay (sighed) : Fine.... I am going....

Elders left the room. Shivaay looked at Anika who was already looking at him. He smiled at her lightly and kissed her forehead. She closed her eyes feeling his love. He broke the kiss and carenessed her hair and left the room for home. Anika smiled but with some worries.

Om: Bhabi... You take rest. We are here only.
Anika: No Om. I want to talk with you all.
Gauri : But Bhaujayi, you need rest. We will talk after going home.
Anika: No please... I am so bored... Please....
Om: Okay but the moment you will feel tired, we will stop talking and you will take rest. Okay?
Anika: Okay baba.... Happy.... Please sit around me.

Everyone sits around her but Rudra seemed to be lost somewhere.

Anika: Rudra.... What happened? Any problem?
Rudra(avoiding eye contact with her) : Nothing bhabi.
Anika: Rudra..... Look at me. Om what happened to him?
Om: Actually.... He...
Bhavya(completing him) : Rudra got scared seeing you like that yesterday. He thought.... He is going to loose someone very close to him.
Om: That's why, he is so silent now. Though he trying to behave normally but....
Bhavya: He got scared.... Very badly.....
Anika(shocked hearing) : Rudra.... Rudy.... Come to me.... Come to your bhabi... Come....

Rudra went towards her and sat beside her bed. Anika held his hand.

Anika: Look at me Rudra.... You are crying....
Rudra(sniffing): No bhabi. I am not crying....
Anika: Rudra.... Look at me..... (he looked up) Why are you crying Rudra? See I am totally fine.
Rudra: I got very scared seeing like that yesterday, bhabi. Even when Shivaay bhaiya was in the same situation, I felt as if someone is snatching someone previous from me. Like Shivaay bhaiya is my Father....... You are my like my Mother...... I can't bear if anything happens to you bhabi.... I can't.....
Anika: Sshh.... Stop crying Rudra.... See I can't even move to wipe your tears... So please don't cry more..... Rudra....... I'm absolutely fine.... See.... And now I am back to you all..... Come here...

He went closer to her and she kissed his forehead. He couldn't control anymore and hugged her without hurting her. Anika rubbed his back in order to console him. Finally, after few minutes, he stopped crying and broke the hug. Anika wiped his tears and looked at others to see them in tears as well.

Anika: You all also.... Don't cry.... I am fine.... See.... I am fine.....
Bhavya: Bhabi, please don't do things like this again....
Gauri: Haa Bhaujayi.... Please don't risk your life again....
Om: The whole family needs you Bhabi.... Please don't any of these shunts again.
Anika: Aacha baba... I promise I won't do anything like that again.... Happy?
Rudra: No we don't believe you....
Bhavya: Haa bhabi.... From now onwards, I will always be around you to protect you.
Anika: Oye.... I don't want to be Kabab me haddi in between your romance. So let it be.
Om: No, we will not listen anything. We all will protect you from now onwards. And secondly, our champ is also coming. So we need to be more protective towards you now.
Gauri : How do you know that it is going a Chirota?
Om: Just like that.
Bhavya: I also agree with Bhabi. How come champ? It can be a nanhi Pari.
Rudra: I too have a feeling that it will be champ.

They started fighting over the gender of the baby. Seeing them back to normal, Anika smiled. Slowly, her eyes started started feeling drowsy and she went into deep slumber. Everyone kept on fighting when they realized that Anika wasn't talking. They turned back to see her sleeping peacefully.

Om(whispers): I guess, we should not make any more noice and let bhabi rest.
Rudra(whispers): Haa O. Let's go out.
Gauri(whispers): Me and Bhavya will stay behind. In any case, she wakes up and needs something then.
Om(whispers): I guess that will be fine. I and Rudy will get something for you both to eat.

They dispersed to their work.

*An hour later*
Shivaay opened the door of the cabin to see the most beautiful sight. Anika was sleeping peacefully while his brothers and sisters were sleeping around her. He smiled seeing it. He was about to enter when the nurse called him.

