Chapter : 7 {Let me Entertain You!!}

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After the date, they went back to the villa.

Mohsin- Shivi, I forgot to tell you something. As you know, today we have a chance to go in front of the love machine to see our bond.

Shivi- So, you don't want to go in front of the love machine?

Mohsin- Why are you asking that?

Shivi- I thought you wouldn't like to go there with me as you didn't even go with Nikita.

Mohsin- Oh, come on, Shivi!! I don't like Nikita. Why are you bringing that girl in our conversation?

Shivi- Okay. Forget about Nikita. Let's talk about something else. As you know, love machine is for testing bonds and love between two people.Anyone should go there only if he/she loves someone. So, tell me, why do you want to go there with me? (Smirks)

Mohsin froze for a moment. He started thinking its answer. But he didn't found the answer or maybe he couldn't understand the answer. He felt something really strange in his heart. It was telling him something which was difficult for him to accept.

Did he felt something for her? He never felt something like that for a girl. But now she was forcing him to feel it for the first time.

Kanchi (breaking Mohsin's thoughts)- Shivi!! I want to tell you something!! Please come with me......(noticed Mohsin ) Hey...Mohsin....I don't know what you both were talking about. But I have some important work with Shivi. Can I take borrow her from you now? (She said in a pleading tone)

Mohsin just nodded and Kanchi almost dragged Shivi from there with her.

"Can I borrow her from you now " he started thinking about that line and smiled. He felt for a moment like she was his. And if someone tries to take him away from her, he shouldn't let her go away. He will keep her safely with him forever.

Suddenly he realised what he was thinking. How can she be his? She has her own rights to decide with whom she's gonna stay and whom she wants to leave. This thought made him really upset for a moment.

But he tried to brush off his feelings and thoughts. He went back to his room to find Rishi busy on his phone. He was looking at something on the phone's screen like a statue. He was looking like if he was lost in it.

Mohsin went towards him and snatched it from his hand and started running in the room. Rishi was cursing him and running behind him to take it back.

Rishi- Phone wapas de!!

Mohsin- Nahi dunga!! Why were you so busy in that phone. I must check it first!!

Rishi- Nooooo!!!!!!!

Mohsin checked the phone to find Mohena's pic there. He got shocked seeing it. Rishi was grinning like a fool.

Mohsin- What are you doing on Mohena's Insta Account?

Rishi- came suddenly. I swear, I didn't search for her account !!

Mohsin- You are really bad at telling Lies, Rishi!! Tell me now, what are you doing on her account?!

Rishi- Actually....Actually...I think I love her!!

Mohsin- Wahhhh....Splitsvilla mein aate 3 din nhi hue aur mujhe meri bhabhi mil gyi!!

Rishi blushed and snatched his phone from Mohsin's hand.

Suddenly Rohan and Sanchit entered the room.

Both- What's up guys??

Mohsin- Someone fell in love! (Smirked at Rishi)

Rohan and Sanchit- We's Mohena , right?

Mohsin and Rishi- How do you both know?!

RoSan- The way you look at her, it's clearly visible in your eyes, Rishi.

Rishi- Rohan, You love Kanchi, right?

Rohan- Yesss

Sanchit- Tell me, how did you understand it?

Rohan- When a person falls in love, he only sees the person he loves all where. It might be a love at first sight. Even it can take a lot of time to fall in love with a person. When I fell in love with Kanchi, it was love at first sight. From the time I saw her, I started to think about only her. I started seeing her all where.........(a large description about love realisation)

While Rohan was telling all these, Mohsin was just thinking about Shivi.
He didn't know why but he felt that his connection with Shivi will take them to somewhere which he can't understand now. However he again brushed off his feelings.

Rohan- Okay guys. Now I should tell you the main reason of coming here. Actually i really want to go in front of the love machine Tonight as I want to test my love for Kanchi!! So, if you can please vote for me, Rishi!! (He couldn't ask Mohsin because he was in the safe zone too)

Rishi- But I was thinking of voting for Mohsin.

