Chapter 21

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As they entered the multiplex, Shivay noticed that Om was still clutching Anika's hand protectively, he felt irritated - it was one thing to really fall in love with someone and hold onto her in protectiveness, and it was completely another thing to hold on to someone who loves you, for vengeance - hate dripped Shivay's eyes at the sight of Om.

When Mallika and Daksh came there, Shivay saw Mallika's eyes momentarily flicker at the sight of Om clutching on to Anika's hand - her face looked ashened for a second before she put on her facade and greeted her di with a hug, ignoring Om. Shivay noticed that at the sight of Mallika, even Om's face got clouded for a flash of a second before he recovered. Then Shivay saw him noticing Shivay and going back to clutching Anika's hand.

When Rudra arrived, Soumya went to greet him, they were doing slightly better in terms of interaction now - the other day when she went to the football field, even though she just watched the guys play, she was physically feeling compelled to join the game - but she kept quiet. Rudra had noticed that and after rehearsals were over and everybody left the field, he had offered her to play with him - just him. Soumya had flashed a brilliant smile - for a moment Rudra thought he saw Somz in the smile - then they played - Soumya was thrilled to be back on the field - she played with all her energy and laughed freely after her final goal that Rudra missed - Rudra laughed too, freely after a long time - Soumya was fun he thought - especially when he saw glimpses of Somz in him - today when Soumya greeted him and asked where Priyanka was, Rudra sounded a bit awkward and replied that she was busy and quickly changed the topic. Soumya was surprised, but before she got a chance to revert, the doors to the screening room opened and they all began to file inside.

After the movie Om suggested they went out for dinner - all agreed - after all exams were over, it was the best time - Anika though reluctant, agreed when Om coaxed her and said his girlfriend didn't had updated her status saying she checked in the same lounge.

As they sat in the lounge, Soumya and Rudra were engaged in a friendly conversation, Daksh was fiddling with his phone, Tia had gone out to take a call and Om and Anika were whispering to themselves - Shivay noticed Mallika, she was sitting quietly and glancing at Om and Anika who were not even sparing a glance at her - he felt bad for Mallika, somewhere he and Mallika were on the same boat. He engaged in a light conversation with her to improve her mood - even though Mallika was reciprocating, he could see her eyes glancing at Om and Anika in every few minutes. After sometime Shivay noticed Om take Anika's hand and take her away from there - he got suspicious - he didn't like the smirk he saw in Om's face - unless he was reading too much into things, Om was upto something. He swiftly excused himself from Mallika and followed them - Om was taking Anika away from them towards a more secluded corner of the lounge - at this side there were only a few couples slow dancing to the music, it was darker here and it felt somehow more private - Shivay's instinct took over as he stood in the shadow near the bar to keep an eye on them. They were slow dancing - immersed in each other's eyes he thought bitterly.

Om was looking intently at Anika and she looked back at him, visibly a little confused. He spoke, "My girl is here - she is dancing with him. Anika this is the last step - either it works or it doesn't - from here our fake relation goes nowhere else. Okay? Thank You for helping so far and sorry for what will happen now - I hope you will find it in you to forgive me - this is my last attempt"he finished. Anika was startled, what was that? What did Om just say she thought confused, but whatever happened next left her so shocked and numb that her entire being froze for a moment - Om had suddenly cupped his hands around her face and gently pressed both his thumbs over her lips in crisscross and pressed his lips on them - for a moment in state of a freeze Anika really thought Om was kissing her, but she realized his thumbs were keeping their lips from meeting - even then the proximity repelled her but before she could choose to act she felt someone pull away Om from her and the next moment Om was on the floor with a blue-black jaw and a slightly bruised and bleeding lip - she turned around in shock to see Shivay massaging his knuckles with fury written on his face - he has the one who pulled and punched Om - but why thought Anika confused as she bent down to pull Om up to his feet in reflex.

Shivay was shocked to say the least when Om kissed Anika, he didn't know what happened to him but his blood boiled in rage he was no longer in control of his anger - the only voice he heard in his head said he should go and beat Om into pulp and without thinking further he just followed the voice.

"What the hell is wrong with you Shivay?" screamed Anika desperately, coming in between Shivay and Om as Shivay dashed towards Om once more in an attempt to turn him to mash. He stopped abruptly seeing Anika in between.

"Anika move out of the way, you don't know how big a loser he is - he is taking you for a trip and you're not getting it - he DOESN'T LOVE YOU - IT'S A FAKE RELATIONSHIP YOU HAVE" he almost screamed at her still trying to push her aside and reach Om who stood there smirking and dabbing his handkerchief in his wounded jaw.

Anika stood there stupefied, how did Shivay know that? And why was he screaming this out? Didn't Om say his ex was around and this was his last shot? If she hears this she would know what Om was up to - he would lose her - Anika shuddered - no for Om's sake he had to put up with the lie one last time.

"How does it matter what you think Shivay? I truly love him and he loves just me - there is nothing fake in it - we are happy - stop being the third wheel between us Shivay" she replied, each moment her heart clenching at saying this to him - true he was wrong today and deserved to be rebuked, but Anika loved him - true she couldn't tell him her feelings but that didn't mean she had to show him hate either - but she did for Om.