Nurse: Mr. Oberoi the doctor wants to meet you.
Shivaay: Sure.

He gave a final look and went to meet the doctor.

*Doctor's chamber*
Shivaay: May I come in doctor?
Doctor: Yes, Mr. Oberoi... Come... come... Please have a seat.
Shivaay: Is everything fine doctor?
Doctor: Nothing to worry Mr Obeori. I have just called you to discuss about Mrs. Anika's reports and medicines.
Shivaay: Yes, doctor.
Doctor: Report says that her wounds are quite deep and it will take time to heal them properly especially the one in the chest. For speedy recovery, we have decided to keep her in the hospital for a week so that by injections her would can be healed soon. Secondly, the growth of the baby is normal and there is no such complications. But her body is still weak. So I am prescribing some multivitamins.
Shivaay: Sure doctor. What ever you think is good for her.
Doctor: And one more thing.... Her sister..... She must be weak after blood donation. I'm giving her some multivitamins as well. Give her twice a day for a week.
Shivaay(confused): Sister? Whose sister?
Doctor: Your wife's sister... The one who gave blood to her yesterday.... Mrs. Gauri....
Shivaay(shocked): Gauri and Anika are sisters? Are you sure doctor?.
Doctor: Yes... I am hundred percent sure. But if you want I can conduct a DNA test for both of them.
Shivaay: Yes, doctor. Please... But no-one should know about it. No one means no one.
Doctor: Don't worry Mr. Oberoi. I will personally hand over the reports to you tomorrow.
Shivaay: Thank you so much Doctor. I will take your leave now.

Shivaay went out the room to see Om standing. And by seeing him, he understood that he heard everything.

Om: Are you thinking what I am thinking?
Shivaay: Maybe yes....
Om: Gauri will the happiest person to get her Baadi jiji back.
Shivaay: And so Anika... To get her Chutki back.
Om: Wait... What did you just say?
Shivaay: Chutki... That is what Anika calls her sister.
Om: Gauri said me once that her Baadi jiji used to call her Chutki....
Shivaay: I just pray both the Chutkis are the same person.
Om: Me too....
Shivaay: I should go to Anika... She must be waiting for me. You all go back home now.
Om: Yes... We will come back with lunch for both of you.
Shivaay: Okay.

Both the brothers went towards Anika's room. From there others left for OM while Shivaay went inside.

*Anika's room*
Anika was still sleeping and Shivaay was sitting beside her bed with her hands in his. He kept on staring at her face with a constant smile. He was trying to make himself believe that she is alive and breathing. He was so lost in her that he failed to notice her waking up.

Anika: Staring is rude Mr Obeori.
Shivaay: But if it is my wife, whom I stare then it is not rude.
Anika: Trying to be cheesy?
Shivaay: I don't need to be because you are already in my charms.
Anika(blushes): Shivaay.....
Shivaay(carenessing her cheek): You don't know how much I missed this blushed face of yours.
Anika(tightened her grip on his) : I know..... Did you get scared?
Shivaay: More than you can imagine. I felt as if my life is going away from me.... I broke down seeing you like that.... And after hearing about your condition..... I can't live without you..... Zindigi ho tum meri....
Anika: Why did it happen like this Shivaay?
Shivaay: Happened what Anika?
Anika(heavy voice): Shivaay.... I never wanted to become your weakness..... But I guess.... I have become one.... See that's why you suffered a heart attack.....
Shivaay(cupping her face) : No Anika.... You are not my weakness.... You are my strength.... Takat ho tum meri.... Baas agar tumhe kuch ho jata hai toh...... Mai nehi sahan kar pata..... A small cut on your finger also freaks me out..... Don't even think that you are my weakness.... You are my strength..... If I am the Great Wall of Shivaay Singh Oberoi.... Then the pillar of the wall is you..... Without you.... I am nothing.... Nothing.....