Rohan- Mohsin....Bro...I really want to go there as I really love Kanchi. you love Shivangi? If you love her , then I won't request you.

Mohsin- Actually I don't know....(he still didn't believe in love but he was confused too)

Rohan- then can Rishi vote for me?

(&@&£&@&#*%|^~{|>~\\**+€$~!,,¥$¥$¥•¥><This conversation is muted!!)

So, all of the splitsvillians decided together about voting in the dome that evening.

They receive a scroll and were requested to reach the dome.

Everyone went to get ready. Shivi reached her room and found a beautiful pink dress inside her cupboard. It wasn't hers.

Shivi- Kanchi....did you keep your dress in my cupboard?

Kanchi- No, Shivi. Your Prince Charming came here when you were inside the washroom and left this beautiful dress on your cupboard.
You have got a perfect person, I see!!

Shivi - (blushing) Aww....he's so sweet!!
I'm going to get changed into this dress, his first gift!! 😍😍 (she exclaimed like a child)

She changed into this outfit and went outside the room to find him standing there Waiting for her. She again fell for him because of his sweetness......

He looked at her as she came out wearing the outfit he had kept in her cupboard for her to wear. He had ordered it online.

He was just lost in her beauty. She was looking like a princess. She was one actually.

She snapped her fingers in front of his eyes to bring him back to the world. He asked her for her hand as he wrapped her arm around her and they started walking towards the dome.

All the contestants reached The dome .

Sunny and Ranvijay welcomed them.

Shivin sat in the safe zone with the rest two couples: RoKa and VaDa.
Sunny- So there's a shock waiting for you. You will get it later.

First, contestants from unsafe zone, write the name of the couple who you would like to see in front of the love Machine!

The safe couples have to write the name of a boy who they would like to see out of the villa and one boy whom they would like to safe.

After writing, Sunny asked everyone about the couple they want to see in front of the love machine.
The votings are-
Mohsin and Shivangi- 4
Adaa and Vatsal- 2
Kanchi and Rohan-7

(Rohan had went to everyone to request for votes)

Sunny- Okay...So, Kanchi and Rohan have the highest votes. Now it's Time to give you the shock!!

Ranvijay- I can't wait to tell it to them, Sunny!!

Sunny- Okay. The shock is...The couple who got less votes will go in front of the love machine. If the calculator shows less then 80%, the boy they wanted to keep safe, will be eliminated. If above 80%, The boy they wanted to eliminate, will be out of the villa.
Okay, Now Adaa and Vatsal go in front of the love machine.

The Machine showed 20%.

Sunny- That means you are really far away from love. You both don't even like each other!!

Adaa- Actually we paired up to play the competition only.

Sunny- okay, now show me your card.
Their was written "Zain" to be safed. So, as per the rules, Zain has to leave the villa.

After that all of them returned to the villa except Zain.

Next day...

Day 3

In the morning, Shivi woke up really fast because of a nightmare. She wasn't able to sleep. So, she went towards the poolside. She sat there dipping her legs in the cold water of the pool.

She was enjoying the cool breeze of winter morning. Suddenly someone tapped her shoulder. She looked behind to find Mohsin standing there.

Shivi- What are you doing here at this time??

Mohsin- I should ask you that!! What are you doing here?!

Shivi- I wasn't getting sleep. So, I came here to get some fresh air.

Mohsin- That sounds nice. Actually I have come here for the same reason.
I have a habit of getting up early in the morning. (He said while sitting beside her and dipping his legs in the pool water)

Shivi- why?

Mohoshin- Because...I go to walk in the morning. Then I return my home to cook for myself as I don't like foods cooked by maids.

Shivi- Why do you have to cook? Your mom can do that.

Mohsin-(teary eyes) I don't have parents. They left me and the world when I was Only 10.....

Shivi felt really guilty hearing that.

