Chapter:1{Looking Forward to reach my goal}

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"Shivi....Shivi...Calm down! Sooooo muchhhh excitement?!'re gonna explode!! " said Shweta.

Shivi- So let met explode! I can't wait to go there!

Shweta- Cool down.....princess! I know you were waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

M so happyyyy for you babe! Wish you good luck....And I believe that you will definitely win it!

Shivi- Offo......How many times I have to tell you that I am not going there to win. I wanna go there to find my true love. Pray for that!

Shweta- what's true love, honey? All are fake. People are just selfish. They come in your life , have fun and go away leaving you shattered. That's the truth of life.

Shivi- No babe....that's not the truth in all senses. Most of the people might be like this. But all are not.

There are some people who will come into your life, find their life in you, be happy with you, give you happiness and stay forever. That's called true love.

Shweta- I have to loose in front of you again babe....You believe in true love soooooo muchhhh!! I wish that you might get your true love soon !

But yeah .....if u only promise that you won't forget me after you get your love!'ll always have the place in my heart which you have. Promise!

Shweta- I hope so!

Shivi gave Shweta a tight hug before they both picked up Shivi's bags and Shweta dropped Shivi in the Airport.

Shivi was going to Uttarakhand.

On the other hand,

A boy was driving his car. He got a call and turned on his Bluetooth speaker.

Rishi- Hey....Bro...where r u? We are getting late for the flight!

Boy- Yeah....just reaching.

Rishi- Come on , Mohsin! Everyone has arrived except you. When will you try to be punctual?

You just know how to win.
But never knew how to become punctual.

Only my future Bhabhi can change you! Don't know...when you will fall in love.

Mohsin- Rish...I have told you so many times that I don't believe in love.
And btw....from where are you bringing this topic.

Here we are going "There" and you have started talking about my Marriage!

[A/N: Guys....guess...what's the place they are going....before reading further as you will get the answer at the last line of this chapter. Guess quickly and Do inline comments and then read further. No cheating!]

Rishi- okay....bro....let's end the topic and come fast. See you!

Mohsin- Yeah....just reaching there.

Mohsin cut the call and drove fast to The Airport. He Took out his luggage and went inside the airport to see Rishi waiting for him. They went to the plane.

Mohsin's POV

I will win it at any cost!

Shivi's POV

I will find my true love there no matter what!

Shivin POV

Here I come.....


A/N: Are you excited for Shivin to enter the reality show in This FanFic? If you are, Do vote, comment and read further!
Love from,

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