Overwhelmed by emotions, she started crying silently..... He kept his forehead on hers and both of them stayed like that for sometime. Finally, giving her a forehead kiss for a long time, he sat down.

Anika: Shivaay.... What do you want... Boy or girl?
Shivaay: I don't care about the gender. I just want our baby to be healthy.
Anika: I guess... We will have a son.
Shivaay: How are you so sure about it?.
Anika: Because he had come to meet me and he only sent me back to you. And said that he will meet us after 10 months. He looks exactly like you, same eyes, same lips.... Everything.... You know his name is Ansh...... Ansh Shivaay Singh Oberoi..... He was such a cute kid. And you know I met your Dadaji as well as my parents. (carenessing his face) You look exactly like your Dadaji and both of you are pakke tadibaaz.
Shivaay(hugged her tightly without hurtung her wounds) : Anika.... Don't think about it so much..... It's just a dream..... Don't think about it......

Her words made him realise that she has been in that transition state or live and death. Knowing about it only that she has come across death made him scared. He kept on hugging her and kissing her hair. He has brought her back from death's bed..... After all his ishqbaazi had won....

The Young Oberoi gang were back with lunch. Gauri and Bhavya were serving while Shivaay was helping Anika to sit up. Om and Rudra were helping their partners.

Gauri(giving two plates) : Baade bhaiya... Yours and Bhaujayi's.
Shivaay: Why two plates?
Bhavya : Bhaiya, bhabi has to have plain and simple food.
Shivaay : So... I will also have the same food as Anika's.
Gauri: But....
Shivaay: If there is less then no problem... I will eat later. But (looking at Anika) We will have the same food till Anika becomes totally fine.
Bhavya: As you say Baade bhaiya.
Anika : Shivaay what is need ? Why will you suffer because of me?
Shivaay: This is called being together. Are we different? No right... Then how can you think I will leave you alone in this battle? We are together and will do everything together.

Others had tears seeing their love. Truely, their trust.... Their understanding.... Their love.... Is like an inspiration for the others. Everyone completed their lunch with some random talks and with Rudra's silly jokes. The others went back while Anika too fell asleep due to medicine effect. Shivaay was left alone but his brain was working on something else.

Shivaay (on call) : Khanna.... I want to meet Veer.
Khanna: Sure sir.
Shivaay : Make the necessary arrangements. (cuts the call) Veer you haven't done right by harming Shivaay Singh Oberoi's wife.... Now you will face the consequences.

*Police station*
Shivaay gave a look to the ACP who just showed him the way to the cell. Shivaay saw a huge man tied down in chains. He took a whip from the officer and went inside.

Veer: Welcome.... Welcome.... Mr Shivaay Singh Oberoi.... Welcome.... So how is my bhabi.... Anika?
Shivaay: Don't you dare take Anika's name from your mouth.
Veer(laughs out loudly) : Why Shivaay.... Oh is she dead....
Shivaay(hits him hardly) : Dare you speak about Anika's death. By god's grace she is absolutely fine....
Veer: And the baby? I am sure the baby isn't alive.
Shivaay: How did you about the baby?
Veer: My mother... I mean your Bua.... Said that she is pregnant.
Shivaay: Then give this good news to my bua... That the baby is safe and fine. (hits him) Now tell me why did you try to destroy us and hurt my Anika? Why?
Veer: Well you see. I never had any grude against you. But I wanted Anika..... I wanted her.... And in order to get her I had to destroy you.... But they she came to know about my secrets so I had to kill her.... But you saved her..... Then I came to your house and in your Family to destroy the Oberois and to take my mother's revenge. The right which I mother lost, I wanted to earn it... Ratger snatch it from you all..... Anika got to know everything about it.... So I had planned to kill her.... But seems like she has a very good fortune..... She survived.....
Shivaay(raged voice): How dare you lay your eyes upon my wife... How dare you.....

With this, Shivaay started beating him merciless. With every strike, he remembers Anika's panicked face and all the difficulties she went through. Police had to interfere and him from killing him.

