Shot - 15 : One-Step Closer

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"Each day my love grows deeper, deeper than I never thought before!"



Next day at Yrkkh set,

The day started normally for everyone and for Shivin, they were quiet and haven't exchanged much words, also they weren't upset. Mohsin enquired about Shivangi's swelling in her foot and asked her to be careful from next time. His caring nature melted her more and more, it's just that she can't stay away. That's it.

Everyone started shooting and in between Shivangi noticed some uneasiness in Mohsin's eyes while shooting. He avoided talking to anyone and stayed aloof.

Between each take, he would sit then and there, held the side of his hip, walked slowly taking long breathe, above all his whole face turned pinkish making it obvious to her.

"He must be tired, I guess", she persuaded her worried heart. She so wanted to go to him, but controlled herself.

Nevertheless when the shot goes on, he would be into his character 'Kartik', without displaying any distress. (Fans: That's his special quality!🧡🤗)

During the break time, Shivangi saw Mohsin moving towards his make-up room holding his back. Without thinking for a second, she ran behind him and barged in his room to find him lying on his bed with painful expression on his face.

"Mohsin? What happened? You alright?", she was hell worried for him.

"Shivangi? You here?", he looked and tried to be normal, "It's just the backpain due to jet-lag".

"Kya? Back pain? Hey bhagwan", her eyes went wide as she knows how worse it makes him. "Don't strain Mohsin! You lie down", she made him lie on the bed.

"Ahhhh", he winced in pain with his eyes closed. She looked at him horrified helplessly.

"Show me! Where's the pain relief gel?", She asked searching for the gel.

"Hey relax! It will be okay. Don't worry!"

"Aese kaise.. you should've taken rest at home. Why did you even come in such condition!", she said looking for the gel in his emergency medical kit.

He smiled at her concern, "because I wanted to meet you". She stopped for a moment and looked at him. "We didn't talk for 2 days and I missed you on my birthday".

Once again, he amused her with his warm statements. She knows he loves her, then why does he need a break? It's still unclear to her.

Chucking it off, Shivangi moved towards him and said without meeting his eyes, "Tu..turn..Turn around Mohsin! Let me apply the pain relief gel for you!". He was taken back, but was too happy inside and jumped in joy eagerly. (Fans: Even we are eager!🙈😂 Ok. Jokes apart. Lol)

"I will apply on my own. Give it to me!", Mohsin argued.

"Why? I don't want you to strain. Let me apply!", Shivangi said opening the tube.

"No", he snatched the gel from her.

"Yes", she snatched back.



"I feel so s.. shy! You go away!", he said pouting a bit.🥺

She looked at him and asked, "Unbelievable Mr.Khan! Don't you remember our story started with your backpain!".

He looked at her amused and she realized what she blurted. Both recollected that precious moment at rishikesh, when Mohsin was suffering from severe low backpain during 2016, Shivangi gave him the pain relief gel. That's the first moment, the moment where their friendship started!

"Kya din the woh!", both said in unison.

She broke the silence, "Turn around  Mohsin, we will be called for the shot soon!"

"Nopity nope! I ain't letting you to apply. Go away now!", he said in a childish tone!🤪

"Seriously?! Just now you were saying, I missed you, I wanted to meet you. Blah blah... ab Janab ko kya hua?", She was irritated at his kiddish behavior during the serious moment.

"You are so unromantic!", he declared.😟

"What? Isse zyada koi romantic nhi ho sakte hai! Bade aaye!", she replied stubbornly.😏

"Tum bade aayi! Jao jao", he said with equal stubbornness.

"Urgghh! Do whatever you want, 'like always' ", she stressed on the last two words!😤

She kept the pain- relief gel with a thud on bed and turned to leave. But he held her hand and pulled her with force, making her fall over him. They were so close after a long time. Her one hand was near his heart, feeling his heart-beat vigorously and with her other hand on bed, she tried to balance her weight carefully, not to cause him more back pain.