Shivi- Momo....I am....I am really sorry!! I....i.....didn't know that...I'm sorry...I know you are hurt because of me....I'm really sorry (she said holding her ears)

Momo-(putting his finger on her lips) you don't have to be sorry. It's not your fault. Btw....I love cooking though I suck at it!!

Shivi- (trying to make him feel better) Hmm....Don't worry. I can see your future (closing her eyes and acting like she's doing meditation. For fun😂) I can see your wife cooking for you in the kitchen. She's making the kitchen a mess with her cooking but at least she's trying to make a good breakfast for you doing hard work!!

Mohsin- Hmm....according to your future telling, My to be wife loves me a lot, right?

Shivi- Maybe!

Mohsin- Okay...I'm going to take a bath now. Catch you later, Shivi!!

Shivi- okay!

When Momo went from there, Shivi started blushing furiously as she was imagining herself trying to cook in the kitchen to make a breakfast for Momo wearing a saari like a wife!

She was imagining herself as his future wife and becoming more and more red with each second!!

After sometime she went back to her room for taking a bath.

A scroll came which said that they have to reach the beach. All of them went to the beach. When Shivin reached there, they were thinking about their date in the beach which was really a romantic one. They looked at each other and blushed.

Sunny- Today's competition is quite interesting. Its name is let me entertain you.
It's about income. As there are 9 boys and 9 girls, there will be 9
We will take you all to another beach which is a public place.

There you all will have 3 hours. You will have to entertain the public in your own way and income money as much as you can. Then you all will give the money to us.

We will count them and the first three highest incomer couples will go in the safe zone.

Shivin were getting excited for the task. As it seemed really interesting and they could spend such a long time alone together!!

Ranvijay asked all the boys who they would like to perform with.

Rohan- Kanchi

Sanchit- Gia

Rishi- Mohena

Vatsal- Adaa

Mishkat- Aneri

Mohit- Preetika

Vishal- Nikita

Raghav- Shakti

Mohsin- (smiled looking at Shivangi) Shivi!!

So, the pairs were made and they went to the public beach. As soon as the time started,

Shivin and the other couples went in different directions.

Shivin were trying to gather crowds so that they can earn money quickly.

They gathered a huge crowd telling them that they would do a dance performance and if the crowd like it, each of them have to pay them 100$.

Mohsin switched on an English song and started doing dance to entertain the crowd but the crowd didn't like it. So, people were going away.

Shivi- Please don't go, guys . You'll miss the fun. Please give us a last chance. I know that you all will be entertained!!

Shivi stopped people from going away and turned on an Hindi song "Yaha Waha Hai Tu".

She took Mohsin's hand kept it on her waist and kept her hands on his shoulders.

She started dancing making him dance with her. Shivi knew many difficult steps as she is a professional dancer. So, she did those steps making the breaths get stuck of the crowd and specially Mohsin.

He was amazed at her dance steps as they were really difficult and wonderful!!

They ended the dance after capturing a lot of hearts!

They received lots of money from the crowd. Shivi started looking for more people and Momo was counting the money.

Momo- Shivi!!!!!

Shivi- What happened?! Why are you screaming ??

Momo- We already incomed 3000!!

Shivi- Really??

Momo- Yessss!!

They both hugged each other tightly. In happiness, Momo suddenly Kissed Shivi's cheek after breaking their hug. He didn't even realise what he did in excitement!

Momo- Thank you so much, Shivi. It's all because of you. I couldn't have incomed this much without you!! Your dance is so mind blowing 😍😍 I am in love with your dance!! I swear, I'm gonna make you dance for me tonight as I seriously want to watch you dance again in front of my eyes!!

Shivi was just lost in that kiss. It was so magical. She touched her cheek where he had kissed and blushed.....She didn't expect it so soon.

She was lost in her own world when Mohsin snapped his fingers bringing her out of her loveland.

Mohsin- Shivi....look....I can see lots of people there. I think we should go there and entertain them to Gather more money!! Let's go!

He started walking faster followed by Shivi who was still busy remembering that sweet kiss which he gave her!

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