Shivaay: Make sure, he receives the worst punishment ever.

He walked out to back to the hospital.

*Anika's room*

Shivaay entered to see Anika awake.

Anika: Where were you? I was searching for you.
Shivaay: Had some important business call to make.
Anika: Okay... I have a small wish.
Shivaay: What?
Anika: Sing for me...
Shivaay: Are you crazy? Or did you forget that I can't sing?
Anika : I know you can sing. Now stop being Nakhre noor jahake and sing me naa... Please.....

Feeling helpless in front of her pleas, he sat down beside her bed holding her hand.

Shivaay: This song is exclusively for you.

Shivaay: Hum Tere Bin Ab Reh Nahi Sakte
Tere Bina Kya Wajood Mera
Hum Tere Bin Ab Reh Nahi Sakte
Tere Bina Kya Wajood Mera
Tujhse Juda Gar Ho Jaayenge
Toh Khud Se Hi Ho Jaayenge Judaa
Kyunki Tum Hi Ho
Ab Tum Hi Ho
Zindagi Ab Tum Hi Ho
Chain Bhi, Mera Dard Bhi
Meri Aashiqui Ab Tum Hi Ho
Tera Mera Rishta Hai Kaisa
Ik Pal Door Gawaara Nahi
Tere Liye Har Roz Hai Jeete
Tujh Ko Diya Mera Waqt Sabhi
Koi Lamha Mera Na Ho Tere Bina
Har Saans Pe Naam Tera
Kyunki Tum Hi Ho
Ab Tum Hi Ho
Zindagi Ab Tum Hi Ho
Chain Bhi, Mera Dard Bhi
Meri Aashiqui Ab Tum Hi Ho
Tumhi Ho... Tumhi Ho...
Tere Liye Hi Jiya Main
Khud Ko Jo Yun De Diya Hai
Teri Wafa Ne Mujhko Sambhala
Saare Ghamon Ko Dil Se Nikala
Tere Saath Mera Hai Naseeb Juda
Tujhe Paake Adhoora Naa Raha Hmm..
Kyunki Tum Hi Ho
Ab Tum Hi Ho
Zindagi Ab Tum Hi Ho..
Chain Bhi, Mera Dard Bhi
Meri Aashiqui Ab Tum Hi Ho
Kyunki Tum Hi Ho
Ab Tum Hi Ho
Zindagi Ab Tum Hi Ho..
Chain Bhi, Mera Dard Bhi
Meri Aashiqui Ab Tum Hi Ho

Anika had tears hearing it which was wiped away by him.

(Background music : Tum se hi... Just correlate with the scenes below)
Days rolled by.... Shivaay took care of Anika like a baby. He never left her alone, fulfilled all her demands and everything. Meanwhile, the DNA results were positive which gave immense happiness to both Shivaay and Om. They decided to releave about it after Anika returns home. He would care her, sing for her... Fight on silly topics unnecessarily and so on.

*One week later*
Days rolled away quite quickly than expected and today Anika was getting discharged.

Anika : Finally, I can go home. I was so much done with the hospital.
Shivaay: That's right. But you have to do bed rest for 2 months. Don't forget that.
Anika : That I can manage. Because in home we have so many people to talk and to entertain me.
Shivaay: Oh so that means you were bored in my company?
Anika: When did I say that.
Shivaay: But you just now said....
Anika: I need to change your name again....
Shivaay: Huh!
Anika: Confused Singh Oberoi. I meant that I don't like hospitals at all. Home is the place where I get the feeling of peace and warmth....... That is what I meant.
Shivaay(going close to her and whispers) : You can feel homely with me also..... (huskily) All alone....
Anika(shy): Shivaay......

"Ahem... Ahem.... "

Their moment was broken by Rudra and Bhavya who had came to take them home.

Rudra: Bhaiya, if your romance is over then can we proceed? Choti maa has already called 20 times.
Shivaay(embarresed) : Haa.... Let's go.
Bhavya : Bhaiya I will take the things, you come with bhabi.