Mohsin just smiled, as if reading and she felt his hand snuggle over her waist and pulled her close, making her lose her balance and she fell completely over him.

"Shhh! You just feel as light as a feathery pillow! You don't cause me any pain!", his said genuinely.🧡

She looked at him flabbergasted at their hidden connection or call it telepathy. They shared an intense eye-lock full of love, hurt, missing and pain. Their hot breathe mixed in air and with his other hand he slowly removed her hair strand falling over her face, hiding his view and tucked it behind her ear!

Admiring his tweety, "Hayyee". He teased her, making her lose her senses in his touch and she closes her eyes in anticipation. He inched his face closer to her in reciprocation and kissed over her eyes. She smiled involuntarily. Taking the chance, he smirked at her condition, he himself got lost and moved forward to kiss her, when they heard a knock on his door.


Both of them were shocked at realising, what they were gonna do! Shivangi pushed him off and got up, adjusting herself. While he answered to the door,

"Haan boliye"

"Sir due to some technical issue, it's an early pack-up today. I was asked to inform you!", the person told Mohsin.

"Acha! Okay thanks"

"And sir? Could you please inform madam aswell? I searched for her, but couldn't find her", the person said.

Mohsin turned sideways with a lop-sided smile and looked at her, eyeing 'should-i-tell-him-you-are-with-me?'. Shivangi's eyes went wide to see him teasing her and gave a 'I-will-kill-you-alive!' wala stern look with her eyebrows up. He smiled at her antics and assure the person that he will inform her about it and closed the door.

"Phewww, that was close!", he said walking closer to her, still smirking at her reaction.

She very well know what he's upto. She kept the pain- relief gel on the bed and stomped her feet going out, "You take care of yourself. And I will inform Sajjad to pick you up".

"Why Sajju? You can also drop me! We will get some time to continue, what's left incomplete! What say?", he said teasing her more, lying down on bed with his hands at the back of his head and keeping a leg over the other. Smirking!😏😉

She turned and gave a deadly look at him, warning with her eyes and stormed off!🤨😂


"Shivangi! Thank you for the birthday gift!", he indicated their moment.

Shivangi ran from his room heavily blushing at his remarks and his growing naughtiness. Mohsin was feeling accomplished, joyous getting back with his tweety!🧡🌸😍

They knew at that moment, their shields are getting broken.🌸❣️


After that incident,

Both were always found in good moods. Mohsin teasing her and Shivangi getting irritated with him. Time passed, slowly they forgot that they were even upset with eachother. They never took the topic which would upset them. They even forgot that they took break. He doesn't want to see her unhappy and She just wanted him around.

As always they enjoyed shooting when the Kaira scenes increased, they would making fun of eachother, laughing uncontrollably in between scenes, going out and many more. But none of them spoke a single word about the 'Break and Space' that they took from eachother. Sometimes shivangi thinks of asking, but looking at how they are growing strong, she prefers to avoid. Not to forget, they still stayed private and would avoid media. But fans caught their moments many times. #Shivin Moments!❣️🤭😉

One thing, they understood they may argue on anything, but can't stay without talking, though they maintain some space. Their bond and understanding between them grew stronger than before. Ofcourse they had disagreements, mood-offs like every other couple, but they are now ready to face any odds, obstacles together that comes in their way. Most importantly they understood eachother's importance and valued it close to their heart!

Growing together is a right, which requires understanding and acceptance! Not at once, but it's a step-by-step process! Together they took one-step closer to the days coming!🌸❣️

Flashback ends.
(Connect with Shot -6)


P.S. Nowadays we are getting many posts from their Make-up room like Momo's choco bites video, Baarish live chat, etc. Imagine the same room guys!🙈😂🤭


A/N: Thank you all! Guys, hope you all enjoyed this update. Share, Vote and Comment. Waiting eagerly for your responses! :)🌸✨

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