Chapter 25

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"Om this is futile, we need to head back and tell mom that di has run away, Dev jiju will be arriving soon - then they will find out anyway"said Mallika panting hard. Shivay gritted his teeth, "Oyi cartoon he is not Dev jiju okay! Creepy idiot stealizng my Anika!!" Om sighed, "Can you guys cut it out? This is serious - we have to go home and tell auntiji that Anika has run away"

When they reached the house, they saw the hustle for preparations for the evening ceremony was on in full swing - everyone was running around trying to make the ceremony a success - Mallika stood numb for a second, but she knew she had to eventually tell her mother, so she buckled up the courage and ran to Shiela.

"Ma I need to tell you something"

"Yeah, toh say what you have to" said Shiela unconcerned going about her chore.

Mallika took a deep breath, "Ma di has run away" she simply told her. Shiela stopped her chore and turned to look at her.

"Acha? Where has is gone?" she asked narrowing her eyes at her younger daughters' wrongly timed mischief.

"How will I know ma? She has done a bunk, Gone, Poof, woosh" she told her dramatically, "We went to look for her, me, Priks, Om and Sh—'Rudra' - but she is nowhwere outside" she finished breathlessly.

"Mallika had I not been so busy I surely would have boxed your ears for this mischief, uff go now, I don't have time for this non-sense, go and serve your friends some refreshments at least - see some more have also arrived" she dismissed her.

"But ma, you're not understanding, I am damn serious" Mallika begun, but Shiela lost her patience, "Offo Mallika, if Anika has run-away who is sitting in her bedroom applying mehendi?"She asked irritated and motioned her to look towards Anika's room where the door stood ajar. Mallika glanced and was shocked to see Anika sitting there and politely talking to the women around her. She breathed heavily in annoyance and marched to her room, with a surprised Shivay, Om and Priyanka following. She walked into her room and darkly asked the women to excuse them - once they filed out, Mallika asked Om and all to come in - Anika was surprised to say the least when she saw Shivay walk in with Om and Priyanka.

"Yo--you" she stammered. And at the same time someone called out aloud in shock from the entrance of her door, "bhai???" Shivay tore his glance from Anika and his jaw dropped to see Soumya and Rudra at the door.

"Bhai what are you doing here? I thought you didn't know about her whereabouts?" she charged at him.

"I..err..I didn't until Om told me" Shivay glanced at Anika. She was still staring at him unaware that she was doing so, with shock clearly written on her face.

But before Soumya could question further, Mallika charged at her di, "Di how dare you come back after running away? I thought you will be at least responsible enough to continue bunking once you ran away? What did you think? We wouldn't be able to handle this? It's just roka di!! Why did you return??"She chided her. Anika looked startled, run-away? When did she runaway? "Mallika I.."She had begun, but Mallika didn't let her complete.

"Now that you've come back we gotta do this the more complicated way - come tell ma you don't want to do this roka"she said and tugged at her hand.

"Mallika why won't I want to do this roka?" she asked her in surprise and nervously glanced at Shivay - why was he so agitated anyway and again, what he was doing here she wondered.

"Offo di, of course you won't because -----"but this time Shivay spoke.

"Oyi cartoon, at least let me tell her the because bit nah"?" he told her exasperated, and turned to Anika, she was looking at him with the most confused and adorable face - he smiled and turned to the rest - "Guys, some privacy please?"

All laughed leaving Anika further confused and filed out to the balcony and waited, Mallika chirped before leaving, "Oyi hero don't take too long, we still have a roka to stop"

"Roka to stop?" asked Anika alarmed, "Why will the roka stop?" she wondered aloud looking at Shivay. "What are you doing here? I thought I was this heartless woman who was after her own siblings happiness?" she spat bitterly - rationality was abandoning her the more he walked closer to her - his eyes were fixed on her - "Why indeed will you stop the roka?" he mocked at her softly, she began to breathe erratically as he approached her, further closing the gap between them.

"Listen.. "She began, but Shivay shushed her.

"I will tell you why - you will stop the roka cause you are doing it with the wrong person - because you are not allowed to leave me - because Tia was never the one - because I wont ever submit another assignment which isn't done by you - because I wouldn't ever sing another song if the inspiration is not you - because if I ever see another man beside you, I will beat him worse than the way I had attacked Om that night - because you are the rock I want to hold on to for life - because I know with you by me I will never fall - because..." but he couldn't finish, Anika was breathlessly listening to him all this while with tears in her eye, spoke on his behalf.

""Because you love me so much?" she asked gently, as a tear dropped from her eyes.

Shivay gently cupped her face and whisked the tear away, he didn't realize he had tears too, not until Anika rubbed them away from his cheeks.