Ruvya took all the things and went out while Shivaay without any thoughts picked Anika up in his arms and walked towards the car. She was again embarresed seeing him doing such stunts but what can she do.... Her Baggad billa will never listen to her.

*Oberoi mansion *
Everyone was ready to welcome their bahu. A small welcome party was organized amongst the Family members with some surprises.


Indicated that they have arrived. Pinky got ready with the Aarti thal. As usual Shivaay came with Anika in his arms.

Anika: Shivaay I can walk.
Shivaay: But I don't you to walk.
Anika: You won't be there everytime I want to go somewhere.
Shivaay: Who said I won't. Till you are completely fine, I will not go anywhere leaving you alone.
Anika(shocked): This is ridiculous Shivaay. You won't go office for 2 months. Are you crazy?
Shivaay: No I am not.... I will stay with you all the time till you recover fully. And about office then experienced people are there to look after it for 2 months. And....

"Ahem... Ahem... "

Pinky: Shivaay.... All the talks at the door only. At least let my bahu come inside and sit.

They got embarrassed while the elders laughed seeing them. Pinky did their aarti and they walked in. Shivaay placed Anika on the sofa and sat down beside her.

Rudra: Bhabi..... We have a surprise for you.
Anika: What surprise?
Rudra: Not only for you.... But also for Chulbul bhabi.
Gauri: Aisa kya hai Rudy bhaiya?
Shivaay (getting up and joining his brothers) : Well....... I guess, we have a sister's group as well.
Anika(confused): Sister's group? What are you talking about?
Om: Bhabi.... We have found your lost sister.... And Gauri your Baadi jiji....
AniGa: Really? Where is she?
Rudra: Wah kya connection hai.... Both of them said it at the same time.
Anika: Kya?
Shivaay(showing towards Gauri) : Anika... Meet your long lost sister... Chutki.....
Om(showing towards Anika) : Gauri..... Meet your long lost sister..... Baadi jiji

Both the girls were shocked hearing it. Anika kept on looking at Gauri so was Gauri. The family members were happy hearing about it. Anika slowly stood up and walked towards Gauri.

Anika(touching her cheek and emotional voice) : Chutki.....
Gauri(with tears) : Jiji.....

Finally, the sisters hugged eachother. They were together for a long time yet they failed to recognize themselves. Seeing them the Obros too hugged eachother.

Anika(breaking the hug) : Chutki... Where did you go leaving me alone? I searched for you so much....
Gauri: Jiji.... Those people had kept me away from you.... I tried to free myself but.... (starts crying)
Anika(wipes her tears) : Sshh.... No more tears.... Now.... See what a fate.... My sister became my devrani. Now tell me what should I call you.... (in Rosy's acsent) Devrani ya sister.....?

Everyone laughed hearing it and they hugged eachother again. Bhavya was also crying seeing their reunion.

Bhavya(thinking): Gauri bhabi is so lucky. She got her elder sister back. Anika bhabi is also so happy. Kash mera bhi koi.....
Anika: Don't think so much and come here Bhavya.
Bhavya(coming out of thoughts) : Hah!
Anika: Don't think that I have got my younger sister back and I will forget my other sister. Never. Come here.
Gauri: Haa Bhavya.... We were sisters and will remain sisters. Right Jiji?
Anika: Absolutely. Now stop crying and join our gang fast.

Bhavya laughed hearing them and ran and hugged them. Anika carenessed her hair to calm her down.

Anika: Don't cry Bhavya. We are your Family now. Am I right Shivaay?
Shivaay: Exactly. We are A Family....
Anika: And if you cry so much then these Brothers will sit on our heads and dance.
Shivaay: Hay! What do you mean by that?
Anika: Simple.... If you are Obros... Then we are... Obrohus.....
Shivaay: So is it? Then let's see....

