Shot - 7 : Life Beside You

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"I'll always be beside you until the very end, I'll smile when you smile, I'll be you're bestfriend!"



Right now, all Mohsin wanted was to hear just a Miss you than I love you from her!🧡🌸

He waited for her answer, "Tell me Shivangi,  did you miss me?!"

Shivangi lifted her brows to look straight into his intensified eyes, which held the untold pain of a miserable soul.


"Yes, Shivi. Bolo, you missed me like I missed you right?!", he eagerly looked at her expressionless face.


Her heart ached for a moment to see his impatience,

"I didn't miss you Mohsin!", she gathered her courage and spoke out.

He smiled a bit and, "Oh really?! You didn't!?".

He took a step forward blocking her way.

"Uh?! You want me to elaborate, Mr.Khan?!", she sternly said stressing on 'Mr.Khan'. She felt bad herself for unknowingly messing the things up.

A sharp pain hit his heart, "What did you call me now?!"

He wasn't sure of what he heard, he badly wanted to reconfirm the pitch.

"I said, Mr.Khan?!", he was stunned by the intensity of her deep voice, which shows how much she is angry on him.

There was a moment of silence in the room, they were able to hear the swaying of trees in the wind. A cold breeze touched both their cheeks, bringing them back to the reality. One felt shattered & Other felt guilty. 

Out of nowhere, his mind reflected that something wrong is gonna happen, something bigger than he thought. His legs didn't stand in one place, he stumbled back and ruffled his hair in impatience.

Shivangi noticed the sudden change in his reaction. Firstly, she couldn't believe he was here. Secondly, she couldn't understand why is he being so impatient.

"How long will you keep lying to me Shivangi?!", he came closer to her but to his surprise, she stood in her sherni mode.

"Listen stop dreaming!", she stopped him by showing her hand, which equally amused them.

"It's not me who is dreaming! It's you who dreamt of me every single morning, right, Shivangi?!", he spoke back with fierce dominance.

"How? Tum.. tumhe kaise pata?!", she shrieked uncomfortably.

"It's not a rocket science that I don't know anything about you!", he walked away from her angrily, observing her scared figure around him. It's hurt him deeply.💔

"What you think? What you like? How you behave, when i am around you?! I know every single thing about you and I can clearly state your reactions Shivangi!", he paused for a moment to look to her eyes, which didn't have a bit of distortion.

"You stay away from me!", her words shattered him more.

"Don't challenge me to prove my love for you!", he was totally in his fierce mode, unable to understand why he is angry.

"Bragging about yourself that you know me completely?!", she smirked.

"Well, you don't. If you knew me, you wouldn't have said I am doing girlfriend duties around you Mr.Khan!". She shouted, shocking him.

He couldn't handle this anymore, one way he was feeling annoyed to himself for hurting her and other way, he didn't know why he is angry!

"Then suno, clear you mind out. you don't know anything about me", Mohsin was really hurt hearing this.

It took him back to the days, when he used to continuously try his best to make her fall in love with him.

Shivangi saw his un-blinked expressions and he started shivering and stumbled on his feet. She saw this, "Mo..Mohsin?"

He didn't know why, but everything felt so confusing to him. He felt queasiness suddenly and his vision started to blur.

Without saying anything, he ran into the washroom and started puking badly.

Shivangi was shocked to witness this, "Mohsin?! Kya hua?!". She held his head over the basin to support, while he threw up.

Once done, Shivangi helped him clean up and walked him to the bed.

"What happened to you? Can't you just take care of yourself?", she scolded him nicely and gave some warm water to ease him.😲

"You are there to take care of me na!", he said weakly.

"Humesha tumhare paas nhi rhe sakti mei!", She said intentionally to make him stay away and that hurt him once again.

All the while she had tears in her eyes, which were flowing non stop. She manged to hide it from him, but that didn't go unnoticed.

This increased his hope, he wiped her tears and smiled faintly.

"Agar itni hi chinta hai toh, wapas kyun nhi aarhi ho mere paas?!", he asked her with a painful voice, which ached her heart sharply.

"Tum hi ne toh mujhe jaane ko kaha tha, phir tum soch kaise sakte ho ki mei itni aasani se wapas aa jaun!?", she replied softly, holding back her emotions.

Right now, if she could just hug him tightly to her life, she wouldn't leave a second to embrace him.

He smiled at her innocent girl, "This innocence is never letting me stay away from you, Shivangi!".

His heart is broken into pieces for his own deeds, making every second it's difficult for him to breathe in guilty.

"Mohsin?! What's happening to you?! What's wrong?!", She held his arm holding him from falling backwards on the bed, but he took a grip to hold himself.

"Hmm nothing. I.. I need to leave now", without meeting her, he stood up to walk towards the window.

She saw him stumble again and "Mohsin? Stop. Just come here!"

"You may not like my presence here. I am leaving!", he said unwillingly to check her reaction, but those words wrenched her heart.

There were many times, she used to think of him and always wanted him around her. Now the sight of him trying to stay away from her itself is making her sad once again.🥺

Mohsin held his head, as he felt dizzy and Shivangi held him by his waist from behind and pulled from falling down. She tried to make him steady, and in the process both fell on the bed, with Shivangi on top of him.

He took a heavy breathe, "Nothing. It's cold out here!"

She saw him calm down, still over him and then she saw his broken state, distress written all over his face.

He slowly raised his hand and caressed her left cheek, "I am sorry, Shivangi!".

A lone tear fell off his eyes sideways with watery eyes, "Please mujhe maaf kardo!"

With that, Mohsin didn't know when he fell asleep. Maybe due to tiredness, Shivangi wiped off his tears controlling her own emotions.

"Mohsin! No how can i forgive you after all of this? You asked me to leave you!", she recollected their argument which hurt her deeply once again.

"But I.. i missed you so much!", She whispered near his ears.

That's it, he finally got what he wanted to hear from her, but he already fell asleep. This marks their unconditional love for eachother and shows they can argue to any extend, but will always end up with eachother!🤗

She kept her head over his chest, listening to his heart beats and slept hugging her life beside her!❣️🌸


Precap: The whole day he waited for her to talk and kept waiting outside her home. But she didn't give in to it, until it started raining and her heart melted away to see him get drenched in cold.

P.S. Vote guys!✌️


A/N: Thank you all! Guys, hope you all enjoyed this update. Share, Vote and Comment. Waiting eagerly for your responses! :)🌸✨

Check out - Shivin (SS) : Love after Lockdown!🧡

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