"Yes Anika, because I love you - because I always loved you - because you're the one - is this reason enough?" he asked quietly, and Anika just nodded and broke down into further sobs and hugged him tight burying her head deep into his hard chest.

Shivay just hugged her tightly and rested his chin on her head, finally after ages his aching heart seemed to have found peace, as he mumbled into her hair, "My Anika - Anika Shivay Singh Oberoi".

She looked up at him in shock when she heard what he mumbled, and in a swift moment, before thinking much, Shivay bent down and lightly brushed his lips on hers, she gasped at first and then to her surprise, she tiptoed to reach his lips - as their lips met, it was like ice on fire, as their lips touched each other's gently at first but soon after their tongues were mating with each other furiously - when they gasped for breath, they heard a knock on the balcony door.

"Umm Shivay - Anika is it enough for now? We have to actually stop a roka now" they heard Om's voice amidst a lot of giggles. Anika turned deep red and moved away from Shivay, but Shivay didn't let her go far, as he firmly clutched her petit waist, internally marvelling at her amazingly soft skin and the perfect way her waist fit his palm.

"Oho hero, leave my di's waist"said Mallika in mocking seriousness when she entered.

"Oyi cartoon, my girl - my wish" Shivay pouted.

They all laughed. "They look perfect with each other don't they?"Soumya whispered from behind, she always wanted to see Anne and her brother together - she was the first to get the whiff.

"Yes they do. They are made for each other" whispered back Rudra from beside her.

"So do you two - you holding her shoulder and supporting her while she enjoys a tender moment in life" came a voice from behind - Soumya and Rudra turned back to look at Priyanka eyeing them - her voice was cold. Rudra realized he was holding Soumya close, and let go of her quickly - Soumya too was visibly irked and moved a few paces away from them.

"Uff di, now you see, your running away would have been so much more convenient?" pouted Mallika and everyone laughed except Anika.

"This is unbelievable man!" and then she turned to Shivay and scolded him, "If you had to propose, couldn't you hurry up?? At least reach by early morning today? I hadn't run away in the morning!! I had gone to stop my groom from running away - I sat with him and convinced him to not run away and carry on with the roka! How will I re-convince him to run-away now??"

They all were in deep thought, they were trying to think whether to tell Dev the truth directly or to tell Shiela first. But as they were at it, someone shouted from outside that Dev and his family had arrived - all were nervous, was it too late? Shivay grabbed Anika's hand possessively; he wasn't going to let her go, not when they finally found each other.

Shivay motioned Mallika, Priyanka and Soumya to go out and join the scene there - it would look awkward otherwise - then he roughly turned Om and said, "I told you I will give you a chance to return the punch right? Now's your turn - punch me hard" he instructed.

Om was taken aback, "Shivay" he began, but he didn't pay heed, he insisted that Om punched him - without thinking further, Shivay motioned for him to repeat and he did, soon people from the living room heard noises of fist fighting and ran inside to find a bloody nosed and blue jawed Shivay being beaten by Om - Rudra had also joined by then trying to pull the two apart - but in vain.

When Shiela arrived, Shivay began to scream, "I love her and I won't let her go"

Om took queue and spoke, "So what you do? So what she does too? So what you realized late, she is going to belong to someone else now"

Shiela was taken by surprise, why was Rudra screaming, obviously Priyanka was his, what was the issue? She went to him and all boys stopped fighting, "Betaji what's the issue, you love her, you will get her. Let her complete college atleast?" she said calmly.

"College?" replied Shivay incredulously.

"Yes betaji, education is important, once Priyanka finishes..."but seeing the confusion in everyones face, Anika decided to speak up. "Ma, I am sorry for all this, but I can't do this - I love Shivay" Shiela tore her eyes from Shivay and looked at Anika, her face was as thunderous as a cloud - she walked to her and spoke through gritted teeth, "Are you out of your mind betaji? Today is your roka! I shouldn't have allowed Shivay inside the house at all!" saying so she promptly turned to Rudra and whisked him outside the room to their balcony - a startled Priyanka followed and Soumya looked at Shivay for explanation.

Shiela asked Priyanka to see "Shivay" off at the gate and walked back inside - she turned to Shivay and Om and said, "Rudra and Om - whatever differences you have regarding Priyanka, can be sorted after the roka - for the time being please behave"then she turned to Anika, "I have seen how severely that Shivay had hurt you - I am not going to let you take this decision on impulse - Dev's family has arrived - please behave and come out when called" with that she was about to leave when Mallika stopped her, "Mom I need to clarify something - this is Shivay" Shiela turned around surprised to see her pointing at Rudra. "The guy you sent off, was Rudra" she whispered guiltily" As Shiela turned to stare at them, Om, Mallika, Anika and Shivay begun to explain - whereas Soumya walked out of the balcony to stop Rudra.