Elders laughed seeing their kids activities and prayed that no more evil comes on them ever again.

*10 months leap*
Today again the whole Oberoi family is sitting in front of the operation theatre with the same tensed face. Shivaay was again lost in his thoughts.... While Dadi and Pinky in front of God. Gauri was praying so was Bhavya. Rudra was tensed and also Om. They were experiencing the same pain they had 10 months back.... But this one will have a very different outcome.

Shivaay was lost in his thoughts of few hours back. The loud scream of Anika was still ringing in his ears.

Shivaay(thinking): Anika is facing so much because of me... I promise.... I will not let her go through this again..... I can't see her in pain.... I can't....

Doctor came out of the OT with a small smile on her face.

Shivaay(shaking voice) : Doctor.... Ani.. Anika....
Doctor(smiled): Congratulations Mr. Oberoi..... You are a proud father of a small prince.....

Cheers and laughter went off hearing the news but Shivaay was still in the same state.

Shivaay: Doctor... I asked about Anika? How is she? She is fine right?
Doctor: Don't worry Mr. Oberoi.... Your wife is absolutely fine. Both mother and baby are healthy.She is unconscious right now. Within few hours she will wake up. Excuse me please.

And finally, the smile emerged on his face. Everyone congratulated him.

Dadi: Billu.... You weren't happy listening about your son until you got Anika's news. Why?
Shivaay: Nothing like that Dadi....
Dadi(stricked voice) : Billu....
Shivaay(sighed): It's not like I wasn't happy. But the person whom I haven't seen ever or whom I haven't known better... I couldn't show my happiness to him... But the person who was there with me in thick and thin and in every situation..... I couldn't helo but think about her more than my son.....
Dadi: I can understand very well...
Shivaay: Dadi... Anika meri zindigi hai.... Meri haar saans uske naam ka hai.... Agar use kabhi kuch ho gaya naa Dadi... Mai.... Mai... Maar jaunga..... She is my Lifeline.....

Dadi saw the sparks in his eyes for Anika. The same sparks she had seen in her husband for her.

Dadi(thinking): He is truly your grandson..... Pakka Ishqbaaz.....

*Few hours later*
Anika opened her eyes slowly to witness the most beautiful sight. Her husband and her son together. Shivaay holding their son in his arms carefully as if he will break any moment. She captured the picture in her eyes.

Shivaay: You are awake?
Anika: Haa...
Shivaay(going towards her) : You should have called me.
Anika: I didn't want to break the beautiful scene.
Shivaay(kissing her forehead) : Thank you....
Anika: For?.
Shivaay: For everything that you have given me.... For making me the person I am today.... For making a better person.... For (showing their son) Giving this happiness....
Anika: Then I should thank you also?
Shivaay: Why?
Anika: Because if you hadn't forcefully married me that day.... then I wouldn't have got such a beautiful family.... such caring devars.... Such a caring husband.... And now.... (taking the baby in her arms) This happiness.....
Shivaay: I'm sorry.....
Anika(confused): Sorry?
Shivaay: You went through so much pain just because of me.... I promise I won't let you go through that again.... I....
Anika(keeping her finger on his lips) : Sshh..... Shivaay.... It's natural... Every girl has to go through this.... And trust me after this pain.... The most beautiful gift is received... So stop thinking about it unnecessarily. And (teasing) I thought you wanted a princess too....
Shivaay(husky voice) : Not a bad idea....
Anika(blushes): Shivaay....
Shivaay(holds her shoulder from behind) : Oh my blush Queen... So what are we naming him?
Anika: Wasn't it already decided?
Shivaay: So you will stick to Ansh Shivaay Singh Oberoi....
Anika: Without any doubt.....
Shivaay(whispers in baby's ears) : Welcome to the world... Mr. Ansh Shivaay Singh Oberoi.... (kissing Anika's forehead) I love you My Lifeline.....
Anika: I love you too.....

*The End...... *

Done..... Finally....
I hope you all liked it....

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