Om's smile faltered, what was Anika saying? Shivay had reacted just the way he wanted - a little bit of confrontation would bring him to his knees before Anika - but what was Anika saying? This would change everything. But before he could intervene the bouncers came and threw them out of the lounge.

Once outside, Om tried talking to Anika, but Shivay held him by the elbow and shoved him aside, he lost balance and fell and by the time he got up, Shivay had forced Anika inside his car and was driving off - Om stood there debating if he should follow them - no he decided. He had done his share, now it was their turn to fix all. He smiled and drove back home -at least Anika would have a happy life - he owed his friend this much.


Shivay was driving furiously and Anika sat there in shock - the events of the night was turning her weary. She almost kissed Om, Shivay punched Om, she told Shivay to not be a third wheel in her life, Shivay again beat Om and literally kidnapped her from the lounge - now he was just driving at an abnormal pace with a face stinging in fury. Whatever this was, she would say it was worth it, if Om's ex got back with him today she thought - she owed this much to the friend who constantly supported her throughout.

Shivay tunred to glance at Anika - she was staring into nothingness ahead of her a dried tear stuck half way down her cheek - she seemed numb - a sudden softness engulfed him, but then he remembered her words, he was the third wheel right? He stopped the car abruptly and turned to look at her - she didn't even realize they had stopped.

"Anika" he uttered with as much calm as possible. "You have to break-up with Om. Right NOW. Call him" he uttered. She simply turned to look at him and asked, "Why?"

"Because he is a bas***d, because he doesn't love you and because you deserve much better" he said and also because I love you he thought.

"Who gets to decide that he doesn't love me?" she asked calmly.

"I get to decide"he said stubbornly "Because I know he is going to cheat on you, dump you and leave you hollow - I can't see some random guy come between us and do that to you" he almost whispered.

Anika laughed mirthlessly, how easy it was for this man to use the word us - there was no us she thought - there was Shivay and Tia and Om and his love. And She. Alone and miserable. But she couldn't say that - she couldn't give away about Om when she wasn't sure if Om got what he wanted or they needed to act some more. She took a deep breath and replied,

"Do you realize he is not the random guy between us, it is the other way round - you are the random guy between us - why don't you stay with Tia and not worry about me? You love her right?"she whispered as tears started rolling down her eyes.

Shivay froze at her reference to him as the random guy in between them - he nearly choked in anger and once more that evening his anger got the better of him.

He laughed miserable and spit his venom, "You think I am the random guy between you both right? Let me break your bubble - it's in fact you who's the third person in the lovestory - in the lovestory of Om and Mallika - which sister does this to her own sister Anika? Initially I took pity on you thinking you weren't aware that Mallika sacrificed her love for you - so that you get your love - Om - but couldn't you read the pain in her eyes when you were with Om? Are you that blind? And you think Om loves you? He is with you because he is upset with Mallika for breaking his heart - he wants to use you as rebound and hurt her - he loves her not you - so you see who the third wheel is? Who is out there ruining everyone's happiness?" finished Shivay with hate and anger dripping him. Then he turned to look at Anika and he flipped, she was white as chalk, she wasn't crying, she wasn't even reacting, she was jus slightly shaking in her spot. Instantly Shivay regretted saying all that. What was he thinking - of course she had no clue - if she knew would she do this to Mallika? What was wrong with him? If she loved his sister so much, then couldn't he imagine how much she loved her own sibling? Shivay instinctively closed on to her, "Anika" he called out - she was too distant to hear him.

"Anika I didn't mean all that I am sorry" he tried again, holding her shoulder so gently as if she was something very fragile and would break down to pieces at the slightest pressure. She still ddint respond, her thoughts were far - Mallika loved Om - but when was Mallika close to him, she always loved Daksh right? - She sacrificed her love for her - But why would she have to? She loved Shivay and Mallika loved Om and never did she mention to her that she loved Om - Om thought she was rebound? - but hers was not even a real relationship with him, how was it rebound and why would it hurt her if they broke up. They had to breakup eventually anyway - but Mallika was in pain because of her? This knowledge shook her.

When none of his words seemed to catch her attention, a panicking Shivay just hugged her hard into his chest, she was cold and he hugged tighter and pressed his face in her neck - he felt good, he felt comfort there in a way he never felt before - he had known it for quite some time now - but today he was sure - he belonged here - he was hers - only if she loved him.

Shivay's hot breathe on her neck broke her trance, she jerked back to reality pushed him aside - she was not in a state to reciprocate to his hug - this was probably the best moment in her life, but she was too agitated to respond.

"Drop me home" she said after getting back her voice.

Shivay didn't need to be told twice. He promptly guided her back to the car and started off. When they reached and she was getting off the car - eerily quiet - he asked again,

"Anika, you okay?"

"Why should you care? In your eyes I am this heartless woman who took advantage of her own younger sibling right?" and she walked off.

Shivay sighed, maybe he should stop - she clearly hated him for bad mouthing Om, also she clearly loved Om - she hated him for showing her the ugly truth of her life - in all she hated him. But he was happy to bring the truth to her - he didn't regret that - he only regretted telling her those extra things about being heartless. But when today he realized that he truly belonged to her, he even realized this, she didn't belong to him. He sighed. Maybe some lovestories were bound to be incomplete.

As he drove away from there, he felt too agitated to rest - he called home.

"Daadi, I am missing you. I am coming home. I will fly back here only before my next round of the talent hunt which is later next week"


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