"Baby I don't think we are going to work out" Priyanka said as they approached the main gate. As much as Rudra hated hearing the regret in her voice, he knew she was right - she had become a great friend of his, he liked pampering her, but Soumya was predominant in his mind - whether as Soumya or as Somz - it was always that one person - he looked at her regrettably and saw a few tears form in her eye.

"Priyanka I am sorry - I don't know what I want in life - I miss Somz - I like Soumya - but if Soumya is real, then who was Somz? If Somz is real then why is Soumya here?" after months Rudra felt better confessing this to someone aloud. Priyanka looked at him sceptically, "Rudra, whether it is Somz or Soumya, one thing is for sure it is not me - so I think it is good that we are parting ways - now take your time and decide who wins between Somz and Soumya inside you - Trust me Rudra she loves you - if Somz can become Soumya for you - Soumya too can become Somz for you - you need to know who you need more" with that she patted his shoulder and turned to leave.

"Indeed Rudra, who do you want more?" came a voice, Rudra turned around in a flash to see Soumya standing there - she was looking at him in despair. Rudra shook his head, "I don't know. I miss Somz - I want you too - I like you, but I am not sure - I want to see Somz" he said desperately. Soumya looked at him calmly and replied with a small smile, "I am not sure you can see him again, but he can call you. I will ask him to" Rudra's head shot up in shock. Soumya smiled, "You know, growing your hair long is a tedious job, not sure I want to crop it - what will happen then when you miss Soumya?" she laughed. Rudra relaxed - he felt at ease - he realized he found her company soothing. But Soumya's face turned sombre again, "Rudra this isn't easy for me either - and I know it's very difficult for you - having lived the guy life with me, suddenly accepting me as Soumya is as difficult for you as is with me -don't hurry Rudra, lets give this time - give yourself time to accept Soumya - till then Soumya will fulfil Somz's place in your life - and if you miss him too much, you can always call him!" she smiled - Rudra felt relieved, he hugged Soumya and realized, in their case, only time could mend things. For now they were happy.


While returning back to the living room, Priyanka rubbed off the tear from her eyes, Dev had followed her right from the time she had initiated her breakup with that fair guy who loved some Somz/Soumya he wasn't sure. "Priyanka" he called out just before she entered the living room, turned back surprised to see Dev standing there - he motioned her to follow him outside, so she did.


When everyone explained the situation to Shiela, she sat there shocked, if this was Shivay - she somehow couldn't hold her grudge against such a lovable childish boy - he was bound to make this mistake of not realizing - he looked only so childish - and her Anika seemed so much more happier around him - was she really making her compromise otherwise? No how could she do that to her daughter? But Dev? He was such a nice boy - how could she break his heart - today was there roka - she sat there helplessly wondering when there was a knock on the door - Mallika opened the door shakily and saw Dev enter with Priyanka - at the same time Soumya and Rudra entered from the balcony door - Anika glanced at both the girls and a smile spread across her lips as all sat in confusion - first she ran to Somu and hugged her, "Congratulations!!!!" she whispered in her ear and she laughed replying, "Not as yet. But soon" - then she ran to Dev and hugged him, much to Shivay's annoyance and asked in shock, "Dev, how did you manage???", he whispered, "She had broken up, and I was under pressure anyway - just needed the guts - turned out she had a crush on me ever since, same story she never could tell me - we aren't going out. YET, but we want to give it a try. Anika I am sorry!!" Everyone sighed in relief - seemed like the roka was to be mutually called off - but Anika turned to Priyanka and pulled her to the balcony - she had had enough share of Mallika's sacrifice in the past, she wanted to ensure things before taking a call now.

"Priyanka when did this happen? Did you agree to date him when he asked you out - such that he cancels the roka and Shivay and I can be together? Baby we are family friends, when this ends wrongly, it will be bad - as it is because of Daksh and Mallika, we have lost some friends" she asked reverently.

"Di relax - although if this wasn't true, I would have still done this, but the good news is, it is true, I really did have a crush on him - but I never thought he too did - this time when I heard about your enagagment to him - although I wasn't heartbroken since I was over him long since, but it did bother me a bit - now when I realized Rudra isnt the one and this guy is so serious about me and is still not over me, I genuinely want to give it a chance" she smiled.

Anika smiled satisfied, and took her to the room.

"Dev, let's go outside, we got a roka to cancel now" as all of them laughed, Shiela just felt relieved, all seemed well now - finally.

As Dev and Anika announced that there will be no roka, and they were better off as friends, all guests filed out - Shiela took to explaining the elders of both family while the children decided to go out for dinner as a group - for once as a group without any cross-connections or mirchi and mime - as one group of multiple dates: Shivay-Anika, Om-Mallika, Soumya-Rudra and Priyanka-Dev. And for once the dinner didn't end abruptly! 

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